Tag Archives: Barry Soetoro

Barack, Shmarack: What’s in a Name?

Over the years, Josh has gone from Jo-Jo or Joshy to Joshua.  Sam and Sammy to Samuel.  Hy to Hyman, and Toby to Tobetha.  And locker-room nicknames judged offensive back to given names.  We know dozens more of the same transmutational shifts.

What’s going on?

In each case, the friendly diminutive has been rejected and given up for the more austere given name on the birth cert.  In some cases, real names have been elongated or extended or subtly nuanced to add cachet to names deemed too easy, too accessible, too unpapal.  So Cal might have become Calvin; Vickie becomes Victoria.

Our president, meanwhile, has gone from his “birth certificate” given names to a series of fanciful and/or step-parent and marriage-related transitional identities, from Barack to Barry, from Obama to Soetoro — and now, for the elections and subsequent, back to his originals.

But we aren’t speaking here of  unmarried or briefly married mothers shifting husbands and assigning new last names to their small-fry males, nor of the convenience names assumed by a student consumed with über-ambitious goals and  providing himself cover as he leap-toads from school to school, community organizer to community…disorganizer.

We are looking at adults deciding that chicken-soup and apple-sauce nomenclatures don’t serve in the buttoned down second decade of the 21st century.

When you ask friends, remind associates, that you are no longer Lenny, but rather Leonard, not Dougie, but Douglas, you are taking yourself in hand, announcing that you are now officially in business as an adult, putting aside childish things, and along with it the calls to shared events and experiences that tagged friendships with these newly self-named old friends now adjusted to reflect the rigors of adult life.

You don’t mess with guys who have removed those ies and llys (or for females, adding an i at the end of names that heretofore ended in y) from their names.  You operate with them from an entirely different premise.

First, you have to retrain your mouth to say the full names, deleting the habitual tail on names used since back-lot baseball at six years old.  Next, you have to straighten your backs mentally and grope with more adult greetings and perhaps requests.  The old gang is not confrontable if the old gang has used Wite-Out on their kid-names and associations.

It’s a little analogous (a little) with the way we greet former spouses or exes.  You slept with them; you shared all sorts of juices and anguishes and sloppiness and drippy pizza.  But once you are divorced or living apart, you pretend you are cucumbers, never let bygones encroach on the much more together self you have now cobbled together.  So you chill and do this dance of sangfroid, feigning total control and managerial mastery over the jelly that is sometimes congealing in your legs and stomach.

It’s a trick, and though everyone plays it, and everyone knows the reality is that the subterranean hollows sometimes shout in the vast spaces of heart chambers injured or alone, we all pretend to the coolth.  Like the Richard Gere or Julia Roberts, we are forced into those dread moments.  Acting all fine.  Oh, yeah, we were married for that decade, yeah.  Uh, so, we are well healed and hardly recall those hundreds of nights, those shared vacays, those kid-swaddlings and middle-of-the-night emergency false calls…

If you’ve never broken off with intimate partners, you won’t have a reference point.  But most people have trodden that pavement, and know whence those twinges and pains cometh on sudden meetings-up.

Back to name extensions: we are essentially doing the same thing with going back to the formal selves we were dubbed at birth, in those overwhelming cases where responsible parents gave real names to their chubby cherubs, and not the  peculiar off-hand directional nouns or fruit-beast-or-toolshed monikers some parents think are just so dope of late.

Our president has gone the long route around to come back to his full three-name handle.  For so long, he left off the middle name, Hussein, as arguably problematic.  Evidently, his wranglers thought it echoic of that troubling dictator and monster, Saddam Hussein, of unblessed memory.

The president did, indeed, probably leverage his African-Muslim names to good effect, as he campaigned around the country with his clever deflationary “I know I have this funny name that’s hard to pronounce” and took the sting out of the low-information voter’s inchoately asking how come we were fighting people with the same middle and last names as this upstart.  Not dissimilarly, the conflation of enemy #1 for a long while, Osama bin Laden, with Obama [Been Somewhere], provided fodder for a few late-night throwaway  jokes.  At least, until OBL was found and dispatched to his watery grave.

But our  childhood and latter buddies, our former campmates and schoolchums, are trying to make full adults out of cuddly pet names we used for them and with them.  We can work to acknowledge their efforts to exalt themselves from the kiddie past to the promising, square-shouldered mantle of adulthood.

