Category Archives: U.S. Presidents

Liberal Heads Are Exploding After Megyn Kelly Played This Video from George W. Bush

On FOX News’ The Kelly File on Thursday, host Megyn Kelly played an eerily prophetic, timely, and applicable video from George W. Bush in 2007 warning about the consequences of pulling out of Iraq too early (WATCH VIDEO BELOW).

Bush was roundly criticized for the comments at the time, but considering the horrific events in the Middle East escalating while Obama works on lowering his golf handicap, Bush’s words have even deeper impact.

“As we track these new terror concerns at home and overseas, we are reminded of warnings we heard back in 2007,” Kelly stated.

“America was fighting the Iraq War; President Bush had just ordered U.S. troops to surge in Iraq, and critics were demanding that the U.S. withdraw the troops, when President Bush issued this frighteningly accurate, as it turns out, assessment of what would happen if we did that,” Kelly said introducing the short video clip.

Here’s former President George W. Bush’s prophetic warning from July 12, 2007 about pulling U.S. troops out of Iraq too early (emphasis added):

“I know some in Washington would like us to start leaving Iraq now. To begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we’re ready would be dangerous, for Iraq, for the region, and for the United States.

It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean that we would be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. It would mean we would allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan.

It would mean increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous.”

And how did current President Barack Obama refer to this new enemy, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), or as he likes to more politically-correct term, ISIL? The organization of Muslim Brotherhood related Islamic terrorists who are beheading our reporters and have taken over large areas of the Middle East?

In an interview with The New Yorker, in January of this year, Obama said:

“The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant. I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”

Here is White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest trying to spin Obama’s ISIS JV comments:


Bill Clinton On 9/10/01: ‘I Could Have Killed’ Bin Laden

Just hours before the planes crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, former president Bill Clinton was in Australia telling businessmen that he “could have killed” Osama Bin Laden during his presidency, but chose not to, MSNBC reports.

“I nearly got him,” he says on newly-released recordings of the September 10 meeting. “And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I didn’t do it.”

Michael Kroger, one of the businessmen in the meeting who released the recording on Wednesday, said the audio had simply been forgotten about until now.

According to the 2003 book Dereliction of Duty, President Clinton missed opportunities to kill Bin Laden several times during his presidency–usually, according to Lt. Col. Robert Patterson, because of difficulties reaching him during limited strike windows and his propensity for indecision and prolonged discussion.

[H/T The Daily Caller]

Ronald Reagan Wins Another Landslide

Looks like another win for the Gipper.

Many news outlets are highlighting a new Quinnipiac Poll in which Barack Obama is ranked the worst president since World War II. Obama now ranks even lower than the man he blames for everything, his predecessor George W. Bush.

Not so well reported is that Ronald Reagan is rated the best post-war president. The poll isn’t even close.

Reagan polls at double the second-place winner, Bill Clinton, and more than four times JFK.

We think we understand why.

In foreign policy, Reagan’s “peace through strength” philosophy was derided at the time by liberals as reckless warmongering — but it led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Meanwhile, Reagan also believed that, far from being the solution to what ailed America, Big Government was the problem. And his tax cuts kicked off one of our most enduring recoveries.

Barack Obama’s message could not be more different. Like Jimmy Carter, who accused Reagan of courting nuclear war, Obama claims anyone who disagrees with him simply wants to go around invading other countries. And he campaigned on the theme of “smart government.”

The results are all around us: victory snatched away in Iraq, a dysfunctional ObamaCare, an arrogant IRS, etc.

Is it really any wonder that given a choice between Reagan’s strength and small government and Obama’s weakness and “smart” government, even today Reagan handily wins a contest for the presidency?

[H/T New York Post]

Lunch With Bill And Hillary Clinton Auctioned Off For Over $300,000

How much would someone pay to have lunch with Bill and Hillary Clinton? Apparently more than $300,000.

Less than three hours is left on the auction for lunch with the political power couple, and the bidding stands at $305,000.

“Bid now on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have a private lunch with President Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Clinton Foundation’s headquarters in New York City,” the description of the auction item reads. The money will go to support the Clinton Foundation.

Lunch with the Clintons


At the time of this writing, the current leading bidder goes by the name moatisthekey — as in Moat Is The Key. And it’s true, medieval monarchs all agree: having a moat is the key to protecting your castle.

It’s not too late to bid if you have a special dictator in your life who would just love to lobby the Clintons for a personal favor or two, or a rich relative in prison you would like Hillary to pardon if she ever makes it to the White House.

