Tag Archives: De Blasio

Muslims pressure NYC schools to provide halal food

(Allen B. West) – I often share with y’all one of my favorite sayings: “when tolerance becomes a one way street it leads to cultural suicide.” The way radical Islamists will subvert our culture and way of life will be simple and incremental. They will force decisions to be made to accommodate their sharia-based Islamic law, and those who challenge them will be castigated as “Islamophobes.” I will not be deterred.

As reported by the Jewish Press, “Proposed legislation was introduced into New York City Council to require that the city’s public schools provide Islamic-compliant food – halal – as an option in the cafeterias. The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) joined forces with council member Rafael L. Espinal, Jr. (Brooklyn) and fourteen other city council members who co-sponsored Espinal’s Resolution 54.

Yes, the infamous organization CAIR is behind this initiative, the same organization listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorist funding trial in US history, the Holy Land Foundation. And you must understand, they are demanding that the American taxpayer be responsible for providing these specific foods.

The Resolution goes into explicit detail about what Islamic-observant students are permitted to eat and what they must avoid eating, as well as stating who made those determinations. Here’s just a snippet:

Whereas, The practice of Islam is determined by the Islamic teachings as guided by the holy book Quran and the Hadith, and sayings of the Prophet Mohammad, which includes observing dietary laws; and Whereas, Islamic dietary laws delineate foods that are halal, meaning lawful or permitted, and those that are haram, meaning not permitted.

The group has no accurate way to determine how many schoolchildren in New York City are Muslim or how many observe strict halal guidelines, but it could be around 12 percent. Undeterred by the lack of hard information, the legislators pointed to the Detroit public school system where 35 percent of the students are estimated to be Muslim. In Detroit, the school district began a halal pilot program in 2001 which has expanded to 35 schools in the district.

But you don’t want school kids going hungry do you? You see, unless a halal option is offered, the unknown number of New York City’s schoolchildren who can only eat halal food will suffer — either having to eat the vegetarian option already offered in the school system, or having to bring their own food from home. If the food is brought from home, it probably won’t still be hot by lunch time. Oh, the inhumanity of a cold sandwich!

But here’s the key point. There are of course many other students in New York City schools who have religious dietary requirements. That would be the Jewish kids. The New York City public schools don’t offer kosher lunches and to date, no Jewish groups have marched themselves into the New York City council chambers demanding that there be a kosher food option.

What I find quite interesting, if this passes, is that NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to close down successful charter schools in Harlem for lower income black children, but taxpayers will have to feed Muslim kids special meals? Dude, this is dumb, it is a no-brainer. Tell CAIR to pound sand. If they want special halal meals for their kids, pack it for them. The parents can buy a special halal meal microwave and get school permission to place them in the cafeterias — case closed, problem solved.

This is not about lunch for Muslim kids, it’s about the slow steady march towards sharia compliance. And while we’re on the subject, lets talk about why there are no churches in Saudi Arabia and why Christians are being murdered, persecuted, and driven out of their historical homelands by Islamic terrorists. Spare me the kumbaya “coexistence” stuff.

[H/T AllenBWest]

New York Mayor de Blasio to Skip St. Patrick’s Parade Over Gay Group Exclusion

(Reuters) – New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio will not march in the city’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, an annual spectacle that draws about 1 million people to Fifth Avenue, because event organizers do not allow gay-rights groups to participate.

“I simply disagree with the organizers of that parade in their exclusion of some individuals in his city,” de Blasio told reporters on Tuesday.

Parade organizers do not allow gay rights groups or marchers with gay-pride signs to participate in the event, saying that doing so would conflict with the Roman Catholic heritage of the event, which traces its roots back to the colonial era.

De Blasio becomes the first New York City mayor to boycott the event since David Dinkins, the last Democrat elected to the office, in 1993.

The Roman Catholic church teaches that homosexual acts are immoral and opposes gay marriage, though Pope Francis has avoided the repeated denunciations of gay people made by his predecessors, saying in a July interview, “who am I to judge?”

The parade will be held on Mar 17.

De Blasio Boycotting St. Patrick's Day Parade Because It Bans LGBT Groups

[H/T Reuters]

De Blasio Backs Cuomo: Wants Conservatives to Get Out

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio emphatically backed New Governor Andrew Cuomo’s controversial remarks that “extreme” conservatives – which he defined as being pro-life, second amendment advocates, or supporters of traditional marriage – “have no place in the state of New York.”

“I stand by that 100 percent,” de Blasio told reporters at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.

“I agree with Governor Cuomo’s remarks. I interpret his remarks to say that an extremist attitude that continues the reality of violence in our communities or an extremist attitude that denies the rights of women does not represent the views of New York State,” he added.

Governor Cuomo riled up conservatives in New York state as well as all over the country when he told a local New York State radio program last Friday “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay….have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

The remarks have snowballed into a major controversy, with Fox News host Sean Hannityvowing to leave New York City, prompting a bidding war between Republican governors to persuade him to move to their states. Hannity is reportedly eyeing a political bid in Texas. At the March for Life yesterday, one participant pushed back at Cuomo, telling Breitbart News, “We’re here, we’re pro-life, get used to it.”

De Blasio conceded that “we all understand there’s a right to free speech. I wouldn’t disagree with that right and neither would Governor Cuomo.”

But exercising that free speech could put you on the wrong side of New York “values,” de Blasio maintained. “I think he’s saying that the attitude of those who want to continue the status quo on guns or want to challenge and deny the right to choose does not reflect the values of New Yorkers. He was absolutely right to say what he said,” de Blasio stated.

When asked by a reporter if he does not feel the need to reach out to those who disagree with him and would rather others share his values instead, de Blasio responded, “The first point is, we represent our people and Governor Cuomo is right and I believe I’m on firm ground in saying our people, the people in New York State and the people of New York City reject extremists views against a women’s right to choose and in favor of the proliferation of guns in our society. And I stand by that 100 percent.”

De Blasio is under fire in New York for the city’s disastrous response to the recent snow storm, which prompted questions about why he was in front of the television cameras in D.C. instead of working to fix the roads back home. De Blasio admitted Wednesday “more could have been done.”

2 Jokers

[H/T Breitbart]