Tag Archives: Barack Hussein Soebarkah

Barack Hussein Soebarkah: In Two Places at the Same Time?

The 44th President of the United States is, of course, Barack Hussein Obama II.

Barack Hussein Obama II has also been known by names such as Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, and Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah).

To be sure, only supposed madmen note that the name “Soebarkah” originated in very tight spatiotemporal proximity to the operations of a cult called “Subud” that was founded by a Muslim named Mohammad Subuh — a cult wherein personal name changes were the order of the day.

That Soebarkah’s mother associated with members of the cult, and that, some 45 years later, a leader of the cult (Deliana Loretta Fuddy) would be the first non-medical doctor in the state of Hawaii to run the State’s Department of Health (and therefore have custody over Soebarkah’s long form birth certificate) is, shall we say, rather odd — but nothing more than that, except to the most determined and deluded of conspiracy theorists.

Conspiracy theorists might add that cult leader FuddyBarack Hussein Soebarkah: In Two Places at the Same Time?, relatively soon after her certification of Soebarkah’s origins, apparently perished in a plane crash survived by everyone on board including the cult leader herself — until the cult leader, post-collision, poetically disengaged a hand and was swallowed by the ocean.

But, this is truly sheer madness — all of it; there’s simply no denying it.

And yet, the depths of the madness inspired by the most transformative of presidents remain unfathomed — even by the most ardent of conspiracy theorists.

You see, there are certain very queer facts about the nameshifter that not even the most ardent conspiracy theorist will want to deny.

Astoundingly, it would appear that Soebarkah could be in two places at the same time.

Re-acquaint yourselves, if you will, with the Soebarkah version stamped May 3, 1990.  On that date, as reflected by the Illinois Daily Herald, we have Soebarkah in his typical, comfortable, “Barack Obama” uniform.

He’s talking, of course, about stopping “racism” at its core and how bored he is with the suburbs, but we also hear:

Obama moved to Southeast Asia at age 2 when his parents divorced and his mother married an Indonesian.  Until the fifth grade, Obama attended Indonesian schools, where most of his friends were the sons of servants, street peddlers, and farmers (emphasis added)

Got that “until the fifth grade” part?

Now the LA Times, March 19, 1990 (prepare yourself; it’s another tear-jerker):

Born in Hawaii, where his parents met in college, Obama was named Barack (blessed in Arabic) after his father. The elder Obama was among a generation of young Africans who came to the United States to study engineering, finance and medicine, skills that could be taken back home to build a new, strong Africa. In Hawaii, he married Obama’s mother, a white American from Wichita, Kan.

Two years later, Obama’s parents separated and he moved to a small village outside Jakarta, Indonesia, with his mother, an anthropologist. There, he spent his boyhood playing with the sons and daughters of rice farmers and rickshaw drivers, attending an Indonesian-speaking school, where he had little contact with Americans.

Every morning at 5, his mother would wake him to take correspondence classes for fear he would forget his English.

It was in Indonesia, Obama said, where he first became aware of abject poverty and despair…

After six years in Indonesia, Obama was sent back to the United States to live with his maternal grandparents in Hawaii in preparation for college. It was then that he began to correspond with his father, a senior economist for the Kenyan finance ministry who recounted intriguing tales of an African heritage that Obama knew little about (emphases added.)

So, after six years in Indonesia preceded by two Hawaiian years before the separation of BHO I and Stanley Ann Dunham divorce (but click here for an interesting perspective on the BHO I//Dunham “marriage”),  Soebarkah returns to the states to “prepare for college.”

OK, let’s just leave aside the “prepare for college” at what must have been a very early age nonsense — or, was it such an early age?

Never mind.

Instead, direct your attention to this October, 2008 text from Hawaii Business:

Now, kids from Hawaii’s public schools can also claim ties to the Democratic presidential nominee. I acquired the picture below from Winifred (Wakai) Otaguro, who was in Ms. Sakai’s kindergarten class at Noelani Elementary School in 1967. Otaguro’s mother, Betty Wakai, had written the names of most of the kids in the class on the back of the picture. Her writing identifies the first little boy in the third row as “Barry Obama.” Obama’s sister Maya Soetoro-Ng confirms that the boy is Obama, however, the Department of Education has been unable to find his records.

You will note that the Hawaii Business link features a 1967 Noelani Elementary School photo of the kindergartener “Barry Obama” (Soebarkah??) in the third row.

I thought we were told that Soebarkah was in Indonesia at kindergartener age?

Upon reflection, though, there is obviously no problem here.  Soebarkah, by way of a highly classified Subud incantation, perhaps simply folded time and space and was in both locales at once.

Or, was he a kindergartener preparing for college — genius supreme that he incontrovertibly is?

Or not.

