Tag Archives: Affordable Care Act

Dump Reid … and Boehner

(WND) – In the immortal words of Oscar Hammerstein’s king of Siam, “Is a puzzlement.” Everything from the media’s silence when it comes to Benghazi to liberal voters not being even slightly perturbed by Obama’s constant lies about the Affordable Care Act, or the fascistic activities of the IRS, leaves my head spinning.

A reader of mine we’ll call Ray sent me six contradictions that sum up the thinking of progressives, or at least what passes for thinking in those bizarre quarters. It begins: “One, America is capitalist and greedy, and yet half the population is subsidized. Two, half the population is subsidized, yet they regard themselves as victims. Three, they think they are victims, yet their representatives run the government. Four, their representatives run the government, yet the poor keep getting poorer. Five, the poor keep getting poorer, yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about. Six, they have things that people in other countries only dream about, yet they want America to be more like those other countries.”

It seems that in spite of Nancy Pelosi predicting that the Democrats will be running on Obamacare this November and Obama’s running victory laps over the number of alleged enrollees, Obama keeps trying to pivot the discussion from his signature piece of legislation to the economy. Good luck with that. Nothing like bragging about fewer people holding down full-time jobs than when there were 30 million fewer of us than there are today, and with the promise that between Obamacare and a higher minimum wage there will be between 3 and 5 million fewer people employed in 2016 than there are today.

When a reader named William let me know that terrorist-cum-professor-cum Barack Obama’s best bud, Bill Ayers, was the scion of a very wealthy family, I wasn’t too surprised. In America, as in Western Europe, communists often emerge from a life of privilege. They feel that their status, though not earned, is fully deserved and entitles them to dictate how others should be forced to live.

In my own extended family, we had a number of poor communists and an equal number of wealthy, obnoxious, knuckleheads who never stopped parroting fanciful lies about the glories of the Soviet Union. Those relatives without money were a lot easier to stomach because as wrong-headed as they were, they weren’t hypocrites living a lie and they weren’t arrogant.

Speaking of the rich, while I am delighted to see the Koch brothers donating a ton of cash to electing Republicans to the Senate, I would love to see them finance a campaign to recall Harry Reid. Considering the role Reid has played in promoting Obamacare, the fact that Nevada has the highest unemployment rate in the nation and that he is very much involved in the Bureau of Land Management’s attempt to seize Cliven Bundy’s cattle ranch so that his cohorts can erect a solar panel power station on the property, I would think persuading Nevadans to dump the walking cadaver would be both easy and delightful.

Lest anyone think I am merely a mouthpiece for the GOP, let me say that I would also enjoy seeing John Boehner gone from the scene. The rest of us know that the prime purpose of these numerous congressional committee hearings is to get the Republican chairmen face time on TV, not to get to the bottom of the endless scandals in which this administration has become embroiled. But Bonehead Boehner continues to dither around, refusing to appoint special counsels with the power to jail perjurers, while the scandals fade, gather cobwebs and ultimately fall off the radar, much like that Malaysian jetliner.

Everyone but anti-Semites will readily acknowledge that until the Palestinians agree to at least recognize Israel’s right to exist, no U.S. president is going to see positive results from his attempts to broker a peace agreement. So why do they keep trying to place a dead horse before a broken cart? As with immigration reform, until an actual wall is erected along our entire southern border, it is nothing but a phony political football for Democrats and Republicans to kick around at election time.

Finally, according to a Bloomberg report, divorce is actually a boon for the economy. The report points out that when a couple call it quits, there is a need for moving vans, a second household with new furniture and dishware and, of course, paydays for two sets of lawyers.

I expect that the next Bloomberg report will point out the glorious financial advantages of death, what with the need for cosmeticians, gravediggers, casket makers, florists, hearse drivers and, where needed, professional mourners.

[H/T WND: Burt Prelutsky]

Pelosi won’t run on Obamacare: ‘While we’re proud of the Affordable Care Act, we now pivot to jobs’

(The Daily Caller) – While Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi took an Obamacare victory lap Tuesday afternoon, she appeared hesitant to make the law the central plank in her party’s push to win in 2014, telling reporters that “while we’re proud of the Affordable Care Act, we now pivot to jobs.”

