Tag Archives: cnn

CNN’s Piers Morgan Limps Off-Stage with Final Anti-Gun Rant

(Breitbart) – After nearly four disastrous years, CNN’s Piers Morgan ended his embarrassingly low-rated “Piers Morgan Live” as we all knew he would — with a boorish anti-gun rant. After spending his full and final hour covering the missing Malaysian airliner, the left-wing Brit took his last few minutes as a CNN primetime star to go out flailing with a partisan attack on the NRA and a feeble cry of “Enough!”

I assumed that after 70 people were shot in a movie theater and then just a few months later 20 first-graders were murdered with an assault rifle in an elementary school, that the absurd gun laws in this country would change, but nothing has happened. The gun lobby in America, led by the NRA, has bullied this nation’s politicians into cowardly silence. Even when 20 young children are blown away in their classrooms.  …

“Now it’s down to you. It is your country. These are your gun laws. And the senseless slaughter will only end when enough Americans stand together and cry, ‘Enough!’ I look forward to that day. I also look forward to seeing you all again soon. Thank you. And God bless America. Oh, and while I’m at it, God bless Great Britain too. Good night.

Morgan was not only a ratings disaster for CNN, he was a public relations disaster. For years the left-leaning network had tried to fool audiences into believing CNN is unbiased. Morgan’s unrelenting anti-gun hysteria ripped the mask off the entire network.

It wasn’t just that Morgan was bizarrely desperate to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of Americans, it was that CNN allowed him to berate guests who disagreed with him, exploit the victims, and obsess over the issue long after the American people had moved on.

Morgan’s anti-gun crusade was also seen by many as nothing more than an attack on rural, mostly-Red State Americans — or just another manifestation of CNN’s well-documented cultural bigotry towards Middle America.

Morgan never demanded that handguns be banned, even though handguns are far away responsible for most of America’s gun murders. Instead Morgan targeted the semi-automatic rifles used mainly in rural America as “assault weapons” for his anti-civil rights campaign.

CNN is now left with two weekday primetime hours to fill.

No replacement for Morgan has yet been announced.

Apparently, CNN finally figured out that nothing is indeed better Piers Morgan.

[H/T Breitbart: ]

CNN Lays Off 40+ Senior Journalists

(Breitbart) — The Financial Times reports that more than 40-plus senior journalists have just been laid off at CNN and its sister network, HLN. Most of the layoffs occurred in November, were concentrated in Washington, Atlanta, and New York, and, according to CNN, mostly involved those already closing in on retirement.

One person fired, however, was a pregnant producer just two weeks away from giving birth.

CNN claims that by the end of the year they will have actually increased the number of people working for them. A spokesperson told the Financial Times that around 100 new people will be added to the staff and that the network is not “abandoning news by any stretch of the imagination,” but merely “expanding the definition of news.” The Financial Times adds:

However, Mr Zucker’s moves have so far failed to lift CNN’s audiences in prime time, the crucial evening period when television networks generate most of their advertising revenue. The network continues to lag behind Fox News and recently hit a 20-year low in prime time ratings.

Nielsen revealed that CNN’s ratings for the key 25 to 54 year old demographic slumped last week to their lowest level since May 2012, with CNN averaging 78,000 viewers for the whole day and 98,000 in prime time.

CNN has been moving away from its brand and the standard definition of news for some time now, a move that thus far has resulted only in low ratings and the network becoming a punch-line.


[H/T Breitbart]

‘They Died For Nothing?’: Marcus Luttrell Hits Back at CNN Host, Watch the Tense Exchange Around 3-Minute Mark

(The Blaze) — Former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell pushed back at CNN’s Jake Tapper after the host suggested in an interview that the “lone survivor’s” fellow veterans died for nothing.

“One of the emotions that I felt, while watching the film is first of all the hopelessness of the situation — how horrific it was and also just all that loss of life of these brave American men,” Tapper said in an interview that aired Friday.

“And I was torn about the message of the film in the same way that I think I am about the war in Afghanistan itself,” he added. “I don’t want any more senseless American death. And at the same time I know that there were bad people there and good people that need help.”

Watch the tense interview (comments come at around 3-minute mark):


uttrell hit back.

“I don’t know what part of the film you were watching, but hopelessness really never came into it,” he said, shifting in his seat. “I mean, where did you see that? Because there was never a point where we just felt like we were hopelessly lost or anything like that. We never gave up. We never felt like we were losing until we were actually dead.”

“I don’t know what part of the film you were watching, but hopelessness really ever came into it.”


“Just the sense of all these wonderful people who died,” Tapper replied. “It seemed senseless. I don’t mean to disrespect in any way, but it seemed senseless — all of these wonderful people who were killed for an op that went wrong.”

“We spend our whole lives training to defend this country and then we were sent over there by this country — so you’re telling me because we were over there doing what we were told by our country that it was senseless?” Luttrell asked. “And my guys — what? They died for nothing?”

“No,” Tapper replied.

“That’s what you said,” Luttrell countered. “So, let me just say, it went bad for us over there, but that was our job. That’s what we did. We didn’t complain about it.”

(H/T: Mediaite)

Ted Cruz: Smacks Down CNN’s Candy Crowley, Addresses Obama’s Enacting Saul Alinsky’s Rule #12 [Rules for Radicals]

We have stated repeatedly on CA that Barack Obama is abiding to Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules of Radicals in his first term, and especially his second term of office.  Senator Ted Cruz specifically addressed the Democratic theatrics led by Obama and his radical dogma, during the government shutdown.

Sunday, Ted Cruz provided a lesson in how to handle a liberal-progressive, partisan, journalist in an interview when Candy Crowley came armed with Democrat talking points and tries at every opportunity to apply Saul Alinsky’s rule 12 … “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cruz, refused to play her game, he didn’t allow Crowley to make up her own facts (or use actual facts skewed to fit her own argument to support the Dems), and he turned her use of Alinsky’s #12 and her parroting the Dems’ party line right back on her. Cruz keeps nailing her over and over (This is seen starting at the 12:10 mark).

Mark Levin: CNN Reveals Benghazi Bombshell, This Could be a Huge Break to Expose Coverup

The recent news that CIA operatives are getting polygraphed was reported yesterday, is now gaining traction and could be huge. CNN has uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA, as dozens of CIA operatives were reported on the ground during the Benghazi attack. If this story (CNN report) is accurate, it will be an absolute ‘block buster.’