Tag Archives: canada

One Small Step for the DHS, One Giant Step for the New World Order: Department of Homeland Security, United States… and Canada and Mexico?

While defending the NSA’s massive spying programs during a Wednesday briefing, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) held up an NSA chart identifying the “Homeland” as the United States…Canada and Mexico.

DHS US, Canada, Mexico

The Atlantic Wire, the first publication to notice the map’s discrepancy, reports:

You may also be surprised to learn that our homeland now includes both Mexico and Canada, two areas that we understood to be autonomous nations that are not part of the United States. Normally, this would be written off as a design goof, as one of the NSA’s (newly adept) graphics guys using a little more light blue than he ought.

This being the NSA, we’re not inclined to offer that benefit of the doubt. Is this a way of blending in Canadian and Mexican terror activity disruptions (which, we’ll remind you, is different from actual plots interrupted) to give a larger sense of the NSA’s success at halting terrorism within our borders?

We don’t and can’t know, of course, since the information about almost all of these 54 events is classified. Just know that the homeland is safe — be it Tampa, Toronto, or Tijuana — and that it’s all thanks to the NSA.

Watch the video proof below: