Tag Archives: coverup

Another JP Morgan Banker Leaps to His Death

(Info Wars) — Yet another banker has committed suicide, with a JP Morgan forex trader leaping to his death from the top of the firm’s Chater House headquarters in Hong Kong.

JP Morgan: Man Committing Suicide
Image: Man pictured before his suicide (SCMP).

Over the past few weeks at least seven bankers have died under mysterious circumstances, including another JP Morgan senior manager who jumped off the top of a skyscraper in London last month.

Speculation is rife that the series of deaths are connected to some kind of looming financial crisis or a huge legal case targeting bankers for malfeasance, although no definite link has been established.

Eyewitnesses said that the man, who was in his 30′s, accessed the roof of the 30 story office tower and jumped, with police on the scene failing to talk him out of committing suicide. Chater House is JP Morgan’s main regional Asian office.

“According to several JP Morgan employees, the man was a forex trader with the company,” reports the South China Morning Post, adding that his name was Li Junjie. The bank itself refused to confirm that the man was an employee.

Junjie becomes the 7th banker to suddenly die in recent weeks. Questions as to whether the deaths are merely a coincidence or are linked to some as yet unknown factor continue to swirl.

– On January 26, former Deutsche Bank executive Broeksmit was found dead at his South Kensington home after police responded to reports of a man found hanging at a house. According to reports, Broeksmit had “close ties to co-chief executive Anshu Jain.”

– Gabriel Magee, a 39-year-old senior manager at JP Morgan’s European headquarters, jumped 500ft from the top of the bank’s headquarters in central London on January 27, landing on an adjacent 9 story roof.

– Mike Dueker, the chief economist at Russell Investments, fell down a 50 foot embankment in what police are describing as a suicide. He was reported missing on January 29 by friends, who said he had been “having problems at work.”

– Richard Talley, 57, founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado, was also found dead earlier this month after apparentlyshooting himself with a nail gun.

– 37-year-old JP Morgan executive director Ryan Henry Crane died last week.

– Tim Dickenson, a U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG, also died last month, although the circumstances surrounding his death are still unknown.

(H/T Info Wars]

CIA Files From Benghazi: Now in the Hands of Al Qaeda?

(The Clarion Project) — The U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) released its Review of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012 on January 15, 2014.

One of the most disturbing sections in the entire report comes on page 42, where the report cites then-FBI Director Robert Mueller in testimony before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies telling Congress that “as many as 15 individuals supporting the investigation or otherwise helpful to the United States have been killed in Benghazi since the attacks [of September 11, 2012].”

While Director Mueller rightly noted the “lawless and chaotic circumstances in eastern Libya,” the SSCI report also added that “It is unclear whether their killings were related to the Benghazi investigation.”

While calling post-Qaddafi Libya “lawless and chaotic” is something of an understatement, the SSCI’s suspicions about these particular killings and the possibility that they could be connected to the Benghazi investigation should be noted and noted carefully.

The identity of these individuals has not been revealed publicly, but it is certain that the SSCI and the Intelligence Community for which it holds oversight responsibility know who they were. And while it is certainly possible that each and every one of these 15 killings can be explained by the continuing battles among the Al Qaeda militias that led the uprising against former Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, the possibility that these are targeted killings – assassinations – must also be considered, even as the SSCI seems to hint that it has thought of this, too.

In an insightful early report about the Benghazi attacks, the Wall Street Journal reported on November 1, 2012 that “…the day after the attack…the CIA appears to have dispatched local Libyan agents to the annex to destroy any sensitive documents and equipment there.”

The WSJ use of the term “agents” would seem to indicate that these local Libyans were CIA recruited assets, who either were trusted enough for this assignment or perhaps were all they had to turn to at that point. They may have been Libyan officials, whether uniformed police or others such as intelligence and security officials.

We do not know and the SSCI report does not tell us. In any case, what that short section of the SSCI report does tell us, at a minimum, is that sensitive documents and equipment were believed by the CIA to have remained in the CIA Annex the day after the attack, that they had not been destroyed or removed by the fleeing Americans and were of sufficient concern to the CIA that it was willing to take a chance on tasking local Libyans to retrieve whatever was there.

What became of any such materials and whether they were successfully recovered or not is not noted in the SSCI report. Tom Joscelyn, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), writing in theWeekly Standard on January 7, 2014 about the Obama administration’s belated admission about the role that Abu Sufian Ben Qumu (a former GITMO detainee) and his group — the Derna, Libya branch of Ansar al-Shariah — played in the Benghazi attack provides a possible follow-up, however.

