Tag Archives: china

China Joins Forces With Russia Against U.S.

(Western Journalism) – As Russian military action escalates in the Ukraine, the weakness of American influence is being highlighted on the world’s stage. The White House reported this weekend that Russia is “in an occupation position in Crimea,” a Ukrainian peninsula reportedly being bombarded with more than 6,000 air and naval forces.


Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to visit Kiev this week to meet with Ukraine’s current leaders.


While American leaders offer rhetorical support for Ukrainian opposition forces, China has recently emerged as a Russian ally in the takeover.


Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, announcedMonday that he and Wang Li, who holds an equivalent position in China, discussed the ongoing occupation of Crimea, describing “broadly coinciding points of view” regarding the issue.


In addition to America and Canada, several European nations issued a statement indicating they “condemn the Russian Federation’s clear violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.”


William Hague, Britain’s foreign secretary, is already in Kiev and called the current action this century’s biggest European crisis.


“It’s impossible to be optimistic at the moment,” he asserted. “We’re not in any position to be optimistic about the security situation and what is happening in the Crimea.”


Russia, which has military capabilities that best the Ukraine in virtually all respects, is now further emboldened by its alignment with China. The Russian parliament authorized President Vladimir Putin to use force in the region Saturday, leading to an operation that took place as millions of Americans were watching the Oscar awards Sunday evening.


It remains to be seen what, if any, support China might offer in Russia’s action. Likewise, America has yet to offer any firm response to the ongoing dispute.


Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk remains defiant, however, insisting the nation will “never give up Crimea to anyone” and imploring Russian occupiers to leave the area.


Still, an alliance between China and Russia in any military operation is cause for concern around the world. As Trevor Loudon, a political activist and author from New Zealand, reportedin the recent Western Conservative Conference, both nations have hinted at both the capability and desire to potentially engage in military action against the U.S.


Meanwhile, the Obama administration is determined to continue shrinking American armed forces and driving up our national debt, making our potential retaliation to such threats woefully inadequate.

[H/T Western Journalism: B. Christopher Agee]

Prominent New Zealander Warns Of Rapidly Retreating American Military

This weekend, I spoke at the Western Conservative Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. (And it was a pleasure to meet all of the Capitol Hill Daily readers in attendance!)

Many of the speakers at the conference focused on domestic problems, but the discussion turned chilling when we probed threats to peace and security around the world.

In one session, I shared the podium with Trevor Loudon, a native of New Zealand. I was fascinated by his unique perspective. Despite not being from the United States, he spoke with more passion about America and her strategic defenses than most Americans ever would.

You see, Loudon is worried about what will happen as America continues retreating from world leadership and allowing her military to be further degraded. It could be the ugliest retreat since the first war in recorded history, almost 5,000 years ago.

Loudon stated emphatically that a world with America in retreat is a more dangerous world, especially in regards to China. He reminded the audience that the leadership of China is still Communist. He admonished us to “not believe the propaganda that Red China has goodwill toward America.”

“They would collapse you in a minute, if they felt they had the strength and leverage to do it,” he said.

Trouble in the Pacific

Loudon is thankful because he believes that New Zealand would’ve been occupied by the Japanese during World War II without America’s help.

You see, while Japan was busy conquering the islands in the Pacific, most of New Zealand’s military was in Britain fighting the Germans. So the United States stepped in to help… and as the two countries fought together in the Pacific Theater, they gradually forged a strong relationship.

Today, Loudon believes that China wants to replicate Japan’s dominance of the Pacific Ocean… and that’s only possible if the United States gives up the ground.

Unfortunately, Loudon sees a United States in full retreat; and he’s greatly distressed by Barack Obama’s foreign policy of appeasement.

On top of that, the Chinese are on the march in the Pacific. “Fiji is now pretty much a Chinese client state. Tonga is well on the way,” he shared. “If the United States goes under, we all go down. China will rule our region with an iron fist.”

Americans are mostly familiar with recent Chinese moves to cow Japan. But many of the nations in the region – from Vietnam to the Philippines and beyond – are concerned about China’s attempts to bully its neighbors.

In fact, China has already furnished money to build or redevelop ports in Sri Lanka and Pakistan, which are parts of a web of Chinese maritime installations called the “String of Pearls.” The String of Pearls conveniently surrounds China’s traditional Asian adversary, India.

