Tea Party, Rand Paul Stomp Establishment in Maine GOP Convention Straw Poll

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) easily swept a straw poll of 2016 GOP contenders at the Maine GOP convention this weekend, securing nearly a hundred votes more than the next best potential presidential candidate.

(Breitbart) – Paul topped the field with 176 votes out of 690 cast, with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) finishing second with 98 votes. Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker rounded out the top three vote-getters in the straw poll with 70 votes, while Dr. Ben Carson placed fourth with 62 votes.

Establishment Republicans like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) couldn’t even break the top four in the Maine GOP straw poll. Christie placed fifth with 60 votes, Bush sixth with 57 votes, and Ryan seventh with 37. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) all received fewer than 30 votes.

The Maine GOP convention occurred in Bangor, Maine, on Saturday, with more than 1,500 GOP activists attending.

Despite Paul, Cruz, Walker, and Carson’s topping all GOP establishment potential candidates in the Maine GOP straw poll, the state has elected what the American Conservative Union (ACU) has rated the most liberal Republican in the U.S. Senate in Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME). Even so, Maine elected a Tea Party-backed GOP governor in Paul LePage.

During Rand Paul’s speech, according to aides of his, he was warmly received, and multiple standing ovations interrupted him. “This doesn’t look like division to me. I see unity, and I smell victory,” Paul said in the speech.

[H/T Breitbart: ]

Mia Love Wins GOP Nomination for Congress

Mia Love cruised to an easy victory winning the GOP nomination for Utah’s 4th District House seat, Saturday.

(Breitbart) – Love, a rising star in the GOP firmament, took the lion’s share of the vote at Utah’s GOP nominating convention on April 26 easily besting the number two vote getter, Bob Fuehr, in a 78 to 22 percent vote.

This gives Love the opportunity to vie for the House seat a second time after losing to Democrat Jim Matheson by a razor-thin margin in 2012.

The former Saratoga Springs mayor has generated a lot of interest in the national party, so much so that she had already raised $2 million for a second run for Congress before she even gained the nomination. By comparison her closest GOP opponent raised but $300,000.

In the upcoming general election, Love will face Democrat Doug Owens, the Salt Lake City attorney who won his party’s nomination for the seat with an overwhelming 98 percent vote.

Current occupant of the 4th’s House seat, Jim Matheson, beat Love by a slim 800 votes in 2012 and promised a re-match for 2014. But only last December the Congressman surprised everyone by announcing he would not run for re-election.

This particular nominating convention may be the last time that Utah picks its nominees with a nominating convention instead of a primary election. But the rules are still fluid with no final decision in sight and several new competing plans are being debated in both the legislature and the courts.

The 4th District is seen by many as a likely GOP pickup and most expect Love to cruise to an easy victory in the general election.

[H/T Breitbart: ]

Sarah Palin Reveals How the U.S. Would ‘Baptize Terrorists’ In Her Administration

(The Blaze) – Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin fired up a crowd of thousands as she addressed attendees of the National Rifle Association’s “Stand and Fight Rally” Saturday.

“If you control oil, you control an economy. If you control money, you control commerce. But if you control arms, you control the people. And that is what they are trying,” she warned.

WATCH: Sarah Palin addresses the NRA’s ‘Stand and Fight’ Rally:

Palin, who was ran on the Republican ticket in 2008 for vice president, spoke mostly about the Second Amendment and pushes for gun-control, but strayed slightly from her speech to address “the lack of common sense” coming from Washington, D.C.

Mid-way through her prepared remarks, the former Alaska governor revealed how she would deal with “enemies who would utterly annihilate America.”

“If I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists,” Palin said to a thunderous applause.

[H/T TheBlaze: ]

The media is turning on President Obama

(New York Post) – With multiple crises spiraling out of control around the world, stories about the Obama presidency are taking on the air of postmortems. What went wrong, who’s to blame, what next — even The New York Times is starting to recognize that Dear Leader is a global flop.

“Obama Suffers Setbacks in Japan and the Mideast,” the paper declared on Friday’s front page. The double whammy of failure pushed the growing Russian menace in ­Europe to inside pages, but even they were chock-full of reports about utopia gone wrong.

One story detailed how the White House was facing the “consequences of underestimating” North Korea’s Kim Jong-un. Others recounted the continuing Syrian slaughter and the murder of three Americans in Afghanistan.

The accounts and others like them amount to an autopsy of a failed presidency, but the process won’t be complete unless it is completely honest. To meet that test, the Times, other liberal news organizations and leading Democrats, in and out of office, must come to grips with their own failures, as well.