In the very last line of his piece, “Obama Administration’s Benghazi Bombshell,” Joscelyn writes that two U.S. intelligence officials say that Faraj al Chalabi, an identified Libyan jihadi, “is suspected of bringing materials from the compound in Benghazi to senior al Qaeda leadership in Pakistan.”

This report begs the question: How is it possible for U.S. intelligence officials to so specifically name al-Chalabi as someone who may have taken materials from Benghazi to al-Qa’eda leadership in Pakistan?

What materials have they identified as having been removed from the CIA Annex and how do they know (or why would they suspect) such materials have been taken to Ayman al-Zawahiri in Pakistan in the first place? In fact, it doesn’t seem possible – unless U.S. intelligence officials themselves perhaps were the ones who dispatched al-Chalabi or an associate to the compound to recover those “documents and equipment.”

When the materials likely later were confirmed to be missing from the compound but hadn’t been delivered as expected, the panic would have begun to build.

Both Joscelyn and Fox News have reported that al-Chalabi is a known associate of the Al-Qaeda “inner core” with ties that go back to the late 1990s. He has been identified as a former bodyguard for Osama bin-Laden.

Without naming anyone specifically, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) confirmed that individuals under investigation for connections to the Benghazi attack indeed had “strong al Qaeda ties.” Further, according to Bill Gertz, writing in the Free Beacon on June 27, 2013, al-Chalabi—who’d already been identified as being “involved in planning” the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi – had been detained by Libyan officials in March 2013 and then let go in June 2013, ostensibly for lack of evidence.

Yet, according to Gertz, the U.S. government “has evidence al Chalabi was linked to the Benghazi attack.”

Note that neither Gertz nor the U.S. government claims that al-Chalabi was physically present on site the night of the attack, but only that he was known (somehow) to have been “involved in planning.”

Adding to the chain of evidence, the Gertz article was the first to note that al-Chalabi went to Pakistan right after the September 11, 2012 attack and then returned to Libya (which is when he was arrested).

It must be wondered at this point why al-Chalabi isn’t sitting in a cell in Guantanamo Bay, if U.S. intelligence officials are, and apparently very shortly after the attack, were aware that he was not only involved in planning the Benghazi attack, but also likely had couriered highly sensitive materials from the CIA Annex to Al Qaeda in Pakistan.

If CCTV video footage from inside the CIA Annex during the night of the attack had identified al-Chalabi (with his known Al Qaeda links) on the scene, it would also have recorded whether he or anyone else removed sensitive materials that night. There is no public information that either of these is the case.

Rather, the fact that the CIA dispatched “local Libyan agents” “the day after the attack” suggests that U.S. intelligence had at least some reason to believe such materials were still there and could be recovered. It also would seem to indicate that al-Chalabi did not depart for Pakistan until sometime after September 12, 2012 as well as after the sensitive materials were understood to be missing.

Given the size of that CIA Annex operation (which the WSJ puts at aroundtwo dozen operatives), there would have been quite a bit of reporting flowing to multiple recipients in and around Washington,  D.C. on a daily basis. Some of that reporting very well may have provided at least indications of the identities of various Libyans who may have been working with those operatives.

It is easy to imagine that Ayman al-Zawahiri and the rest of the Al Qaeda top leadership in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border area might have considered this to be extremely valuable—and desirable—information.

Connecting these dots in this way may or may not yield an accurate assessment of exactly what happened at that Benghazi compound or even exactly who eventually removed whatever sensitive documents and materials may have been there.

But the deaths under undisclosed circumstances of 15 individuals who had been at some point “supporting the investigation” in the months following the attack, after a known Al Qaeda jihadi (al-Chalabi) personally couriered materials from the CIA Annex to Al Qaeda core leadership, would at least suggest that maybe Al Qaeda has gotten its hands on some names—names belonging to people they do not want speaking with U.S. authorities.

[H/T The Clarion Project]

The Obama Diversion: Is Obama Starting A War With Syria Just To Distract Us From All The Scandals?

Obama and SyriaThere’s no coincidences with the Obama administration, this is another example.  And the timing of this announcement regarding Syria, although suspicious, is simply right on target as far as Obama’s concerned.

If Obama wanted to use chemical weapons as an excuse to go after Syria he could have done it weeks ago, or he could have waited several more months before taking action.

He chose to do it right now for a reason, and hopefully the American people will be able to see right through this.