Most of the nations that are concerned about China see the United States as the only countervailing force. But if America continues to retreat and weaken her defenses, many of these countries will have no choice but to cut independent deals with China and its governing entity, the Communist Party of China.


[H/T Western Journalism]

Is Obama Planning a Communist D’état In 2016?

According to a recently released top secret document by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the NSA intercepted phone calls and emails of representatives of a staggering 197 countries during a December 2009 United Nations conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Yet, according to a report by the Huffington Post, the most shocking aspect of the spying was that it appears the Chinese had access to the same information as the NSA! It appears the NSA was actually sharing information with the Chinese!

Could the Obama administration actually be in bed with the People’s Republic of China? According to details exposed in Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video, not only could Obama be in bed with the communist Chinese, but Obama may in fact be planning a communist coup d’état at the end of his term in 2016!

[H/T Western Journalism]

U.S., China Agree to Work on Climate Change

(Reuters) – China and the United States, the world’s top emitters of greenhouse gases, pledged on Saturday to work together to attenuate the effects of global climate change.

China and the United States will work together … to collaborate through enhanced policy dialogue, including the sharing of information regarding their respective post-2020 plans to limit greenhouse gas emissions,” according to a U.S.-China joint statement issued at the end of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s whirlwind Beijing visit.

The two sides “commit to devote significant effort and resources to secure concrete results” by the Sixth U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue later this year, the statement added.

“Both sides reaffirm their commitment to contribute significantly to successful 2015 global efforts to meet this challenge,” the statement said.

International talks to try to agree on a successor to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, the first and only international agreement to tackle climate change, are due to be held in Paris next year. The United States never ratified the Kyoto deal.

A new global pact might include pledges on curbing greenhouse gas emissions and measures to enable the poorest nations to adapt better to climate change.

Kerry welcomed Chinese cooperation.

“This is a unique, cooperative effort between China and the United States and we have hopes that it will help to set an example for global leadership and global seriousness on the issue of next year’s climate negotiation,” Kerry told reporters before departing for Jakarta.

“China and the United States will put an extra effort into exchanging information and discussing policies that will help both of us to be able to develop and lead on the standards that need to be announced next year for the global climate change agreement,” Kerry said.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in a report last September they were more convinced than ever that humans are the main culprits for global warming, and predicted the impact from greenhouse gas emissions could linger for centuries.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the study was a call for governments, many of which have been focused on spurring weak economies rather than fighting climate change, to work to reach a planned U.N. accord in 2015 to combat global warming.

Ban is seeking to re-energize the global climate change debate and boost the U.N.’s role. He has appointed former New York city mayor Michel Bloomberg, former Ghana president John Kufuor and former Norwegian prime minister Jens Stoltenberg as special envoys on climate change.

[H/T Rueters]

Video: Is Obama Setting Up America For A Chinese ‘Red Dawn’ Invasion?

Would it surprise you to know there were large contingents of Chinese troops on American soil last year? Not until a video was leaked of Chinese troops training at Fort Shafter, Honolulu, Hawaii did the Obama administration come out with the obvious lie that they were taking part in a “drill.” The drill—dubbed GridExII—simulated the detonation of a massive nuclear warhead high above the skies of the United States, creating a giant EMP that took out the U.S. electrical grid, communications, and banking services.

Except the Chinese are in fact developing an EMP weapon according to classified documents.

Except the Chinese have been openly bragging about how their new DF-41 nuclear missile—with a staggering twelve warheads—can cripple the United States in a mere thirty minutes.

These events do not indicate Obama is in collusion with the communist Chinese, planning a takeover of the U.S. But add the fact that Obama is fervently trying to disarm the American public. Add the fact that the Obama administration is buying up billions of rounds of ammunition, leading to a nationwide shortage. Add the fact that Obama has instructed the National Guard to run “drills” deeming Second Amendment supporters as domestic terrorists—one must ask: Is Obama opening up America for a Chinese “Red Dawn” Invasion.