Obama had a free hand to make a mess because they gave it to him. They cheered him on, supporting him with unprecedented gobs of money and near-unanimous votes. They said “aye” to any cockamamie concept he came up with, echoed his demonization of critics and helped steamroll unpopular and unworkable ideas into reality.

Some of his backers knew better, and said so privately, but publicly they were all in. Whether it was ObamaCare, his anti-Israel position or the soft-shoe shuffle around the Iranian nuke crisis, they lacked the courage to object.

They said nothing as Obama went on foreign apology tours and stood silent as our allies warned of disastrous consequences. Even now, despite protests from a succession of Pentagon leaders, former Democratic defense hawks are helping Obama hollow out our military as Russia and China expand theirs and al Qaeda extends its footprint.

A king is no king without a court, and Obama has not lacked for lackeys. The system of checks and balances is written into the Constitution, but it is the everyday behavior of Americans of good will that makes the system work.

That system broke down under Obama, and the blame starts with the media. By giving the president the benefit of the doubt at every turn, by making excuses to explain away fiascos, by ignoring corruption, by buying the White House line that his critics were motivated by pure politics or racism, the Times and other organizations played the role of bartender to a man on a bender.

Even worse, they joined the party, forgetting the lessons of history as well as their own responsibilities to put a check on power. A purpose of a free press is to hold government accountable, but there is no fallback when the watchdog voluntarily chooses to be a lapdog.

The sycophancy was not lost on other politicians and private citizens. Taking their cue from the media, they, too, bit their tongues and went along as the president led the nation astray and misread foreign threats.

From the start, support for Obama often had a cult-like atmosphere. He sensed it, began to believe it and became comfortable demanding total agreement as the price for the favor of his leadership.

That he is now the imperial president he used to bemoan is no long­er in dispute. The milking of perks, from golf trips to Florida to European vacations for the first lady, is shockingly vulgar, but not a peep of protest comes from his supporters.

The IRS becomes a political enforcer, but that, too, is accepted because nobody will risk their access by telling Obama no. You are either with him or you are his enemy.

The evidence is everywhere that his ideas are flawed, that his view of economics, diplomacy, the military, history, science and religion are warped by his own narcissism. He doesn’t even talk a good game anymore.

Yet it remains a fool’s errand to hope he will correct his ways. He is not capable; he looks in the mirror and sees only a savior.

It is equally clear that those who shielded him from facts and their own best judgment did him no ­favors. Out of fear and favor, they abdicated their duty to the nation, and they must share the burden of history’s verdict. After all, America’s decline happened on their watch, too.

Blasio needs a history lesson

Being mayor carries a lot of clout, but the power to rewrite the past is not included. Somebody tell Bill de Blasio.

Speaking at Columbia University, the rookie got carried away in praising his former boss, Mayor David Dinkins. He said Dinkins “was handed a situation with a truly rampant crime problem” when he took office in 1990, which is true.

But he went on to claim that Dinkins “suggested very boldly a program called Safe Streets Safe City,” which is not true.

The idea of raising taxes to add 5,000 police officers was the brainchild of Peter Vallone Sr., then the speaker of the City Council. “Dinkins went crazy and said we can’t do that,” Vallone told me.

But the Queens Democrat, fearing crime would turn Gotham into a ghost town, said the council would rewrite the whole budget unless Dinkins agreed. The mayor came around, and they went to Albany together, where they won state approval by pledging to dedicate the new revenues to expand the entire criminal-justice process, including cops, prosecutors, judges and correction officers.

Mayor de Blasio also gilded his revisionism by crediting Dinkins with much of the tremendous gains in public safety that followed. But if that were really true, Dinkins would not have been fired in 1993, after one disastrous term.

It was only under his successor, Rudy Giuliani, that those extra cops beat back the crime wave, a process that continued under Michael Bloomberg and top cop Ray Kelly.

The 20-year era culminated in record-low crimes and with New York as the nation’s safest large city. That’s the city de Blasio inherited.

His loyalty to Dinkins is admirable, but it should not come at the expense of the truth.

Hillary’s sham-paign

Every story about Hillary Clinton these days includes a breathless reference to the possibility that she might run for president in 2016.

Oh, please. She’s already running!

All those speeches and interviews — they’re poll-driven, gauzy reintroductions to voters. Her new book will be more of the same — running by pretending to be thinking about running.

She’s a candidate and ought to be treated like one.

Well, you don’t say!

“Major Islam conference said mired by anti-Semitism,” reads a headline.

File that one under dog bites man.

Analyze this, NBC

The report that NBC hired a shrink to analyze David Gregory is “complete fiction,” the TV anchor insists.

That’s too bad. The original account made NBC look smart for a change.

[H/T NewYorkPost: Michael Goodwin]