Vile NY Times op-ed tries to link white supremacists to veterans

(Allen B. West) – How low will liberal progressives go to attack our nation’s veterans? It seems to be a bottomless pit.

In a vile and despicable opinion piece in the New York Times (of course), writer Kathleen Belew attempts to link white supremacists and their hate groups to veterans.

Ms. Belew asserts, “When Frazier Glenn Miller shot and killed three people in Overland Park, Kan., on Sunday, he did so as a soldier of the white power movement: a groundswell that united Klansmen, neo-Nazis and other fringe elements after the Vietnam War, crested with the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995, and remains a diminished but potent threat today.”

If Ms. Belew, as part of the progressive agenda, wants to link veterans returning home from combat to fringe hate groups, to what does she link the New Black Panthers?

In a blatant attack specifically against our Vietnam-era veterans (of which my older brother is one), Belew states, “The number of Vietnam veterans in that [white power] movement was small — a tiny proportion of those who served — but Vietnam veterans forged the first links between Klansmen and Nazis since World War II. They were central in leading Klan and neo-Nazi groups past the anti-civil rights backlash of the 1960s and toward paramilitary violence.

Yes, a tiny proportion, but why should that stop Belew from making a connection?

She then tries to connect Miller’s service and his actions, saying “before his 1979 discharge for distributing racist literature, Mr. Miller served for 20 years in the Army, including two tours in Vietnam and service as a Green Beret.”

And of course Belew draws attention to former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s 2009 report detailing the threat of domestic terrorism by the white power movement. This short document outlined no specific threats, but rather a set of historical factors that had predicted white-supremacist activity in the past. The report singled out one factor that has fueled every surge in Ku Klux Klan membership in American history, from the 1860s to the present: war.

The return of veterans from combat appears to correlate more closely with Klan membership than any other historical factor. “Military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists carrying out violent attacks,” the report warned. And naturally, Belew invoked the liberal progressive Left’s favorite “domestic terrorist” whipping boy, Timothy McVeigh, as anecdotal evidence.

Of course, Belew fails to mention (does she even know?) the KKK, white supremacy, Jim Crow laws, and segregationist policies are all associated with the Democrat party.

However, it is her closing paragraph which is most disturbing, “That Mr. Miller was able to carry out an act of domestic terror at two locations despite his history of violent behavior should alarm anyone concerned about public safety. Would he have received greater scrutiny had he been a Muslim, a foreigner, not white, not a veteran? The answer is clear, and alarming.”

Belew is a sick, delusional leftist who, along with those on the Left, has been waiting for some demented, white American male military veteran to shoot someone. I’m amazed she didn’t write the same piece after Jared Loughner shot former Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords — oh yeah, he didn’t perfectly fit their agenda profile.

Hate to tell Ms. Belew but New York City’s beloved socialist Mayor de Blasio has canceled the program allowing scrutiny of Muslims. And Nidal Hasan was a jihadist who had all the warning signs but because he was a Muslim those signs were dismissed — and his terrorist attack is still classified as “workplace violence” by the Obama administration.

Belew and her liberal Left elitist ilk got the gift they’d been waiting for, and now they want to disparage the honor of American combat veterans. I find her op-ed offensive, politically-driven, and disrespectful to the legacy of service, sacrifice, and commitment of those brave men and women who have provided and protected her right to free speech in order for her to expose her ignorance.

[H/T AllenBWest]

Cop Tries to Shoot Dog, Ends Up Shooting Himself

(InfoWars) – Footage shows docile canine playing with children.

A California sheriff’s deputy is feeling the sting of humiliation after he attempted to shoot a fenced-in dog, but failed, succeeding only in shooting himself.

The deputy, who works with the Riverside County Court Services Division, was reportedly serving an eviction notice at a Riverside home on Wednesday at around 2p.m. when a “large dog” approached him.

Police say the pit bull, who can be seen in footage shot by Los Angeles NBC affiliate KNBC being playful and friendly with several children, attacked the officer, forcing him to draw his weapon.

Children relieved dog wasn't shot.

“A large pit bull breed dog attacked the deputy,” an investigator told KNBC. “In defense of himself, he fired one round at the dog and inadvertently struck himself in the leg.”