Pelosi appeared in front of the White House to extoll the expected 7 million Obamacare sign-ups the administration reached before the quasi-deadline on March 31. But when a reporter asked the California congresswoman whether this represented “vindication” and a “turning of the tide” on the unpopular law, she stopped short of declaring Obamacare a winning issue.

“Well let me just say, those of us who fought for this knew what we believed in and really don’t think we needed any vindication,” she responded. “We just had to protect it from those ideological anti-government people who didn’t want to see it succeed — for ideological, or political or whatever those reasons are.”

“Taking the heat on something like that — well, that’s what we do,” she bragged. “That’s like, all in a day’s work.”

And regarding Obamacare’s power to help Democrats in 2014?

“We’ll see,” she shrugged. “I think the fight for the election — elections are always about jobs. So I think that while we’re proud of the Affordable Care Act, we now pivot to job creation.”

“Which is — you know, the bill creates — will create 4 million jobs,” she added. “This is a jobs bill — we never advertise that — it’s a deficit reducer, it’s a job creator. And again, it is affordable, quality care. So maybe it just clears the air a bit so we can have a fuller discussion of jobs. And that’s a place where Republicans have been totally bankrupt in terms of their suggestion.”

Breitbart reports that the White House and Democrats attempted their last “pivot” to jobs in November. Pelosi’s announcement marks the 22nd time a national Democratic leader has tried to reset their party’s focus on unemployment and other economic issues.

[H/T TheDailyCaller: Brendan Bordelon]

Shock Claim: Obamacare Cancelled My Mother’s Cancer Treatment and Forced Her to ‘Buy a New Plan That Would Accelerate Her… Death’

(TheBlaze) — The implementation of the Affordable Care Act has been for many in Washington, D.C., a frustrating and embarrassing experience. Indeed, from the glitchy healthcare.gov website to unflattering hearings on the law’s rollout, the execution of the ACA has been anything but smooth.

But for many Americans living outside the nation’s capital, Obamacare has been a lot more than frustrating.

Take, for example, the story of Stephen Blackwood, president of Ralston College in Savannah, Georgia.

Blackwood in an op-ed published Sunday in the Wall Street Journal said his mother, who was diagnosed with carcinoid cancer in 2005, reportedly lost her health insurance because of Obamacare.

And now she allegedly can’t get treatment for her cancer.

“(I)n November, along with millions of other Americans, she lost her health insurance,” Blackwood said. “She’d had a Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan for nearly 20 years. It was expensive, but given that it covered her very expensive treatment, it was a terrific plan. It gave her access to any specialist or surgeon, and to the Sandostatin and other medications that were keeping her alive.”

Sandostatin is a drug that slows tumor growth. It also helps combat fatigue, nausea and gastrointestinal dysfunction, he explained.

But with the implementation of President Obama’s law, Blackwood’s mother lost access to what could be a life-saving drug.

“Her old plan, now considered illegal under the new health law, had been canceled,” Blackwood said.

And that was only the beginning.

“Because the exchange website in her state (Virginia) was not working, she went directly to insurers’ websites and telephoned them, one by one, over dozens of hours,” he said. “As a medical-office manager, she had decades of experience navigating the enormous problems of even our pre-ObamaCare system. But nothing could have prepared her for the bureaucratic morass she now had to traverse.”

His mother eventually tracked down and signed up for a plan that she hoped would fit her needs.

“The enrollment agent said that after she met her deductible, all treatments and medications—including those for her cancer—would be covered at 100%. Because, however, the enrollment agents did not—unbelievable though this may seem—have access to the ‘coverage formularies’ for the plans they were selling, they said the only way to find out in detail what was in the plan was to buy the plan,” he said.

Having exhausted all other options, she reportedly went ahead and signed up for the plan and was approved on Nov. 22.

But in January, she saw her that plan still had not updated on her online Humana account.

So she called to see if her plan was active and was told over and over again that she didn’t have anything to worry about.

Then it happened.

“(O)n Feb. 12, just before going into (yet another) surgery, she was informed by Humana that it would not, in fact, cover her Sandostatin, or other cancer-related medications. The cost of the Sandostatin alone, since Jan. 1, was $14,000, and the company was refusing to pay,” Blackwood said.

