Tag Archives: Abortion

America is Importing the Problems Abortion Was Supposed to Eliminate

Sorry to be crude, but for all intents and purposes, America is currently the victim of a national rape, figuratively speaking – what our nation is experiencing on the southern border is a corporate violation.  Moreover, being implanted in the womb of what was once a sovereign nation complete with boundaries and laws is an uninvited presence that, if it were a fetus, pro-choicers would heartily applaud terminating.

Instead, liberal pundits and politicians alike contend that America should never turn children in need away.  That’s why bleeding-heart types are now arguing that our arms need to open even wider to welcome in as many illegal children from the poverty-stricken nations of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

What doesn’t make sense is the contradiction of this opinion when compared to the standard liberal pro-abortion mindset that maintains that a life of abject poverty is far worse than death, and being unwanted justifies obliterating untold numbers of unborn human beings.

Yet suddenly, despite the intrusion taking place on our border, those who normally justify abortion on demand seem overly concerned about the well-being of the destitute youngsters imposing themselves on not just one woman’s life, but all our lives – itinerant youngsters who, if they were traveling in the womb, rather than on foot, the left would enthusiastically abort.

Even Barack Obama, the most pro-abortion president in the history of America, justifies accepting the tsunami of children streaming in from south of the border by calling it a “humanitarian crisis,” which naturally necessitates the “saving of human lives or … the alleviation of suffering.”

The irony is that while Barack Obama is in favor of open borders to quell a so-called humanitarian crisis, he simultaneously supports, promotes, and encourages an ongoing humanitarian crisis caused by the abortions of 3,000 American babies a day.  Babies aborted in greater proportion by lower-income women who bought the liberal lie that economic status somehow determines the level of wantedness an unborn child should be granted.

Then, as if aborting Americans presumably destined for abuse and poverty while waving in the underprivileged who arrive here illegally weren’t hypocritical enough, needy children are not the only ones being allowed to violate our country’s sovereign nationhood.

Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council in the Rio Grande Valley, has confirmed that gang members from Mexico are among those gaining entry into the U.S., including some from the extremely dangerous Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13).

According to Mr. Cabrera, the arrogance of gang members includes statements such as “You’re going to let me go, just like you let my mother go, just like you let my sister go.  You’re going to let me go as well, and the government’s going to take care of us.”

So are liberals who claim that abortion prevents the costs of future criminals now changing their tune and suggesting that the federal government accommodate murderous gang members – whether it’s through government entitlements or as lifetime guests of the American penal system?

And then there is the specter of the potential loss of life if a small-fry suicide bomber, carrying a backpack filled with more than just crumpled clothes and pictures of Mamacita and pretending to be a youthful Hispanic refugee, should happen to make his (or her) way across the southern border with the goal of martyrdom for Allah, Hamas-style.

Adding to that threat, in the name of immigration reform, the federal government’s hand is being extended to illegals, whose presence will likely cost untold numbers of unsuspecting Americans their right to life from the deadly-disease time bomb that could infect hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans with lethal viruses that the U.S. had previously tamped down or nearly wiped out.

That’s why the question that must be raised is this: what is the logic behind liberals preaching the right to choose on the micro level and then, on a macro level, when it comes to things like ObamaCare and in this case illegal immigration, denying free Americans the right to choose not to be saddled with another nation’s chronically ill, lawless, and/or underprivileged children?

What kind of rationale justifies abortion as sparing the unborn from the future plight of poverty and abuse and then, in the name of compassion, imports thousands of illegal children destined to become lifetime welfare recipients?  That confusing contradiction also holds true for the children who, if not for abortion, liberals believe would be destined to a lifetime of protracted illness.

Moreover, what kind of ideology that, on the one hand, argues that abortion releases mostly underprivileged children from what would otherwise be a life of abuse, crime, and incarceration, while on the other hand, it argues to allow entry to even the most violent gang members, who brazenly tell Border Patrol agents that law enforcement has no control over their desire to break into a sovereign nation and wreak havoc?

Thanks to liberals’ upside-down reasoning, America has deteriorated into a place where leaders promote abortion for all the same reasons they are currently using to justify their acceptance of sickly, disadvantaged children and future convicts from south of the border.

The left maintains that in order to live a life free of sick and impoverished children, not to mention potential future felons, the freedom to have an abortion is crucial.  But then the pro-abortion party in power turns around and imposes the same human dilemma on its unwilling citizens whom its adherents claim abortion purges from American society.