Red Flag reports: Well, isn’t that convenient?  At the moment when the Obama administration is feeling more heat then ever before, it starts another war.  Suddenly everyone in the mainstream media is talking all about Syria and not about the IRS scandal, Benghazi, NSA snooping  or any of the other political scandals that have popped up in recent weeks.  As if on cue, Obama made headlines all over the globe on Thursday by claiming that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against the rebels “multiple times”, and that the U.S. was now ready to do more to assist the rebels.  That assistance is reportedly going to include “military support” for the rebels and a no-fly zone over at least part of Syria is being discussed.  Without a doubt, these are acts of war, and this conflict is not going to end until Assad has been ousted.  But Assad will not go quietly.  And all it would take is for Assad to fire a couple of missiles at Tel Aviv for a huge regional war to erupt in the Middle East.  And what happens if Russia or China decides to get involved in the conflict in Syria?  Obama is playing with fire, but he has shown again and again that he is willing to do virtually anything if it will benefit him politically.

As far as the Obama administration is concerned, there is no such thing as a coincidence.  The timing of this announcement regarding Syria was not an accident.  If Obama wanted to use chemical weapons as an excuse to go after Syria he could have done it weeks ago, or he could have waited several more months before taking action.  He chose to do it right now for a reason, and hopefully the American people will be able to see right through this. Read rest of story.

HICKS CONFIRMS COVER UP: Was Told Not To Talk To Congressman


Gregory Hicks testified to The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing confirms the was told “not to talk” to Congressman Jason Chaffetz who was investigating the Benghazi attack.

In other questioning: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) couldn’t believe what he was hearing: “So the people at State told you, ‘Don’t talk to the guy who is coming to investigate?’” Hicks’ answer: “Yes, sir.” Jordan pressed: “You’ve had several congressional delegations come to various places you’ve been around the world. Has that ever happened, where lawyers get on the phone to you prior to a congressional delegate coming to investigate … Have you ever had anyone tell you, ‘Don’t talk with the people from Congress coming to find out what took place?” Hicks: “Never.”

HANNITY: Benghazi is a Massive, Massive Failure and Cover-up

HANNITY: Benghazi is a Massive, Massive Failure and Cover-up

“5/6/13 – As new information emerges about last September’s attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Fox News host Sean Hannity is seething that it took this long for the media–and some Republicans–to acknowledge the Obama administration’s “massive, massive failure and cover-up.” On his radio show Monday, Hannity tore into the “mainstream, suck-up, kiss-ass media” for ignoring what he and his fellow conservative pundits knew all along. “This media, that is dead in this country” ignored the real story for eight months, and are now “finally” covering the Benghazi attack as he believes they should have been covering it since it occurred.

Hannity said that the “massive, massive failure and cover-up” by the Obama administration was all done for “political power.” He said the motivation was about “lying to maintain political power. Lying to the American people repeatedly to save Obama’s chances for re-election.”

To prove that he was up on the real story from the beginning, Hannity revealed that he sent off damning emails to unnamed members of the Romney campaign the night of the third and final 2012 presidential debate. In the previous debate, which came just over a month after the Benghazi attack, moderator Candy Crowley helped President Obama score a victory over his opponent by confirming that he did call the attack an “act of terror” the day after it occurred, contrary to Mitt Romney’s assertions. By the third debate, Romney had apparently made the decision not to go on offense on Benghazi, a strategy praised by Fox News’ Dana Perino and others.

That night, Hannity said, he remembers writing to people in the Romney campaign, adding, “I did not mince words. I will tell you, honestly, I was cursing at them, calling them every name I could think of.” Hannity said he was “livid” that a “decision was made to play it safe.” That strategy plus the media “ignoring” the facts, Hannity concluded, ultimately “cost Romney the election.”

Despite the best efforts of some of the more conservative members of the media, the Benghazi attack never became a deciding factor in the 2012 election. That may be partly due to Obama’s perceived victory on the issue during that final debate, as Hannity evidently felt at the time, and let his Romney campaign contacts know.”

BENGHAZI: Hearings Coming Quickly and Will be Explosive!

Benghazi Hearings Coming SoonThe heat has been turned up on the Benghazi-gate — could the witnesses of Benghazi finally be revealed?

BREAKING: Rep. Trey Gowdy says more Benghazi hearings


Trey Gowdy says that more Benghazi hearings are ‘coming quickly’ and they will be ‘explosive’. When asked if it will include …. It’s time to put Obama back on the golf course where he belongs. honestynow 5pts. @cabensg

RS: More Benghazi Hearings Coming – New EXPLOSIVE Evidence


Trey Gowdy says that more Benghazi hearings are ‘coming quickly’ and they will be ‘explosive’. When asked if it will include <strike> <strong>. Previous post: Chris Cillizza | Obama’s second-term window shrinking rapidly

Conservative Angle continues to be hopeful that we will finally resolve and get to the bottom, of how our government failed at Benghazi.  In addition, the hope is for Benghazi will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and impeachment hearings will finally begin.  Through the many months of research, everything points back at severe negligence, or a coverup of the worst kind.

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