Islamists are rising in America while we sleep

(Allen B. West) – This week we covered two key stories that I’m quite certain aren’t getting much play: the rejection of Muslim women’s advocate Ayaan Hirsi Ali by Brandeis University and the Muslim Brotherhood forming a political bloc in America.

We are indeed witnessing the rise of Islamists in America. How has it come to this, that such a small minority has gained such a powerful political voice and influence? How is it that an organization like the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is even allowed to exist in our Republic?

It’s simple, we have become so damn politically correct that a vile organization that was an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest Islamic terrorist funding case in America can thumb its nose and by intimidation and coercion deny free speech and freedom of expression in our country. We have fallen under the spell of the bumper sticker “coexist” and have failed to heed the lessons of history.

What is even worse, we have failed to even take this enemy — yep, I mean it –enemy to heart for what they have openly stated their objective to be. Just read the Strategic Memorandum discovered in 1991 if you still have any doubts.

However, most importantly, we have seen a class of political cowards who castigate those of us who recognize this enemy as “Islamophobes” and “extremists.”

And why is that possible? Because we refuse to develop our own energy independence so that we can tell OPEC and the 56 nations of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to get bent. Instead, they use our petrodollars to hold us hostage, fund their Islamic terrorism, export their materiel propaganda, and worst of all, buy off American political cowards.

We need to follow the money in America from these Islamist organizations to any politician and defeat them. We then need to find courageous men and women who will be relentless in identifying these Islamist infiltrators and their enablers, and ban them from operating in our country. If the Egyptians can categorize the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group, so should the United States of America. And in turn, classify those groups associated and listed in the Strategic Memorandum of the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist organizations and cease their operations in America.

This is no laughing matter. It is not about “freedom of religion” — as a matter of fact, Islam stopped being a religion in 622 when Muhammad decided to undertake the “”hejira” (migration) and departed Mecca for Medina.

When he returned to Mecca in 628 iit was after breaking the Treaty of Hudaibiya and massacring the occupants of Mecca in the Battle of the Trenches. Thus began the violent march of the theocratic-political totalitarian system, a global scourge for the past 1400 years known as Islam. America battled this enemy in the Barbary Wars, first from1801-1805, and then in 1815. The specter of the past has returned, but do we have a Jefferson and Madison who will give the order to crush this enemy — or will we continue down the path with feckless, accommodating, and acquiescing leadership which offers the throat of our Republic to this rabid barbaric foe?

If there is one thing that is bipartisan it is the failure of Democrat and Republican senior elected officials to confront this enemy — and therefore they exploit this weakness.

I cannot say this often and enough: When tolerance becomes a one-way street, it leads to cultural suicide.

Sorry, I ain’t going down this way, and to Nihad Awad, Ibrahim Hooper, and all the other Muslim Brotherhood facilitators and Islamists in America — enjoy it for now, but your dawg don’t hunt!

[H/T AllenBWest]

Founding Fathers Made Sure Bundy Family Was Armed

(Breitbart) – As tensions rose and a standoff ensued between Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents and Cliven Bundy and his family on April 11th and 12th, one thing was evident: through the Second Amendment, the Founding Fathers guaranteed that Bundy could be armed to protect his life and property.

KLAS-TV described a meeting between armed federal agents and armed Bundy family members during one of the highest points of tension.

No guns were misused nor were any used offensively. However, guns were present because of our Founding Fathers’ forethought.

We do not have guns for the purposes of sporting or hunting–although guns are certainly fine tools for those activites. We have them, rather, because our Founding Fathers recognized a God-given right to keep and bear arms to protect our lives, families, and property. This right is not simply to provide protection from burglary or life-threatening attacks, but from tyranny as well–tyranny within or without our borders.

Whether tyranny was in practice in Nevada last week is something the facts will have to sort out. However, Bundy and his family were clearly able to stand on nearer-to-equal footing when faced with a myriad of armed agents because the ranchers were armed, as well.

[H/T Breitbart:

Russian jet passes at close range over US warship in Black Sea

(Fox News) – A Russian warplane made several close-range passes by an American warship in the Black Sea over the weekend, in what the Pentagon is calling a “provocative” move amid escalating tensions in the region.