[H/T American Thinker]

Small Christian Pro-Life Ministry Shuts Down “Biggest Anti-Christian Page On Facebook”

David vs. Goliath, anyone?

Friday night, the “Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted (VMSA)” page was removed by Facebook. A campaign launched by Cary Bogue, CEO of Project Wildfire (www.facebook.com/wildfireexposePP) and owner of the Facebook Page “Catholics & Protestants United Against Christian Discrimination”, (www.facebook.com/Christians.Against.discrimination ) to push Facebook to follow their Community Standards (m.facebook.com/communitystandards) proved successful.

Bogue points out, “This is not a First Amendment issue but rather an issue of FB’s own standards regarding Hate Speech. According to Facebook standards, ‘we do not permit individuals or groups to attack others based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition.’

This isn’t Bogue’s first battle with VMSA and its 12,000 followers, whom he refers to as the biggest anti-Christian Page on Facebook. Last July, he waged a successful battle to have the page removed after 20,000 signatures and a Twitter campaign, only to have upper level management re-instate the page.

The cover of the now-removed page depicted an aborted Baby Jesus with a crown of thorns and blood running from his side, as the Virgin Mary holds him while smoking a Marijuana Cigar. The profile picture showed a pregnant Virgin Mary speaking an expletive.

“If this is not the exact definition of hate speech directed at a religion, I am not sure what is?” Bogue added. “We all know Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is an avowed atheist, Pro-Abortion, and a strong advocate for the LGBT; but that does not excuse him from continuing to allow this page to remain. I challenge him or anyone at Facebook to explain to the Christians across America how that wasn’t hate speech directed against Christianity.”

Bogue, who has received many threats, says he is unafraid.

Shortly after Bogue began his latest campaign, a female admin of VMSA threatened retaliation. Bogue filed a complaint with the Milwaukee Sheriff’s department the following day after his wife was followed by a woman on the highway who weaved in and out of traffic snapping pictures of her car, which had a pro-life bumper sticker on it. “When I mentioned this on a post, she denied it, but also pointed out that she was 1,411 miles away, a pretty exact number for someone who isn’t interested in where I live.” said Bogue.

[H/T Western Journalism]

NY abortion bill would allow lethal injection in third trimester for any reason

As you may recall, we recently brought to light the 2012 HHS report on “Child Maltreatment” that lists data for physical abuse to the unborn. Naturally, abortion isn’t included in that report. But if dismemberment or shooting poison through the heart isn’t physical abuse, I don’t know what is.

According to lifenews.com, New York legislators are considering passage of the Women’s Equality Act, which would allow late-term abortions for virtually any reason. A group of pro-abortion Democratic State Senators continue to push for abortion-expansion, despite polls showing the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers oppose it. The bill has grisly consequences.

Too many Republicans admonish us to just not talk about social issues. They say it’s a losing point. However, should we just cower away from what is wrong? I also find it quite perplexing that this piece of legislation has the ironic title of “Women’s Equality Act,” because what I’m about to describe is not about women’s equality.

The legislation advocates that throughout the second trimester, late abortions can be completed by dismembering the developed unborn child, even when they can feel pain, pulling the baby out piece by piece until the mother’s uterus is empty. After the abortion, the abortionist must reassemble the child’s body to ensure nothing has been left inside the child’s mother.

In abortions that take place later in pregnancy, which would be legalized in New York by the abortion-expanding Women’s Equality Act, often babies are killed by sliding a needle filled with a chemical agent, such as digoxin, into the beating heart, before being delivered.

Sorry folks, the content of my character does not allow me to support such a heinous and barbaric practice. I do not support abortion as a means of birth control.

New York State Right to Life commented on reintroduction of the so-called “Women’s Equality Act” and pointed to another problem. The 10th point of the Women’s Equality Act, pushed for by Governor Cuomo, would change New York law to open the doors for non-doctors to perform abortions, and to allow abortions in the third trimester for any reason.

Current law already allows abortion at any point that a woman’s life is in danger, but the 10th point would change that to include any “health” reason as well. The key distinction is that “health” was defined in the 1973 court case Doe v. Bolton, providing a definition so broad that it far overreaches physical, or even mental, well-being.

I fully support women’s reproductive health: research for curing uterine, cervical, ovarian, and fibroid tumors and cancers. What I will never support is the taking of an unborn life — basically killing babies.

