Ron Paul group to defy IRS

(Washington Examiner) – Ron Paul‘s nonprofit Campaign for Liberty will fight the Internal Revenue Service’s demand that it reveal its donor list to the agency, despite having already been fined for refusing to do so.

“There is no legitimate reason for the IRS to know who donates to Campaign for Liberty,” Megan Stiles, the communications director at Campaign for Liberty, told the Washington Examiner in an email on Tuesday. “We believe the First Amendment is on our side as evidenced by cases such as NAACP v. Alabama and International Union UAW v. National Right to Work. Many 501(c)(4) organizations protect the privacy of their donors in the very same way as Campaign for Liberty. For some reason the IRS has now chosen to single out Campaign for Liberty for special attention. We plan to fight this all the way.”

Ron Paul suggested that the group will refuse to pay the IRS fine in an fundraising email to supporters about the agency’s request for information.

“Paying this outrageous extortionist fine — just to exercise our rights as American citizens to petition our government — may even be cheaper in the short run,” he wrote. “But it’ll just embolden an alphabet soup of other federal agencies to come after us.” Paul’s email said that the rule requiring that 501(c)(4)s list their donors is “rarely enforced.”

Stiles accused the IRS of trying to silence her organization. “The IRS technically requires donor information from 501(c)(4) organizations and is forbidden by law from releasing it to the public, yet despite this they have ‘mistakenly’ released the information repeatedly over the years,” she wrote. “Often these leaks have been made to political opponents of the conservative groups whose information was leaked. Leaking the donor information is intended to harass and to intimidate those donors from donating to political causes. Campaign for Liberty has refused to provide donor information to the IRS to protect the privacy of our members. Now the IRS has demanded the information and fined Campaign for Liberty for protecting its members’ privacy.”

[H/T WashingtonExaminer: Joel Gehrke]

NYPD ends Muslim surveillance program

(Fox News) – The New York Police Department said Tuesday it has disbanded a special unit whose efforts to try to detect terror threats in Muslim communities through secret surveillance sparked outrage.

The surveillance program by the NYPD Intelligence Division had come under fire by community activists who accused the department of abusing civil rights.

The program relied on plainclothes officers to eavesdrop on people in bookstores, restaurants and mosques. The tactic was detailed in a series of stories by The Associated Press and became the subject of two federal lawsuits.

In a series of articles that began in August 2011, the AP documented that police had systematically spied on Muslim neighborhoods, listened in on sermons, infiltrated colleges and photographed law-abiding residents as part of a broad effort to watch communities where terror cells might operate. Individuals and groups were monitored even when there was no evidence they were linked to terrorism or crime.

The investigation revealed that then-police Commissioner Ray Kelly had brought in a CIA official to help develop an intelligence division unlike that of any other U.S. police department. It assigned people called rakers to ethnic neighborhoods, infiltrating enterprises ranging from booksellers to cafes, and people called mosque crawlers to Muslim houses of worship.

The tactics disclosed by the series stirred debate over whether the NYPD was infringing on the civil rights of Muslims and illegally engaging in religious and ethnic profiling. Hundreds of Muslims staged rallies to protest the spying, and the disclosures prompted more than a dozen religious leaders to boycott then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s annual interfaith breakfast.

In Washington, 34 members of Congress demanded a federal investigation into the NYPD’s actions. Attorney General Eric Holder said he was disturbed by reports about the operations, and the Department of Justice said it was reviewing complaints received from Muslims and their supporters.

The AP’s reporting also prompted an investigation by the CIA’s inspector general. That internal inquiry concluded that the CIA, which is prohibited from domestic spying, hadn’t broken any laws, but criticized the agency for allowing an officer assigned to the NYPD to operate without sufficient supervision.

Kelly, the former police commissioner, had defended the spying tactics, saying officers observed legal guidelines.

The NYPD’s decision to disband the unit was first reported in The New York Times.

[H/T FoxNews]

University asks for ideas on how to have fewer white people

(Campus – WWU’s marketing department asks “How do we make sure that in future years ‘we are not as white as we are today?'”

This question has been posed several times already by University President Bruce Shepard.

President Shepard equates a “white” student body and faculty to “failure.”

A school-wide questionnaire at Western Washington University (WWU) asked the community “How do we make sure that in future years ‘we are not as white as we are today?’”

The question, released through the communications and marketing department’s daily newsletter Western Today, comes on the heels of admonishments given in multiple convocation addresses by WWU President Bruce Shepard for the university’s “failure” to be less white.

“In the decades ahead, should we be as white as we are today, we will be relentlessly driven toward mediocrity; or, become a sad shadow of our current self.”   

“Every year, from this stage and at this time, you have heard me say that, if in decades ahead, we are as white as we are today, we will have failed as university,” Shepard said in the 2012 speech.

