Tag Archives: Mike Zullo

BOMBSHELL: Sheriff Arpaio’s Lead Obama Investigator Leads to Second, Separate Criminal Investigation

(Western Journalism) — In a radio interview conducted on February 7th on the Carl Gallups “Freedom Friday” program, Mike Zullo, the lead investigator of the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse investigating fraudulent documents used by B. Hussein Obama to substantiate his position and eligibility to serve a president.

Zullo has stated in previous appearances on the show that the information they have uncovered regarding the falsified documents would be “universe shattering.” He now says that as a result of their original investigative effort, a second criminal investigation has been opened and that there is a huge amount of evidence coming in to their team.

He also indicates that the original release date of the findings on the original investigation might be rescheduled from March, due to the fluidity of the investigation and the influx of data.

Zullo also acknowledges that there are two full time detectives from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office assigned to the investigation and that they are seasoned, experienced and some of the best at what they do.

Zullo described the new information as “very intense.”

It would be unfortunate for a further delay in the release of the findings to occur, for several reasons, not the least of which being the destruction which is being done to our nation on a daily basis by this occupier in the White House.

There is also a growing frustration with the length of time it is taking to bring this information public. People know that something isn’t right and they would really like to find out what the bottom line is.

There is also a perception or at least the argument made among Obama supporters that if there were anything to these claims, the information would have already been released. It would be nice to put those to rest as well.

While we are not privy to the information yet, a less than perfect release sooner might be more beneficial to our nation than a perfectly constructed document released at a future time.

[H/T GOP Daily Dose]