This is not part of our “better angels” as President Abraham Lincoln described, this is radical and what type of person could support something like this? Oh yes, I remember — it was a State Senator from Illinois who promoted legislation that if a baby survived an abortion, it still deserved to die. What monster would sentence babies to death – in other words, infanticide? Is that what we are becoming?

No I’m sorry. I cannot stop standing up and talking about this. If that means hate mail, so be it, but I will certainly not sacrifice my principles, values and character to allow murder.

[H/T Allen B. West]

Woman Films Her Own Abortion To Show World How ‘Cool’ It Is

(The Daily Caller) – Emily Letts, a counselor at a New Jersey abortion clinic, decided to film her own abortion and post it on YouTube as a form of positive inspiration to women who are contemplating having the procedure but worry that they might feel guilty afterward.

Letts has no such guilt. She recalls the procedure with fondness. She even describes it as “birth-like,” and said it made her feel good, just like giving birth would.

Letts, whose job involves encouraging women to have abortions, sees her own abortion as an entirely positive experience, and hopes the video will prove to be both instructional and morally persuasive. She feels better about herself every time she watches the video, according to Cosmopolitan.

“Still, every time I watch the video, I love it,” she wrote. “I love how positive it is. I think that there are just no positive abortion stories on video for everyone to see. But mine is.”

The disturbing video has been viewed 10,000 on YouTube. During the three-minute procedure, she repeatedly tells herself how lucky she is. She also hums to herself.

After the abortion is over, she says, “Cool. I feel good.”

Letts writes that having an abortion and giving birth produce similarly happy feelings. Despite aborting her child, she kept the sonogram.

“I remember breathing and humming through it like I was giving birth,” she wrote. “I know that sounds weird, but to me, this was as birth-like as it could be. It will always be a special memory for me. I still have my sonogram, and if my apartment were to catch fire, it would be the first thing I’d grab.”

The response has been overwhelmingly negative. The video was down-voted more than 300 times, and received only 100 likes.

Still, she is hopeful the video will inspire women who have had abortions–or want to have abortions–to let go of their guilt. Letts certainly has none.

She does feel a little bad about getting pregnant in the first place, though.

“I do feel a little irresponsible and embarrassed about not using birth control,” she wrote. “I mean, Emily, wake up! What are you doing? I was going against the advice I give to patients all the time. So I had them put an IUD in after the abortion. I was able to learn and move forward. And I am grateful that I can share my story and inspire other women to stop the guilt.”

ThinkProgress hailed Letts for filming her abortion and putting a positive spin on it.

“For instance, Letts’ story helps demonstrate the fact that abortion isn’t a barbaric procedure that needs additional regulation in order to make it safer,” wrote ThinkProgress.

[H/T TheDailyCaller: Robby Soave]

Planned Parenthood President: Women ‘Need’ Abortions for Valentine’s Day

(TheBlaze) — Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards said what women really “need” for Valentine’s Day are “safe” and “legal” abortions.

Cecile Richards Vine

Image source: Twitter

In a brief Vine video posted to Twitter Monday, Richards held up a series of cue cards with the prompt, “#WhatWomenNeed…for Valentine’s Day.”

Written on the cards were “maternity care,” “cancer screenings,” “birth control” and “safe + legal” abortions.

Planned Parenthood President  Women ‘Need’ Abortions for Valentine’s Day   TheBlaze.com

Planned Parenthood is the largest single provider of abortions in the United States and performed an estimated 327,166 abortions in 2012, according to its annual report. Planned Parenthood says abortions make up 3 percent of its total health services.

The #WhatWomenNeed hashtag was kicked off last week by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) who used it to call for affordable childcare.


[H/T TheBlaze]

Is President Obama Trolling Pro-Lifers or Just Tone Deaf?

During a 20 minute speech at this year’s National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama said “killing the innocent” is the “ultimate betrayal” of God’s will. It’s a line that comes across as tone deaf given his own record on abortion. But what he said next makes it seem as if he is deliberately trolling pro-life Americans. That or perhaps he needs someone on his speech writing staff who is broadly familiar with the Bible.