“The news was dumbfounding. This is a woman who had an affordable health plan that covered her condition. Our lawmakers weren’t happy with that because . . . they wanted plans that were affordable and covered her condition. So they gave her a new one. It doesn’t cover her condition and it’s completely unaffordable,” he added. “ObamaCare made my mother’s old plan illegal, and it forced her to buy a new plan that would accelerate her disease and death.”

As of this writing, Blackwood’s 58-year-old mother, the same woman who raised him and his nine siblings and helped manage his father’s medical practice for three decades, reportedly awaits an appeal with her insurer.

“Will this injustice be remedied, for her and for millions of others? Or is my mother to die because she can no longer afford the treatment that keeps her alive?” Blackwood asked. “The ‘Affordable’ Care Act is a brutal, Procrustean disaster. In principle, it violates the irreducible particularity of human life, and in practice it will cause many individuals to suffer and die. We can do better, and we must.”


[H/T TheBlaze]

Click here to read the full op-ed.

Sebelius: ‘Absolutely No Evidence’ Obamacare Will Kill Jobs

(Breitbart) — Embattled Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told reporters on Monday that zero evidence exists to suggest that the unpopular Obamacare program is a jobs killer.

“There is absolutely no evidence, and every economist will tell you this, that there is any job loss related to the Affordable Care Act. I know that’s a popular myth that continues to be repeated but it just is not accurate.”

Sebelius’s denial of Obamacare-related job losses comes just two weeks after the release of a bombshell Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report that found that Obamacare will result in the equivalent of 2 million U.S. jobs lost by 2017 and 2.5 million jobs destroyed by 2024.

Furthermore, the Investor’s Business Daily running Obamacare jobs scorecard now lists401 employers nationwide who have slashed thousands of worker hours and jobs due to Obamacare.

According to the RealClearPolitics average of polls, just 38% of Americans now support Obamacare.


[H/T Breitbart]

Beck Wants to ‘Set the Record Straight’ on Obamacare: ‘For Five Years You Were Called Crazy’

Glenn Beck spent the first hour of his radio program Thursday “setting the record straight” on the Affordable Care Act, saying those in power have “no idea how the free market system works” and the members of the press who have carried water for the administration absolutely “disgust” him.

“You were called a liar,” Beck told his audience. “For five years you have been called crazy, and now what was called ‘crazy’ has become America’s reality.”

Beck played multiple sound bites of what those in power claimed would happen, what he and members of his audience said would actually happen, and the final result according to the latest report from the Congressional Budget Office.

Beck highlighted a number of ramifications of Obamacare, including whether it would contribute to the nation’s outstanding national debt. He noted that President Barack Obama swore to the American people that the bill would be deficit-neutral over the next 10 years, before pointing out that the CBO projects the law will cost about $1.8 trillion over the next decade alone.

Beck also reminded listeners of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s assertion that millions of jobs would be created as the result of Obamacare, before noting the CBO has estimated the bill will cause 2 million fewer American workers starting in 2017, and millions more after that.

“You knew we were being lied to,” Beck said. “I want somebody to finally recognize that the American people have been onto this for a long time. Trust yourself, empower yourself. Don’t you listen to the press, don’t you listen to the government, because they are wrong. And you know what? The government gets something out of it. The press has no excuse. They are lazy and ignorant.”

Beck re-read emails from listeners from 2009, all of whom said they would be unable to expand as planned, or would have to lay people off as the result of the new taxes, fines, and thousands of pages of regulation imposed by Obamacare.

“All these people in Washington, they are allresponsible,” Beck said hotly. “All of them are responsible for the death of this economy, and you need to know.”

Beck said those who are opposed to Obamacare may be “powerless” over the Democrats, but they are not powerless over the Republicans.

“You want to continue the “transformation” and go along happily, or do you want to stand and correct the aberration of history, that we are nothing more than dependents on some government parent?” Beck asked. “That’s the rest of the world — that’s not America.”