[H/T Western Journalism]

Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy: An Utter Failure

(American Thinker) — Looking back on President Obama’s foreign policy, many wonder what the “Obama Doctrine” actually means.  He is inconsistent and appears to be weak in the eyes of the world.  Although his rhetoric tries to state otherwise, al-Qaeda is re-emerging, Iran seems to have its way with this administration, and the president has allowed Russia as well as China to become obstructionists.  American Thinker interviewed intelligence experts to comment on this administration’s foreign policy.

In a major foreign policy speech, while running for president in July 2008, candidate Obama outlined his goals: “Instead of alienating ourselves from the world, I want America — once again — to lead … I will focus this strategy on goals essential to making America safer: ending the war in Iraq responsibly; finishing the fight against al-Qaeda and the Taliban; securing all nuclear weapons and materials from terrorists and rogue states; achieving true energy security; rebuilding our alliances to meet the challenges of the 21st century… [and] to engage China on common interests.”

Evaluating these goals, it seems that the president has pretty much failed.  Congressman Tom Rooney (R-Fla.), a member of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, HUMINT, Analysis, and Counterintelligence, told American Thinker, “You’d be hard-pressed to argue that the [resident has achieved any of the major foreign policy goals he laid out as a candidate.  Part of that is a failure of leadership since he assumed office, and part of that was his naiveté as a candidate, with no experience on the world stage other than speech-giving, making promises that simply could not be kept.”  The breakdown of his goals can be seen regarding certain areas.

Russia has been allowed to sabotage issues vital to America’s national security.  Vladimir Putin wrote an op-ed in the New York Times and recently lectured Americans on the necessity of the NSA, clearly taking advantage of the president’s ability to lead from behind.  This is from someone who has given asylum to Edward Snowden.  All those interviewed felt that Russia might have had a role in helping Snowden because it would be very naïve to think that he would have acted alone.

It seems President Obama does not understand how Putin operates, being able to take advantage of openings given to him by the U.S.  Michael Hayden, the former CIA director, still considers Russia down and out, yet the Russians attempt to “act as a great power even though they don’t have the wherewithal of a great power.  I said recently this guy plays cards really well, since he only has a pair of threes in his hand.  Because of our stumbling, we have given Putin the opportunity to act more dominant than he should.  For example, in Syria, we gave them the opportunity to become a player in the Middle East again because of our incompetence and inaction.  The Syrian ‘red line’ statement and the aftermath was just an embarrassment showing how inept we were.  What makes it harder to work with them is the fact that someone like Putin, with his KGB experience, suspects all American actions as a plot to weaken Russia.”

China appears not to respect or fear the US as evidenced by their recent actions in the South China Sea and the Hainan Island. Everyone interviewed is afraid that China is miscalculating the fact that America is still a great power with the strongest military in the world.  Hayden cannot understand China’s recent actions because it “alienated everyone in the neighborhood and causes the US to put more weight on that part of the world.”

What is very fascinating is that Americans are extremely concerned and upset with the “spying by the NSA,” but there is not a large outcry about Chinese espionage.  Hayden commented, “A consequence of this Snowden thing is that all the pressure is off the Chinese here and internationally.  Everyone is blaming us now while the Chinese keep on doing their thing.”

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA), a member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, regards President Obama as showing no leadership when it comes to engaging the Chinese economically.  “The president is not pushing two agreements, the Trade Promotion Authority, and the Trans Pacific Partnership, that would put formidable pressure and force the Chinese into making a decision.  With the implementation of these agreements along with an agreement with the European Union, we would have two-thirds of the world’s economy on board.  The Chinese could either join or sit on the sidelines as they watch the other nations have an easier flow of goods to buy and sell.”

In 2008, President Obama spoke of preventing rogue nations from nuclear capabilities but has currently entered into a six-month agreement with Iran that is not credible.  He is negotiating from a position weakness.  He did not get the Iranians to crank back their nuclear program, did not tighten the sanctions, and appeared desperate to get an agreement.  According to Elliott Abrams, a former Middle East advisor, this agreement “kicks the can down the road not just this year, but for the next three.  This allows the president to say, ‘I said they wouldn’t, and they didn’t.’  I think psychologically and diplomatically, the Iranians have the upper hand.  These partial piecemeal deals will slowly and surely undue the sanctions while they slowly and surely advance the Iranians nuclear program.  The Iranians do not have an impression of us as a power to be reckoned with.”