Of course Soebarkah himself did not fold time and space; of course he is not a genius supreme.

The genuine, non-conspiratorial explanation is much more mundane.

Soebarkah lived in Indonesia, then appeared in Hawaii for a very brief spell, then moved right back to Indonesia, and then back to Hawaii again.

We can confirm this by consulting Department of Education records.

Except we can’t, of course, because by mere happenstance the Department of Education “has been unable to find his records.”

Perhaps instead we could simply examine the 1965 passport of Stanley Ann Dunham?  Nope; the State Department informs us that Dunham’s passport materials were destroyed as a matter of routine.

Clearly, these sorts of thing often happen.

Just as it frequently happens that the National Student Clearinghouse — responsible for collegiate education verification — goes back and forth on a whether a person was enrolled at an institution for one year or two years — as it did with Soebarkah.

And, literary agents often, out of nowhere, suppose that their US born clients were in fact born in Kenya.

In addition, and just as unquestionably, the passports of presidential candidates with rock solid identities are breached every election cycle.

In view of the foregoing, it should be obvious that everything is cool with Soebarkah’s Social Security Number, his Selective Service card, and so on; only racists and those who oppose amnesty think otherwise.

Any conclusions to the contrary obviously amount to nothing more than conspiracy theories — racist aspersions cast upon a president whose identity is as constant and known as Ronald Reagan’s was.

[H/T American Thinker]

Barack Hussein Soebarkah?: Obama Linked To Indonesian Cult (Video)

(American Thinker) — One of the unexplained mysteries in the scanty documentation of the early life of the 44th President of the United States is the appearance of the name Soebarkah as his last name on an official document filled out by his mother.

In a recent contribution to American Thinker, Nick Chase offers very persuasive evidence that the long-form birth certificate released by Obama is a forgery.

While in the midst of developing an argument supporting the idea that Obama was adopted by the Indonesian Lolo Soetoro, Chase states:

Finally, we have Stanley Ann Soetoro’s 1968 application to extend her 1965 passport (now destroyed) for an additional two years, as shown in Figure PPA.

On the second page of the application, Ann moved to exclude her son Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah) from her passport, but the item has been crossed out — perhaps on the advice of the consulate in Jakarta, as this would have left seven-year-old Barry passportless — so it didn’t happen.

The appendage “(Soebarkah)” has never been satisfactorily explained by anyone, and I certainly don’t know what “Soebarkah” means, but it does seem to indicate a name change or change in citizenship status for the boy.

Clearly, just what constitutes “a satisfactory explanation” varies with respect to persons, subject matter, context, and so forth.

And yet, there is a very good — and simple — explanation for the seemingly random appearance of the sobriquet “Soebarkah” on Mother Soetoro’s passport application.

Believe it or not, the reason may be linked to one Loretta Fuddy.

Yes, that Loretta Fuddy — the Hawaii state health director who approved the release of Obama’s long-form birth certificate and who has apparently succumbed to a nasty case of post random plane crash induced arrhythmia.

Ann Soetoro and Loretta Fuddy appear to have one very odd thing in common: both have been linked to the Subud cult, which originated in, of all places, Indonesia and was founded by the Javanese Muslim Muhammed Subuh.

The smallish cult appears to have had, at least circa 2001 and according to this profile of sorts in the Honolulu Advertiser, 20,000 members worldwide.   Notice the picture of Deliana Fuddy, then “regional helper” and member of the faith?  Let’s return to her Subud status in a second.

Note also that the World Subud organization seems to have been based in, of all cities….wait for it…Chicago.  Indonesia…Chicago…Hawaii… three locales linked to Obama’s life.

Next, observe that the Advertiser article states that Subud was introduced to Hawai’i in the 1960s (more on this in the conclusion).

Now to Ann Soetoro.  She was linked to Subud by her biographer (and New York Times reporter) Janny Scott (Harvard ’77) in the book A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother,” reviewed by the New York Times here.

Loretta Fuddy was more than merely a follower of Subud; she worked her way up the ranks and became chairwoman of Subud USA, based in Seattle from 2006 to 2008, and was known to Subud not merely as Loretta Fuddy, but as “Deliana” Loretta Fuddy.  In fact, you can see that in its headline, the official Subud “memorial” page drops “Loretta” and refers simply to “Deliana” Fuddy.

Ann Soetoro’s close association with members of the Subud cult will be documented below. But first, note in passing that of all the persons — Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, Hindu, or you-name-it  —  that could have been installed as Director of the State Department of Health in Hawaii, Hawaii alighted on Fuddy — a leader of a small cult with roots in Indonesia and connections to Ann Soetoro — Obama’s mother.  Second, observe that Fuddy assumed the Director position in Hawaii in January 2011, just a few months before the release of Obama’s long form birth certificate.