[H/T TheBlaze]

Exclusive: AIDS Patients in Obamacare Limbo as Insurers Reject Checks

(Reuters) — Some healthcare advocates see discrimination in the move, but Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana says it is not trying to keep people with HIV/AIDS from enrolling in one of its policies under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

The state’s largest carrier is rejecting checks from a federal program designed to help these patients pay for AIDS drugs and insurance premiums, and has begun notifying customers that their enrollment in its Obamacare plans will be discontinued.

The carrier says it no longer will accept third-party payments, such as those under the 1990 Ryan White Act, which many people with HIV/AIDS use to pay their premiums.

“In no event will coverage be provided to any subscribers, as of March 1, 2014, unless the premiums are paid by the subscriber (or a relative) unless otherwise required by law,” Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana spokesman John Maginnis told Reuters.


The dispute goes back to a series of statements from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the lead Obamacare agency.

In September, CMS informed insurers that Ryan White funds “may be used to cover the cost of private health insurance premiums, deductibles, and co-payments” for Obamacare plans.

In November, however, it warned “hospitals, other healthcare providers, and other commercial entities” that it has “significant concerns” about their supporting premium payments and helping Obamacare consumers pay deductibles and other costs, citing the risk of fraud.

The insurers told healthcare advocates that the November guidance requires them to reject payments from the Ryan White program in order to combat fraud, said Robert Greenwald, managing director of the Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School, a position Louisiana Blue still maintains.

“As an anti-fraud measure, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana has implemented a policy, across our individual health insurance market, of not accepting premium payments from any third parties who are not related” to the subscriber, Maginnis said.

On Friday, CMS spokeswoman Tasha Bradley told Reuters that, to the contrary, Ryan White grantees “may use funds to pay for premiums on behalf of eligible enrollees in Marketplace plans, when it is cost-effective for the Ryan White program,” meaning that having people with HIV/AIDS enroll in insurance under Obamacare could save the government money.

“The third-party payer guidance CMS released (in November) does not apply to” Ryan White programs.

Maginnis did not respond to further requests, sent after business hours, for comment on CMS’s Friday statement.

Hundreds of indigent HIV/AIDS patients are dependent on Ryan White payments for Obamacare because they fall into a gap. They are not eligible for Medicaid, the joint federal-state health insurance program for the poor, because Louisiana did not expand the low-income program, and Obamacare federal subsidies don’t kick in until people are at 100 percent of the federal poverty level.

Before Obamacare, the 1990 Ryan White Act offered people with HIV/AIDS federal financial help in paying for AIDS drugs and health insurance premiums, especially in state-run, high-risk pools.

Obamacare, which bans insurers from discriminating against people with preexisting conditions, was designed to replace these high-risk pools.

Starting on October 1, AIDS advocates and others in Louisiana “were enrolling anyone and everyone we could” through the Obamacare exchange, said Lucy Cordts of the New Orleans NO/AIDS Task Force.

Last month, her clients and those of other AIDS groups began to hear from Louisiana Blue that their enrollments were in limbo because the company would not accept the Ryan White checks for premium payments.

The only other carrier that is refusing to accept such payments is Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota, according to a CMS official.

North Dakota Blue “restricts premium payment from third parties including employers, providers, and state agencies,” said spokeswoman Andrea Dinneen, but “is currently reviewing its eligibility policies with respect to recipients of Ryan White Program funding.”


Healthcare advocates are worried that the refusal to accept Ryan White payments is an effort by insurers to keep AIDS patients from enrolling in their plans and last month began pressing the issue, including with the office of Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu.

In an email reviewed by Reuters, a healthcare expert on Landrieu’s staff wrote, “BCBS LA told me their decision was not due to the CMS guidance or any confusion (as we thought before) but was in fact due to adverse selection concerns. I have also recently learned North Dakota’s BCBS plan has implemented the same policy.”

Jessica Stone, the Landrieu staff member, declined to elaborate on the email further or to discuss her interactions with Louisiana Blue.

Adverse selection refers to the situation where an insurer attracts patients with chronic conditions and expensive care. Louisiana Blue’s action “sure looks to us like discrimination against sick people,” said John Peller, vice president for policy at the AIDS Foundation of Chicago.

