Democrats compare black Republicans to Jewish Nazi collaborators

(Allen B. West) – According to the Washington Free Beacon, Illinois Democrat Gov. Pat Quinn is in some hot water with the Jewish community after his campaign tweeted—and then quietly deleted—several messages urging backers to read an article comparing black Republican voters to Jews who collaborated with the Nazis.

The original article, written in the Chicago Sun-Times by Neil Steinberg, compared black supporters of Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner to Jews who collaborated with the Nazis against their brethren. “As a general rule, individuals will sell out the interests of their groups in return for personal benefit,” Steinberg wrote in his column, which claimed that Rauner is buying off the black community and its leaders. “It isn’t just a black thing. Jews collaborated with the Nazis during World War II, helping them to round up their own people in the hopes they’d be the last to go.”

Quinn’s camp praised the piece and tweeted it out to supporters several times. The tweets were deleted after local Jewish community officials quietly communicated their outrage to the governor.

And exactly what “personal benefit” do I receive as a black conservative Republican? Oh yeah, the freedom to escape the white liberal progressive economic plantation, work hard, and do well for my family.

So now, along with being called an Uncle Tom, Sellout, Oreo, House Negro, and White Man’s Porch Monkey, I am also just like Jews who were Nazi collaborators.

Hmm, funny thing — that would put black conservative Republicans like me in the same category as George Soros – a Hungarian Jew who posed as a Christian and helped confiscate property from Jews being shipping out to concentration camps. And now he funds the liberal progressive socialist movement we call the Democrat party.

I don’t expect DNC Chairman Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who happens to be Jewish, to express any outrage – do you? And will Eric Holder go running to Al Sharpton and the National Action Network to whine about how blacks are treated?

During my Congressional tenure a reporter came up to me in the Speakers Lobby and asked me for comments about an opinion poll that showed a majority of Americans believed the Republicans controlled Capitol Hill. I looked with amazement and responded that, “The Democrats have a propaganda machine that would make Goebbels proud.” Another reporter — liberal progressive of course — was standing by and asked me if I was comparing Democrats to Nazis. Of course not, I told him. I was simply addressing the use of propaganda as a means to deceive the public. But I also told him I know what you want is something sensational and you’ll no doubt inaccurately report my statement — which is of course exactly what happened.

Folks demanded an apology and even Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Maryland) brought a resolution to the House floor to condemn me for saying something I did not say.

Of course, never mind that liberals referred to President George W. Bush as Hitler. And more recently black Democrat Rep. Jim Clyburn compared rightwing bloggers to Nazi propagandists.

What this latest episode shows is a sense of desperation by Gov. Quinn. What it also shows, once again, is the utter disrespect white liberal progressives have for any black people who want to decide what is best for themselves and the black community.

Liberal progressive socialist policies have failed and destroyed the black community and the inner cities. White liberal progressives demand blind allegiance from the black community and they demean, disparage, discredit, and will attempt to personally destroy anyone who refuses to pay them homage.

So don’t expect a single liberal progressive media outlet to cover this story. They’re the real racists and enablers of the utter destruction of what was once a successful proud community — all for votes.

Hey, Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus — cat got your tongue?

[H/T AllenBWest]

Bozell: Untruthful Hillary’s Hardly One to Lecture Media for Not Being Factual

(News Busters) – Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently slammed the U.S. news media as obsessed with celebrity and more driven by entertainment than hard news.

Of course she’s right, Media Research Center president Brent Bozell noted on the April 24 edition of Fox News’s Your World with Neil Cavuto, but added that it’s even worse than that. The liberal media are actively censoring legitimate, hard news stories, many of which would likely harm Mrs. Clinton’s presidential prospects in 2016 were they seriously pursued on national television (watch video below):

The bigger problem is that, I wish we would take a very long hard look at Hillary Clinton casting aspersions on the national media about not being factual [when] this is the same woman who claimed, among other things that, for example, she came under sniper fire on the tarmac in Bosnia in 1994, yet the video showed her standing on the tarmac holding a bouquet of roses greeting little children.

This is same woman who invented the “vast right-wing conspiracy” mantra, and she was lying when she said that.

This is the woman who made $100,000 in cattle futures overnight, and nobody can really understand how she did this, but she said it was the Wall Street Journal that made her do it.

This is the woman who said that the video was what caused Benghazi, lied about that one as well.

So I don’t think Hillary Clinton is the one to be giving lectures to the media about being factual.

Upon hearing that, substitute host Stuart Varney mused that Mrs. Clinton was the beneficiary of a vapid media environment which is treating her as a celebrity. Bozell agreed:

In 2008, Barack Obama won in [large] measure because he was treated as a celebrity, not as a politician. In 2016, I think we’re going to see it again with Hillary Clinton, treated as a celebrity, not a politician, so she’s been the great beneficiary of this glamorous infotainment called news, yeah.