Which is why Abrams and the others interviewed cannot understand why this administration has worked so hard against the Senate sanction resolution.  They actually see it as something to use in the negotiations to get Iranian concessions.  Abrams is upset because he feels that the Iranians have no desire to restrain themselves.  “They have continued their presence in Syria, have been caught shipping arms to Bahrain, and the most atrocious is when the Iranian foreign minister laid a wreath at the grave of a terrorist that killed a huge number of American soldiers.  This is a remarkable insult to the US as they stuck a finger in Obama’s eye.  In addition, the Iranians continue their vicious and insulting rhetoric toward Israel as they play the public relations game with the West.  There is something wrong with this picture.  It is obvious they feel triumphant.”

Candidate Obama wanted to end the war in Iraq responsibly.  Congressman Rooney sarcastically notes, “The president inherited a successful surge strategy for Iraq, but now al-Qaeda controls large portions of the country, which many of our troops gave their lives to secure.  I wouldn’t call that a responsible end to the war.”  Congressman Nunes agrees and wonders why the president did not insist on maintaining well-fortified bases on the outskirts with special ops units.  He believes that not being able to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement was a way out for this administration, since “they kept saying Iraq was the wrong war and they had pledged to pull out the troops.  How stupid was that, considering al-Qaeda is back and the Iranians are now using that airspace to bring weapons to Syria?”

The War on Terror is far from over.  The president did not decimate al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or Islamist extremists.  Congressman Nunes believes that America has dropped the ball regarding this fight.  He does not buy into the rhetoric that “core” al-Qaeda was devastated and that there are now splinter groups that must be dealt with.  He insists, “To differentiate between these groups is ridiculous.  The administration spun these new references to get re-elected and it stemmed from the Benghazi disaster.  First this administration said the Benghazi attack was not terrorism, then they said it was terrorism but not al-Qaeda, and now they say it was not core al-Qaeda but splinter groups.  They can attempt to change the rhetoric all they want, but everyone knows radical Islam is radical Islam.  All the groups are related, work towards the same goal, and believe in the same ideology.  It is obvious that al-Qaeda has adapted and changed.”

Hayden feels that the U.S. is losing more influence in the Middle East as the fundamentalist Islamists make more of an impact.  He sees them “controlling, dominating, shaping, and creating events.  We see how the Fundamentalists have taken over many of the revolutions in the area.  Just look at Syria, the Sinai, Libya, and Yemen to name a few.  I can’t point to any successes for us here.”

All interviewed would not give Obama high marks regarding his foreign policy decisions and certainly do not think he achieved his goals as outlined in July 2008.  Hayden said, “The American brand has suffered.  No one knows what this president’s broad strategic vision is that guides policy.”  Congressman Nunes ventured to say, “The worst part of his legacy will not be the economy, but what he has done internationally.”  Abrams wishes the president would be clear about regimes that are “monstrous and evil.  Obama needs to speak clearly and realistically as Reagan did about Russia.”  Congressman Rooney stated, “Neither our allies nor our enemies can predict when this administration will want to intervene, when they’ll stand firm, when they’ll back down.  Foreign policy under president Obama is ad hoc, contradictory, and unpredictable.”

Perhaps the best way to summarize the president’s foreign policy is that he has failed to achieve his outlined 2008 goals, because he lacks leadership and displays weakness.

[H/T American Thinker]

CHINA NOW OWNS US (U.S.) WITH RECORD DEBT: Holdings of U.S. Treasuries Increased to $1.3 trillion in November

(Info Wars) — China’s holdings of U.S. Treasuries increased $12.2 billion to a record$1.317 trillion in November, data released on the Treasury Department’s website showed.

The figures, scheduled for release at 9 a.m. tomorrow in Washington, were inadvertently posted on the Treasury’s website. Japan’s holdings rose $12 billion to $1.186 trillion, the figures showed.

China’s swelling foreign-exchange reserves, reported today to have reached a world record $3.82 trillion at the end of December, may sustain the nation’s appetite for U.S. debt. Capital inflows and intervention to limit gains in the yuan have contributed to China building up currency holdings that are a third of the global total.

“Large interest-rate differential and steady appreciation of therenminbi contributed to large arbitrage inflows into China, a situation made all the more easy with China’s increasing financial integration and renminbi internationalization,” UBS AG Hong Kong-based economist Wang Taowrote in a report on China’s data.

