Tag Archives: american revolution

Larry Klayman: ‘This Government, Under Obama, Is Seeking To Enslave Us’


Larry Klayman has been outspoken and given his fair share of warnings, that armed rebellion might be necessary to fight Barack Obama’s efforts to enslave the American people.

‘It’s not a new phenomenon that Obama’s taken it to a much higher level he’s now included the entire American populace all the citizens of this country are under surveillance.’

‘Now what does this guy have in mind?’ 

‘This government, under Obama, is seeking to enslave us, to make us as prisoners and if we complain the warning is: you’ll be destroyed. This is our opportunity to peacefully legally wage a second American revolution. Our country’s been taken from us. We don’t have it anymore. We don’t have the freedoms the John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin and others fought for, they’ve been removed and this is the chance the peacefully use the courts to try and take the country back.’

‘Now if these judges who were appointed here in Washington, federal judges, don’t follow the law then we’re back to 1776, God forbid. But that’s where we’re being pushed, the American people are being pushed up against the wall and unless our institutions our judicial institution, start working and representing the American people, there’s going to be catastrophe in this country, I don’t want to see it but that’s what’s gonna happen.’