Tag Archives: Blasphemy

Muslim Family Try to Kill Their Own Daughter After Marrying a Christian

Islam only allows Muslim males to marry non-Muslims. However, when it comes to a Christian boy marrying a Muslim girl, it becomes a non-bail-able offense and a serious threat to Islam, punishable by death under Shariah law for the girl. Pervaiz Rafique Masih is a victim of this suffocating society with Pakistan.

Islam: Blasphemy Laws

Pervaiz Rafique, a Christian man and Saima Rasheed, his Muslim girlfriend were in love. On August 11, 2013, Pervaiz and Saima left their village and got married. When the parents of Saima heard this news, they threatened the Christian family that if they did not produce Saima within one day, they would kidnap the female members of Pervaiz Rafique’s family. They then publicly announced that when Saima is returned to them they would kill her for marrying a Christian and this will be a lesson for the other girls too. This is what the Shariah law espouses; many in the west call this “honor killing.”

The family of Pervaiz Rafique constantly received ongoing threats from the police and Muslim clerics. Saima’s family abducted Perviaz’s nephew in order to get information about the runway couple.

The 15 year-old boy Nayyar Masih (Nephew of Pervaiz) was badly tortured. After they tortured him, they threw him in front of his house and threatened the family, stating that if they were unable to produce the girl and boy, every woman in the family would be abducted. So, on midnight of August 13, 2013, the family of Pevaiz Rafique Masih left the village seeking refuge from the threats of violence.

Then the police registered FIR (criminal complaint) against the Pervaiz Masih and started search operations for his arrest. Imagine it being a criminal offense in America for marrying someone of a different faith.

We have observed that no one objects when Christian girls are kidnapped and raped – sometimes gang raped and sodomized by Muslim men. However, when a Muslim girl falls in love with a Christian boy, it becomes a matter of honor for the Muslim community. This is pure discrimination, bigotry and racism.

Two weeks ago, Pervaiz and Saima [who has now embraced Christianity] reached out to us for shelter and support; both were frightened by the police and the banned Islamic terrorist organizations. RESCUE CHRISTIANS immediately relocated the couple to the safe place for their protection. We would request you to keep praying for Pervaiz, Saima and the many other persecuted victims in Pakistan.

We are very grateful for the generosity of our readers and donors who have made it possible to help the victims of the terrible times these Christians live in and suffer under, in Pakistan. If you are not currently a donor and would like to us to help more people from persecution, please click here.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]