Jay Carney’s gourmet kitchen is filled with Communist propaganda

(The Daily Caller) – Thanks to a brown-nosing, Us Weekly-esque profile in Washingtonian magazine, America now knows that crotchety White House press secretary Jay Carney has Soviet propaganda in his fancypants kitchen.

The feature image in the puff piece shows Carney’s family in their dacha not far from the White House. The vast spread of fruits, meat and breads of all kinds is fit for an extended family of Slavic monarchs.

There are two World War II-era Soviet posters in the background.

The one on the left promotes the idea that women should work the jobs left by men who joined the military.

The one on the right translates to “Have you enlisted in the Army?” According to a graphic design blog, its creator, Dmitry Moor, frequently used the slogan “Death to World Imperialism.”

Fun bonus fact: Carney met his wife in Moscow in the early 1990s.

Noah Rothman at Mediaite was among the earliest to note the interesting, sumptuous photo. He tweeted it.

[H/T TheDailyCaller: Eric Owens]

Federal agency pulls back in Nevada ranch standoff, but legal fight remains

(Fox News) – The Bureau of Land Management announced Saturday that it has concluded its mission to remove illegal cattle from a rural Nevada range after a tense week-long standoff with a rancher and militia supporters.

“Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement, we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public,” the statement read.

Bureau officials had dismantled designated protest areas supporting rancher Cliven Bundy, who they say refuses to comply with the “same laws that 16,000 public land ranchers do every year.”

“After 20 years and multiple court orders to remove the trespass cattle, Mr. Bundy owes the American taxpayers in excess of $1 million. The BLM will continue to work to resolve the matter administratively and judicially,” the statement said. “We ask that all parties in the area remain peaceful and law-abiding as the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service work to end the operation in an orderly manner.”

A group of about 1,000 supporting Bundy cheered and sang “The Star Spangled Banner” when BLM made its announcement.

The standoff at the ranch, some 80 miles north of Las Vegas, became an increasingly tense issue the longer it lasted, prompting elected officials in several states to weigh in, militia members to mobilize and federal land managers to reshape elements of the operation.

The roundup started last Saturday after the BLM and National Park Service shut down an area half the size of Delaware to let cowhands using helicopters and vehicles gather about 900 cattle that officials say are trespassing.

Bundy, 67, and his large family cast their resistance to the roundup as a constitutional stand. He says he doesn’t recognize federal authority over state land.

The dispute that triggered the roundup dates to 1993, when the BLM cited concern for the federally protected tortoise. The agency later revoked Bundy’s grazing rights.

Bundy claimed ancestral rights to graze his cattle on lands his Mormon family settled in the 19th century. He stopped paying grazing fees and disregarded several court orders to remove his animals.

BLM officials, however, say Bundy owes more than $1.1 million in unpaid grazing fees.

BLM faced criticism when police used stun guns on one of Bundy’s adult sons during a Wednesday confrontation on a state highway near the Bundy melon farm in the Gold Butte area.

Video of that confrontation spread on the Internet, along with blog commentary claiming excessive government force and calls to arms from self-described militia leaders. Some have invoked references to deadly confrontations with federal authorities, including a siege of a ranch home in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992 and the fiery destruction of a religious compound near Waco, Texas, that killed 76 people in 1993.

“Our mission here is to protect the protestors and the American citizens from the violence that the federal government is dishing out,” Jim Landy, a member of the West Mountain Rangers, who made the journey from Montana to Nevada, told Fox News Channel. “People here are scared.”

Arizona state Rep. Bob Thorpe of Flagstaff said he and state legislators weren’t arguing whether Bundy broke laws or violated grazing agreements. Thorpe said the Arizona lawmakers were upset the BLM initially restricted protesters to so-called free speech zones.

Sen. Dean Heller and Gov. Brian Sandoval, both Republicans, have also said they were upset with the way the BLM was conducting the roundup. After the areas were removed Thursday, Sandoval issued a new statement.

“Although tensions remain high, escalation of current events could have negative, long lasting consequences that can be avoided,” it said.

Amy Lueders, BLM state director in Nevada, said Friday that two protesters were detained, cited for failure to comply with officers at a barricade on Thursday and released.

That brought the number of arrests to three. Bundy’s son, Dave Bundy, was arrested Sunday on State Route 170 and released Monday with citations accusing him of refusing to disperse and resisting arrest.

Lueders said 380 cows were collected by Thursday. She declined to provide a cost estimate for the herding operation.

[H/T FoxNews]

Third US political party? How about the Muslim Brotherhood?

(Allen B. West) – There are times when you just have to hope you’re having a bad dream and will wake up. That’s the case with what I am about to discuss with you.

According to an editorial in Investors Business Daily, “Islamofascism: With an eye toward the 2016 election, the radical Muslim Brotherhood has built the framework for a political party in America that seeks to turn Muslims into an Islamist voting bloc. “Muslim voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016,” said Nihad Awad in launching the benign-sounding U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), whose membership reads like a Who’s Who of Brotherhood front groups. We are aiming to bring more participation from the Muslim community.”

This is absolutely consistent with the document uncovered in the 1991 FBI raid in northern Virginia referred to as the Strategic Memorandum of the (Ikwan) Muslim Brotherhood, which you can read here. Translated from Arabic, the secret documents listed a number of Brotherhood front organizations — some of which just happen to make up the newly formed USCMO — certainly not a coincidence. And another non-coincidence is that you have an administration, headed by Barack Hussein Obama, under which this Islamic infiltration can find acceptance and cover, including as part of the administration in certain key positions, such as Homeland Security.