The focus of the President’s speech was religious freedom around the world. This is a worthy topic that often seems to get less attention than it deserves. After a reference to ongoing conflict in the Central African Republican President Obama said “to harm anyone in the name of faith is to diminish our own relationship with God.” He continued this thought with this extraordinary paragraph arguing against nihilism:

“Extremists succumb to an aberrant nihilism that shows they don’t understand the faiths they claim to profess, for the killing of the innocent is never fulfilling God’s will. In fact is the ultimate betrayal of God’s will. Today we profess the principles we know to be true. We believe that each of us is wonderfully made in the image of God. We therefore believe in the inherent dignity of every human being.”

In context, the line about killing the innocent was clearly meant as a criticism of extremists who kill in God’s name, i.e. those with religious motivations. However the statement itself necessarily transcend this limited meaning. Either killing the innocent is the “ultimate betrayal of God’s will” or it is not. If it is then no appeal to secular (rather than religious) motives will make such killing any less a betrayal.

At this point an observer wonders how the President might square this statement of principle with his own support for abortion. As Penny Starr at CNS News points out, this is the President who once said he supported abortion because he wouldn’t want his daughters to be “punished with a baby.”

At the least this appears to be a case of tone-deafness. The President was thinking about terrorism and didn’t pause to consider how his statement of principle might apply in another context. But the President’s very next line, “each of us is wonderfully made,” also raises another possibility. Maybe he was trolling pro-lifers intentionally.

The turn of phrase the President used might not be immediately recognized by everyone but it would certainly be recognized by pro-life Christians. Obama is paraphrasing a bit of poetry from the bible, specifically Psalm 139, verse 14. The phrase he borrowed is actually the completion of a thought which begins one verse earlier. Here’s the whole thing:

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

It’s probably not hard to imagine how these verses are interpreted by many pro-life Christians (and Jews). Suffice it to say, this text is a perennial favorite on “Sanctity of Life Sunday” in many churches.

It should go without saying that not everyone cares what the Bible says and that the President is an elected politician not a pastor. We expect him to know policy not the psalms. That’s as it should be.

But the President appeared at a prayer breakfast to volunteer his thoughts on “killing the innocent.” If he’s going to do that he should probably know how his reference one sentence later to a verse about life in the womb will sound as a follow up. Which once again raises the question: Did he know?

There are only two possibilities here. Either the President referenced this verse because he (or his speech writer) had no idea how tone deaf it would sound. Or, alternatively, he chose it because he knew exactly how it would come across and he wanted to (somewhat cleverly) poke a stick at religious pro-lifers, a group he clearly disagrees with.

Under the circumstance the more charitable reading is probably the right one. Still I can’t help recalling something the President once said about putting lipstick on a pig. He denied any ill intent in that instance but, frankly, I didn’t buy it. The President is very competitive and he’s not above a political jab at his opponents. To be fair, he’s also been known to say politically dumb stuff no one thinks was a remotely good idea.

Even if we assume the best here, the President really ought to find someone to round out his speech writing staff who is more than passingly familiar with religious people beyond Reverend Wright. More importantly, he might want to spare a thought about how his grand statement about “killing the innocent” lines up with his long standing defense of the abortion industry.

[H/T Breitbart]

Democrat Fund Raising Letter Accuses Republicans of a ‘Revolting Anti Choice Agenda’

Women’s Health Rapid Response Fund accused Republicans of embracing a “revolting anti-choice agenda” for supporting pro-life candidates and organizations.

The  media and fundraising apparatus of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, is making the most of the 41st anniversary of “Roe v Wade.”  They are  imploring supporters for donations to “show Boehner that there are consequences for Republicans unrelenting war against women.”

Moreover, the fundraising letter cites that Republicans are trying to bring a bill to the house floor that could force rape survivors to face “abortion audits.”

Many Republicans, Independents and tea party supporters believe that Democrats and the left conflate women’s rights with abortion. For example, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) wished Roe v. Wade a happy 41st “birthday” today because of her “commitment to protecting women’s rights.”

Pro life advocates believe that abortion does not advance the rights of women and in fact does just the opposite. The following repercussions to abortion have been cited by the Elliot Institute a nonprofit organization that studies the effects abortion has on women:

1. 31% of women having abortions report suffering physical health complications

2. 10% of women having abortions suffer immediate, potentially life-threatening complications

3. Women have a 65% higher risk of clinical depression following abortion vs. childbirth

4. 65% of women suffer symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after abortion

5. Women’s death rates from various causes after abortion are 3.5 times higher than after giving birth

6. Many women describe their experience as ‘a nightmare’, which can hardly be equated with ‘choice’. 60% of women surveyed after abortion responded that: ’Part of me died’

7. Suicide rates among women who have abortions are six times higher than those who give birth

8. Abortion increases a woman’s risk of future miscarriages by 60%


[H/T Breitbart]

As Pro-Lifers March on Washington, Obama Says Abortion Helps Women ‘Fulfill Their Dreams’

(Breitbart) — As winter storms barrage the east coast of the US and a wind chill temperature of minus eight degrees freezes DC, hundreds of thousands of pro-life advocates are in the nation’s capitol  for the 41st annual March for Life event on Wednesday.