But be forewarned: the auction doesn’t specify who picks up the lunch tab.

[H/T The Daily Caller]

Barack Hussein Obama: The Manchurian President

(Western Journalism) – Many who distrust Obama consider themselves birthers, spreading the meme that Obama was born in Kenya and therefore ineligible to be president of the United States.  These people believe that Obama was born overseas, that he is a Jihadist in hiding, and that his agenda is to destroy the power and influence of the United States around the globe.  The mainstream media demonizes these beliefs.  I have, however, always counseled my friends on the left to look at the results of their policies versus how they make them feel.  With the recent events in Syria, Iran, and now Crimea, I believe this advice works when regarding our president as well.  For at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if Obama is a wolf in sheep’s clothing or not; the results are the same.

One does not have to look very far for a long list of examples.  Let’s start with the U.S. economy.  For the first time in many decades, America has the chance to become energy independent.  We now have an estimated 300 years worth of hydrocarbons under our own feet.  We could bolster our national security by exporting this windfall to our allies in Europe and wean them off Russian gas.  If we focused on developing and harvesting this sector, our economy would explode with access to cheap and plentiful energy.  The Obama administration has steadfastly refused to take advantage of this fact.  Even in the face of Russian aggression, we have not heard a word about using energy to contain Putin.  Our healthcare system, commonly known as the best in the world, is being purposefully destroyed before our very eyes.  This is being accomplished by lying to the American people over and over again.  It’s so screwed up that no one even knows what’s going on.

On the national security front, Obama has coined a new phrase, “Leading from behind.”  He has stood aside and abandoned long-term U.S. allies in the Middle East one by one.  Israel can no longer count on the United States to stand with her as she defends herself against an emerging Islamist government tidal wave and terrorist threats emerging from the Arab Spring.  Iran soon will have a nuclear capability, and the administration has been in appease mode for years.

China is threatening its neighbors with air defense zones over contested territory.  A Chinese military official last year threatened to destroy the Japanese economy by attacking their bond market due to Japan’s overwhelming sovereign debt.  They want the Senkaku Islands.  After the U.S. response to Russian actions in Crimea, might they just take them?  What about our friends in Taiwan?  Would you count on Obama to support you in the face of Chinese threats?  The Chinese military is also showing photographs of war games highlighting nuclear missile tracks over American cities.

Ally after ally has been abandoned or humiliated.  Obama returned the bust of Churchill from the Oval Office to the United Kingdom.  I’ve mentioned Israel and Egypt.  Poland and the Czech Republic were shocked when Obama removed anti-missile systems from Europe.  But I’m sure Joe Biden can calm things down with his trip there this week.

NASA has been turned into an agency for Muslim outreach.  Control of the internet is being turned over to the international community and will be open to Chinese and Russian control.  Obama has withdrawn in disgrace from Iraq and now most likely will do the same in Afghanistan.  All of the blood and treasure America spent to enhance U.S. national security in the region will have been wasted as the Taliban and Iran retake the area.

The administration now wants to shrink the United States Army to pre-WWII levels.  The Russian threat notwithstanding, in the face of all the other global threats I’ve mentioned, why in the world would any U.S. president even consider such a reduction?  Any reasonable person must consider this question:  What is the agenda of this administration?

So now let’s discuss what’s been going on in Ukraine.  It has been no secret that Vladimir Putin’s goal is to reestablish the Russian sphere of influence in the former Soviet territories.  In spite of this, we have seen the Obama administration lie prostrate in front of Putin time and time again.  Whether it be Iran, Syria, or recent events in Crimea, the response has been the same.  With the naivete in responding to the events in Kiev and the surrounding area, either by discussing national security on an unsecure line, or completely misunderstanding the Russian historical ties to the region, this administration has been a bumbling mess.  Or again, is there a darker agenda?  One must remember the Obama quote to Medvedev, when it was very obvious Russia wanted to further reduce the American nuclear arsenal: “Please tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after the election.”  Those words now seem downright frightening.

Can we expect Obama allowing Taiwan to become Chinese?  American space research to be abolished? The chance to become energy independent thwarted?  Meanwhile, half the American public has become dependent on the government.  Obama is strangling the economy with truckloads of new regulations.  He picks and chooses what laws to enforce, weakening American rule of law and fomenting racial division.

Dr. Evil himself couldn’t have dreamed up a better plot to destroy America.

[H/T WesternJournalism: L. Todd Wood]

Meet the most powerful woman in America

(WND) – Suppose you were a committed leftist revolutionary who somehow got elected president of center-right America.