[H/T American Thinker]

DHS Insider: Connecting the Dots, The Coming Chaos From the Obama-Soertoro Playbook

(Homeland Security US) — 23 April 2012: America and the world today is in chaos. Wars, rumors of wars, high gasoline prices, increasing food prices, growing divisions among races and between classes, current and impending financial collapses dominate the headlines. Critics and detractors of Barack Hussein Obama claim that it is a result of his failed policies that our house and much of the world is in such disarray. Investigation into the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II and the people behind him suggests otherwise.


The chaos that presently exists domestically and across the globe is destined to get worse, but it’s not due to Obama’s inexperience or failed policies. Rather, it is the direct result of the implementation of his successful policies. The chaos in which we find ourselves is exactly what has been planned for decades. Chaos is the tactic, the means to an end, and not the result of failure of policy by the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II.

We have seen only the tip of the full frontal assault of the chaos planned for this country. Actually, we haven’t seen anything yet.

Connect the dots

Investigative findings suggest that our present state of disorder was crafted long ago, compliments of a shadowy cabal of government leaders and their often unwitting lackeys, complicit media moguls and their eye-candy mouthpieces, and ideologues intent on changing the United States and thus the world. While this might sound like a bad fictional plot from the film noir genre, a good bit of investigation indicates otherwise.

Before dismissing such musings as delusional fodder, carefully consider the current state of our country – and the world – and start connect the dots, stepping backwards chronologically. As you do, understand that the traditional right-left political paradigm with which we’ve been indoctrinated no longer exists, except as a distraction to the viewers and listeners of political talk shows hosted by highly paid ornaments who dutifully adhere to narrow scripts of approved show content.

The “necessity” Obama-Soetoro narrative

Our founding fathers had the vision to understand that the biggest threat to our Republic is from within. That’s the reason that the founders placed a natural born restriction clause for President at the time the U.S. Constitution was drafted.  They understood that there was a contemporaneous threat from a Trojan Horse president, as well as a future threat, despite the other checks and balances constructed within our government. Over time, however, communist influence in our schools and media continued to dilute the literal interpretation of the Constitution. Such revision changed or ignored history altering events, such as the infiltration of Communists into our federal government in the post World War II era. History has been revised. As the famous novelist George Orwell once stated, “He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.” That has never been so true as today.

Since 2008, coherent discussion of the bona fides of Barack Hussein Obama II as they relate to his constitutional eligibility has been declared off limits, except to mock and marginalize those who bring up the issue. His association with communists, socialists and other “radicals” has been deliberately downplayed, revised and in some cases, rewritten. This, thanks to the incestuous corporate ownership of big media, who has collectively ensured that legitimate discussion into the legend that is Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro has been effectively nullified. Unfortunately and in many cases, it paychecks over patriotism.

Who is Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro?

To fully understand what is taking place today and more importantly, what is being planned for tomorrow, we must identify the actors involved in fomenting chaos. Let’s first consider the meteoric rise of the virtually unknown community organizer Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro.

People who have questioned his constitutional eligibility to hold office, known by the pejorative term “birthers,” are a troublesome lot among for the Progressives and the establishment Republicans. The issue, however, extends well beyond the Constitutional formality of where Obama was born, as the formal admission that his parental lineage, as questionable as it still is, officially denies him eligibility of the office.

This is not about the Certification of Live Birth, however, as much regarding this has already been written, except for this: any seasoned investigator experienced in conducting background investigations knows that there is no valid substitute for the actual authenticated paper document. When there is an outright refusal to allow for a legitimate inspection of an actual document, combined with an overt redirection of investigators’ attention away from the hardcopy form, there is always something being hidden. Always.

Based on extensive research and investigation, this investigator has identified at least 135 legal actions brought against Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro by plaintiffs demanding authenticated evidence of his eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States. These actions span various venues, from hearings in various courts and before administrative law judges, to the more recent state ballot challenges. In each instance, “team Obama” prevailed.

In many cases, legal giant Perkins Coie defended Obama against these lawsuits. Perkins Coie made headlines in 2006 when they represented Salim Ahmed Hamdan, the alleged driver and bodyguard of Osama Bin Laden.

According to legal financial documents, Obama paid Perkins Coie over $2.5 million in fees to defend him on a variety of issues from October 2008 through the end of 2010. It is unclear exactly how much of that $2.5 million was earmarked for defending Obama against eligibility challenges.

