Tag Archives: liberal idiots

De Blasio Backs Cuomo: Wants Conservatives to Get Out

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio emphatically backed New Governor Andrew Cuomo’s controversial remarks that “extreme” conservatives – which he defined as being pro-life, second amendment advocates, or supporters of traditional marriage – “have no place in the state of New York.”

“I stand by that 100 percent,” de Blasio told reporters at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.

“I agree with Governor Cuomo’s remarks. I interpret his remarks to say that an extremist attitude that continues the reality of violence in our communities or an extremist attitude that denies the rights of women does not represent the views of New York State,” he added.

Governor Cuomo riled up conservatives in New York state as well as all over the country when he told a local New York State radio program last Friday “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay….have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

The remarks have snowballed into a major controversy, with Fox News host Sean Hannityvowing to leave New York City, prompting a bidding war between Republican governors to persuade him to move to their states. Hannity is reportedly eyeing a political bid in Texas. At the March for Life yesterday, one participant pushed back at Cuomo, telling Breitbart News, “We’re here, we’re pro-life, get used to it.”

De Blasio conceded that “we all understand there’s a right to free speech. I wouldn’t disagree with that right and neither would Governor Cuomo.”

But exercising that free speech could put you on the wrong side of New York “values,” de Blasio maintained. “I think he’s saying that the attitude of those who want to continue the status quo on guns or want to challenge and deny the right to choose does not reflect the values of New Yorkers. He was absolutely right to say what he said,” de Blasio stated.

When asked by a reporter if he does not feel the need to reach out to those who disagree with him and would rather others share his values instead, de Blasio responded, “The first point is, we represent our people and Governor Cuomo is right and I believe I’m on firm ground in saying our people, the people in New York State and the people of New York City reject extremists views against a women’s right to choose and in favor of the proliferation of guns in our society. And I stand by that 100 percent.”

De Blasio is under fire in New York for the city’s disastrous response to the recent snow storm, which prompted questions about why he was in front of the television cameras in D.C. instead of working to fix the roads back home. De Blasio admitted Wednesday “more could have been done.”

2 Jokers

[H/T Breitbart]

Video: Asking People on the Street What Party Obama is Affiliated With, The Answers May Surprise You

The majority of the people Dice talked to didn’t know which party Obama was associated with and some even thought he was in fact a Republican.

One man thought Obama was associated with the “best ideas” party.

“The average American is a zombie and doesn’t even know what political party he stands for,” Dice tells one man who asserted that Obama was a Republican. “I would agree,” the man responds.

“What political party is Barack Obama affiliated with?” Dice asks another man, who responds, “It’s one of those.”

In response to the same question, another woman responds, “I have nothing good to say, I’m sorry.”

The clip would be hilarious if it wasn’t a tragic reflection of how dumbed down and ignorant of basic facts Americans have become in the modern era. Given that a substantial percentage of them don’t even know that Obama is a Democrat, how could they possibly hope to understand things like Obamacare or the government shut down?