Asked if it were engaging in efforts to avoid adverse selection by refusing to accept Ryan White payments for would-be customers with HIV/AIDS, Louisiana Blue said it was not trying to keep such customers out of its plans. “We welcome all Louisiana residents who chose Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana,” said Maginnis.

U.S. President Obama speaks during a visit to Michigan State University in Lansing

[H/T Reuters]

At What Point Do People Scream ‘Enough’?

(Townhall) — President Obama must believe he’s politically untouchable at this point, given his seeming indifference to the multitude of scandals, failures and other outrages for which he is directly responsible.

I intended to write this column solely on the devastating Congressional Budget Office report putting the final nail in the Obamacare coffin — or at least it would be the final nail in a sane world — but everywhere I turn in the news, I’m bombarded with evidence of equally troubling nightmares. So, in fairness to balance and diversity, I decided not to dwell on CBO-gate alone but to share with you the smorgasbord of disasters.

Let’s begin with CBO-gate, which does deserve its own column but will now have to accept but a few paragraphs here. I’m not so sure what’s more outrageous, the egregious news itself or the administration’s and the Democratic Party’s disgracefully deceitful spinning in denying it.

There are just no two ways about it. On Tuesday, the CBO released a report forecasting that the laughably titled Affordable Care Act will cause the equivalent of more than 2 million full-time employees leaving the U.S. workforce in the next decade. Note that the nonpartisan CBO didn’t say the law will initially cause unemployment and then later recover.

An administration that cared about the American people wouldn’t have spent the next 48 hours trying to distort this information into a pretzelized news nugget that is less damaging to the administration. The White House and Democrats came out of the woodwork trying to turn this spoiled, rancid, inedible lemon into lemon meringue pie with dollops of whipped cream. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spun this as a positive development because it lets Americans be “free agents.” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi brags that people “are no longer job-blocked.”

The CBO’s projections aren’t hard to believe, because they are consistent with what we are already observing. CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf said, “By providing heavily subsidized health insurance to people with very low income and then withdrawing those subsidies as income rises, the act creates a disincentive for people to work.”


[H/T Townhall]

As Pro-Lifers March on Washington, Obama Says Abortion Helps Women ‘Fulfill Their Dreams’

(Breitbart) — As winter storms barrage the east coast of the US and a wind chill temperature of minus eight degrees freezes DC, hundreds of thousands of pro-life advocates are in the nation’s capitol  for the 41st annual March for Life event on Wednesday.

Today marks the 41st anniversary of Roe v. WadeAlong with its companion Doe v. Bolton, abortion was legalized in all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason, in the United States. Last year, it was estimated that 500,000 pro-life advocates demonstrated against abortion on the 40th anniversary of the crucial supreme court decision. The rallies will be covered on social media outlets, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, using 360 degree cameras for those who want to experience the events online.

On Wednesday, Pope Francis sent out a tweet supporting the pro-life marchers and offering his prayers: “I join the March for Life in Washington with my prayers. May God help us respect all life, especially the most vulnerable,” he tweeted.

On a day set aside to mourn the sadness, hardship, and pain associated with abortion, President Obama praised Roe v Wade as a great moment in history for women, saying that today, “We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to protecting a woman’s access to safe, affordable health care and her constitutional right to privacy, including the right to reproductive freedom.  And we resolve to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, support maternal and child health, and continue to build safe and healthy communities for all our children. Because this is a country where everyone deserves the same freedom and opportunities to fulfill their dreams.”

It is estimated that over 55 million abortions have been performed since 1973, the year it was legalized. If you do the math on those appalling figures, the numbers are deeply disturbing:

1.382 million abortions every year
115,167 abortions every month
26,577 abortions every week
3,786 abortions every day
157 abortions every hour
2.6 abortions every minute


[H/T Breitbart]

Oregon’s Obamacare Website Still Doesn’t Work

The Obamacare mess continues.

Cover Oregon, the Obamacare health exchange for the state of Oregon, has spent $200 million on a website that still does not work.

In just three years, program officials spent $200 million of the $305 million they were given in federal money.

Rep. Jason Conger (R., Ore.) expressed his frustration: “So, we’ve already burned through $200 million. We’ve got just over $100 million left. Do we spend that money to continue to try to fix a website that so far has been a lot of promises but no results, or do we send that money back and we look at alternatives that might be more helpful to people that need health insurance?”

