Category Archives: Judge Jeanine

Judge Jeanine to President Obama: ‘You Draw Lines, Putin Crosses Them’

(Fox News Insider) – The following is a transcript of Judge Jeanine Pirro’s opening statement from last night.

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Sometimes the perception of power is more important than power itself.

As our president continues to fumble on the world stage, he single-handedly is bringing about the decline of the U.S. as a world power, something that impacts you in every way from your pocketbook to your safety.

This decline in power has been ongoing since Barack Obama took office.

Starting with the red lines…

The finger wagging…

Removing economic sanctions against Iran, allowing it to continue its nuclear buildup…

Relying on Russian President Putin to broker a deal for Syria’s removal of its chemical weapons just to save face after announcing plans to attack Syria…

Not even sending reinforcements to protect our men in Benghazi…

Unilaterally removing the missile defense system that protects eastern Europe from Russia…

All the while trumpeting the reduction of our military on the world stage with pride.

Not only are we now perceived as weak…

Our enemies emboldened…

Impacting your safety and mine.

With this loss of power – or the perception of that loss – goes manufacturing jobs, trade alliances, allies standing with us.

Weakness encourages aggression.

Putin’s perception of power is so strong that he took Crimea with virtually no one hurt or killed.

Our president threatens costs, claiming to speak for the international community. Except the international community wasn’t with the president.  The UN, NATO, the EU – no one with initials – nobody was with him.

Our president revokes a few Russian businessmen’s visas to Disney World and withdraws Putin’s invitation to tea with the G7 – formerly the G8 – Putin being the odd man out.

Mr. President, while you’re moving tea cups, Putin is moving soldiers and tanks. Today 80,000 Russian soldiers on the Ukraine border.

Now you come out and say there will be more costs should Putin take more than Crimea.

Since Putin already took Crimea, you really didn’t mean what you said, and didn’t say what you meant, so why should he listen?

While you’ve got a pen and phone running around wagging your finger, Putin is running around with tanks and soldiers.

You brag about reducing the U.S. Military. He increases Russia’s military by 79 percent.

Putin’s influence in Europe and the Middle East increases. Russia is on its way to becoming the dominant world power.  And you say this??

“Russia is a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors – not out of strength, but out of weakness.”

A regional power?  Weak?  Really?

You engaged him to broker a deal with Syria after you didn’t have the fortitude to follow through on your threat, relying on this KGB agent’s “truth telling” that Syria would eliminate its chemical weapons – all the while he’s selling weapons to Syria.

And don’t we rely on Russia to get us into space now that we’ve shut down our own program.

And take a listen to this…

“And I think the strong condemnation that its received from countries around the world indicates the degree to which Russia is on the wrong side of history on this.”

I’ll tell you who’s looking like they’re on the wrong side of history.

You are not listening to history.  And he who doesn’t learn from history is destined to repeat it.

Ronald Reagan was a strong president. He trusted, but he verified.  He ended the Cold War.

You come in taking down the missile defense system in eastern Europe with nothing in return. Why are you doing this? Do you even know who our enemies are?  Do you know that your obligation is to protect us and our economy?

And you say Russia is a regional power? With all due respect Mr. President, Putin is a pig, but he’s been bitch-slapping you since the Edward Snowden mess.

And speaking of perception, your Secret Service bozos, passing out drunk in hotel hallways traveling with you in Europe makes you look weak yet again. Do you think Putin’s KGB guys would dare do something like that?

I suspect they can handle their Stoli better.

You draw lines… Putin crosses them.

You play make believe war games… He sends the troops.

You sit around moving tea cups… He moves armored tanks.

And you want to poke this tiger in the eye?

The perception of power – as strong as power itself.

[H/T FoxNewsInsider: Justice With Judge Jeanine]

Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 2/22/2014: An EMP Would Destroy Our Way Of Life And Leave Us in Total Darkness… Are You Ready?

Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Justice Investigates: U.s. Power Grid – Lights Out!

‘The difference between 9-11 and what I’m about to tell you is that we know that this can happen the question is not will it happen but when will it happen and the consequences would be a million times worse the 9/11.’

‘One day you’re enjoying the comforts of life the next everything is different civilization as you know it would be gone and electromagnetic pulse would destroy all electronics and the Transformers that power everything anything with an on off switch your hot water heater your refrigerator your dialysis machine hospitals are closed grocery shelves are empty most to the food you have at home is spoiled
and forget about your bank accounts it doesn’t matter what you have in your pocket is all you can access I imagine myself waking up to total darkness…’

[H/T Mass Tea Party]

Judge Jeanine Pirro: White House Under Fire For NSA Spying – Class Action Lawsuit Filed This Week

Judge Jeanine Pirro – WH Under Fire For NSA Spying – Class Action Lawsuit Filed This Week

The guests to talk about a potential historical lawsuit are Freedom Works President Matt Kibbe and American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow.

NSA is a ‘program without limits that has no not only it no limits but no real cognitive connection between what they’re trying to prevent…’

[H/T YouTube]

Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 2/15/2014: Demolishes Barack Hussein Obama, He ‘is using you as an excuse to be a lawless president’

Barack Hussein Obama’s Power Grab? Vows Action With Or Without Congress

Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Obama A Lawless President, Where Does it End?

‘President Obama is using you and me as an excuse to be a lawless president.’

[H/T Mass Tea Party]

Judge Jeanine on Impending Disaster: Is Our Power Grid In Danger And What’s Being Done To Protect Us? The Answer Will Infuriate You

The U.S. Power Grid On The Brink – What’s Being Done To Protect Us?

Judge Jeanine Pirro Investigates: U.S. Power Grid In Danger? – What’s Being Done To Protect Us?

Rep. Andy Harris discusses what’s being done and what’s being ignored!

[H/T YouTube]

Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 2/8/2014: Picks Apart Obama’s Benghazi Claims, Col. David Hunt Credited with Assist

Judge Jeanine destroys Barack Hussein Obama’s claims on O’Reilly’s on Benghazi.

‘You don’t send F-sixteens you don’t send troops or any of the military companies prepared to deal with emergencies.’ And here’s the kicker the fight one on for hours and hours and you still didn’t send help.’

‘So don’t lie to me and tell me you did everything you could!’

[H/T Mass Tea Party]

Dr. Ben Carson: We Are More Divided as Nation, ‘What would one expect, what do community organizers do?’

Judge Jeanine Pirro – Dr Ben Carson Weighs In On How Divided The Country Has Become.

Ben Carson: ‘above course (we are more divided since Obama has been president) more divided (since Obama took office), but what would one expect? You know what do community organizers do? It’s you against you, it’s us against them? Of course that’s what they do.’

‘Dr. Carson they say they’re drafting you for president, what’s say you? I say that I’m very hopeful that someone will come along who really grasp the importance of the things that are going on in this country and gets a lot attraction in which case I would get strongly behind him.’

[H/T YouTube]

Judge Jeanine: The Real Threat Of A U.S. Blackout Doomsday Prepper Weighs In With Survival Tips

The threat of a U.S. blackout in our lifetime through either a system failure or EMP, is very real.  In fact many think it’s imminent, including CA.

While it may be an uncomfortable thought of being without the basic necessities, we nevertheless must face reality and get prepared.

We encourage our readers to take action.  We offer a number of prepper products, including our most popular, Backyard Liberty. But whichever route you decide to take, just do it!  Be prepared for life’s pleasures and necessities to disappear at a moments notice. It doesn’t cost a fortune to be ready; so prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

[H/T YouTube]