And in a recent blog post on WWU’s website, Shepard echoes these sentiments, saying those who do not agree “have not thought through the implications of what is ahead for us or, more perniciously, assume we can continue unchanged.”

“In the decades ahead, should we be as white as we are today, we will be relentlessly driven toward mediocrity; or, become a sad shadow of our current self,” he wrote.

WATCH: President Bruce Shepard base success on the color of the students and not the content of the curriculum

The six question survey, inspired by Shepard, is meant to combat a recent decline in Washington high school graduation numbers, the pool from which the university draws 90 percent of its students.

The university has already replaced standard performance reviews with sensitivity training and hosts workshops to better serve undocumented students. WWU also provides literature on how to better “recruit and retain faculty and staff of color.”

Campus Reform talked briefly to a spokesperson from the university who was hesitant to offer clarification to the controversial questionnaire.

[H/T Kaitlyn Schallhorn]

‘If You Have a Boehner Lasting More Than 23 Years…’: GOP Candidate Releases Hilarious Ad About ‘Electile Dysfunction’

(The Blaze) – With the 2014 midterm elections less than seven months away and primary elections just around the corner, campaign ads are starting to appear on radio, television and the Internet. Lesser-known candidates challenging incumbents have been known to use ads that might be considered less-than-traditional.

Enter JD Winteregg, one of the three GOP primary challengers to House Speaker John Boehner. Boehner is vying for a 13th term in the House of Representatives. The primary election for the seat he has held since 1991 will be on May 6. Winteregg is a self-described political newcomer who currently teaches high school. He has been a leader in local Tea Party groups and received the endorsement of the Tea Party Leadership Fund, a political action committee.

On Monday, Winteregg’s campaign released a clever ad that parodies the myriad erectile dysfunction commercials that populate the television airwaves. The ad, titled “When The Moment Is Right,” points out Boehner’s apparent close relationship with President Obama. The two are seen playing golf, laughing, smiling at each other and shaking hands.

Image: YouTubeImage: YouTube

Embedded inside the clever commercial, Winteregg manages to mention some of the issues he believes to be important to voters in Ohio’s 8th District.

  • Protecting the Second Amendment
  • Securing American borders
  • Defunding Obamacare and Planned Parenthood

The ad then goes on to skewer Boehner, saying things like, “Other signs of electile dysfunction include extreme skin discoloration, and the inability to punch one’s self out of a wet paper bag.”

Image: YouTubeImage: YouTube

See the entire ad offering a solution to “elective dysfunction”:

[H/T TheBlaze: Mike Opelka]

President Obama and Stoking Resentments

(Bernard Goldberg) – If there’s one thing Barack Obama and his political pals know how to do, it’s to stoke resentment.

This was a man who told us “There is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There is a United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America, a Latino America, an Asian America, There is a United States of America.”

This was a man who spoke eloquently of a new day in America. “The time has come,” he said, “to move beyond the bitterness and anger and pettiness that’s consumed Washington; to end the political strategy that’s been all about division. And instead make it about addition; to build a coalition for change that stretches through red states and blue states.”

It’s possible, I guess, that Barack Obama meant every word.  But I suspect he meant that we could all achieve this wonderful, post-partisan, can’t-we-all-just-get-along America if – but only if – Republicans saw things the way he does; only if conservatives jumped on his liberal bandwagon and helped him  “fundamentally transform the United States of America” — the way he thought it should be transformed.

I guess one more thing is possible:  that he is so enamored with himself that he has no idea why he has become one of the most polarizing political figures in American history.

Here are a few reasons …

With the midterm elections approaching, Mr. Obama has been trying to energize his base with some old, often reliable standbys.  There’s the supposed Republican war on women, for one.  Republicans, we’re told, are against a higher minimum wage and against equal pay for equal work legislation – because, well because, they’re pro-business anti-women.

Never mind that hiking the minimum wage would cost the economy hundreds of thousands of jobs – that according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

As for the Paycheck Fairness Act, the GOP put out a statement saying it’s already illegal to discriminate on the basis of gender, adding that, “This law will not create ‘equal’ pay, but it will make it nearly impossible for employers to tie compensation to work quality, productivity and experience, reduce flexibility in the workplace, and make it far easier to file frivolous lawsuits that line the pockets of trial lawyers.”

And this is what Ruth Marcus, the columnist at the Washington Post wrote about the Democrats’ war on women strategy:

“The level of hyperbole — actually, of demagoguery — that Democrats have engaged in here is revolting. It’s entirely understandable, of course: The Senate is up for grabs. Women account for a majority of voters. They tend to favor Democrats. To the extent that women — and in particular, single women — can be motivated to turn out in a midterm election, waving the bloody shirt of unequal pay is smart politics.  Fairness is another matter.”