China’s pace of foreign-exchange reserve accumulation will be slower this year due to the Federal Reserve’s monetary tapering, likely widening of the yuan’s trading band and tighter controls on arbitrage activities, Wang said.

Early Release

A Treasury spokeswoman said that because of an error, limited amounts of data were posted on the department’s website ahead of the official release, and were removed as soon as it was discovered. The full November 2013 data will be released as previously scheduled at 9 a.m. tomorrow, she said.

The yuan this week reached 6.0406 per dollar, the strongest since the government unified the official and market exchange rates at the end of 1993. The latest data on China’s foreign-currency holdings contrasted with Yi Gang, a deputy governor at the central bank, saying in November that it was “no longer in China’s favor to accumulate foreign-exchange reserves.’

The U.S. data showed net long-term portfolio investment outflow was $29.3 billion in November after a revised inflow the month before of $28.7 billion, the Treasury’s figures showed. The total cross-border outflow in November, including short-term securities such as Treasury bills and stock swaps, was $16.6 billion, after a revised inflow of $188.1 billion in October, the data showed.

The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) gained 2.8 percent in November. Investors in Treasuries lost 0.4 percent that month, according to Bloomberg World Bond (BUSY) Indexes. The Bloomberg U.S. Dollar Index, a gauge of the greenback’s value against 10 major currencies weighted by liquidity and trade flows, gained 0.9 percent in November.

[H/T Bloomberg]

Chinese Troops Have Landed on U.S. Soil — Drills Ensue

A total of 680 People’s Liberation Army soldiers from China have already arrived on U.S. territory boasting to Americans several massive naval warships in preparation for this weeks joint China/U.S. humanitarian-assistance drills taking place in the waters off Diamond Head Tuesday.

Chinese Troops on US SoilPEARL HARBOR (INTELLIHUB) — Humanitarian-assistance drills will take place starting Tuesday and continue on through Nov. 17th off the shore of Diamond Head, simulating the relief of a third-world nation after a devastating earthquake. The drills will be held in tandem with joint U.S. naval forces in the South Pacific waters of Hawaii.[1]

While Washington has been selling the exercise as the improvement of foreign our ties with the Chinese, skeptics claim that these drills are an outright violation of the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Chinese media was said to have reported the event as a first in military history, raising the eyebrows on some Americans and even Veterans just after Veteran’s Day.

The Huffington Post reported, “The guided missile destroyer Qingdao, a frigate and a supply ship were welcomed with performances by lion dancers and a children’s hula group. The ships carrying 680 officers and sailors will participate in the exercise on Monday with the USS Lake Erie in waters off Waikiki and Diamond Head.

The exercise is an important way for the two navies to share information about operations so they don’t misinterpret movements and potentially start a conflict, said Brad Glosserman, executive director of Pacific Forum at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.”[2]

Some have even speculated that the Chinese Troops have arrived as part of the GridEX II drills which also coincide with the naval training dates in Hawaiian waters.

UNLEASH THE BEAST: Charles Krauthammer Gives Advice to Obama, Launch Cyber War on China

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com


This is a story that has kept under the radar, but nevertheless warrants our attention — the cyber war with China continues to escalate and Obama thus far has done nothing about it. It’s time to act now before this becomes a huge detriment.

It’s time for the United States to “unleash the beast” and launch a counterattack against China in the ongoing cyber war, which has so far been “one-sided,” syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said on Thursday.

“The line is crossed. We are in cyber war. But it’s one sided,” he said. “This is really interesting. It’s a very damaging issue. It is intellectual property, damaging our economy and now as we learn in this report, damaging our national security with high tech weapons are compromised.”

Krauthammer noted that the U.S. has been “passive” regarding China’s cyber attacks. He said America was also “passive” with terrorism before 9/11.

“I think we really have to unleash the beast here and to counter attack,” he added. “Now, here is the problem: With terrorism, you don’t allow individuals to go out and to counter attack freelance. We have organized army and units. I think what we ought to be thinking about is units who operate in the government, under the government certain agencies who will launch cyber attacks against the Chinese as a deterrent as a way to say– because the Chinese don’t take any of this seriously.”