Suppose you were great at making speeches, but little else. You masked your socialist agenda in the appealing rhetoric of fairness and justice, but secretly loathed the American system of constitutional government and free-market capitalism.

Suppose you also had developed into a pathological narcissist with an absurdly grandiose view of yourself and almost no tolerance for criticism and disagreement. Suppose your ego was so fragile, your worldview so distorted, your mind so angry beneath your charismatic exterior, and your self-image of being a divinely gifted leader now in danger of disintegrating in the light and heat of mounting geopolitical turmoil and your own stunning failures as president.

Suppose, in short, you were Barack Obama.

To “stay the course” you were on – of forcing hardcore socialism on an unwilling capitalist country, despite mounting cries for you to stop – you would need help. A very special kind of help.

Before we get there, let’s just tighten our zoom and focus a little more closely on Obama’s current situation:

As of 2014, a great many people who supported him say they regret their vote. America’s economy is still in shambles and its standing in the world arguably worse. The “Affordable Care Act” has been an unqualified catastrophe with millions losing health insurance and tens of millions more expected this year.

Yet Obama feigns confidence in his programs, lies as easily as breathing and always seems to be playing golf, vacationing or fundraising. He admits he is lazy. He openly boasts about legislating from the Oval Office, refusing to work with Congress as the Constitution requires. Indeed, he doesn’t even like people, as former aide Neera Tanden, president and CEO of the highly influential progressive Center for American Progress, shockingly revealed. “The truth is,” Tanden said of the increasingly insular president, “Obama doesn’t call anyone, and he’s not close to almost anyone. It’s stunning that he’s in politics, because he really doesn’t like people.”

So here’s the question: If you were Obama, how would you be able to continue to lead the country leftward in the face of overwhelming and undeniable evidence it is absolutely the wrong direction?

First of all, you’d need a fierce personal protector from all criticism, as well as a skilled enabler constantly reassuring and comforting your gigantic but fragile ego, not to mention a consigliere whose counsel you unreservedly trusted and followed. You would also need a mentor with the almost transcendent ability to rekindle and renew your faith in your core values, however misguided and destructive. You would need – in many respects – a worldly savior.

Meet Valerie Jarrett, whom savvy Beltway insiders regard as the most powerful woman in Washington.

And yet, most Americans have never even heard of her, let alone know who she is or what she does.

‘The de facto president’

For someone widely considered the most powerful adviser in the White House, a person the former editor in chief of the News York Times Magazine describes as “in many ways the de facto president,” Jarrett is virtually invisible.

For example, she never seems to make the cut for Forbes magazine’s annual list of “The United States’ Most Powerful Women.”

Named in the 2013 list are Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton, of course. Also Janet Napolitano, Kathleen Sebelius and Nancy Pelosi. But not Jarrett.

From the business world, Forbes acknowledges the power and influence of Melinda Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook; Jill Abramson, executive editor of the New York Times; Virginia Rometty, president and CEO of IBM; Google VP of consumer products Marissa Mayer; and Oracle President Safra Catz.

Forbes also honors news media luminaries like ABC’s Diane Sawyer and Christiane Amanpour; Tina Brown, editor in chief of Newsweek and the Daily Beast; Fox News Channel’s
Greta Van Susteren; and Huffington Post Co-founder Arianna Huffington.

Likewise, powerful women in the entertainment world are celebrated, including Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie and Ellen DeGeneres. Even Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce and – yes – Lady Gaga made the list of America’s “most powerful women.”

These, says Forbes, are the nation’s most powerful women. But not Valerie Jarrett, who pushed Obama to ignore the advice of more moderate advisers like Rahm Emanuel and instead to destroy the greatest health-care system in world history. For it was she who convinced Obama to “go for broke” with Obamacare, which ultimately was forced down the throats of an unwilling American public and Congress, using bribery, parliamentary tricks and every conceivable tactic, including some of the most infamous political lies (“You can keep your plan/doctor/hospital”) in history.

Apparently, the woman who continues to shape America’s future by successfully convincing the president to steer left at every juncture is not as powerful and influential as Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga.

However, this is all quite intentional, part of the mystique of what Chicago Magazine calls “The mystery woman of the White House.” “VJ,” as she is known within 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., operates largely in the shadows.

And yet, in the elite circles of the executive branch, Jarrett is well known, and by many names, among them: “The night stalker,” “The Obamas’ consigliere,” “The most powerful woman in Washington,” “The spine of Obama,” “His mentor,” “The keeper of the essence,” “She who must not be challenged” and others – one of the most common being “Obama’s Rasputin.”

