Tag Archives: mexico

Your government studying condom use of Mexican male prostitutes – and paying them

(Allen B. West) – We continue to hear the federal government needs to tax more and the rich need to pay more. But the Treasury Department’s most recent monthly receipts data show that in the first five months of Fiscal Year 2014, federal tax revenues have hit a record high at close to $1.1 trillion — yet America is still running a $377 billion deficit for the same period. Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn will soon be retiring and I suppose so will his annual “Government Wastebook” highlighting the horrific instances of wasteful government spending. Therefore I am happy to take up the mantle of presenting another example of wasteful government spending.

Eric Scheiner at CNSNews.com reports that “The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is spending $398,213 on a project studying whether paying male Mexican sex workers for being free of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) will increase condom use. The study, “Conditional Economic Incentives to Reduce HIV Risks: A Pilot in Mexico,” began in June 2011 and is funded through the end of May 2014.”

Here’s how the “study” works. Male sex workers in Mexico City must first attend a workshop on the benefits of condom use and “condom negotiation” before they are broken up into smaller groups. One group of 100 will receive a low incentive ($200 pesos/each time) if they are free of STDs at months 6 and 12. A second group of 100 will receive high incentives ($500 pesos/each time) if they are free of STDs at months 6 and 12. The control group of 100 gets nada regardless if they are STD-free or not.

When questioned about the goals of the study, NIH replied, “Only by developing effective prevention and treatment strategies for health-injuring behaviors can we reduce the disease burden in the U.S. and thus, enhance health and lengthen life, which is the mission of the NIH.”

Okaaaay, so if this study examined sex workers in America maybe I could understand, but Mexican male prostitutes? In Mexico City? Are we also advertising for them to go on food stamps and sign up for Obamacare? Some might say, eh, its just $400,000 out of a federal budget of nearly $3 trillion, so who cares? But struggling middle income American families care. Anyone who believes in government fiscal responsibility cares.

This is why we need a balanced budget amendment for the federal government – which by the way I voted for while in Congress. Who reviews the budget requests for these agencies? Who looked at this study and said, “Oh, this is a great idea, I approve spending American taxpayer dollars on Mexican male sex workers?”

The Project Leader of the study, Dr. Omar Galarraga of Brown University, refused to respond to inquiry — typical. But Galarraga has been quoted as saying, “We’re trying to prevent HIV from spreading and we are trying to save money.”

Save whose money Dr. Galarraga? I think you’ve got a hard case to make with the American taxpayer about your methodology. It seems the good doctor is trying to validate the conservative principle of individual responsibility. In our Republic individuals are guaranteed liberty, but they are responsible for their behaviors and risky practices.

I don’t believe any amount of government money can promote or reinforce that premise. Hate to remind liberal progressives that values are learned at home — especially a home with a strong, prosperous, and loving family — not from government studies and indoctrination.

[H/T AllenBWest]

Shop Obamacare Marketplace, Get a Free Obamaphone, But Wait There’s Much More to This Story

InfoWars reported: In order to get folks to shop Obamacare coverage in Tennessee, the Community Health Alliance (CHA) co-op is giving away government subsidized smart phones in a program reminiscent of the original Obamaphone program.

According to the Nashville Biz Blog, “qualified individuals” with receive an LG Lucid 2 4G smart phone, or equivalent model, a phone plan and tech support. The phone plan includes unlimited talk, unlimited texting and 1.2GB of data, according to staff writer E. J. Boyer.

Members will have to select a primary care physician from CHA’s network within 90 days of their coverage start date and must “pledge to stay connected for better health” within 90 days. After “those requirements are met, the phone — preloaded with health apps, contact information for a CHA representative, and phone numbers for primary care doctors and after-hours clinic — will be shipped to members within two weeks,” writes Boyer.

CHA is promoting the effort as a way to keep in touch with patients. “Members will have the phone number for their CHA representative pre-loaded in their phones and can quickly get answers to questions about their policies,” said CHA Chief Operating Officer Judy Slagle in a press release. “At the same time, we will be able to connect with our members by phone, by email or by text almost instantly with health tips and reminders.”