So, from this investigator’s perspective, along with Mike Zullo, lead investigator of the Maricopa County, Arizona Cold Case Posse tasked with conducting a law enforcement sanctioned background investigation of Barack Hussein Obama II, it can be concluded that we do not know the legal name or legal status of the individual holding the highest elected office in the United States.

If an American citizen lies to a federal official, they can be charged with a felony. What happens when a federal official lies to the American people? Nothing, it would appear.

Therefore the question still remains: Who is Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro?

Beyond the birth issue

Some will continue to deride those who adhere to the importance of the Certification of Live Birth. Supporters of “Obama the American” are a prolific and vocal bunch, yet become silent or full of excuses as questions are naturally extended to his refusal to release other records of relevance that would provide valuable and necessary insight into the man currently at helm of our nation.

Obama-Soetoro has repeatedly refused to produce documentation that former presidents have traditionally provided. In the case of Obama-Soetoro, his passport records, school records from kindergarten forward, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, his Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records and schedules (reportedly “lost”), medical records, important family records including the Obama/Dunham marriage license and divorce documents, and any adoption records remain off limits.

From the perspective of an investigator, there are compelling reasons for Obama-Soetoro to keep these records private, and none are likely to bode well for the putative president. In total, releasing authenticated documents of all of the above would create an accurate historical profile of the man in the Oval Office, which we do not have. Instead, we have the Obama-Soetoro legend, manufactured by… whom? And why?

I pledge allegiance to…

Consider that Obama is, in part, an artifact of the intentional “Balkanization” of America. Look at the historical immigration policies, the intentional lack of enforcement of illegal immigration, and other related issues and question why. Globalists have been constantly attacking our national identity and culture well beyond what was intended and engraved on the Statue of Liberty.

The legend of Barack Hussein Obama II involves much more than a Certification of Live Birth. It’s about the very issue our cautioned by our founders. It’s allegiance to the United States of America and the survival of our nation as a free, Representative Republic.

The founders believed that a natural born citizen would be more inclined to have a “natural” allegiance to the country in which they were born and the principles on which our country was founded. they would protect our freedoms, the rights of citizens, and side with America in international disputes. Are we seeing this in the narrative of Barack Hussein Obama II?


Another question involves the unprecedented contributions made to Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. The amount is somewhere between $650 to $750 million, depending on the source, and a lot of that money reportedly originated from outside of this country. Is this what the founders intended? What strings came with such contributions?

On the morning of Obama’s first day in office of January 21, 2009, one of the first, if not the first phone call he made as American leader was to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Less than five months later, on June 4, 2009, Obama kicked off his American apology tour in a speech at Cairo University in Egypt, co-hosted by Al-Azhar University. Obama “honored” a promise made during his presidential campaign to give a major address to Muslims from a Muslim capital during his first few months as president. To date, Obama has not yet stepped foot in Israel, our only democratic ally in the Middle East.

The list could continue ad nauseum and include the recent statement of collusion made in front of a “hot” microphone to the Russians about missile defense. There are numerous other examples that can be used to question the true allegiance of the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II.

Perhaps most troubling, however, is what we are seeing played out on our domestic front. Recall that history has been revised to downplay Obama’s associations with Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Radhid Khalidi, Jeff Jones, and many other communist, socialists, Leninists and Marxists revolutionaries. Recall their objectives, and put them in perspective to current events.

“Our primary task is to build a Marxist-Leninist revolutionary movement. The American system is racist, capitalist and imperialist. We must arm ourselves. I believe we are going to have a revolutionary change in society. -Michael Klonsky 1969 SDS Center, Washington, DC (with Bernadine Dohrn and Allen Young)

Revolutionaries thrive on chaos. Protests offer opportunity to spread chaos and in nearly every protest, trained agitators of the Progressives appear on site to inflame passions, foment disorder and violence.

This putative president and the powers behind him knew the consequences of fueling the Arab Spring, from our role in Tunisia to Egypt and the chaos that would result. Equally important, he knew the ramifications that would result from his polarizing statements pertaining to the Trayvon Martin case, and the racial divide that would be exacerbated.

He knows the results of our oppressive domestic energy policy, which are exacerbating the economic divide within the U.S. and the societal upheaval that will result.

