Tag Archives: mike lee

Sen. Mike Lee Delivers Official Tea Party Response to Obama’s State of the Union Address

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee was the face of the national tea party Tuesday night, delivering the movement’s response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech.

Lee pinned the widening wealth gap on the president’s policies and tout the ideas of a new generation of leaders including himself and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

“Americans know in their hearts that something is wrong. Much of what is wrong relates to the sense that the `American Dream’ is falling out of reach for far too many of us,” Lee said in his prepared remarks. “We are facing an inequality crisis – one to which the president has paid lip-service, but seems uninterested in truly confronting or correcting.”

(The Blaze) — WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 27: U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) (L) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) (R) speak to members of the media after a vote on the Senate floor September 27, 2013 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The Senate has passed a continuing resolution 54-44 to fund the government through November 15 with the exclusion of defunding the Obama care in which the provision was passed in the House. Credit: Getty Images

At various points in his response, Lee kindly mentioned fellow Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.).

Obama plans to use the State of the Union to announce executive actions to raise the minimum wage for new federal contracts, help the long-term unemployed find work and expand job-training programs.

Lee, an attorney who is halfway through his first term, was chosen by Tea Party Express because he is a recognized leader who is popular among the GOP base because of the message he delivers about improving the economy and reducing the size, cost and intrusiveness of the federal government, said Sal Russo, co-founder of the organization. Tea Party Express is a national group representing the movement.

“People who have been willing to stand up and say, `Stop,’ like Mike Lee, have drawn a great deal of support,” Russo said.

In previous years, the speech has been delivered by Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; former presidential candidate Herman Cain; and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.

Watch the entire response below:

[H/T The Blaze]

John McCain: Performs Stunning Flip-Flop on Obamacare, After Bashing Cruz and Lee to Defund, He’s Now Onboard for a ‘Total Repeal’

[W/T The Blaze]: After repeatedly criticizing senators such as Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) over their crusade to defund Obamacare, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called for the “total repeal” of the Affordable Care Act on Wednesday. It’s a quick turnaround after the longtime senator, in September, proclaimed that it was “not rational” to think Obamacare could be defunded or repealed.

In this photo provided by CBS News, on Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., speaks on CBS’ “Face the Nation” in Washington about the partial federal government shutdown. AP

McCain outlined his “solution” during an interview with Greta Van Susteren, which culminated in an admission that the law should be repealed completely.

“The solution is, first of all, to let people keep their insurance if they want to,” he said. “Or at least reinstate them.”

He continued: “Second of all, let the insurance companies give a menu of whatever they want to provide. Third of all, medical savings account. Fourth of all, medical malpractice reform. Let people go across state lines to, in order to, if they can get a better insurance policy in another state. And remove this whole tax incentive for employers to provide employees health insurance.”

“That is repeal,” Van Susteren said, pointing out the obvious.

“That’s exactly right,” McCain replied. “That is total repeal in every other way. Because what Obamacare is, is an experiment in social engineering — in other words, making healthy people pay more…in order to subsidize the health care for people that are older and unhealthy. That is the ultimate in social engineering.”


Veterans: Removed Barricades From Memorial and Delivered Them to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Obama’s Doorstep at the White House

Police and US War Veterans have clashed outside of the White House on October 13, 2013, during the Million Veteran march on Memorials.

Overhead view of Vets taking the barricades, walking them to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


On Sunday, protesting the barricades placed at memorials around Washington D.C. by the vindictive Obama administration, veterans removed the barricades and proceeded to take them to the White House. Multiple people tweeted photos of the barricades being removed and taken for presidential inspection:

Video streaming by Ustream

Vets delivering barracades to WH

Glenn Beck: Reveals a Story He Hasn’t Been Able to Share for Over a Year, And If You’re a Conservative, One You Need to Hear

TheBlaze reported: Glenn Beck shared a story with viewers on Wednesday that he’s been keeping close to the vest since before the 2012 election, explaining that he’s been waiting for the right time to say what exactly happened, and what it means for the country.

It all began, Beck said, in what he believes was late August when he was getting ready to do a number of events with FreedomWorks.

“It’s about 4:00 in the afternoon and I get a call from the president of FreedomWorks, Matt Kibbe, and I can hear the distress in his voice,” Beck said. “[Kibbe said], ‘Glenn, I’ve just been escorted out of my office by armed guards and told not to come back.’” Watch the video for the full story, and then watch the next video at the bottom with his followup with Ted Cruz:


Beck said men like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul may be the “Charles Sumner” of today, and he has no doubt that someday soon they will be “the most beloved members of the new Republican Party…”

Watch his subsequent interview with Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) below:


BREAKING: GOP Turning Against Ted Cruz, ‘I Got Unsolicited Research and Questions, Not from Democrats But From Top Republicans, to Hammer Cruz’


GOP is turning their back on Ted Cruz and Mike Lee shouldn’t surprise anyone, in fact I’m sure they were waiting for it.