Carlos Slim, named the world’s wealthiest man four years running, was the mastermind entrepreneur behind the Obamaphone. Slim is the owner of the Mexican telecommunication company América Móvil, the corporation providing the TracFone, the product name of the now legendary Obamaphone.

“The Obama phone, an effective tool that helped the candidate gain leverage in the 2012 election, is a TracFone product stemming from the government program Lifeline, which generated a whopping $452 million last year,” Infowars reporter Julie Wilson wrote in August. “The Lifeline program is overseen by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), generating its funding by tacking on mandatory fees to consumers’ cell phone bills.”

In January, Alex Jones interviewed the “Obama Phone Lady,” Michelle Dowery, a Cleveland woman who shilled for government subsidized phones outside of a Romney event last September. After talking with Jones, Ms. Dowery said she wouldn’t vote for Obama again.

In 2012, a music remix of her Obamaphone rant went viral on Youtube.

One Small Step for the DHS, One Giant Step for the New World Order: Department of Homeland Security, United States… and Canada and Mexico?

While defending the NSA’s massive spying programs during a Wednesday briefing, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) held up an NSA chart identifying the “Homeland” as the United States…Canada and Mexico.

DHS US, Canada, Mexico

The Atlantic Wire, the first publication to notice the map’s discrepancy, reports:

You may also be surprised to learn that our homeland now includes both Mexico and Canada, two areas that we understood to be autonomous nations that are not part of the United States. Normally, this would be written off as a design goof, as one of the NSA’s (newly adept) graphics guys using a little more light blue than he ought.

This being the NSA, we’re not inclined to offer that benefit of the doubt. Is this a way of blending in Canadian and Mexican terror activity disruptions (which, we’ll remind you, is different from actual plots interrupted) to give a larger sense of the NSA’s success at halting terrorism within our borders?

We don’t and can’t know, of course, since the information about almost all of these 54 events is classified. Just know that the homeland is safe — be it Tampa, Toronto, or Tijuana — and that it’s all thanks to the NSA.

Watch the video proof below:

Video: Wild Bill ‘Marco Rubio Has Gone from America’s Hero to Zero in One Year’



Marco Rubio has gone from American Hero to Zero in just one year. He did a really good job of firing up the conservative movement in America with his bold way of presenting the conservative message. Rubio was one of the few that I thought was presidential material I’ve never thought that about Hillary but Rubio was different until the good old boy network co-opted him. Now Rubio is the poster boy for the destruction of American conservative values as he trumpets amnesty for criminals. Twelve million illegals are here breaking our laws in a disgusting display of political prostitution the Democrats and Republicans are competing to see who can kiss the criminal butts the most in order to win votes.

This is political corruption in broad daylight. Mr. Rubio says our immigration is broken, no it’s not Mr. Rubio, the enforcement of Immigration laws is broken because politicians like you don’t have the courage to obey your oath of office, it’s not an immigration issue, it’s a crime issue.

There are two questions that surprise almost everyday the first one is how low can Obama can go, and he is setting records almost every day, and the second one is how stupid can the Republicans get, and they are beginning to set records too. Now the key to winning landslide victories at the polls is to stand for rock solid God and country values, but under John Bainer the Republicans are abandoning their faithful constituents and trying to out liberal the liberals! Are we witnessing the suicide of the Republican party? Do you knuckle heads actually think the criminals will stop voting Democratic if you help them get amnesty?

Well here’s a Wild Bill bullet of truth for the Republicans, if those twelve million illegals were back in Mexico they couldn’t vote democrat now could they? They couldn’t bankrupt our economy crime would plummet, and no that is not a racist statement, did it ever occur to you that people who break one law will break others as well. With Washington D.C. Republicans openly embracing stupidity I think it’s time for the American voters to seriously consider a third party. This is wild Bill for America thank you for watching, and America bless God again.