‘America, Wake the Hell Up!’

Glenn Beck said Thursday that America has completely “disconnected” from the truth, eventually growing so frustrated that he shouted: “America, wake the hell up!”

Beck cited a number of current headlines that he says prove America’s disconnect, including that NBC News was reportedly willing to offer “anything” to get comedian to do Jon Stewart to do “Meet the Press,” that a school in Nebraska reportedly asked teachers to refer to students as “purple penguins” instead of girls and boys to be more “gender inclusive,” and that America is not securing its borders amid the threat from ISIS and Ebola.

Beck referenced a poem from Rudyard Kipling called “The Gods of the Copybook Headings,” which references statements of absolute truth, like “water will wet us” or “fire will burn.” People try to “progress” past these truths, Kipling said, yet they somehow always “catch up.”

Beck asked whether any of what Americans are being told today could be a copybook heading.

“For instance, comedians are the best news people. Is that a copybook heading?” he asked. “Our children are purple penguins. ISIS is not coming over our border. Keeping our border wide open will cause us no problems. The best way to cure Ebola is to keep all flights from Ebola central flying. The economy is better, you just don’t feel it yet. Are any of those true?”

Beck continued: “[But] if I said, news people are not comedians. Children are not purple penguins. Closing our border leads to security. The economy is not getting better. The Ebola virus is dangerous, and our airplanes should be grounded in West Africa. Do those sound true?”

“This tells you that we are so disconnected from the truth,” Beck said. “That things are going to have to reset. And when they reset, they’re going to reset hard. The farther you get away from the truth, the harder the reset becomes.”


After an extensive discussion about how students would react to being called “purple penguins,” Beck’s co-host Pat Gray remarked: “We’ve gotten to the weirdest place. Five years ago, I don’t think I would’ve believed this.”

“I told you [that one day] you would get up and you would not recognize your country,” Beck remarked. “Everything would be solid that you thought would be liquid, and everything liquid would be solid. Up would be down. We’re here.”

Gray asked: “How many 10 year olds are questioning their gender? How many ten year olds have a problem with being called a boy or a girl?”

“One hundred? A thousand?” Beck responded. “Let’s be generous. Five thousand. We are eliminating boys and girls for 5,000 children. Now I don’t want those children to feel bad or feel like freaks or anything else. But you are –”

“You don’t change science for them and biology for them,” Gray interrupted. “Come on. You’re denying there’s actual genders.”

“We’re not science deniers,” Beck agreed. “You’re science deniers. There’s no gender anymore.”

“This is the crazy. America, wake the hell up!” Beck said. “This is out of your mind crazy. Do you know how we are going to be viewed by generations? They are going to read about this stuff. Believe me. If I have to bury stories like this in the sides of the mountain to make sure that it is remembered at some point 5,000 years from now — they will dig on the side of a mountain and they will find a big thing marked ‘Glenn Beck’s sanity box. What drove him insane is all in this box. Open at your own peril.’ They’ll open it up and stories like this will fall out. And they will say, ‘What the hell?’”

Beck joked that the government will probably have confiscated pens by the time he’s finished with the box, for some environmental reason, but he will find a way to leave the message: “We did see it. We denied it. Nobody wanted to say stop. Nobody wanted to stand up in our own classrooms and have our kids say, ‘Mommy and daddy said this is nuts, and I’m to come home right now.’”

“It’s bat crap crazy,” Gray agreed. “And I’m more concerned … how does our creator perceive us right now, with the two genders that he himself created and we’re denying exists?”

“We already denied he exists,” Beck said. “That’s the root problem right there. If we deny that he exists, then we deny all of his creations. … There’s no end to it. Man gets to decide everything. There is no creator, so you no longer recognize that you are a creation. So you can be whatever you decide you are, or what others are. And then, once you have somebody deciding what people are and who people are and what categories they fit into, then they can start denying that you have a right to exist. This is what happens every time.”

[H/T TheBlaze]

CDC: 150 People Enter U.S. Per Day from Ebola-Stricken Countries or 4,500 Per Month

Both Homeland Security Secretary Secretary Jeh Johnson and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on Wednesday that 150 people a day arrive in the United States from Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea, the three West African countries that have been hit by the Ebola virus.

“When somebody travels from one of those three West African countries, even through a transit point (in Europe), we know where they’re coming from. So we’re able to track this. And we know that on average it’s about 150 passengers a day,” Johnson told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

“The number of travelers is relatively small. We’re talking about 150 per day,” Frieden told a news conference on Wednesday. He announced that questionnaires and temperature checks will begin at five major U.S. airports that handle “95 percent of all the 150 travelers per day who arrive from these three countries.”

One hundred-fifty passengers a day from West Africa works out to more than a thousand a week (1,050), 4,500 a month, and 54,750 a year.

Given the 21-day incubation period for Ebola and the 150 people coming in each day, that means that at any given time there could be 21 x 150 people in the U.S. who could be asymptomatically incubating Ebola, and who are free to wander around the country.

That is 3,150 people who at any moment could become symptomatic anywhere in the country and start exposing people.

All passengers flying out of West African countries already undergo temperatures checks and answer questions about their contact with Ebola patients, but the screening doesn’t always work, as the case of Thomas Eric Duncan proves.

Duncan died of Ebola on Wednesday in Dallas, after coming to the U.S. from Liberia on Sept. 20. He reportedly failed to tell airport officials in Liberia about his contact with an Ebola patient, and he did not have a fever when he left that country.

‘Think Ebola’

At Wednesday’s news conference, the CDC’s Frieden told reporters that he expects some people traveling to the U.S. from West Africa to have fevers, but it may not be Ebola:

“In fact, we know that over the past couple of months, about one out of every 500 travelers boarding a plane in West Africa has had a fever. Most of those had malaria. None of those, as far as we know, have been diagnosed with Ebola. So we expect to see some patients with fever, and that will cause some obvious and understandable concern at the airports.”

Frieden said malaria is spread by mosquitoes; it is very common in West Africa; and it is characterized by a fever that “comes and goes.” “So it would not be surprising if we saw individuals with malaria have a fever after coming back here,” he said.

Even if it turns out to be malaria, Frieden said he wants all U.S. medical practitioners to “think Ebola.”

“We’re working hard to promote now is ensuring that doctors and nurses, pharmacists, health care workers throughout the health care system think Ebola in anyone who has fever and ask whether they have been in west Africa in the past 21 days.”

The Obama administration has ruled out a travel ban or even a quarantine on travelers arriving from West Africa: “We need airlines to continue to operate in West Africa; and we need borders to remain open,” Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday.

Hours later, Frieden stressed that “protecting Americans is our number one priority.”

He also explained the dire situation in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea:

“Liberia has had the most extensive epidemic so far. There have been in some areas of Liberia some decreases in recent weeks, but we don’t know whether those will hold. In Sierra Leone, we’re continuing to see increases in cases that are very concerning. Guinea has seen increase and decreases, and we’re monitoring that very closely.”

Frieden said the challenge for the international community is “how rapidly the disease is spreading.”

He also noted “signs of progress” in West Africa: “For example, we’re seeing more safe burials in Liberia…We’re increasing isolation and treatment capacity. So I think we’re beginning to see that kind of surged response have an impact on the front lines, but it’s going to be a long, hard fight and in West Africa we’re far from being out of the woods.”

[H/T CNS News]