Don’t back down Ted Cruz, don’t let these career politicians change your righteous cause.  Continue to stand for this country and defund this train wreck.

Things are about to get ‘down and dirty’ for Team Cruz this week. Hopefully, they will only draw more strength from what they are about to face, career politicians destroying the best country in the world. Stay strong Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, you guys are our only hope and we’re with you every step of the way!  In case you missed it, see Ted Cruz’s interview with Chris Wallace earlier that day.

Fox News reported: (FOX NATION) — Chris Wallace said Sunday morning that he’d received opposition research from other Republicans about Senator Ted Cruz  in advance of Cruz’s appearance on ‘Fox News Sunday’.

“This has been one of the strangest weeks I’ve ever had in Washington,” Wallace said. “As soon as we listed Ted Cruz as our featured guest this week, I got unsolicited research and questions, not from Democrats but from top Republicans, to hammer Cruz.”

Karl Rove responded: “This was a strategy laid out by Mike Lee and Ted Cruz without any consultation with their colleagues”  “With all due respect to my junior Senator from Texas, I suspect this is the first time that the end game was described to any Republican Senator. They had to tune in to listen to you to find out what Ted’s next step was in the strategy.”

McCain: May Despise the Wacko Birds, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee, But Thank God for these Patriots!

Mccain Whacko BirdsNo, John McCain hasn’t retired, he hasn’t finished with helping Obama destroy the country just yet. But he did take a few minutes to chat with Liberal New Republic to elaborate on the Wacko Birds.  Just thank God we have true patriots like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee that buck the corruption in Washington.

Breitbart reports: Mr. Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants himself, Senator John McCain, recently interviewed with the liberal New Republic, where he reiterated his disdain for the new crop of “wacko bird” conservative U.S. Senators, by referring to them as isolationists.

Q: Do you think this wing has changed the comity in the Senate? There were the attacks on Hagel. Do these things concern you?

McCain: Oh yeah. It’s of concern. But it’s important for me to be respectful. After I called them wacko birds, I apologized. I try and be respectful but also go out there and debate them every chance I get. Small example: For four years, Harry Reid—and I beat him up regularly—wouldn’t bring a budget to the Senate. This year, we brought one, stayed up all night.

We were so proud, we passed a budget resolution—most of it nonsense—but guess what? Now we have the same group who are blocking going to conference. The same group sometimes doesn’t want to take up a bill and at other times blocks a bill because they can’t get all the amendments they want.

McCain loves Rubio for backing his illegal immigration play, but just a few months ago, he bashed Rubio as being one of those isolationist ‘Wacko Birds.’

We brought a budget to this floor, we spent many, many hours on all kinds of amendments. Now we can’t go to conference unless we agree not to raise the debt limit. Does my colleague from Florida believe that the House of Representatives, dominated by Republicans, are going to raise the debt limit?

Does my colleague from Florida believe that any conferees that are appointed, we have to place certain restrictions on those conferees that would apply to the other body as well? I don’t think so, I don’t think that’s the way that this body is suppose to function.

“We are in a gridlock, here we are four years with a budget, we finally get a budget, we stay up all night, and because somebody doesn’t want to raise the debt limit, we are not going to go to conference. That’s not how this body should function. The American people deserve better, they deserve a budget. Every family in the world has to live on a budget, and here we are objecting because there is a concern about raising the debt limit.”-Sen. John McCain

ObamaCare: Our Last Chance to Defund ObamaCare is September 30th, This is a Major Turning Point of Our Country

Mark your calendar.  September 30th, 2013 is one of the most important dates and turning points, in our Country’s history, the day Congress must defund ObamaCare. Barack Hussein Obama has amended ObamaCare Bill TWICE without Congress approval, which is unconstitutional.  Furthermore, Obama does NOT intend to follow the law that was passed, that is if we don’t stop him on this day.

If we lose on September 30th, the fallout of ObamaCare will be felt for generations to come.  Some pundits are marking this day as the end of our country as we know it — marking the 2012′ election as our country’s death, and September 30th as the death certificate.

Please make a stand, call your congress representatives today and tell them to DEFUND ObamaCare, it must happen.