Tag Archives: john mccain

McCain: May Despise the Wacko Birds, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee, But Thank God for these Patriots!

Mccain Whacko BirdsNo, John McCain hasn’t retired, he hasn’t finished with helping Obama destroy the country just yet. But he did take a few minutes to chat with Liberal New Republic to elaborate on the Wacko Birds.  Just thank God we have true patriots like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee that buck the corruption in Washington.

Breitbart reports: Mr. Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants himself, Senator John McCain, recently interviewed with the liberal New Republic, where he reiterated his disdain for the new crop of “wacko bird” conservative U.S. Senators, by referring to them as isolationists.

Q: Do you think this wing has changed the comity in the Senate? There were the attacks on Hagel. Do these things concern you?

McCain: Oh yeah. It’s of concern. But it’s important for me to be respectful. After I called them wacko birds, I apologized. I try and be respectful but also go out there and debate them every chance I get. Small example: For four years, Harry Reid—and I beat him up regularly—wouldn’t bring a budget to the Senate. This year, we brought one, stayed up all night.

We were so proud, we passed a budget resolution—most of it nonsense—but guess what? Now we have the same group who are blocking going to conference. The same group sometimes doesn’t want to take up a bill and at other times blocks a bill because they can’t get all the amendments they want.

McCain loves Rubio for backing his illegal immigration play, but just a few months ago, he bashed Rubio as being one of those isolationist ‘Wacko Birds.’

We brought a budget to this floor, we spent many, many hours on all kinds of amendments. Now we can’t go to conference unless we agree not to raise the debt limit. Does my colleague from Florida believe that the House of Representatives, dominated by Republicans, are going to raise the debt limit?

Does my colleague from Florida believe that any conferees that are appointed, we have to place certain restrictions on those conferees that would apply to the other body as well? I don’t think so, I don’t think that’s the way that this body is suppose to function.

“We are in a gridlock, here we are four years with a budget, we finally get a budget, we stay up all night, and because somebody doesn’t want to raise the debt limit, we are not going to go to conference. That’s not how this body should function. The American people deserve better, they deserve a budget. Every family in the world has to live on a budget, and here we are objecting because there is a concern about raising the debt limit.”-Sen. John McCain

Obama: Asks John McCain and Lindsey Graham to Make Trip to Egypt, To Sort of ‘Smooth’ Things Over I Guess…

McCain and Graham going to EgyptRINO stars John McCain (AZ) and Lindsey Graham (SC) were asked by Barack Obama to take a trip to a country that wants to blow Israel (our true ally) off the map.

That’s all well and good, but should we be sending off kiss-ass representatives from the U.S. to a country were a military coup occurred?!  I think not Mr. President.

Breitbart reports: President Obama asked Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to go to Egypt and encourage the military to allow civilian elections so a democratic process can continue.

The Associated Press quoted Graham explaining the trip:

The president asked Sen. McCain and myself to go to Egypt next week… so we can go over and reinforce in a bipartisan fashion the message that we have to move to civilian control, that the military is going to have to… allow the country to have new elections and move toward an inclusive, democratic approach.

McCain said Egypt is in “turmoil,” but he believes the trip can do some good; he explained the U.S. “has credibility with everybody there, all the different factions there.”

To date, the Obama administration has refused to label the ouster of Mohamed Morsi a coup. Graham said he will stress to the military that “jailing the opposition is more and more like a coup.”

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John McCain: Sucks Up to Obama Calling His Comments Friday on Trayvon Martin and Race ‘Very Impressive’

McCain and ObamaSenator John McCain continues to stink up the place with his latest kiss-ass charade, calling Obama’s comments Friday, ‘very impressive.’

It’s obvious the Obama administration has purchased McCain’s soul, lock, stock, and barrel.

Breitbart reported: On Sunday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) appeared on CNN’s State of the Union, where he called President Obama’s Friday comments on Trayvon Martin and race “very impressive.” He said, “I think we should continue to make progress,” but added that “we still have a long way to go,” even as he declined to “second guess” the verdict in the George Zimmerman case.

McCain stated that “we were probably too optimistic” about race relations in the aftermath of the election of the country’s first black president. “I think old prejudices die hard,” McCain said. ‘We have made significant progress, but I think recent events highlight the differences that remain.” McCain also said he believed that “Stand Your Ground” laws should be reconsidered in light of the Martin case, despite the fact that “Stand Your Ground” was never invoked by Zimmerman and he was acquitted on grounds of self-defense.

TED CRUZ: ‘Let Me Be Clear, I Don’t Trust Republicans’

Let me be clear, Ted Cruz is one of our best hopes we have as conservatives to turn the tide away from this fascist President and his minions.  Here, Cruz basically rebuts John McCain’s slobber speech that would in essence allow a “back room deal” to occur that would raise the debt ceiling.  All on our nickel!  It’s senators like Ted Cruz that I still have hope for the conservatives to save us from further assault by the liberals. But, we must pull together to make this happen. PLEASE Like and Share on Facebook.



“Senator from Texas and President that senior senator from Arizona urged this body to trust the Republicans.

Let me be clear I don’t trust Republicans and i don’t trust the Democrats.

And I think a whole lot of Americans likewise don’t trust for the Republicans and the Democrats because it is leadership in both parties that has gotten us in this mess.

You know my wife and I have two little girls at home they’re five and two. When Caroline was born our national debt was ten trillion dollars today it’s nearly seventeen trillion dollars.  In her short five years of life a national debt has grown by over sixty percent madam president what we are doing to our Kids and Grandkids, I think is a immoral.

Now, I commend the Democrats in this body for their candor. The Democrats and President Obama have been very explicit — that is their intention to raise the debt ceiling and to do so with no conditions whatsoever just keep borrowing and borrowing and borrowing money without any structural reforms to fix the problems.  That is it intellectually consistent position I think it is a dangerous position but it is at least candid.

And that is the reason why everyday for sixty days the Democrats have opposed taking the debt ceiling off the table in this discussion.  But unfortunately one of the reasons we got into this mess is because a lot of Republicans were complicit in this spending spree.  And that’s why so many Americans are disgusted with both sides of this house because we need leaders on both sides to do is my friend from Virginia said to roll up our sleeves to compromise to work together and fix the problem, fix the enormous fiscal and economic problems, stop bankrupting our country.

What this issue is all about is very simple.  Will we allow the debt ceiling to be raised in an unlimited amount with just a fifty vote threshold?  And if the answer to that is yes yet in effect just voted to raise the debt ceiling because the Democrats hold a majority of this body fifty-five cities and the Democrats are explicit they want to raise the debt ceiling.”