‘Obama’s Rasputin’

Rasputin, of course, was the reputed Russian “mystic” who served as the private and enormously influential adviser to the final Russian czar, Nicholas II, and especially his wife, Alexandra. Utterly unprepared and unqualified for the position of czar, Nicholas made mistake after mistake, and worse, was inflexible and disinterested in his own people. (Sound like any leader you know?) Rasputin, though secretive – he supposedly never spoke in public – exerted an uncanny influence on the czar and czarina, while also contributing greatly to the royal family’s ever-deepening isolation from the public. Ultimately the out-of-touch monarch, aided by the mysterious Rasputin, inadvertently led Russia into the 1917 revolution, the czar’s abdication and civil war.

Fast-forward almost a century and we are confronted with another breed of out-of-touch czar. Indeed, Jarrett has been responsible for bringing the most bizarre of presidential advisers to the Obama White House, including:

  • “Green jobs czar” Van Jones, who has described himself as a “rowdy black nationalist” and radical “communist,” having founded the communist group Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM. One day after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, Jones led a vigil expressing solidarity with Arab and Muslim Americans and those he called victims of “U.S. imperialism” around the world;
  • Federal Communications Commission “chief diversity officer” Mark Lloyd, who once advocated having “white people” step down from positions of power to make room for “more people of color [and] gays,” who discussed instituting a 100 percent tax on broadcast outlets to fund alternative viewpoints, and who advocated reinstatement of the blatantly unconstitutional “Fairness Doctrine” to throttle conservative talk radio. Lloyd once praised Venezuelan Marxist dictator Hugo Chavez for leading “really an incredible revolution – a democratic revolution”; and,
  • Cass Sunstein, the powerful White House “regulatory czar” who has advocated that U.S. taxpayers’ wealth be redistributed to poorer nations and that government infiltrate chat rooms and social network sites to clandestinely undermine citizens’ belief in what he considers “conspiracy theories” – including the belief that global warming is a deliberate fraud. Sunstein also favors radically changing the nature and interpretation of the Constitution by 2020 and openly pushes for a new socialist-style bill of rights for Americans.

Besides bringing such off-the-charts, leftist, utopian control freaks to the White House, what else has Jarrett done for Obama?

Journalist and author Richard Miniter, in his book, “Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors who Decide for Him,” cites a source within the U.S. military’s Joint Special Operations Command who helped plan the operation to kill Osama bin Laden. It turns out Obama, on the advice of Jarrett, canceled three different times the operation to take out bin Laden – over fear of the political fallout should the mission fail. Finally, he approved the mission.

Miniter provides a revealing window into the inner sanctum of the current White House and Jarrett’s role there. In “Leading from Behind,” he writes of Obama:

[H]e can confide in almost no one, because opening up would break the spell that he has managed to cast over people with opposing views, making opponents believe he secretly agrees with each of them. The exceptions are his wife, Michelle, and his mentor, Valerie Jarrett.

The president himself says he talks to Jarrett several times a day, and that he rarely makes a major decision without consulting her. While every Nixon has his Kissinger, one of the things that make Jarrett unique in presidential history is that she is also the first lady’s mentor. Indeed, she has guided the careers and lives of both Obamas for twenty years.

At every turning point in Obama’s career, Jarrett was there to introduce, to solve or resolve, to console or confirm. She was in the room when Obama decided to run for president. And she was there on a warm summer night in July 2007 when Obama was afraid he was losing to Hillary Clinton.

Jarrett’s White House role is unprecedented. She meets privately with the president at least twice a day with no one else present. Her influence is enormous and wide-ranging. She wields informal power, like a first lady; scheduling power, like a chief of staff; and power over policy, like a special envoy. She has the unusual freedom to put herself in any meeting she chooses and to set the priorities as she sees fit. When the New York Times’ Robert Draper asked Obama if he “runs every decision past her,” the president answered immediately: “Yep. Absolutely.”

Jarrett’s radicalism has caused major eruptions with top White House personnel. As National Review Online reporter Andrew Stiles has pointed out, “Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who clashed often with Jarrett, likened her and senior aide Peter Rouse to Saddam Hussein’s maniacal sons, Uday and Qusay.”