Now to Ann Soetoro’s links with Subud and to a brief discussion of the Barry “Soebarkah” mystery associated with Ann Soetoro’s 1968 passport renewal application.

Read the following excerpt from SubudVoice in 2011 (and please note that I have italicized a couple of sentences to emphasize that the Subud “Staff Reporter” is drawing on material from Janny Scott’s biography of Ann Soetoro; they aren’t simply making an anonymous, empty assertion that can’t be substantiated.)

Obama’s mother and Subud

By Staff Reporter…

A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother,a biography of the mother of US President Obama, Ann DunhamSutoro, contains several references to Subud. As is generally known Obama lived with his mother in Jakarta for some years…

Arianne (no second name) wrote to me to say, “Talked to Irin Poellot who is reading the book about Obama’s mother and has already run into several literal mentions of Subud!!! I remember the late Mansur Madeiros mentioning he knew her in Indonesia and he is mentioned in the book! I can’t help wondering if we will get inquiries about Subud since it is mentioned often in a book which probably will be widely read. It also is a delicious fact that our Subud sister, Ms Fuddy, just was appointed to her post in the Health Dept in Hawaii in time to be involved in the documentation of fact that Obama was born there.”

I wrote back asking for more specific information and Arianne replied, “Irin kindly supplied some quotes:In chapter 4 “Initiation in Java” the Subud members are quoted. And then (on page 116): “…she (Ann) was hired to start an English-language, business-communications department in one of the few private non profit management-training schools in the country.”

Ann “found a group of young Americans and Britons enrolled in an intensive course in Bahasa Indonesia, the national language, at the University of Indonesia recalled Irwan Holmes, (a member of the original group). She was looking for teachers. A half dozen of them accepted her invitation, many of them members of an international spiritual organization, Subud, with a residential compound in a suburb of Jakarta..”

And ……Mohammad Mansur Madeiros, a reclusive and scholarly Subud member from Fall River, Massachusetts, and Harvard, whom Ann hired as a teacher, had immersed himself so deeply in Javanese culture, language and religion that friends nicknamed him Mansur Java. When he died in 2007, friends recalled his preference for the company of ordinary Indonesians –street vendors and becak drivers — over that of other Subud members and expatriates.”

But what might the Ann Soetoro, Deliana Fuddy, Subud links really have to do with the sobriquet Barry Soebarkah?

To help answer that, transport yourself backward in time and sit at the feet of the Indonesian Subud master Bapak circa 1963:

Question:1 Many people in Subud change their names. Is this necessary? Is it important? How does the change of a name affect us? Physically, spiritually or both?

Bapak: Brothers and sisters, whether it is necessary or not depends on what you want….

If changing one’s name for “spiritual reasons” was something frequently done by followers of Subud’s Bapak, and Stanley Ann Soetoro was in fact closely associated with Subud, it is reasonable to suppose that “Soebarkah” arose in the same way new names for others (like “Deliana” Loretta Fuddy?) associated with Subud did: as a matter of course depending on the case.

Readers might agree that the above is a quite reasonable account of the origin of Barry “Soebarkah.”

But there is something else.  The above biographical material bonds Ann Soetoro to Subud members via an English language, business communications department post.  According to the New York Times here, that would have been around 1970 or 1971.  However, the passport renewal application with the name “Soebarkah” dates to 1968.  This suggests that either the “Soebarkah” handle came from nowhere, or that matters are as we have discussed and that Ann Soetoro in fact came to Subud before 1970 — perhaps in Hawaii.

Clearly, we might want to recall that the above linked Honolulu Advertiser Subud profile indicates that Subud was introduced to Hawai’i in the 1960s.

In closing, the Ann Soetoro’s 1968 passport renewal application raises the spectre of  possible Obama birth certificate fraud yet again.  Have a look at page 2 of the document:


“Sorebarkah” appears in the section labeled “Amend to Include (Exclude) Children.”

The name Barack Hussein Obama (Sorebarkah) is crossed out.

Nick Chase has concluded that this signifies that Ann Soetoro had improvidently decided to exclude Barack from her passport renewal.   Chase thinks that Soetoro changed her mind about exclusion after having been informed by the Consulate that doing so would leave Barack passportless.

But there is another possibility — one just as valid on its face.

What if Soetoro was trying to include Obama in the renewal, but she wasn’t able to produce a birth certificate, and the Subud name “Soebarkah” just didn’t do the trick? (hat tip Louise Hodges for the “inclusion” possibility; one can’t be certain why she did not link the inclusion possibility to Soebarkah).

That could  explain why the name Subud name “Soebarkah” appears nowhere else (that we are aware of anyway),

Of course, we might then have to wonder exactly how Obama did his traveling at certain points in time, but then perhaps Subud is, at least at times, more than a mere cult?

[H/T American Thinker]