Why is Obama decimating the military while arming federal agencies?

(Allen B. West) – The rate at which this administration is arming federal agencies is quite alarming. Case in point–the recent standoff against Cliven Bundy in Nevada. In recent years, armed federal government agents have stormed against citizens in Ruby Ridge, Miami (the Elian Gonzalez case), and Waco, Texas (the Branch Davidians). Each of these assaults occurred under a Democrat presidential administration. Enabled by lies and deceit, could it be that liberal progressive socialism only works by fear, intimidation, and coercion? Or is Obama more afraid of the American people than our enemies abroad?

I find it humorous that liberal progressives accuse their opponents of being fascists, but the liberals are actually the most intolerant and oppressive when it comes to free speech, expression, and petition of redress of grievances by the American citizenry.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) now have armed agents. The Department of Justice is heavily partisan — and that assertion has nothing to do with racism. I support our law enforcement agencies having the proper resources and equipment to fulfill their mission of keeping us safe from criminals and enemies who have penetrated our sovereign borders. However, we do not need to become a “police state” where our government agencies start to resemble special operation strike troops of the U.S. mlitary.

During the 2008 campaign, I recall then-Senator Obama stating, “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Just like the fundamental transformation of America, what exactly did this mean? And just as amazingly, behind the young inexperienced junior Senator, you can see American military veterans applauding.

So, as we decimate our military, cut retiree and veteran benefits, and cut benefits to our military families, we are arming federal agencies. Why?

I don’t know about you, but I ain’t about to be a sheep heading to the slaughter.

[H/T AllenBWest]

A Defiant Rancher Savors the Audience That Rallied to His Side

(New York Times) – BUNKERVILLE, Nev. — Cliven Bundy stood by the Virgin River up the road from the armed checkpoint at the driveway of his ranch, signing autographs and posing for pictures. For 55 minutes, Mr. Bundy held forth to a clutch of supporters about his views on the troubled state of America — the overreaching federal government, the harassment of Western ranchers, the societal upheaval caused by abortion, even musing about whether slavery was so bad.

Most of all, Mr. Bundy, 67, who was wearing a broad-brimmed white cowboy hat against the hot afternoon sun, recounted the success of “we the people” — gesturing to the 50 supporters, some armed with handguns and rifles, standing in a semicircle before him — at chasing away Bureau of Land Management rangers who, acting on a court order, tried to confiscate 500 cattle owned by Mr. Bundy, who has been illegally grazing his herd on public land since 1993.

“They don’t have the guts enough to try to start that again for a few years,” Mr. Bundy said in an interview.

Protesters claiming government overreach in Nevada paused to observe the national anthem. Credit Jason Bean/Las Vegas Review-Journal, via Associated Press

Mr. Bundy’s standoff with federal rangers — propelled into the national spotlight in part by steady coverage by Fox News — has highlighted sharp divisions over the power of the federal government and the rights of landowners in places like this desert stretch of Nevada, where resentment of Washington and its sprawling ownership of Western land has long run deep.

His cause has won support from Senator Rand Paul, the libertarian Republican from Kentucky who is likely to run for president. Senator Dean Heller, a Nevada Republican, referred to Mr. Bundy’s supporters as “patriots.” Senator Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who is the Senate majority leader and has a long history of pushing for protection of public lands, denounced the rancher’s supporters as “domestic terrorists.”

The dispute spilled over this week into Texas, where Greg Abbott, the attorney general and a Republican running for governor, challenged the Bureau of Land Management on reports that it was looking to claim thousands of acres along the Red River.

For now, Mr. Bundy appears to have won, forcing the government to back down after its rangers were met with armed Bundy supporters this month.

“The gather is now over,” said Craig Leff, a deputy assistant director with the Bureau of Land Management. “Our focus is pursuing this matter administratively and judicially.”

His sympathizers include dozens of militia members, many carrying weapons. Credit Jim Urquhart/Reuters

But if the federal government has moved on, Mr. Bundy — a father of 14 and a registered Republican — has not.

He said he would continue holding a daily news conference; on Saturday, it drew one reporter and one photographer, so Mr. Bundy used the time to officiate at what was in effect a town meeting with supporters, discussing, in a long, loping discourse, the prevalence of abortion, the abuses of welfare and his views on race.

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

A spokesman for Mr. Paul, informed of Mr. Bundy’s remarks, said the senator was not available for immediate comment. Chandler Smith, a spokesman for Mr. Heller, said that the senator “completely disagrees with Mr. Bundy’s appalling and racist statements, and condemns them in the most strenuous way.” A spokeswoman for Mr. Abbott, Laura Bean, said that the letter he wrote “was regarding a dispute in Texas and is in no way related to the dispute in Nevada.”