As Stiles notes, many books and articles in recent years have detailed the inner workings of the Obama White House and provided a clearer picture of Jarrett’s role:

Jarrett’s personal friendship with the president and first lady dates back more than two decades, before the couple was married, and before Barack Obama launched his political career in Chicago. The president has said he views her “like a sibling” and trusts her “completely.” As a result, she enjoys “unlimited, almost mystical access” to the president, write Politico’s Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei, and is known as “The Keeper of the Essence,” the “defender, protector, and avenger” of all things Obama.

Edward Klein, who previously served as foreign editor of Newsweek and editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine, wrote a critical book about the 44th president, titled “The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House.” Based on a multitude of interviews with sources both Republican and Democrat, including many close to the Obamas, Klein paints a disturbing portrait of a president utterly dependent on a Rasputin-like adviser:

She is Ground Zero in the Obama operation – the first couple’s first friend and consigliere, the last person to leave the Oval Office after meetings, and the only White House official who dines with the first family in their private quarters at night.

Klein quotes a longtime Jarrett friend: “She functions as the eyes, ears, and nose of the president and first lady. She tells them who’s saying what about who, who’s loyal and who’s not. She advises them about who they should see when they visit a city or a foreign country. She determines who gets invited to the White House and who is left out in the cold.”

Focusing on internal White House battles that largely escaped media attention, Klein reveals: “During the savage internecine warfare between Jarrett and Obama’s first two chiefs of staff – Rahm Emanuel and Bill Daley – Obama sided most of the time with Jarrett, a classic limousine liberal who believes that Obama was elected president in order to engineer social change. Ultimately, Jarrett emasculated Emanuel and Daley and forced them from their jobs.”

How good is Jarrett’s advice? She approved the “$535 million taxpayer-funded loan guarantee to Solyndra, the California solar company that went belly up,” writes Klein, who notes that Jarrett had “close ties to the George Kaiser Family Foundation, which controlled 35.7 percent of Solyndra.” And it was Jarrett that pushed Obama to personally travel to Copenhagen in an attempt to bring the Olympics to Chicago, only to come home rebuffed, empty-handed and humiliated.

Much of Jarrett’s extraordinary influence, explains Klein, “stems from the fact that Jarrett is the president’s trusted watchdog”:

She protects the vainglorious and thin-skinned Obama from critics and complainers who might deflate his ego. No one gets past Jarrett and sees the president if they have a grievance, or a chip on their shoulder, or even an incompatible point of view.

I heard this complaint about Jarrett from practically everyone I interviewed – Republicans and Democrats, African-Americans and Jews. They all blamed Jarrett for keeping the president isolated even from those whose good opinion he needed the most.

Late last year when the big story was “Republicans shut down the government,” Klein revealed, after interviewing more than a half dozen White House and former presidential advisers, that Jarrett was the “architect” of the strategy of refusing to negotiate with Republicans over Obamacare.

“She convinced the president that a government shutdown and default offered a great opportunity to demonize the Republicans and help the Democrats win back a majority in the House of Representatives in 2014,” he explained. “Valerie also came with the idea of using the words ‘hostage,’ and ‘ransom’ and ‘terrorists’ against the Republicans.”

Jarrett’s advice to Obama, according to Klein’s White House sources: “Do not cooperate one iota on Obamacare. Don’t give an inch. Let the Republicans stew in their own juice.”

In the end, said Klein, “Republicans walked into a trap set up by Valerie Jarrett and President Obama.”

The bottom line on Jarrett, writes the former Newsweek and New York Times Magazine honcho: “Despite her lack of international experience and background in economics and fiscal policy, she is in many ways the de facto president. Against the advice of more seasoned advisers, Jarrett steers the president toward decisions that make our economy less robust and our nation less safe.”

‘Mystical’ power

All this still leaves a giant question: Where does Valerie Jarrett get her quasi-”mystical” power over this president and first lady?

The most oft-cited factor is that she virtually formed his identity. As writer Karin McQuillan writes in the American Thinker essay, “Obama’s strange dependence on Valerie Jarrett”:

To understand why Obama relies so heavily on Jarrett, we must remember the president’s identity crisis as a black man, which is the main subject of his memoir, “Dreams from My Father.” Valerie Jarrett’s adoption of the Obamas as her friends and protégés in Chicago’s upper-crust black society was one of the greatest things that ever happened to Obama. Until becoming a community organizer, Obama tells us he felt himself to be an inauthentic American black. Nothing in his life helped him understand or fit into the American black community. …

When Valerie Jarrett hired Michelle to work for [Jarrett’s boss, Chicago Mayor Richard] Daley and befriended her, the Obamas gained access to the exclusive world of upper-class black Chicago politics. Valerie knew everyone whom it was important to know in black and Jewish money circles. She gave Barack entrée and legitimacy. She financed and promoted his ambitions for national office. Obama finally belonged.

