Tag Archives: cyber war

UNLEASH THE BEAST: Charles Krauthammer Gives Advice to Obama, Launch Cyber War on China

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This is a story that has kept under the radar, but nevertheless warrants our attention — the cyber war with China continues to escalate and Obama thus far has done nothing about it. It’s time to act now before this becomes a huge detriment.

It’s time for the United States to “unleash the beast” and launch a counterattack against China in the ongoing cyber war, which has so far been “one-sided,” syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said on Thursday.

“The line is crossed. We are in cyber war. But it’s one sided,” he said. “This is really interesting. It’s a very damaging issue. It is intellectual property, damaging our economy and now as we learn in this report, damaging our national security with high tech weapons are compromised.”

Krauthammer noted that the U.S. has been “passive” regarding China’s cyber attacks. He said America was also “passive” with terrorism before 9/11.

“I think we really have to unleash the beast here and to counter attack,” he added. “Now, here is the problem: With terrorism, you don’t allow individuals to go out and to counter attack freelance. We have organized army and units. I think what we ought to be thinking about is units who operate in the government, under the government certain agencies who will launch cyber attacks against the Chinese as a deterrent as a way to say– because the Chinese don’t take any of this seriously.”