The jet, a Russian Su-24, made numerous low-altitude passes on Saturday over the USS Donald Cook, a guided-missile Navy destroyer in the western Black Sea, the Pentagon confirmed.

According to officials, the jet made a total of 12 passes over the course of 90 minutes. It did not once respond to multiple contacts and warnings from the USS Donald Cook, despite the fact that the U.S. Navy ship was able to reach the cockpit directly.

The Pentagon says that the jet had no visible missiles attached to its wings and that the incident ended without any exchange of fire.

“This provocative and unprofessional Russian action is inconsistent with international protocols and previous agreements of a professional interaction between our militaries,” Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said.

The low altitude of the jet varied at times from “virtual sea level to several thousand feet,” Warren said.  The jet did not “buzz” the Cook, but “flew too close,” he said.

A second Russian Su-24 was in the area the entire time, but did not make any similarly provocative maneuvers.

The Pentagon says there has been no official communication with the Russians since the incident, and that a formal protest has not yet been filed.

It’s not unusual for U.S. Navy ships to operate in the Black Sea. The Donald Cook moved into the region last week for what the Navy called “routine operations,” though the deployment is seen mostly as a symbolic response to tensions along the Ukrainian-Russian border.

The jet encounter further escalates those tensions as pro-Russian protesters seize or block government buildings in eastern Ukraine. U.S. officials have accused Moscow of fueling the unrest, as was alleged in the Crimean Peninsula last month.

The Obama administration has threatened further sanctions amid the violence.

[H/T FoxNews]

Holder is “worst AG since John Mitchell” (who was white)

(Allen B. West) – Last week US Attorney General Eric Holder displayed astounding arrogance in being questioned about his partisan incompetence and belligerence during a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee.

Afterwards, as we reported here, he ran off to cry like a whining baby before Al Sharpton’s National Action Network (NAN). His immature actions further exemplified someone who is not only unqualified to hold the position of America’s top law enforcement official but of someone bereft, utterly devoid of a reputable character to take personal responsibility for his failures. Eric Holder showed himself to be a whining victim reflective of what liberal progressive policies have created in the black community — and it was embarrassing.

From a professional perspective we turn to an article written in the NY Post by John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky, “A veteran Justice Department lawyer says that Attorney General Eric Holder has politicized the department in a way he hadn’t seen before. In short, “Holder is the worst person to hold the position of attorney general since the disgraced John Mitchell.”

They bring out points the mindless lemmings at the NAN would never comprehend: Now in his sixth year as attorney general, Holder has increasingly tilted the department in an ideological direction. It’s one thing to emphasize President Obama’s legal priorities. It’s quite another to decide not to enforce certain federal laws — such as the ban on marijuana — or urge state attorney generals to refuse to defend local laws on same-sex marriage. Legal changes are achieved through legislation, not through a sudden whim not to enforce them. No other attorney general has acted in this manner. Holder clearly believes he has the inherent power to politicize his department.

Holder, and to an equal extent Obama, believe that they are above the law, and actually above scrutiny. Their fall back when questioned is always race as a means to hide their incompetence and radical actions in clear dismissal of the rule of law. This is exemplified in this response by Holder as House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte asked him last week whether he believed there were any limits to the administration’s prosecutorial discretion. “There is a vast amount of discretion that a president has — and more specifically that an attorney general has,” Holder responded.

This is the same Eric Holder who said before a gathering of States’ Attorneys General that they did not have to enforce laws in which they did not believe — so much for justice being non-partisan and blind. And we immediately saw the result in Pennsylvania where their State Attorney General threw out a corruption case because she felt it was racist, as we reported — yep, all Democrats.

I wonder how Sharpton and his zombie followers feel about Eric Holder and the Justice Department lawsuit against the State of Louisiana’s school voucher program? I can tell you what a US District Court says.

Just last week, a US District Court judge issued an order denying Justice’s request for veto power over school-choice scholarships awarded to students by the state of Louisiana. Justice had sued Louisiana last August seeking an injunction to stop it from distributing school vouchers to kids seeking to escape failing schools using the pretext of decades-old desegregation orders. Justice’s action is pure politics, driven by the fact that Democrats are beholden to teachers unions. Nice, coming from the first black attorney general taking orders from the first black president.