Remember also that Obama – a mixed-race child abandoned by his drunk, bigamist, communist father, and who later also lost his Muslim Indonesian stepfather to divorce – ended up filling the resulting parent-vacuum with morally and ideologically perverse mentors like Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA and known pornographer, and later various Marxists (college professors he admits he “gravitated toward”), racists (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), terrorists (Bill Ayers) and criminals (Tony Rezko).

So imprinted was Obama by these toxic influences that even though, with Jarrett’s help, he embraced what he considered an “authentic” black identity, in reality he developed no real identity. That is, he never developed any sense of integrated selfhood that comes from an inner bonding with, and natural response to, common sense, truth, wholesome values, conscience, God – an inner-connectedness that alone can result in being truly whole and happy.

Quite the opposite: Obama grew into someone who strongly identified with an ideology rooted in envy, blame and payback – an ideology on whose behalf he sees himself (thanks to his inflated sense of self-worth) as a national and world leader. It is a delusion Jarrett carefully and lovingly embraces, nurtures and protects at every turn.

Barack and Michelle Obama with Valerie Jarrett

‘Just too talented to do what ordinary people do’

Perhaps the most potent reason she is Obama’s Rasputin is crystallized in the following statement Jarrett made to author David Remnick, published in his 2010 book, “The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama”:

“I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. … He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability – the extraordinary, uncanny ability – to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. … So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. … He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.”

There you have it. That is how Valerie Jarrett exercises such a quasi-hypnotic hold over both of the Obamas. While the country crumbles, and while the light of reality threatens at every turn to annihilate the delusion, the epic pretense, that Obama is a great man, a great intellect and a great leader, Valerie Jarrett is there to reverse the tide, if only in Obama’s mind.

She is, in more than a metaphorical sense, the shadow president. She is Obama’s conscience. Jarrett is his radical-left Jiminy Cricket, keeping him on track to fulfill the dreams of his father.

After all, even wealthy Chicago entrepreneur and close friend of Obama, Martin Nesbitt, told the New York Times Jarrett channels the Obamas’ inner voice, telling them, for instance: “That’s not you. You wouldn’t say that. Somebody else is saying that. Barack Obama wouldn’t say that.”

Or as Jarrett told Vogue magazine, “I kind of know what makes them [the Obamas] who they are.”

Or as she told the New York Times, “We have kind of a mind meld. And chances are, what he wants to do is what I’d want to do.”

One might even be so bold as to ask, who is the real president and who is the shadow president? Who is reflecting whom? Who is actually setting the agenda in the Obama White House?

Historians will no doubt look back and ask how it’s possible that America’s 44th president, Barack Hussein Obama, could possibly have been so disastrously out of touch with reality, so consistently wrongheaded in his decisions, never course-correcting in any meaningful way despite staggering evidence at every juncture. With the clarity and objectivity that comes with the passage of time, they will surely conclude a great deal of credit goes to Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Rasputin, for enabling the president to stay the course – a course she herself was instrumental in setting his feet upon decades earlier.

The preceding article is reprinted from the March 2014 issue of Whistleblower magazine, titled “THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN IN AMERICA.”

[H/T WND: David Kupelian]

America deserves better than Clintons

(WND) – Exclusive: Kathleen Willey suggests Hillary ‘consider retreating from public life’

“What difference does it make?”

Indeed, Madam Secretary, Madam Senator, former first lady and FLOA, it makes a very big difference.

The last time we saw Hillary Clinton as our secretary of state, she was testifying before a congressional committee about Benghazi. During that meeting on Jan. 22, 2013, we heard her shriek, “What difference does it make?”

Earlier, right before one of the presidential debates, on Oct. 15, 2012, Hillary stated during a series of interviews that she, as secretary of state, was responsible for the security of the embassy staff. “The buck stops here.”

I remember being so surprised when I heard it, but I was immediately suspicious.

Nothing – absolutely nothing – is happenstance in the Clintons’ world. Everything they do or say is weighed, measured, practiced and tested. Taking responsibility for anything is rare for them, so I waited for follow-up, the next step. Of course, there was none. It was only a symbolic gesture as the head of her department. Saying it is easy. Doing something about it is a whole different matter. To make it stick, problems needed to be identified and corrected.