The dog’s owner, Jorge Rodriguez, says his dog never attacked.

Dog owner Jorge Rodriguez thankful the officer and his dog are OK.

“The officer got scared and unfortunately pulled his gun and he shot himself,” Rodriguez says. “He was in pain, man, I feel sorry for the officer.”

The officer sustained non-life threatening injuries and is being treated at the Riverside Community hospital.

Reports say the Department of Animal Services won’t take action against the dog as she was legally within a fenced-in enclosure. No word on whether the officer will be investigated for mishandling his firearm.

[H/T InfoWars: Adan Salazar]

White House to use executive orders to aid the solar industry

(The Daily Caller) – The White House announced on Thursday it was launching a $15 million dollar “Solar Market Pathways” program to help state, local and tribal governments expand their solar energy production.

“To advance our nation’s energy and climate goals, the United States must be a leader in innovating and deploying clean energy,” the White House said. “Solar is a vital component of the Administration’s all-of the above strategy. Supported by historic investments in research, development, and deployment, the price of solar technologies has decreased and the U.S. solar market has experienced rapid growth since President Obama took office.”

“But the President is committed to continuing the momentum,” the White House added. “The White House is also calling, today for new commitments from the private sector and non-profits to support solar deployment and jobs.

But it doesn’t end there, the White House also proposes powering more federal housing projects and state and local government buildings and schools with solar energy. The EPA’s announced it will double on-site renewable energy generation through its “Green Power Partnership” by the end of the decade.

President Obama’s new solar push, of course, comes with more financing for solar energy facilities and panels. This includes $2.5 billion from the Energy Department for more loan guarantees for solar projects — the same loan guarantees that were given to failed companies like Solyndra and Abound Solar.

This announcement comes as the Energy Department announces i’’s looking to issue $4 billion in green energy loan guarantees and that the Defense Department is planning to expand its use of green energy sources.

Previous efforts by the Obama administration to promote green energy use have been criticized by Republicans after several high-profile failures tainted such efforts. Companies like Solyndra and Abound got hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer-backed loan guarantees only to fail after years of mismanagement.

Abound filed for bankruptcy in June 2012 after drawing down on $70 million of its $400 million Energy Department loan guarantee. The Daily Caller News Foundation reported in 2012 that the company knowingly took taxpayer dollars while making faulty solar panels that routinely caught fire.

“Our solar modules worked as long as you didn’t put them in the sun,” an internal source in the company told TheDCNF.

The Energy Department’s inspector general released a report on Thursday that government officials ignored expert advice about the company’s potential problems.

“We found that [DOE’s] internal solar expert had previously expressed concerns to the program regarding deficiencies in Abound’s quality control,” the IG wrote.

Solyndra’s failure sparked Republican criticisms that the Obama administration was playing venture capitalist and losing. The company failed in September 2011 after getting $535 million from the Obama administration.

The Obama administration says that the costs of solar have come down dramatically in the past few years, meaning the technology is much more viable today than it was in the past. Solar energy made up 30 percent of the newly installed electric generation capacity for 2013.

“Without question, the Obama administration has been the most solar-friendly ever,” Rhone Resch, president of the Solar Energy Industries Association, told The Washington Post.

But solar energy is still expensive and heavily subsidized. Despite being heavily subsidized, solar power made up only about 0.11 percent of U.S. electrical generation in 2012, according to the Energy Information Administration.

[H/T TheDailyCaller: Michael Bastasch]

Jeb Bush: Both right and wrong

(WND) – I’ll admit it: If I lived in Mexico, I would want to get to America as fast as I could, as America is the land of opportunity. Mexico, not so much.

According to a report by Transparency International, Mexico and Argentina shared the dubious title in 2013 as the two most corrupt countries in Latin America. Toss crime, drugs and a crushing 50 percent poverty rate on top of rampant corruption, and it’s no wonder why upwards of 15 million illegal aliens have escaped hell to come to America looking to improve their lives.

NAFTA, which was supposed to create a prosperous Mexico, has been a rusty shiv through the heart of the Mexican economy, which is why millions of Mexicans continue to take their lives into their own hands to come to the last best place.

Borrowing from his brother who stated on the campaign trail in Iowa in 1999 that “family values do not end at the Rio Grande,” Jeb Bush recently declared that those who illegally come to America have not committed a felony, but rather an “act of love.”

