Tag Archives: Jews

Jews Told to Register In Eastern Ukraine

(Power Line Blog) – More evidence that we are living through a reprise of the 1930s:

Jews in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk where pro-Russian militants have taken over government buildings were told they have to “register” with the Ukrainians who are trying to make the city become part of Russia, according to Israeli media.

Jews emerging from a synagogue say they were handed leaflets that ordered the city’s Jews to provide a list of property they own and pay a registration fee “or else have their citizenship revoked, face deportation and see their assets confiscated,” reported Ynet News, Israel’s largest news website.

The leaflets were issued in the name of Denis Pushilin, as chairman of “Donetsk’s temporary government.” Pushilin reportedly has denied responsibility for them. The leaflets obviously don’t constitute any sort of official order, but they aren’t just something somebody scrawled on a sign, either. This is a picture of one of them:


It is possible that this might be a false flag operation, although no suspicions of that nature have been reported. In any event, it is chilling that when cracks begin to appear in the West’s hold on this part of the world, signs of vicious anti-Semitism immediately appear.

[H/T PowerLineblog: John Hinderaker]

Video: Wasserman-Schultz Sells Out Jewish Community on Israel in Support of Barack Obama

The true colors of Democratic National Committee Chairman and South Florida Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz are apparent. Today the Emergency Committee for Israel is releasing “Sanction,” a 30-second TV ad that will begin airing this weekend in Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s congressional district contrasting her very public pro-Israel rhetoric and tough talk on Iran with her behind-the-scenes obstruction of a new bipartisan Iran sanctions bill.

According to Emergency Committee for Israel executive director Noah Pollak:

This ad highlights the contradiction between Rep. Wasserman-Schultz’s very public pronouncements of support for Israel and her behind-the-scenes campaign to stymie bipartisan Iran sanctions on behalf of President Obama. As her constituents find out the truth, we hope they will demand a more responsible approach on this important issue.

The question is, where do her loyalties lie? If even Senator Chuck Schumer, a staunch liberal, can see the necessity of sanctions against the Islamist regime of Iran, then why can’t Rep. Wasserman-Schultz?

It’s simple — just as members of the Congressional Black Caucus continue to do, selling out one’s community for the “party” takes precedence.

There can be no question Iran is a deceptive and dangerous enemy, supporting the majority of Islamic terrorist activity worldwide. However, for whatever misguided reason, President Obama wants to acquiesce to the mad mullahs of the Iranian theocracy at the sacrifice of the State of Israel.

And so it seems, just as individuals such as Alcee Hastings, a former impeached federal judge, would sell out inner city black communities, Wasserman-Schultz will do the same to advance party politics in blind obedience.

I wonder how this ad will be received in South Florida, if it will even make a difference? Our family has deep ties with the Jewish community here. Our oldest daughter, Aubrey, babysat the three daughters of our closest friend, and is even a member of a Jewish sorority at her school. Angela and I sponsor an IDF Soldier for college in Israel. My support to Israel has nothing to do with politics but rather everything to do with that which is right.

In contrast, the DNC Chairman’s position has everything to do with politics. President Obama’s support of Wasserman-Schultz also has everything to do with politics — the politics of deceiving and subjugating the American Jewish community, lulling them into a blind obedience while his policies have abandoned Israel and creating a far more dangerous neighborhood.

I don’t know if it will ever happen, but one day the Jewish and Black communities had best awaken and see the lies and deceit of the Democrat party — especially the liberal progressive left. If you want to know where vile anti-Semitic collusion with radical islamists abounds, it is certainly not with the Republican party. It is not within the TEA Party. It is not with Libertarians. It thrives on liberal college campuses, promulgated by liberal professors, and expounded upon by a liberal progressive media. Make a choice, and know that the wrong choice will decide the future of generations of Jewish children and grandchildren — that is, if you actually care.

[H/T Allen West]


Secret Report Reveals John Kerry’s Plan Fraud: ‘Military security fraud on Israel and the Jews’

A secret US Joint Chiefs of Staff (USJCoS) Memorandum from 1967 has been uncovered by Arutz Sheva analyst Mark Langfan. Langfan says the report proves that US Secretary of State John Kerry’s current proposed security arrangements are a “military security fraud on Israel and the Jews.”

John Kerry

Kerry is currently in Israel, pushing his proposals for theJordan Valley which Palestinian Authority (PA) Chief Mahmoud Abbas again rejected on Friday morning. Langfan has revealed in the past that the arrangements are based on the 1967 “Allon Plan,” and are a “death-trap” for Israel.

The newly revealed secret document, dated June 29, 1967 and referenced as “JSCM-373-67,” take Israel’s “defensible” borders as its subject. It was signed by then-Chairman of the USJCoS, US Gen. Earle G. Wheeler.

The memorandum shows the necessity of Israeli control over the high ground of western Samaria.

“From a strictly military point of view…the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff…(see as necessary Israeli) control of the prominent high ground running north-south” through Judea and Samaria, reads the report. Langfan notes that this region, deemed crucial for defensible Israeli borders, is the very area that is slated to be given to the PA under Kerry’s plan.

Furthermore, the memorandum’s appendix elaborates that Israel at minimum needs a defense line along “Bardala-Tubas-Nablus-Bira-Jerusalem,” which “would give a portion of the (Judean and Samarian) foothills to Israel and avoid interdiction by artillery in the Israeli villages in the lowlands.”

Langfan remarked “in 1967, before shoulder-fired anti-air missiles, before laser-designators, before radar and radio-jammers, before Katyushas from Lebanon and Gaza, before rampant Muslim-on-Muslim use of Sarin-tipped-chemical-Katyushas in Syria, the greatest collection of militaryprofessionals in the world concluded Israel’s retention of Western Samaria was a military necessity for Israel.”

However, Langfan points out that a more insidious problem than Kerry’s “fraudulent” security plan exists.

“(The) real problem is that for years, Israel’s entire military establishment has generally signed onto the ‘Jordan Valley Concept’ that wholly contradicts the professional written military conclusion of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff,” reveals Langfan.

Through the Jordan Valley arrangements that have been commonly promoted, Israel would abandon Judea and Samaria to various degrees, keeping a security presence in the Jordan Valley.

Langfan notes the indefensible nature of such an arrangement. He remarks that the 1967 memorandum “prophetically predicted the likely advent of Katyusha rockets from Western Samaria into Israel’s” population centers, referencing a strategic threat that he has warned of in the past.

Langfan called for a a commission of inquiry, such as was conducted after the disastrous 1973 Yom Kippur War, to determine how “such a militaryhoax could have been perpetrated by the IDF, and successive Israeli-governments.” He further volunteered to “be the first to testify, and name names.”

“Israel should have a ‘commission of inquiry,’ before it suffers a catastrophic irreversible defeat, not after 10’s or 100’s of thousands of Jews are murdered as a result of Israel’s endemic military failures,” warned Langfan.

[H/T Israel National News]