As Fund and von Spakovsky also articulate, Last week, Congress recommended that Holder’s office pursue a criminal investigation against Lois Lerner, the IRS official who admitted that conservative groups were targeted for added scrutiny. Lerner has repeatedly taken the Fifth even as she proclaims her innocence. But does anyone believe the attorney general will seriously investigate this?

Of course, when you call Holder out on his biases and selective enforcement, he cries racism — and I mean crying like a baby on a redeye flight.

But it was the confrontation between Rep Louis Gohmert (R-Tx) and Holder that has liberal progressives decrying racism. Consider the circumstances, which the mainstream media never does, “Gohmert, a Texas Republican and a former chief justice of the Texas Court of Appeals, had read a Fifth Circuit court opinion noting how Holder’s Justice Department had made available 9,600 summaries of transcripts of sensitive conversations to “attorneys for the terrorists” — of which Holder was once one.

Gohmert could not understand why Holder would provide documents to terrorists’ lawyers but not provide information sought by Congress. Gohmert added that he realized that “contempt is not a big deal to our attorney general,” referring to the fact that the House has voted to hold Holder in contempt for not turning over documents sought by Congress in its probe of Operation Fast and Furious, probably the most reckless law-enforcement operation Justice has ever instigated.

When liberals cry racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia it’s all a ruse, a tactic, to make those confronting them self-censor because they know they are wrong. I commend my friend and former colleague Rep. Gohmert. I admonish you all not to fall prey to the insidious name calling, but press the attack. As Andrew Wilkow states, “we are right, they are wrong, end of story.”

[H/T AllenBWest]

BLM Flip Flops: “No Deal” on Dropping Actions Against Bundy

(InfoWars) – Despite standoff defeat, feds assert case will continue.

Despite being forced to release hundreds of seized cattle after an astounding standoff on Saturday, the Bureau of Land Management has vowed to continue its pursuit of Cliven Bundy, asserting that no deal has been made to cease its case against the Nevada cattle rancher.

Amazing scenes unfolded on Saturday as Bundy supporters and cowboys on horseback faced off against armed BLM agents and police, demanding that hundreds of cattle seized by the BLM over a grazing rights dispute be released from a nearby corral.

With feds and law enforcement at one point threatening to shoot protesters dead, Bundy supporters fearlessly held their ground and then began advancing on the corral.

Around 380 cattle were eventually released and BLM agents left the scene, a remarkable victory for property rights activists against big government. However, the ‘battle of Bunkerville’ as it is now being called is unlikely to mark the end of the saga.

Despite Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie announcing on Saturday that the BLM had agreed to cease its operation against Bundy, the BLM now asserts that it played no part in the deal and will continue to pursue Bundy “administratively and judicially” for the $1 million in grazing fees it claims Bundy owes the feds.

Since Bundy has steadfastly refused to pay the fee, offering instead to pay it to Clark County, the feds will have no option other than to send armed men to arrest Bundy or restart the operation to confiscate his cattle. Such action will then prompt thousands of Americans to rally to Bundy’s defense just as they did last week, threatening another standoff.

“The door isn’t closed. We’ll figure out how to move forward with this,” BLM spokesman Craig Leff told the Associated Press, adding, “The BLM and National Park Service did not cut any deal and negotiate anything, there was no deal we made.”

This completely contradicts reports on Saturday which stated that, “A deal has been reached between the Bundy family and the Bureau of Land Management.”

In another twist, private investigator Doug Hagmann claims a Department of Homeland Security source told him that the federal stand down on Saturday was merely a temporary measure designed to “hoodwink” Bundy supporters into “believing that the situation is being resolved”.

Hagmann says his source told him the plan to release the cattle had been devised the day before and that Saturday’s activities were focused around a military assessment of the strength of the “resistance” shown by Bundy supporters.

Whatever the truth, the ‘battle of Bunkerville’ represents a seminal moment in the modern American liberty movement.

However, the notion that it represents the end of the federal government’s pursuit of Cliven Bundy is a naive conclusion to draw.

[H/T Infowars: Paul Joseph Watson]