Did Hillary do any of that? Did she find the security lapses and beef up what should have been beefed up in the first place? Did she interview any of the staff? How about the members of their security force? Did she ask for and receive follow-up reports from witnesses who were in the embassy compound that night?

What difference does it make? It certainly makes a difference to the families and friends of the four men who died that night. When their bodies came home to Andrew Air Force Base, there was a grand display of solidarity and support for the families of the fallen, with Obama and Hillary leading the delegation of government and military officials. Looking oh-so distraught and sympathetic as she met with the families, she continued to blame the entire uprising on “that anti-Muslim video,” and she looked into the eyes of those families and vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice. Some may say that kind of follow-up should be in the hands of the “proper” authorities, not “hands on” by the secretary of state. Maybe. She made a promise. As a mother herself, she looked into the eyes of those mothers and promised results. So far, she’s done nothing but send up trial balloons about running for president. There are no committees, no valid reports, no interviews, nothing. Her word means nothing.

One has to wonder why the Benghazi attack happened at all. All of our embassies throughout the world are considered to be on American soil, and they are treated as such. They might as well be a government agency on Pennsylvania Avenue. Most of the people on staff are American citizens, and their safety is the responsibility of the State Department. In these troubled times and in the midst of terrorist threats, safety and security take priority.

Is there one amongst us who will never forget certain dates and events that helped shape our country? The assassinations of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King. Oklahoma City. The Boston Marathon. We suffered our worst terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2001. Most of the players are government employees working in government agencies. They should be a lot more attuned to these very significant anniversaries than most. It boggles the mind that no one, from the secretary of state to even a single janitor, did not take note of the fact that the anniversary of the worst act of terrorism on American soil was fast approaching, and it might have been prudent to remind everyone in the complex of that.

We may never know what really happened in Benghazi, but we owe it to the victims’ families and our country to find the truth. Mrs. Clinton does know what happened and, so far, she has been able to avoid telling it. If it is revealed that she played a major part in the demise of our four patriots, as we suspect she did, she might want to consider retreating from public life once and for all and, together with her husband, play the role of senior stateswoman.

We have all become weary of the Clintons and their dysfunctional family drama. We deserve better.

[H/T WND: Kathleen Willey]

About Kathleen Willey: In 1992, then-Democratic activist Kathleen Willey helped send Bill and Hillary Clinton to the White House. While serving as a volunteer in the White House, Willey met with Bill Clinton in the Oval Office to request a paying position. Instead of offering assistance, she said he sexually assaulted her.

Obama Family Spends More Than The Queen On Travel

(Western Journalism) – The Obamas are spending a billion dollars a year on luxurious travel and vacations – all paid for by hard-working Americans.

“Without precedent” is how one member of Congress described it.

Another member announced it was “nearly unbelievable.”

No, they weren’t talking about the latest Obama girls’ outing to China. They were talking of the more than $1 billion spent on travel every year by Obama and his family.

Or, as Britain’s Daily Mail reported, Obama is spending 20 times what the entire royal family spends for travel. That sort of luxury and excess would make the sovereigns of any European nation wince.

The latest trip to China includes all the must-see sights, such as the historic city of Xi’an, the southern district of Chengdu, and the home of China’s beloved panda bears. American taxpayers should be in open revolt, as they’re footing the bill for this opulence and grandeur.

Adding insult to injury is the simple fact that Michelle Obama won’t answer a single question about the entire trip. And still we’re paying the freight….

Living Large in Spite of the Times

When the Obamas travel, they never seek to lower the bill. They stay at the finest private homes, rented for top dollar, or they check into the most luxurious resorts.

Figures and details are often hard to obtain, but the Washington Post estimated that the Obama’s June 2013 sojourn to Africa cost taxpayers $60 million to $100 million. The legendary size of the entourage forced the government to pay for 4,000 “room-nights” for the single stop in Johannesburg, South Africa. They also rented a mind-boggling $2-million worth of cars – that must have been nearly every auto in town!

Back home, Obama keeps a 747 at his disposal, ready to take off at a moment’s notice. He’s used the plane so frequently that the White House had to expand the number of pilots available since Obama was elected. As Andrew Malcom reported in the L.A. Times, “At an Air Force-estimated cost of $181,757 per flight hour (not to mention the additional travel costs of Marine One, Secret Service, logistics and local police overtime), that’s a lot of frequent flier dollars going into the president’s carbon footprint.”

The perks of the office don’t end with a plane, either. Not only does the White House have a theater; they have a projectionist available on standby 24 hours a day. Chefs, gardeners, and personal trainers are available for any family member at a moment’s notice.