Today marks the 41st anniversary of Roe v. WadeAlong with its companion Doe v. Bolton, abortion was legalized in all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason, in the United States. Last year, it was estimated that 500,000 pro-life advocates demonstrated against abortion on the 40th anniversary of the crucial supreme court decision. The rallies will be covered on social media outlets, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, using 360 degree cameras for those who want to experience the events online.

On Wednesday, Pope Francis sent out a tweet supporting the pro-life marchers and offering his prayers: “I join the March for Life in Washington with my prayers. May God help us respect all life, especially the most vulnerable,” he tweeted.

On a day set aside to mourn the sadness, hardship, and pain associated with abortion, President Obama praised Roe v Wade as a great moment in history for women, saying that today, “We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to protecting a woman’s access to safe, affordable health care and her constitutional right to privacy, including the right to reproductive freedom.  And we resolve to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, support maternal and child health, and continue to build safe and healthy communities for all our children. Because this is a country where everyone deserves the same freedom and opportunities to fulfill their dreams.”

It is estimated that over 55 million abortions have been performed since 1973, the year it was legalized. If you do the math on those appalling figures, the numbers are deeply disturbing:

1.382 million abortions every year
115,167 abortions every month
26,577 abortions every week
3,786 abortions every day
157 abortions every hour
2.6 abortions every minute


[H/T Breitbart]

Wendy Davis Gave Up Custody of Youngest Daughter in 2005 Divorce: Real Priorities Prevail

(Breitbart) — It’s one of the most striking details in Texas State Senator Wendy Davis’s life uncovered by Dallas Morning News reporter Wayne Slater: in 2005, Davis, apparently eager to advance her career, relinquished custody of not just her child with her second husband, Jeffry Davis, but also her first child from another marriage.

“It’s not a good time for me right now” Davis said at the time, explaining her decision, according to Jeffry Davis.

Wendy Davis’s first daughter Amber, born during her first marriage to Frank Underwood, was 23 at the time – an adult. Her daughter with Jeffry, Dru, was 17.

The Tarrant County Court granted the divorce on November 15, 2005, giving Jeffry Davis “the exclusive right to designate the primary residence” of Dru.

Wendy Davis was given weekend visitation rights and required to pay $1,200 per month in child support to her ex-husband.

In some press reports, Senator Davis appears to have been relieved, even eager, to relinquish her parental obligations. Jeffry Davis told Slater “[s]he did the right thing,” in agreeing to the divorce decree that granted him custody.  He added that in their discussions prior to finalizing the arrangement (court records state they participated in a mediation process), “She said, ‘I think you’re right; you’ll make a good, nurturing father. While I’ve been a good mother, it’s not a good time for me right now.’ ”

The blended family had begun on a happier note in May 1987 when Wendy, 24 at the time, and Jeffry, 37 at the time, had married. Amber, who was then 5, lived with the newly married couple, and from the beginning, her step-father raised her as his own. Jeffry Davis “considers Amber his daughter” the Houston Chronicle reported in September 2013, quoting him saying “she’s been with me since she was two” – around the time Wendy Davis’s first marriage ended.

The two began dating in Fort Worth in 1984 when Wendy Davis’s father asked Jeffry Davis – who is about 13 years older than Wendy, if he was interested in younger women.

Jeffry Davis was a successful and established professional. Armed with an undergraduate degree from Princeton and a law degree from Southern Methodist University, he started Republic Title of Texas, a real estate title company that was on its way to becoming the most successful commercial real estate title company in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.

Wendy Davis, then a brunette, had been working as a pediatrician’s assistant and waitressing at night.

One year and four months after they were married in 1987, the couple brought daughter Dru into the world. Amber was 6.

Two years later, Wendy Davis applied and was accepted to Harvard University Law School. She left for Boston while Jeffry stayed in Texas.