He knows the results of our unlimited monetary printing presses that will bring our economy to its knees. So emboldened is Obama, that he continues to work with Jon Corzine of MF Global, the man behind the missing $1.6 billion of American’s money. He knows that the economic collapse of America is coming. He knows that there will be riots in the streets.

Is he preparing for it? Yes, but not in the manner that a truly American president should.

Obama, the Emperor

Consider recent executive orders and other executive actions as “big dots” in our dot connecting exercise. The importance or relevance of these executive orders in our normal existence have either been downplayed or ignored by the media, and are subject to ridicule when brought up in political discussions. After all, they’ve been standard procedure since 1789.

DOT: On Friday, April 13, 2012, Obama signed an executive order titled ” Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas Resources.” This order is a stepping stone for the takeover of the natural gas (and related) industry. Moreover, it creates an oversight group headed by Ceclia Munoz, chairman of the White House Domestic Policy Council who connected to globalist George Soros and a number of other socialist groups antagonistic to private U.S. energy production.

DOT: On Friday, March 16, 2012, Obama signed the order on National Defense Resources Preparedness, which dramatically expanded the Defense Production Act of 1950, and essentially gives Obama the power to take over our national resources and infrastructure for reasons that are no longer limited to times of war or declared states of national emergency.

DOT: On February 9, 2012, Obama signed Executive Order 13600, “Establishing the President’s Global Development Council,” which is an enhancement of the 2010 National Security Strategy and the Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development. In short, it is internal subjugation to a global agenda, or global governance.

DOT: Consider that the Department of Homeland Security recently acquisitioned 450 million rounds of .40 caliber ammunition (an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity, one year contract with 4 option years). Hollow points, as well, which are not used for target practice. Also consider that the Department of agriculture has ordered 326,000 rounds of mixed caliber ammunition this month as well.

DOT: Consider that the executive branch has the unfettered authority to execute American Citizens deemed “a threat.”

DOT: Several unconfirmed reports indicate that the Department of Homeland Security have ordered Mine Resistant Anti-personnel Carriers (MRAPs) for deployment in the United States.

DOT: During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in March, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey openly admitted that their authority comes not from the U.S. Constitution, but they take their orders from the United Nations and NATO, international bodies over which the American people have no democratic influence.

DOT: Consider other reports of FEMA quarters being readied here in the U.S., ostensibly for disaster relief and protection of its citizens. In consideration of everything else taking place, can we afford to take their word for this “preparation?”

Readers can fill in numerous other “dots” unaddressed here. The point is that it would appear that final preparations are being made not necessarily for the protection of our citizens, but against them. By a man in the Oval Office whose legal name we do not know, and whose allegiance is suspect at best.

Get ready Americans. Understand the playbook.

[H/T Homeland Security US]

OBAMA BOMBSHELL: Mia Marie Pope Friends with Barry in High School, Says He “Portrayed Himself as a Foreigner” and a Crack-Smoking Homosexual

[H/T Freedom Outpost]: James Manning recently interviewed a high school friend of Barack Obama, who claims to have known him back in the 1970s as Barry Soetoro. Mia Marie Pope says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner and a crack-smoking homosexual.

Ms. Pope was born in 1963, in California, and moved with her family to Hawaii when she was still an infant. Pope claims that she did not meet or see Barry Soetoro until about 1977. She said that she, Barry and other kids would hang out at the beach at Waikiki.

Mia Marie Pope says that Barry Soetoro “always portrayed himself as a foreign student.”

While Soetoro was a little older than her and didn’t always run around with the circle of friends that she had, Pope says that he “very much was in sort of the ‘gay community,'” which she says that even back then was “thriving.”

“We knew Barry as, just common knowledge, that girls were never anything that he was ever interested in, and as a young teenager….as a young girl…..it was clear to me that Barry was strictly into men,” Pope said. She also indicated that she had no desires for him and said that they didn’t get along, largely in part to the fact that he was “a pathological liar, even back then.”

Pope said that Soetoro’s lies were “egotistical” and always to “boost himself.” She referenced Barry “bumming cigarettes,” and said that as soon as someone would give him a cigarette, he would instantly turn and walk away, after he had gotten what he wanted. In Pope’s words, “He seemed to be incapable or genuine about anything.”

