Tag Archives: Fallujah

Fallujah Falls to al-Qaeda, Obama Goes Golfing

Keith Koffler sums it up perfectly:

“I have finally figured out the Obama Doctrine: Screw up the hard fought gains handed him by George W. Bush.”

“President Bush left office with al Qaeda desperately trying to blend in with camel herds in the desert and Iraq mostly pacified. Today, none of that is true.”

Some history: The first battle of Fallujah was fought from early April to early May 2004. Fifty one members of the United States military were killed in action. In addition, contractors Scott Helvenston, Jerko Zovko, Wesley Batalona, and Michael Teague were murdered, and then had their bodies desecrated by al-Qaeda-affiliated “insurgents.” (Democrat propagandist Markos Moulitsas responded to this atrocity by writing, in reference to the dead civilian contractors, “screw them.”) American forces eventually withdrew from the city, although they maintained a presence nearby.

The second battle of Fallujah was fought from early November to late December 2004. Ninety five American military personnel died while successfully capturing the city from al-Qaeda. And the city was held from that point on…until now.

One hundred and fifty Americans died fighting for this city, and hundreds more were wounded. And now it has been retaken by the enemy. Commander-in-chief Obama’s response: another round of golf.

What an absolute disgrace.

Obama goes golfing

And let’s not forget that Obama has worked to fund and arm al-Qaeda “rebels” in neighboring Syria. But none dare call it treason.

Read how al Qaeda is claiming its first independent state towards caliphate.

[H/T Examiner]

Al-Qaida Retakes Fallujah [VIDEO]

(The Daily Caller) — Al-Qaida retook Fallujah in western Iraq Friday, where its black flags can now be seen fluttering atop government buildings.

Over the last week, al-Qaida has made strong gains in western Iraq, and also took control of part of Ramadi, the capital of Anbar Province, the Long War Journal reportedThe Washington Post reports that “Awakening” tribesmen opposed to al-Qaida have since gained the upper hand in Ramadi. Iraqi government special forces continue to battle the terrorists, and the status of the towns outside the two mid-sized cities is not known.

Both Fallujah and Ramadi were early strongholds for the Islamist terror group, but became symbols of American and Iraqi perseverance after a 2004 Marine Corps invasion freed Fallujah in the bloodiest American battle of the war, and the “Anbar Awakening” saw tribal leaders rise against al-Qaida, which had been ruling its territory with merciless violence.

In recent days, the province, which borders war-torn, al-Qaida-ridden Syria, has devolved into a three-way conflict between forces from al-Qaida, the tribes and the government.

“The upheaval also affirmed the soaring capabilities of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the rebranded version of the al-Qaida in Iraq organization that formed a decade ago to confront U.S. troops and expanded into Syria last year while also escalating its activities in Iraq,” The Washington Post reports.

Under President Barack Obama, U.S. forces pulled out of Iraq by the end or 2011. ”After nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over,” the president said.

The president advocated military action against Syria’s dictatorship, which is battling ISIS, in 2013, but was rebuffed by Congress.

In this video uploaded Jan. 1, Iraqi military vehicles are seen burning after an ambush in Fallujah:


[H/T The Daily Caller]