Tag Archives: gregory hicks

BENGHAZI HEARING UPDATE: “Diplomat Has More Balls than Somebody in the Military”


Mr. Gregory Hicks testifying to The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing.

This excerpt from today’s Benghazi hearings summarizes the intent of this administration.  When asked how did personnel react to a “stand down” command:

Mr. Hicks: “They were not authorized to travel.  They remained in Tripoli with us. The medic went with the nurse to the hospital to — and his skills to the treatment of and care of our wounded.

Rep Jason Chaffetz: “How did personnel react to being told to stand down?”

Mr. Hicks: “They were furious, I will quote Lt. Col. Gibson, he said, ‘this is the first time in my career that a diplomat has more balls than somebody in the military.'”

HICKS CONFIRMS COVER UP: Was Told Not To Talk To Congressman


Gregory Hicks testified to The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing confirms the was told “not to talk” to Congressman Jason Chaffetz who was investigating the Benghazi attack.

In other questioning: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) couldn’t believe what he was hearing: “So the people at State told you, ‘Don’t talk to the guy who is coming to investigate?’” Hicks’ answer: “Yes, sir.” Jordan pressed: “You’ve had several congressional delegations come to various places you’ve been around the world. Has that ever happened, where lawyers get on the phone to you prior to a congressional delegate coming to investigate … Have you ever had anyone tell you, ‘Don’t talk with the people from Congress coming to find out what took place?” Hicks: “Never.”