Bored with the movies? How about a party? The Obamas have thrown the most ostentatious parties in White House history, including Michelle Obama’s infamous 50th birthday party. Beyoncé headlined the party, but it included musicians like John Legend, Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson, Jennifer Hudson, James Taylor, Gladys Knight, and Mary J. Blige. Celebrities lined up to attend, including Magic Johnson, Samuel L. Jackson, Rachel Ray, Billie Jean King, and Al Roker.

Meanwhile, our defense budget and foreign policy are in shambles. Our economy has sputtered and sank while Obama has been in office. Deficits are out of sight. Obamacare is on the ropes. Yet our First Family parties and lives large, passing the cost off to hard-working Americans.

It’s no wonder that Obama’s popularity is in the toilet.

[H/T WesternJournalism: Floyd Brown]

The Buried Secrets Of Bill And Hillary Clinton Revealed

(Western Journalism) – What exactly is Bill hiding? Apparently, a lot…

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s lawyers have circled the wagons around documents, photos, videos, and, most recently, newly discovered audio recordings—likened to the Nixon tapes—held at the William J. Clinton Presidential Library. After the government watchdog group Judicial Watch sued to force the Clinton Library to release the literally millions of files, the Library released a scant 5000 records, claiming that the FOIA requests don’t reflect the other documents being held.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

On the other side of town, the documents held at the Butler Center for Arkansas Studies in Little Rock, documenting Bill Clinton’s years as governor of Arkansas, make the security at the Clinton Library seem mild. The files are held in a giant safe and require the personal signature of Clinton crony Bruce Lindsey for even a peek—and Lindsey has released exactly zero files.

And there’s a lot to hide.

Let’s start with the “suicides” of teenagers Don Henry and Kevin Ives by laying on the railroad tracks. Clinton’s medical examiner conveniently ruled the deaths suicide; but when the parents of the teens screamed bloody murder, the bodies were exhumed showing that the medical examiner, Dr. Fahmy Malak, had lied. Their bodies clearly showed signs of foul play, one teen having a knife wound, the other with blunt force trauma to the head. It has been rumored for years that the boys had witnessed a  huge drug deal go down, part of Clinton’s infamous cocaine empire based in Mena, Arkansas—and so had to disappear.

What secrets do the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Butler Center for Arkansas Studies hold? We will never know. Presidents and former Presidents in this country, as we now know, are above the law.

Unless the American people demand otherwise.

[H/T WesternJournalism: Kris Zane]

LBJ: “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

(Allen B. West) – On March 20, 1854 the Republican Party was established in Ripon, Wisconsin. Referred to as the GOP or Grand Old Party, it established for one reason: to break the chains of slavery and ensure the unalienable rights endowed by the Creator of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness would be for all Americans.

The Republican Party was created to achieve individual freedom. Then, as now, the antagonist to the Republican party has been the Democrats, the party of collective subjugation and individual enslavement — then physical, now economic.

The first black members of the US House and Senate were Republicans. The first civil rights legislation came from Republicans. Democrats gave us the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings, poll taxes, literacy tests, and failed policies like the “Great Society.”

Republican President Eisenhower ordered troops to enforce school desegregation. Republican Senator Everett Dirksen enabled the 1964 civil rights legislation to pass, in opposition to Democrat Senators Robert Byrd (KKK Grand Wizard) and Al Gore, Sr.

As a matter of fact, it was Democrat President Lyndon Baines Johnson who stated, “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years” as he confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One regarding his underlying intentions for the “Great Society” programs.

Yep, and who are the real racists? So far, thanks to a Republican Party that is ignorant of its own history and gave up on the black community, Democrats have 50 of those 200 years under their belt.

The problem with today’s Republican Party is that it has forgotten its own history and raison d’ etre: individual liberty. The Party must come to realize that GOP also stands for “Growth, Opportunity, Prosperity” and articulate how it stands, as its history and founding clearly demonstrate, for the individual pursuit of happiness as opposed to the progressive socialist (Democrat) lie of a collective guarantee of happiness.

So, happy 160th birthday to my Party, the Republican Party. I am a strong Conservative and I hope Republicans recommit to those fundamental principles which established this Party — the historical antithesis of the Democrats. Do I agree with every Republican on everything? Not always, but I doggone ain’t about to join up with the other liberal socialist rascals. And I do have a word of caution to my fellow Republicans, (wo)man up, or go the way of the Whigs.

[H/T: AllenBWest]