Mr. Bush, who is considering jumping into the presidential race, is both right and wrong.

He’s absolutely right that many hardworking Mexicans come to America to build a better life for themselves and their families because things in Mexico are so bad. Again, if I were living in corrupt Mexico, I would be planning my escape to America.

Mr. Bush is wrong, however, in arguing that illegally entering America is analogous to jaywalking. It’s not, and poll after poll clearly indicates that most Americans support tougher controls to stop illegal immigration. Poll after poll also finds the majority of Americans do not support amnesty.

I constantly hear the reference to our “nation of laws,” but witness total defiance of this by our president, attorney general and so many others in powerful government positions. This level of lip service is how people’s lives are ruined.

America has immigration laws for the same reason every other civilized country has immigration laws: to monitor and control entry. We can’t nor should we turn a blind eye to illegal immigration and instead create an amnesty path, as Mr. Bush is insinuating. If we do, to what other crimes does Mr. Bush suggest we turn a blind eye?

In pandering to Hispanics with his “act of love” quote, Mr. Bush realizes the Republican Party needs all the help it can get as it pertains to attracting Hispanic voters who are solidly in the camp of the Democrats – at least for now.

There are new forces at play these days, however, and they don’t bode well for the Democrats. First and foremost is the economy.

Our anemic economy is limping along pathetically due to the jobs-killing agenda of Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama’s sluggish economy has exacted the most pain on those on the bottom rung of the economic ladder, many of whom are Hispanics.

Regardless how the Democratic spin machine tries to scam us, things haven’t improved for Hispanics under Mr. Obama. In fact, things have gotten economically worse for my Hispanic friends, and polls indicate that the No. 1 issue for them is jobs.

Hispanic unemployment has consistently been higher than white unemployment rates since Obama was first elected in 2008. Things are so bad that illegal aliens are returning to Mexico in record numbers. Some research indicates more Mexicans are returning to Mexico than are coming to America.

It’s no secret why the Democrat Party is pushing hard for immigration reform: They want to bestow citizenship upon these people as soon as possible so they can begin giving them free stuff in return for their votes. What that will do, as it always does, is destroy their families, wreck their communities, shatter their traditionally hardworking culture and condemn individuals to a life of dependency and poverty. The GOP should consistently hammer this home and remind everyone that earning your own way through hard work and sacrifice is indeed the American Dream.

Mr. Bush and the GOP would be wise to consistently inform Hispanic voters that the Democratic Party is and always will be a ticket to the poor house.

Those illegal aliens who want to become a legal U.S. citizen should have to pay a price for breaking the law before earning this ultimate privilege. I believe this should be a 10-year penalty that includes no voting rights for 10 years, no welfare, having to learn English and pass a proficiency exam, pass a Constitution test, pay all taxes, be prohibited from having dual citizenship, register with the government, sign the Pledge of Allegiance and lose all citizenship claims if arrested for a felony during these 10 years. How bad do you want it?

The GOP would also be wise to know that endorsing an easier path to citizenship for illegal immigrants than for legal immigrants will ultimately spell the death of the GOP. That’s not an act of love unless you are a RINO or a Democrat.

[H/T WND: Ted Nugent]

Watch as Anti-NRA Protester Explains Why You Shouldn’t Be Able to Protect Yourself With a Gun If Your Life Is in Danger

(The Blaze) – When MRCTV’s Dan Joseph talked with protesters outside the National Rifle Association’s headquarters in Fairfax, Va., earlier this week, he was able to really encapsulate the anti-gun crowd’s argument against the Second Amendment.

When asked if a person who believes their life is in danger should be able to defend themselves with a firearm, one protester simply said, “No.”


“Only a law enforcement officer should be allowed to use weapons,” she said. The same woman also told Joseph that he shouldn’t be able to carry a gun in a bad neighborhood, because he shouldn’t be walking around in a bad neighborhood in the first place.

Another protester claimed that 30,000 people die every year to gun violence, and it’s all the NRA’s fault.

“People who go out and buy a bunch of guns” are just paranoid and misinformed, a female protester argued.

There’s plenty more footage from MRCTV below:

[H/T TheBlaze: