Category Archives: Birth Certificate

‘UNIVERSE-SHATTERING’ TWIST IN OBAMA BIRTH PROBE: Arpaio Investigator: ‘This is beyond the pale of anything you can imagine’

The lead investigator in Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigation of President Obama’s birth certificate says the case has taken a startling turn, and sheriff’s investigators now are assisting the Cold Case volunteers.

“When this information is finally exposed to the public, it will be universe-shattering,” Mike Zullo told WND. “This is beyond the pale of anything you can imagine.”
Zullo explained that because it’s an active investigation that could produce criminal charges, he’s unable to reveal details at the moment.

But the allegations, he said, which go far beyond a fraudulent birth certificate, could be public as early as March.

The issue arose once again because of the death Wednesday in Hawaii of state Health Department chief Loretta Fuddy in a plane crash. She was the official who waived state prohibitions and provided to the White House a copy of a document that Obama presented to the public as his birth certificate.

It’s the document that Arpaio’s investigators have concluded is fraudulent.

Amid conspiracy theories circulating the Internet, Zullo told WND Friday that Fuddy’s death – she was the only fatality among nine people aboard a small airplane that crashed off the coast of Molokai – appears to be a tragic accident, not foul play.

He said his investigation does not depend on any information from Fuddy.

In an interview today with author and talk-radio host Carl Gallups of PPSimmons News and Ministry Network and the author of “The Magic Man in the Sky,” and the new “The Rabbi who Found Messiah,” Zullo said his investigation of the Obama fraud case “does not hinge on Ms. Fuddy.”

“While her death certainly is a tragedy, it in no way hampers our investigation in this matter,” he said. “If people truly believe that her untimely demise was somehow related to an attempt to silence her for ‘what she may or may not know,’ then there are several more people in Hawaii who should be very, very concerned.

“Again, I want to emphasize,” Zullo said, “Sheriff Arpaio and I do not, at this time, believe her death was connected to any nefarious circumstances.”

The birth certificate dispute dates back to before the 2008 election. Critics, including Hillary Clinton, raised the issue about Obama’s status as a “natural-born citizen.” Not defined in the Constitution, it probably was thought at the time of the writing of the Constitution to be someone born of two citizen parents.

Obama fails that test because his father was a Kenyan student visiting the U.S.

Arpaio assigned his Cold Case Posse to look into the issue before the 2012 election, when constituents approached him and asked him to check whether Obama would be an ineligible candidate on the presidential election ballot.

In a recent radio interview with Gallups, Zullo affirmed the investigation had been expanded to the county sheriff’s office and was “moving in a direction that was not anticipated by us.”

“The whole [issue] is more nefarious than you can imagine,” Zullo said, crediting Arpaio for ordering the investigation and sticking with it.

“He knows in his gut that something is wrong,” Zullo said.

Dozens of lawsuits have been filed without success. One case is pending before the Alabama Supreme Court for which Zullo provided evidence.

Read rest of story at WND


Obama Forgery: Douglas Vogt Exposes the Worst Fraud Crime in American History

Listen To News Internet Radio Stations with Hagmann and Hagmann Report on BlogTalkRadio

Who is in the White House? Who has their hand on the nuclear button? Listen tonight as Douglas Vogt explains how we have been victims of the worst crime in American History. A conspiracy of Marxists and Islamists conspired to put one of their own in a President of the United States to destroy the country from within and convert our Republic into a socialist police state.

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news.

The hosts will always leave the audience more informed yet wanting more. It can and does get lively at times, as they don’t always agree on matters of intent and motive!

This is a listener supported show. Only if you have the means and and would like to help you can donate here. If you cannot contribute financially like many people in the struggling US economy please spread the word about the show and keep us in your prayers. Real information. Real truth. Less hype.


[H/T BlogTalkRadio]

Harvard Law Review: Obama was ‘Born in Kenya and Raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’

A page from a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama’s then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel discovered by re-surfaced in 2012 stating that he was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

Snopes explained away the discovery as a “mistake” claimed by the author of the pamphlet. However that doesn’t change the words printed in it. Even if the woman who authored it apologized for making a editorial mistake. The question still stands, where then did she get the idea to even write that he was “born in Kenya?” And further, how could a “Literary Agency” in charge of publishing and promoting books, make such a drastic “mistake?” Wouldn’t they have fact-checked their own work before publishing a promotional pamphlet?

Military Mocks Obama Birth Certificate Fraud

[H/T Western Journalism] — US military spokesman Lt. Col. J. Todd Breasseale, blew off a legitimate editor’s query concerning analysis of the “computer generated forgery” posted online by the White House as being mere nonsense.  “We can only assume that your query is not a legitimate question and is some sort of nonsensical joke,” Breasseale commented via Email to Sharon Rondeau, editor of The Post & Email.   He is calling her very reasonable inquiry nothing more than a web “absurdity”.  “We are happy to consider reality-based requests, but do not entertain absurdities from the web,” replied “Todd” in an insulting try at familiarity.

Click here to enlarge:

Obama's Birth Certificate

When Editor Rondeau replied, “It is absolutely not a joke,” the military mouthpiece came back with merely, “noted,” to her follow up question about the military’s possible analysis of the Obama birth certificate image posted online by someone in or representing the White House on April 27, 2011, as well as the Obama Selective Service registration. “Why has that not been done?” Rondeau asked Public Affairs officer Lt. Col. Catherine Wilkinson who evidently passed off this inquiry to Breasseale.  So much for that; our military “has remained silent” says the CT editor of The Post & Email.

Meanwhile, the 69 page affidavit of lead investigator Mike Zullo is filed as evidence in the Alabama Supreme Court’s review of findings by a lower court which also tossed inquiry into authenticity of the WH computer image. The Zullo court document reads, at point # 26: “All in attendance agreed unanimously that the WH computer image, pdf file contained anomalies that were un-explainable unless the document had been fabricated piecemeal by human intervention, rather than being copied from a genuine paper document”.  Zullo is presenting the results of months of investigation by the Sheriff Arpaio forensic team into the nine layered computer image put on the official WH website.  The team of long time forensic and law enforcement investigators, retired military members, physicians, and computer CEO’s and attorneys concluded “the certificate of live birth. . .is not a scan of an original paper birth certificate.”

The Zullo affidavit presents to the court this statement: “fabricated forgery-violation of the AZ criminal statue and the federal statues…may have taken place.”  The Arpaio team is calling for a full blown Congressional investigation as the nation awaits the decision of the Alabama Supreme Court.  At point # 35 is this lightening bolt: “It was now demonstrated beyond probable cause that the WH website document was an utter forgery.”  The forensic team suggests that crimes may involve “fraudulent creation of an official document, forgery of a governmental birth record, and deception of voters and state election commissioners across the country.”   In total, 207 points of assertion are contained in the Zullo sworn statement.  In spite of the fact that SEVENTEEN different records never have been released by President Barack Obama, (at point # 207), the military spokesman known as “Todd,” along with the mainstream media, Congress, and nationwide elected officials continue to ignore what is going on in the Alabama Supreme Court proceedings.

Perhaps most troubling is the fact that the Obama passport records have never been released to the American public, nor have the incoming INS foreign flight passenger cards for the Obama birth week of August 2, 1961, ever been found!  The Zullo investigators say in their court evidentiary document that these flight manifest identifications are “completely missing from the microfilm roll” of the INS.

Web absurdities, anomalies, a nine page computer generated forgery?  Will we every know?