Ms. Pope said that Barry Soetoro was always “getting with these older white men.” She recognized that he was one that had cocaine, which she said was “newsworthy” in the groups she hung out in. They then began to believe it was Soetoro’s engagements (ie. Homosexual acts) with these older white men is how he “procured” cocaine.

“In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys, and that’s how he was getting his cocaine to be able to freebase,” she told Manning.

Mia Pope also said that she actually saw Obama dress up as a transvestite. She remarked that it was during the era of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, starring Tim Curry, that this took place.

When asked by Manning why she came forward, and others were not, she said that because she it is a Christian and deeply concerned about her country. She says that if Barack Obama was doing a “good job” today, then she would not worry about his past. She wondered when Obama first came on the scene if he had, in fact, “changed his ways.” Apparently, according to Pope, he had not. Pope said that she didn’t care about his homosexuality or the fact that he used drugs in the past, but was concerned about who he was as an adult.

Pope says that her willingness to come forward has taken courage, and she believes it is “righteous” to speak out against Barack Obama.

“I refuse to be a coward,” she added.

Ms. Pope also says that she had called the Federal Bureau of Investigations several times to expose Barack Obama’s use of fake Social Security numbers, and nothing was done about it. This took place several years ago.

Pope said that when Barry’s name began to be pushed forward as Barack Hussein Obama, she though there was “something shady” going on.

She was familiar with the claims of Larry Sinclair, the man who claimed prior to the 2008 elections that he had a homosexual relationship with Barack Obama and the two had smoked crack cocaine together. Sinclair was killed in a hit and run in November of 2011.

Pope also said that for Obama to have attended the school he did, Punahou high School (which he graduated from in 1979), required a lot of money and it required that he start from kindergarten, but seeing that he was entering mid-level; she believes that he must have had “something stellar” which allowed him to get in, especially when he was “fresh from Indonesia.”

Manning suggested that Obama’s involvement with older white men is what got him into Punahou, and Pope seems to agree, though she used a reference to the CIA or some “force” that got Obama “set up” at Punahou. “It was certainly not a natural thing,” she said.

They both agreed that has been the way things happened for young Soetoro from Punahou to Occidental to Columbia to Harvard. Pope pointed out that interviews were conducted with those who were in the same classes at Columbia that Obama was supposed to be in and not a single person remembers him being there!

When Dr. Manning asked Pope why she thought that Larry Bland, Nate Spencer and Donald Young (all member of the church Obama attended, Trinity Church of Christ, where Jeremiah Wright pastors) were all killed within days of each other in Chicago, she said that she believed Obama’s handlers like what he is doing to the country. Therefore, in her opinion, they have kept a lid on these murders.

Imposter Proof: Occidental College Recalls ‘Barry’ Obama with Records to Prove it

Investor Village reported: The smoking gun evidence that annuls Obama’s presidency is Obama’s college transcripts regarding his application for and receiving of foreign student aid.  Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. The transcript from Occidental College shows that Obama (Barry Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship (scholarship) for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program – an international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government.  Grants are available for U.S. citizens to go abroad and for non-U.S. citizens with no U.S. permanent residence to come to the U.S.  To qualify, for the non-US citizen scholarship to study in the U.S., a student applicant must claim and provide proof of foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama’s detractors have been seeking.  The United States Constitution requires that Presidents (and Vice Presidents) of the United States be natural born citizens of the United States.

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”Obama Transcript

Obama hasn’t met and doesn’t meet the basic qualifications for the presidency – must be natural born citizen.

Obama has been named in dozens of civil lawsuits alleging he is not eligible to be president, with many filing a criminal complaint alleging the commander-in-chief is a fraud.

The filed indictments disputes Obama’s eligibility to be president under the U.S. Constitution which requires that eligible candidates for the United States presidency be “natural born” citizens.

U.S. soldiers including a general refuse to recognize Obama as their Commander in Chief since he is not a U.S. citizen. The soldiers have challenged Obama’s legitimacy by filing federal lawsuits against Obama.

On such soldier was U.S. Army Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook who was given orders to deploy to Afghanistan. Cook refused to deploy stating that he shouldn’t have to go because Obama is not a U.S. citizen and therefore not legally President and Commander in Chief.  The military revoked the orders with no reason given.  Speculation is that Obama would rather not see this thing go to court before a judge!