As Investors Business Daily reports, front and center of USCMO is the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, the catalyst behind this Trojan horse jihadist political party. CAIR is linked in federal criminal court documents to the terrorist group Hamas, the Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch.

CAIR’s chief Awad, who announced the USCMO at the National Press Club, is so radioactive, the FBI refuses to do outreach with him and his so-called Muslim-rights group until it can “resolve whether there continues to be a connection between its executives and Hamas.”

Equally troubling is the Muslim American Society, another founding member of the USCMO. MAS was formed as “the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States,” a 2007 Justice Department court filing states. A 2011 MAS press release praised Osama bin Laden as “a visionary who believed in an Islamic state in Afghanistan.”

And who is the chairman of America’s new Islamist party? None other than Oussama Jammal, who once headed the notorious Bridgeview Mosque in Chicago — damn, another coincidence you presume? One of that mosque’s leaders was arrested and jailed for funneling millions to Hamas. And one of its most honored guests was bin Laden’s spiritual mentor, the late Palestinian cleric Abdullah Azzam. Some of Azzam’s relatives are Bridgeview members.

USCMO aims to elect Islamists in Washington, with the ultimate objective of “institutionalizing policies” favorable to Islamists — that is, Shariah law. This development bears careful monitoring in light of the U.S. Brotherhood’s recently exposed goal to wage a “civilization jihad” against America that explicitly calls for infiltrating the U.S. political system and “destroying (it) from within” — an expressed objective from the strategic memorandum.

This is how the Islamic principle of hejira or migration works and all you have to do is gaze across the Atlantic and see the impact of it in Europe, especially England.

And just to remind you, it is CAIR that is protesting the presentation of the documentary “Honor Diaries,” – that’s the type of “political influence” you can expect. You can also expect this newly formed group of Islamists to support UN resolution 16/18. As Forbes reports, an initiative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly Organization of Islamic Conferences), the confederacy of 56 Islamic states, Resolution 16/18 seeks to limit speech that is viewed as “discriminatory” or which involves the “defamation of religion” – specifically that which can be viewed as “incitement to imminent violence.”

Ladies and gents, we are not just in an ideological battle for this Constitutional Republic against liberal progressive socialists. We must also engage an enemy which has allied itself with the liberal progressives, and some Republicans, with the long strategy to subvert and destroy America from within — a stated objective.

If we do not have courageous leaders who will identify both of these foes of our Constitution, foreign and domestic, this great nation could fall. Anyone not willing to make this stand isn’t qualified to lead our nation.

[H/T AllenBWest]

Carson for president backers report $4 million raised, campaign apparatus into place

(Fox News) – Conservatives frustrated with the direction of the country think Dr. Ben Carson can change the course by winning the 2016 presidential race.

Now they just have to convince him.

The group, RunBenRun.org, a super PAC, has already raised $4 million toward a Carson bid for the Republican nomination and has collected 200,000 signatures for a petition to get him to join the race.

John Philip Sousa IV, the group’s national chairman, said Tuesday that members are working Carson on an almost daily basis, sending along petition-drive updates and hundreds of “clamorings” for him to run,  received through letters, Facebook postings and other forms of communication.

“I don’t’ like the direction in which the county is going,” said Sousa, the great grandson of the late American composer John Philip Sousa, who wrote such iconic songs as “Stars and Stripes Forever” and “Semper Fidelis,” the official march of the U.S. Marine Corps. “Carson doesn’t whine like some other Republicans. He brings a solution to the table.”

The fundraising numbers are indeed competitive — considering Kentucky GOP Sen. Rand Paul — a top-tier 2016 hopeful — has purportedly raised roughly $4.7 million.

But while Carson might be able to match fundraising numbers, at least for now, the equally important question is whether he can assemble a campaign operation, considering he’s not expected until next year to make a decision about running.

Sousa told FoxNews.com that his group, formally known as the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, has offers out now to three regional political directors while assembling volunteers, upgrading technology and performing other key tasks associated with building a campaign infrastructure.

The group is already running ads on cable TV and plans to start direct mailings and advertise in local markets to increase Carson’s name recognition.

Sousa thinks Carson, an African-American and former director of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins University, can appeal to Republicans, so-called Reagan Democrats and take 17 percent of the minority vote.

“We have a strategy that goes beyond saying ‘You need another black president,’ ” he said. “And we’re going to take away those voters from Democrats.”

Meanwhile, Carson continues to make speeches, write op-ed pieces and serve as a publisher for The Washington Times’ new digital magazine for conservative blacks, American CurrentSee.

The Carson for president movement essentially started after his February 2013 Prayer Breakfast keynote speech in which he gave a unflattering assessment of American today, taking issue with everything from the size of the federal debt to the country’s education system to lawyers in  politics — with President Obama sitting just a few feet away.

Sousa and others have tried since that time to draft Carson, and have been energized recently by his strong showing in straw polls.

Last month, Carson finished third in the Conservative Political Action Conference’s poll and tied for third in the Northeast Republican Leadership Conference’s poll.

This past weekend, Carson restated his position that ObamaCare is part of the big government he want to trim and that it moves Americans away from personal responsibility.

“The issue is the most important thing we have is our health care,” he told Fox News. “Do we want that under government control?

[H/T FoxNews]