Category Archives: Judge Jeanine

Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 01/25/2014: ‘Mr. President, You Are Indeed The Master of Contradiction’

With the ‘State of the Union’ speech approaching, FNC’s Judge Jeanine is hoping to see some unity for a change out of the President’s speech.

Mr. President you or indeed the master of contradiction now we expect politicians to talk out of both sides have their mouths but we don’t expect at a bar leader we don’t need a tightrope walker.

We need a leader that we can both believe, and believe in so what we watching on Tuesday night.

[H/T YouTube]

Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 1/18/2014: Bombshell on Benghazi and Hillary Clinton: “YOU KNEW!”

Putting Lies Ahead of American Lives is the way the Obama administration has handled the 9-11-12 Benghazi attack of our U.S. embassy in Libya.

Fox News Judge Jeanine calls out then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her lack of leadership and accountability during this horrific moment in American history.

Hillary Clinton, don’t bother running in 2016′, the American people are on to you.

[H/T YouTube]

Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 1/11/2014: Scorches Obama for All the Scandals and Endless Dragging of Feet, “Shame On You, Mr. President!”

“Justice cannot be fueled by partisan Presidential Politics” says FNC’s Judge Jeanine Pirro in her Opening Statement segment on ‘Justice’ as she scorches President Obama for all the scandals and the endless dragging of feet by his administration in getting to the bottom of them.

Judge Jeanine annihilates Barack Obama in this episode, delivering relentless blows to his administration’s ‘transparency.’

[H/T Right Sightings]


Judge Jeanine’s Resolutions for 2014: I Wish for ‘a President Who Respects the Truth and Doesn’t Lie…’

As 2014 begins, Judge Jeanine Pirro shares her special New Year Justice Resolutions along with challenges to Barrack Obama and the administration to right issues that have gone horribly bad throughout 2013.

‘I want a president that doesn’t stoke the fires of hatred between the have’s and have not’s, but instead puts out the flames…’

‘I want a president that isn’t always on the wrong side of foreign policy…’

[H/T Right Sightings]

Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 12/21/2013: Duck Dynasty Comment Controversy

Judge Jeanine’s Opening Statement: ‘This week’s duck dynasty controversy seems more about the left and they’re right.’

I like ducks, I don’t know why I just like to like the way they waddle I like the way they quack like the way they hang out with their kids and sister you femia would have been proud of how they walk in a straight line behind their mother Superior.

Judge Jeanine talks to the huge controversy that transpired this week about Phil Robertson and weighs in on how this story became so big.

Great show this week Judge! Watch more Judge here.

[H/T YouTube]

Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 12/7/2013: ‘Mr. President the clock is ticking…’

In her opening statement on ‘Justice’ this week, Judge Jeanine Pirro continues to destroy the Obama administration on the total fiasco of the Obamacare rollout as deadline after deadline goes by and still there’s new problems discovered daily.

‘So what’s that you were saying about people with preexisting illnesses being covered… I think not. I know Maria Silva has a preexisting illness. I know she is no longer covered. I know her life is at stake. And, I know you did it. Mr. President, the clock is ticking.’