“In the 20-page document — filed with the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia — the California-based Taitz asks the court to consider granting his client’s request based upon Cook’s belief that Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States and is therefore ineligible to serve as commander-in-chief of the U.S. Armed Forces,” the Ledger-Enquirer reported.

Cook “would be acting in violation of international law by engaging in military actions outside the United States under this President’s command. … simultaneously subjecting himself to possible prosecution as a war criminal by the faithful execution of these duties,” Taitz stated.

Obama says he was born in Hawaii in 1961, just two years after it became a state.

There are many lawsuits and claims that Barack Obama was never eligible to be president because he wasn’t born in the United States. And there is credible evidence that suggests he is not legally eligible to serve as President of the United States.

Obama Occidental Recall

Newspaper print of LA Times – Occidental recalls ‘Barry’ Obama

Numerous official government documents records Obama being legally registered as Barry Soetoro. School registries shows the registration of Barack Obama under the name Barry Soetoro. During his Occidental College days he is registered as Barry Soetoro. An entry in the journal of the California assembly in reference to grants given to foreign exchange students (this official government document lists Obama as a foreigner not a US citizen. A US citizen wouldn’t qualify for foreign exchange student funding) states Obama as Barry Soetoro from Indonesia.

The first name of a child is always the same from birth. If throughout his childhood Obama went by the first name of Barry then legally his birth name would have to be Barry. In order to register any child for school an official birth certificate must be presented. To receive a government grant proof of citizenship and birth must also be submitted. All of the evidence is stating that Barack Obama’s legal first name is Barry not Barrack.

A biography of Obama’s Occidental College days states that when Obama was 18-19 he attended school as BARRY SOETORO. And it wasn’t until he met a girl by the name of Regina that Obama started using the name Barack.  Regina was the first to start calling him Barack.  There seems to be no record of Obama legally changing his first name from Barry to Barack.

While being sworn in as an attorney in the State of Illinois, Mr Obama had to provide his personal information under oath. He was asked, if he had any other names, he responded none. In reality, he used the name Barry Soetoro in an entry in the journal of the California assembly in reference to grants given to foreign exchange students. Mr. Soetoro/Obama clearly defrauded the State Bar of Illinois and perjured himself while concealing his identity. Anybody else would’ve been disbarred for this and the matter would’ve been forwarded to the district attorney for prosecution for perjury and fraud, however nothing was done to Mr. Obama. More importantly, why did he conceal his identity?

If Obama didn’t legally have his name changed from Barry to Barack then the birth certificate he passed to Congress is a fake, a forgery.  If his name was registered as Barry Soetoro even though Obama claims his real name is Barack Obama then Obama defrauded the state of California in order to receive college funding.  Obama knowingly presented a false document to the state wherein he claimed to be a foreign student in order to illegally acquire financial aid.

U.S. Code


§ 1015. Naturalization, citizenship or alien registry

(a) Whoever knowingly makes any false statement under oath, in any case, proceeding, or matter relating to, or under, or by virtue of any law of the United States relating to naturalization, citizenship, or registry of aliens; or
(b) Whoever knowingly, with intent to avoid any duty or liability imposed or required by law, denies that he has been naturalized or admitted to be a citizen, after having been so naturalized or admitted; or
(c) Whoever uses or attempts to use any certificate of arrival, declaration of intention, certificate of naturalization, certificate of citizenship or other documentary evidence of naturalization or of citizenship, or any duplicate or copy thereof, knowing the same to have been procured by fraud or false evidence or without required appearance or hearing of the applicant in court or otherwise unlawfully obtained; or
(d) Whoever knowingly makes any false certificate, acknowledgment or statement concerning the appearance before him or the taking of an oath or affirmation or the signature, attestation or execution by any person with respect to any application, declaration, petition, affidavit, deposition, certificate of naturalization, certificate of citizenship or other paper or writing required or authorized by the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, citizenship, or registry of aliens; or
(e) Whoever knowingly makes any false statement or claim that he is, or at any time has been, a citizen or national of the United States, with the intent to obtain on behalf of himself, or any other person, any Federal or State benefit or service, or to engage unlawfully in employment in the United States; or

(f) Whoever knowingly makes any false statement or claim that he is a citizen of the United States in order to register to vote or to vote in any Federal, State, or local election (including an initiative, recall, or referendum)—

This evidence is sufficient to annul the presidency of Obama.   Official Occidental College transcripts registered with the state declares that Obama is an impostor.