Conger sent a letter to Governor Kitzhaber, no stranger to Cover Oregon scandal, petitioning him to terminate the entire program, but has yet to receive a reply.

Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.), was evasive when asked about the failed CoverOregon, only telling a reporter: “Obviously this has to be fixed, and it seems to me that all the state officials have acknowledged it.”

[H/T The Washington Free Beacon]

Family With Rare Medical Conditions Denied Obamacare Coverage, Now Struggling With New Plan’s Expense

  • Ken Davert has spina bifida. Melissa “Missy” Davert and their two children have a condition that makes their bones fragile and susceptible to breaking. 
  • When the Davert family was told their insurance for their children would be cancelled, they turned to Obamacare and were denied. 
  • Now, with a fixed income, the family is worried about being able to afford the out-of-pocket maximum for the private insurance their children need.
  • “… we’ve overcome many obstacles in life. And now it’s a shame that one of the obstacles we have to overcome is our own government to pay for health care,” Ken Davert said.

Every member in the Davert family has a medical condition requiring special care. But after losing their preferred insurance upon the enactment of the Affordable Care Act and being denied federal coverage, the Michigan family is now worried about high costs associated with their new private plan.

According to The Bay City Times, Ken Davert has cerebral palsy and his wife, Missy, and their 15-year-old fraternal twins all have a condition called osteogensis imperfecta, which makes their bones very fragile.

davert family

The newspaper reported that the couple receives disability payments and are covered under Medicare. The state’s Children’s Special Health Care Services covers issues related to the teens’ bone condition but not their other health needs.

“We received a letter from Blue Cross maybe four months ago stating that their plan was going to be canceled due to new requirements of Obamacare,” Missy Davert told The Bay City Times. “I can imagine they didn’t fit criteria of the new plan. There were some particular benefits the new act didn’t cover.”

So, the family applied for Obamacare. The Bay City Times reported that their first application was lost and their second came with a rejection. In response, the family is filing an appeal, which could take three months for the federal exchange to answer.


“What we did in the meantime, because their insurance was ending Dec. 31, we had to go out and buy a separate plan directly through Blue Cross/Blue Shield,” the teens’ mother told the newspaper. “The president had come on TV and said, ‘If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, we won’t require you to get marketplace insurance for another year.’ But Blue Cross/Blue Shield would not continue their plan, despite what the president said.”

The family’s issue with this new plan is its out-of-pocket maximum. Before, coverage cost the parents $2,500 for both teens, the Times reported. Now, it will cost $5,100 each – $10,200 total.

“It’s great insurance if you don’t have to use it, that’s how I look at it, but you never know from day to day if you’re going to need it,” Missy Davert told the Times.

Based on their family’s medical history, meeting the maximum out-of-pocket expense relatively common.

Watch this video from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy about the Davert’s insurance issues (via Michigan Capitol Confidential):

“We have such a unique family and we’ve overcome many obstacles in life. And now it’s a shame that one of the obstacles we have to overcome is our own government to pay for health care,” Ken Davert said in the video, laughing in disbelief.

The Bay City Times reported that it is unclear exactly why Blue Cross cancelled the Davert’s previous coverage.

Last week after the family’s plight was seen on some websites, the newspaper reported that they were contacted by  Paul Tibbits, a representative with the Federal Health and Human Services Agency. Tibbits told the Daverts he thinks a glitch in the federal marketplace system might have mistakenly denied their children Medicade coverage. When she tried to re-enroll again after this conversation, Missy Davert said the site still wasn’t working.

Overall, the family told the newspaper they are figuring out how to make it work financially. Ken Davert is going back to work, something he can only due part time due to the symptoms associated with spina bifida.

“It’s frustrating to me. It seems more and more our government has become a controlling power when the power is supposed to be with the people,” Missy Davert told the Times. “I’m not saying this law isn’t good for some people. I’m really happy for those people [being helped], and I’m not trying to take away what they’ve gained, but it’s also hurting many people.”

Watch this video from a couple years ago, in which the Daverts share more about their family and life:

[H/T TheBlaze]