 The crowds may be beginning to dwindle, but for much of the past two weeks, here at Mr. Bundy’s ranch in Bunkerville, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, the rancher has been a celebrity, drawing hundreds of supporters, including dozens of militia members, many carrying sidearms, and members of Oath Keepers, a militia group, who have embraced him as a symbol of their anger and a bulwark against federal abuse.

He was honored at a celebratory party on Friday night attended by 1,500 people, who wore “domestic terrorist” name tags, listened to cowboy poetry and ate hamburgers, hot dogs and Bundy beef. “This is the beginning of taking America back,” said Shawna Cox, who had come from Kanab, Utah, to support him.

Mr. Bundy, whose family has grazed cattle here since they homesteaded in the 1870s, owes the government more than $1 million in grazing fees. He stopped paying after the bureau ordered him to restrict the periods when his herd roamed the 600,000-acre Gold Butte area as part of an effort to protect the endangered desert tortoise.

Mr. Bundy’s case happened to heat up around the time that Mr. Paul, building the foundation for a presidential campaign, struck a chord with some members of the Republican Party with warnings about governmental overreach. Mr. Paul’s latest book is titled “Government Bullies: How Everyday Americans Are Being Harassed, Abused and Imprisoned by the Feds.” In the Bundy standoff, Mr. Paul has criticized the federal government as overreaching with its use of regulations, but cautioned against any violence or lawbreaking.

Rob Mrowka, a senior scientist with the Center for Biological Diversity, which has been battling to get Mr. Bundy to move his cattle in deference to the tortoises, said the standoff had come to symbolize divisions across the country about the role of government, particularly here in the West.

Sympathizers have embraced Mr. Bundy as a symbol of their anger and a bulwark against federal abuse. Credit Ronda Churchill for The New York Times

“It’s symbolic of the polarization and divide within the country that we saw starting with the Obama election,” he said. “This is merely a surrogate for bigger issue and topic in America today — it’s the whole idea of federalism versus states.”

The federal government owns 85 percent of the land in Nevada, a statistic repeatedly noted by Mr. Bundy’s supporters as they denounced the actions of the government. Six cattle, including two that had Bundy brands, died during the attempt to collect the animals.

“Western states don’t have the control over their land that Eastern states have over their land,” said Ivan Jones, 60, a brick mason who came here from Northern California. “Someone like the Bundys, they have been here for generations, before the B.L.M. was ever created, using this land to graze their animals. And the B.L.M. comes in and changes the rule. A small little rancher trying to make a living and they come in like big bullies.”

Toby Purvis, 51, an electrician who came here from Farmington, N.M., called the bureau operation “a land grab.”

“This is happening all over the country right now,” he said.

The standoff over cattle grazing has highlighted divisions over Washington and its sprawling ownership of Western land. Credit John Locher/Las Vegas Review-Journal, via Associated Press

Mr. Bundy’s case is clearly divisive. About 16,000 ranchers across the country pay relatively modest fees for their herds to use public land. The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association, while expressing sympathy with some of Mr. Bundy’s complaints, pointedly did not endorse his methods.

“This should not be confused with civil disobedience,” Mr. Mrowka said. “This is outright anarchy going on here.”

Mr. Bundy disputes the legitimacy of both the bureau and the courts that have ruled against him. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to honor a federal court that has no jurisdiction or authority or arresting power over we the people,” he said.

Still, as Mr. Bundy surveyed the dusty landscape last weekend, the only sign of law enforcement was Brad Rogers, the sheriff of Elkhart County, Ind., who had flown 1,800 miles to stand in solidarity with the embattled rancher.

With the rangers gone, “I don’t feel any threat — that’s a big change,” Mr. Bundy said. At the same time, he said he saw no reason for his supporters to leave. “As long as we are getting together as a group and as long as we feel good about being here, we are going to be here,” he said.

One of Mr. Bundy’s sons, Ammon, 38, a car fleet manager from Phoenix, said his father had taught the federal government a lesson. “We ran them out of here,” he said, sitting in a trailer set up near one of the protesters’ camp sites. “We were serious. We weren’t playing around.”

But Alan O’Neill, who had a similar struggle with Mr. Bundy when he was superintendent of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, expressed concern that the government had backed down.

“He calls himself a patriot, and says he loves America,” Mr. O’Neill said. “And yet he says he won’t follow any federal laws. You just can’t let this go by, or everybody is going to be like, ‘If Bundy can break the law, why can’t I?’ ”

[H/T NewYorkTimes: ]

Vladimir Putin’s Shortest Speech Ever

(Vietnam Veterans of America) – This is one time our elected leaders should pay attention to the advice of Vladimir Putin….

“In Russia live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslim’s then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law.

Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell discrimination.

We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries but they will not take over Russia.

The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims.

When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslims minorities are not Russians.

The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.

[H/T Vietnam Veterans of America]