Tag Archives: AT&T

AT&T Is Selling Out Call Data to the CIA for $10M in Double-Cross

[H/T Intellihub News]: The communications giant AT&T is said to have accepted payments of up to $10 million from the Central Intelligence Agency for the turnover of private caller data according to a recent report.

AT&T has voluntarily accepted at least $10 million in payouts from the C.I.A. allowing the ultra secret spy agency access to the massive caller database network and all records therein.

AT&T Sell OutAccording to a report by Charlie Savage, “The program adds a new dimension to the debate over government spying and the privacy of communications records, which has been focused on National Security Agency programs in recent months. The disclosure sheds further light on the ties between intelligence officials and communications service providers. And it shows how agencies beyond the N.S.A. use metadata — logs of the date, duration and phone numbers involved in a call, but not the content — to analyze links between people through programs regulated by an inconsistent patchwork of legal standards, procedures and oversight.”[1]

Now some fear that the C.I.A. has bypassed specific U.S. laws which prevent domestic spying, by colluding on a deal that uses AT&T as a private corporate liaison thus circumventing laws enacted previously. It’s a down and dirty trick that outright deceives the American people and has some like myself disgusted at AT&T’s thought process.

To boot, it is also believed that AT&T maintains contracts with the National Security Agency as well, demonstrating the Orwellian nature of the police state that is now engulfing our once great nation.

“In all cases, whenever any government entity anywhere seeks information from us, we ensure that the request and our response are completely lawful and proper,” said AT&T in a statement to CNNMoney. “Like all telecom providers, we routinely charge governments for producing the information provided. We do not comment on questions concerning national security.”[2]

“As a matter of longstanding policy, the CIA does not comment on alleged intelligence sources or methods,” the CIA said in a statement. “The CIA protects the nation and upholds the privacy rights of Americans by ensuring that its intelligence collection activities are focused on acquiring foreign intelligence and counterintelligence in accordance with U.S. laws.”[2]