The Chroniclereported “[s]he took the girls with her at first, but the balancing act proved difficult, and they came back home to live with Jeff.”

Wendy graduated from Harvard Law School in 1993 and returned to Fort Worth, where she clerked for a federal judge, ran unsuccessfully for the Wichita City Council in 1996, and worked for a local legal firm. In 1998, she was finally elected to the Wichita City Council. During that period, she also changed her hair color to blonde.

According to Jeffrey Davis, Wendy Davis left him the day after he finished paying for her education. “I made the last payment, and it was the next day she left,” Jeffry Davis said. Wendy Davis didn’t deny the timing, although she suggested the break was long-coming. “The idea that suddenly there was this instantaneous departure after Jeff had partnered so beautifully with me in putting me through school is just absurd,” she said.

It was a difficult time for her children, whom she also left behind. Dru had just turned 15 and Amber was 21. As the Chronicle reported, “Dru, in ninth grade, stayed with him when Wendy left, [ex-husband Jeffry Davis] said. Amber, who was attending college, moved back with them.”

Jeffry told the Chronicle “I think she had a midlife crisis. She wanted to be around a younger crowd.” 

In March 2004, Wendy Davis filed for divorce with a flurry of legal documents.

In May 2005, Jeffrey Davis filed a counterpetition alleging Wendy Davis had cheated on him.

Six months later, on November 15, 2005, the court accepted the agreed divorce decree, and the Davis’s now 17 year old daughter Dru remained in the custody of her father. The final decree listed both Wendy Davis and Jeffry Davis as employees of Jeffry’s company, Republic Title of Texas. As part of the financial agreement, Jeffry sold the company and gave half the proceeds to Wendy.

Wendy with kids Sept1988

[H/T Breitbart]

Israel picking up Tab for Abortions

(WND) — Israel’s newly-passed health budget for 2014 includes a significant increase in government funding for legal abortions, a move that Sandy Shoshani, national director of the pro-life organization Be’ad Chaim, says is a serious indictment of the nation’s spiritual condition.

Last month, the Health Basket Committee – which annually decides which medications, treatments and procedures will be covered or subsidized by the government – determined that the previous practice of paying for abortions for women under the age of 19 and over the age of 40 wasn’t enough.

Included in the new budget is 16 million shekels (USD $4.5 million) to also cover abortions for women between the ages of 20-33.

While all women seeking a legal abortion must receive special approval, the committee in charge of making that decision rubber-stamps 97 percent of requests, or well over 20,000 abortions each year.

Reports in recent years were that abortion rates were falling in Israel, despite the Jewish state’s very liberal laws on the matter. Since the 1990s, there had been a 20 percent drop in the number of legal abortions requested and performed. But the new legislation and government funding are expected to result in an additional 6,300 abortions per year.

Shoshani sees a clear financial incentive in the decision. “It’s one thing for a government to approve abortion, but it’s another thing entirely to pay for it,” she told Israel Today.

While the thousands of new abortions are going to cost Israeli taxpayers, the government’s new direction represents a boon for cash-strapped hospitals.

Abortion is typically a simple procedure that nevertheless costs between 3,000-4,000 shekels. Doctors and hospitals can quickly process thousands of abortions and reap the financial rewards. At the same time, that money could have been used for other life-saving medications, procedures and research.

That Israel’s government would regard the lives of unborn babies in so flippant a manner is evidence that “the moral fibers of our nation are in shreds,” said Shoshani, who warned that “you can’t bring a curse on your nation and not expect repercussions. We just opened the door wide and made ourselves vulnerable.”

Determined to do what they could, Shoshani and the staff of Be’ad Chaim (which means “Pro Life” in Hebrew) “sent letters to every Knesset member we could think of, and even to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Shoshani lamented that while “we received a few letters back saying they (the Knesset members) agree with us, no one is actually doing anything.”

Ultimately, as Shoshani noted, “there is really not much we can do besides put this matter and our leaders before the Lord.”

Of course, as we have written before, there is much more that Be’ad Chaim can and is doing. The Messianic-run organization, with branches throughout the country, works tirelessly to provide the financial and emotional support needed by those who would otherwise feel they had no alternative but to terminate their unborn children.

Israel Today has been proud to offer the annual Be’ad Chaim wall calendar in our online store for the past couple years. The calendar features the pictures and stories of babies saved from becoming abortion statistics.
