Tag Archives: Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein: I’m Working on Movie With Meryl Streep to Destroy the NRA

Famed Hollywood producer and top Obama donor Harvey Weinstein has revealed that his next project is specifically designed to take down the National Rifle Association.

“I shouldn’t say this, but I’ll tell it to you, Howard,” he said on the Howard Stern Show.

“I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this head-on. And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”

He went on to say that he doesn’t believe “we need guns in this country,” and hopes that after people see the planned feature film they will never again want to invest in gun stocks.

Martha MacCallum discussed the controversial claims with Fox News contributor Jehmu Greene and radio host Mike Slater, who immediately called out hypocrisy on the part of Weinstein and other Hollywood gun control advocates.

“You mentioned ‘Kill Bill: Volume 3.’ He also has a new movie coming out called ‘Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.’ Harvey and his friends have built their careers on making incredibly violent movies and they have contributed to this desensitizing to violence in America. Whether it’s gun violence or knockout game violence and everything in between,” said Slater.

Greene, however, criticized the NRA for “using responsible gun owners” so that they can protect gun manufacturers and oppose “common sense” gun control laws.

Martha noted that many school shootings, including Sandy Hook, are halted when the shooter sees someone else with a gun, ready to confront them.

Green countered by claiming that responsible gun owners agree that there is no need to own an AR-15 for self-defense or for hunting.

Slater ended by voicing his support for “strengthening the NRA and gun safety classes,” while trying to address the root causes of gun violence.

Watch the debate below and sound off below!

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Watch Ted Cruz’s Takedown of Big-Time Hollywood Producer Behind Upcoming Anti-NRA Movie

Sen Ted CruIn an interview with Greta Van Susteren on Thursday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) outlined the hypocrisy of anti-gun movie producer Harvey Weinstein, who has cashed in on countless films depicting graphic gun violence. Weinstein revealed earlier this week that he is making a “big movie” featuring Meryl Streep that will make the National Rifle Association “wish they weren’t alive.”

“The Hollywood liberal elites, they have their view of things,” Cruz said with a grin after watching a montage of violent scenes from Weinstein films.

The Texas Republican referenced a scene in “Kill Bill,” saying “you don’t see people wanting to ban knives.”

And though Weinstein has high hopes for his anti-gun movie, Cruz said “left-wing propaganda films” rarely do well at the box office and essentially predicted that the project would be a flop.

It has been reported that Weinstein, like many Hollywood elites, utilizes a security detail to keep him safe — which is perfectly reasonable. However, Cruz argued elites, like Weinstein, want the “single mom who lives in the inner city” to be unarmed and unprepared to defend herself from serious threats.

“That’s not a message the American people agree with. We have a right to protect ourselves, it’s protected in the Constitution. And even if liberal Hollywood types want to take it away, it isn’t going anywhere,” Cruz said of the Second Amendment.

Van Susteren went on to call Weinstein’s hypocrisy the “death of shame.”

Watch the interview via “On the Record” here:

[H/T TheBlaze]