Ms. Marcus, by the way, is no conservative.  When liberals start saying such things, you know Mr. Obama and his party will do just about anything to take the voters’ minds off of other things, like the weak economy and ObamaCare.

And how’s this for trying to unify the country? Mr. Obama once urged Hispanics to “punish their enemies” — not their political opponents; not the other side; their enemies.  He said, “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that.”  He said, “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.” And he’s been doing everything but putting mug shots up of those heartless rich Americans who supposedly would rather watch people starve in the street than part with any of their money.

And if it isn’t class or gender warfare, then race is always good to get the base riled up before an election.

Just the other day, his close friend, the Attorney General, Eric Holder stoked more resentment, suggesting that he and the president are treated badly – not because of their politics – but because they’re black.  Speaking to Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, Holder said this:

“Forget about me, forget about me. You look at the way the attorney general of the United States was treated yesterday by a House committee — has nothing to do with me, forget that. What attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? What president has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment?”

Holder was referring to a combative exchange with a conservative Republican congressman from Texas, Louis Gohmert, during a House Judiciary Committee hearing.  Gohmert was complaining that his request for certain documents hadn’t been satisfied, suggesting that Holder was playing politics.

Did it occur to Mr. Holder that his intransigence might be the reason he was treated harshly? Did he consider the possibility that the reason Mr. Obama has so many detractors might be his politics – not the color of his skin?

Mr. Obama also spoke to Sharpton’s group, telling them that Republicans want to take their civil rights away. “The stark, simple truth is this,” the president said: The right to vote is threatened today in a way that it has not been since the Voting Rights Act became law nearly five decades ago.” Why?  Because those racist Republicans want voter ID laws.

So should we be surprised when even the great Hank Aaron, who broke Babe Ruth’s all-time home run record 40 years ago, compares Republicans to the Ku Klux Klan?

“Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated,” Aaron told USA Today. “We have moved in the right direction, and there have been improvements, but we still have a long ways to go in the country. The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Yes, black Americans and white Americans have very different histories that have led to some very different perceptions.  A legacy of slavery and segregation does things to the psyche.  But Eric Holder playing the race card –to an Al Sharpton crowd, no less — and the president joining in a day later … none of that helps convince African-Americans, or anybody else, that “there is not a black America and a white America” but only “a United States of America.”

He told us he wanted “to end the political strategy that’s been all about division” — that instead he wanted to “make it about addition” and “build a coalition for change that stretches through red states and blue states.”  As we approach the midterm elections of 2014, that Barack Obama is gone.  And I suspect he never really existed.

[H/T Bernard Goldberg]

Judge Napolitano: Ranch Rebellion Was Americans’ “Line in the Sand”

(InfoWars) – BLM feds should have been arrested for theft of private property.

Judge Andrew Napolitano appeared on Fox News to denounce the federal government’s operation against Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy, asserting that BLM agents should have been arrested for seizing his property and that the case represents a “line in the sand” for Americans who have had enough of big government tyranny.

Napolitano said the feds were forced to back down because they had suffered a public relations nightmare, pointing out that Bundy lost his case in a federal court but that the case should have been tried in a state court.

“The federal judiciary should not be deciding what land the federal government owns,” said Napolitano, adding that the feds should have placed a lien against Bundy’s property to collect grazing fees and not conducted a raid backed up by armed agents to seize his private property.

“The government’s option is to take the amount of money he owes them and docket it, that is file the lien on his property….the federal government could have done that, instead they wanted this show of force,” said Napolitano, adding, “They swooped in….with assault rifles aimed and ready and stole this guy’s property, they stole his cattle, they didn’t have the right to do that, that’s theft and they should have been arrested by state officials”.

Napolitano also chastised the BLM’s ludicrous creation of a ‘First Amendment Area’ outside of which free speech was banned. Protesters completely ignored the zone and it was quickly torn down by BLM officials after being widely derided in the media.

“They established something utterly repellant in America, a First Amendment Zone….the square was three miles away from where these events were going – this is the federal government emasculating the First Amendment rights of the protesters,” said the judge.

Napolitano characterized the resistance shown by Bundy supporters as a clear example of how Americans feel, “enough is enough with the federal government, we’re drawing a line in the sand right here – and it drew people from all around the country who basically said ‘quit your heavy handed theft of property and act like you’re a normal litigant and not God almighty’.”

As we reported on Saturday, around 380 cattle were eventually released by BLM agents who then left the scene after a confrontation with hundreds of Bundy supporters who refused to back down despite facing threats that they would be shot dead.

However, the BLM has still vowed to pursue Bundy legally for the $1 million dollar grazing rights fee they claim he owes. Bundy asserts the land in question has been in his family for generations and has said he will only pay the fee to Clark County and not the feds.

[H/T InfoWars: Paul Joseph Watson]