Sick Passenger Removed from United Flight by Medical Personnel in Hazmat Suits

At least one passenger exhibiting flu-like symptoms and believed to be from Liberia was removed Saturday from a United Airlines plane at New Jersey’s Newark International Airport by medical personnel in hazmat suits.

Passengers and crew on board Flight 998 were instructed to remain inside the plane while the sick passenger was removed. They were allowed off the plane shortly after the removal. United Airlines said it is working with authorities to accommodate its passengers.

“The crew reported that a person was vomiting, and that Liberians were aboard the plane,” a law enforcement source told The New York Post. “The person throwing up is believed to be Liberian.”

Details about the number of ill passengers were not immediately clear, but the issue raised fears since the symptoms described are commonly associated with Ebola. reported that passengers, believed to be a father and daughter from Liberia, exhibited flu-like symptoms. They were taken to nearby University Hospital.

[H/T Fox News]

Conservative Legal Activist Larry Klayman Files ‘Deportation Petition’ to Deport Obama

Larry Klayman has submitted a petition to a handful of federal officials in an attempt to initiate a legal process that would result in the deportation of President Barack Obama.

This week, Klayman sent his 20-page “deportation petition” to Thomas S. Winkowskim acting director for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; Thomas Homan, a director of enforcement and removal operations at the Department of Homeland Security; and Sarah Kendall, a fraud detection director at DHS.

“As demonstrated by the evidence established in exhibits and attached affidavits, there is prima facie evidence that Barack Hussein Obama is removable from the United States and in violation of the law under the legally recognized categories of falsely claiming U.S. citizenship,” Klayman wrote, according to U.S. News & World Report.

“Even if a legitimate birth certificate exists, Barack Obama’s repeated use of a clearly forged birth certificate is still a crime,” the conservative legal activist added.

Klayman is a former Justice Department lawyer and the founder of Judicial Watch. In December 2013, he successfully sued the National Security Agency and the Obama administration on constitutional grounds over the massive surveillance of phone records. (His victory is currently stayed pending appeal.)

However, he just can’t quit his years-long, increasingly bizarre quest to demonstrate that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen under Article II of the United States Constitution.

Klayman disputes considerable evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama released a “Certification of Live Birth,” a document produced by the state of Hawaii certifying the state holds records that a person was born there.

Additionally, two Hawaiian newspaper announcements from 1961 informed the world of Obama’s birth. Those newspapers received information directly from hospitals.

Further still, Obama’s mother was an American citizen, which, under federal law, would have put toddler Barack Obama on track to become an American citizen without regard to the location of his birth.

None of these facts, or the fact that Obama’s ability to be president will expire forever in two years, has satisfied Klayman.

In his “deportation petition” stunt, the activist insists that Obama must be kicked out of the country because “he has falsified various birth and other documents with regard to obtaining a U.S. passport and other privileges as an alleged American citizen,” according to WorldNetDaily.

“Barack Hussein Obama has relied upon a birth certificate from the State of Hawaii which is clearly a forgery — that is, not a valid birth certificate — and indeed also a rather sloppy forgery with easily detected, unmistakable errors and defects,” Klayman argues.

“It is clear, based on a mountain of evidence as set forth in and attached to the petition, that the president and his agents have falsified documents, such as his birth certificate and Social Security number, to qualify for the privileges of American citizenship such that his citizenship, which is based on false pretenses, must be nullified.”

Klayman also maintains that Obama is really “Barry Soetoro,” according to WND, because that name belonged to the future president when he lived as a child in Indonesia and the moniker was “never changed back to his name at birth.”

In the highly unlikely event Klayman’s “deportation petition” is successful, it would mark the first time a sitting U.S. president has been removed from the office forced out of the country.

The country to which Obama would be deported is unclear. Despite a luxurious abundance of travel on the taxpayer dime, he has lived virtually his entire life in the United States.

[H/T The Daily Caller]