Holder Explodes at Louie Gohmert: ‘You Don’t Want to Go There, Buddy’

(Breitbart) – During a House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Tuesday, Attorney General Eric Holder became visibly upset when Rep. Louis Gohmert suggested that being in contempt of Congress didn’t appear to matter to the Attorney General.

After Holder dismissed Gohmert’s requests for documents relating to congressional investigations, Gohmert said, “I realize that contempt is not a big deal to our Attorney General, but it is important that we have proper oversight.”

“You don’t want to go there buddy!” Holder responded. “You don’t want to go there, OK?”

“You should not assume that uh that is not a big deal to me,” Holder continued. “I think it was inappropriate, I think it was unjust, but never think that it was not a big deal to me. Don’t ever think that.”

Gohmert insisted that Republicans were focused on getting to the bottom of the Fast and Furious gun running scandal.

“I don’t need lectures from you about contempt,” Gohmert fired back.

“And I don’t need lectures from you either,” Holder responded.

In an incident earlier in the hearing,  Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, suggested to Holder that there appeared to be a partisan nature in the cases run by the Justice Department.

“My question is, have you prosecuted anyone in this administration?” King asked. “Because it looks to me that folks on the other side of the aisle are getting extra scrutiny and those on your side of the aisle are getting no scrutiny.”

King cited investigations into Republicans such as conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Sousza, Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J., Gov. Bob McDonnell, R-Va., and even investigations surrounding the “knockout game,” and pointed out that Democrats such as Gov. Jon Corzine (D-N.J.) and the “Black Panthers” went unchecked.

Holder was visibly annoyed by the question, and told King that he wouldn’t discuss any cases currently under investigation.

“This is a Justice Department that I have run that I’m proud of,” Holder said, noting that the DOJ follows the “facts and the law” in every investigation.

“I’ll put my record up against any other Attorney General, any other Justice Department, and any hint we have engaged in anything that’s partisan or inappropriate in nature I totally one thousand percent reject,” he said.


[H/T Breitbart:

Noncompliance: Over 90 Percent of NY Gun Owners Refusing SAFE Act Registration?

(Breitbart) – With the April 15 deadline for gun registration under the SAFE Act fast approaching, estimates indicate over 90 percent of gun owners have yet to comply.

Making matters worse for elected officials–and Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) in particular–is the fact that many law enforcement officers at various levels have openly stated that they will not enforce SAFE Act requirements.

According to BearingArms.com, while the state waits for the “registration of 1 million firearms designated as ‘assault weapons’ under the NY SAFE Act,” leaks believed to be coming from within the New York State Police indicate the number registered to date is “as low as…3,000-5,000 firearms.”

This is figure is impossible to verify beyond a shadow of doubt because a provision in the SAFE Act forbids law enforcement from releasing registration figures.

Breitbart News reported that SAFE Act protesters gathered on March 16 and burned “nearly a thousand gun registration forms.” And on March 28 we reported that NY State Police decided not to enforce the SAFE Act’s 7-round magazine limit.

In January of this year The Oneida Daily Dispatch reported that Assemblyman Bill Nojay (R-Pittsford) suggested that law enforcement is not going to be eager to go after those who refuse to comply: “The rank and file troopers don’t want anything to do with it. [And] I don’t know of a single sheriff upstate who is going to enforce it.”

Nojay continued: “If you don’t have the troopers and you don’t have the sheriffs, who have you got? You’ve got Andrew Cuomo pounding on the table in Albany.”

[H/T Breitbart:

Yale student claims university threatened to suspend her if she didn’t gain weight

(New Haven Register) – Frances Chan says she’s done stuffing her face with ice cream and Cheetos just to make Yale University happy. After months of wrangling, the university finally agrees.

The 20-year-old history major has spent the past few months sparring with Yale’s health center over her low weight. Chan is 5’2” and 92 lbs., and Yale doctors were concerned her health was severely at risk.

She contended that she’s always been very thin, as were her parents and grandparents at her age.

Yet until Friday, Yale had been telling Chan she might be forced to leave school if she didn’t put on some pounds.

“It felt really bad to be this powerless,” Chan said, taking in some afternoon sun in a campus courtyard. “I ate ice cream twice a day. I ate cookies. I used elevators instead of walking up stairs. But I don’t really gain any weight.”

Chan’s battle over her weight began last year. In September, she went to Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven to have a breast lump checked. The lump was benign, but the visit led Yale Health to take a closer look at Chan’s overall health.

Since December, Chan has had multiple medical appointments and mandatory weigh-ins. She met with a nutritionist and a mental health counselor, as well, to determine whether she might have an eating disorder. She said a nurse told her at one point that her low weight would kill her if she didn’t do something about it.

Although she attempted to do as she was told and eat more, Chan only managed to gain two pounds. Yale said that wasn’t enough.

Yale spokesman Tom Conroy said Friday the university was not allowed to discuss an individual student’s medical treatment, due to medical privacy regulations. “Yale has a strong system of mental health care for students,” Conroy said.

He also noted that Yale Health Director Paul Genecin recently sent all students an email detailing improvements to campus mental health services. Those improvements include a student advisory committee on mental health and a series of “listening sessions” with groups of students.

Meanwhile, Chan’s parents in New Jersey contacted Yale Health officials to explain that she’d always been thin, but healthy. Chan’s family also sent Yale her childhood medical records and had a family doctor contact Yale.

By the time spring break rolled around, Chan decided she’d had enough. Spurred on by friends and other classmates, she wrote an essay about her experience for the Huffington Post. As a result of that piece, Chan began hearing from others who’d been through the same thing.

“It’s something we need to bring attention to,” Chan said. “I don’t want to get kicked out of school, but no one, so far, has been willing to stand up for me.”

The root of the problem, Chan said, was that Yale placed too much emphasis on the body mass index as the guiding measure of a person’s health. Body mass index, or BMI, is a number determined by a person’s weight and height. It is often used as a screening tool for a variety of possible weight problems in adults.

Chan said she’s contacted Yale Health officials many times, bringing up the idea that BMI may not be the best indicator of overall health for every person. She said a Yale doctor told her that while BMI is, indeed, only one factor, it is highly important.

With the end of the academic year just weeks away, Chan was anxious to satisfy Yale’s demands even if she can’t gain much more weight. Her parents came to New Haven to meet with health officials on campus, and she’s switched to a new physician.

Also, Chan has written to Yale President Peter Salovey to make him aware of her situation.

“At Yale, you’re taught to be the change that you want to see in the world,” Chan said. “Well, this seems like an easy thing to change.”

On Friday, she learned just how easy. Chan said her new physician acknowledged that BMI was not the only significant measure of proper health.

“So she trusts that I do not have an eating disorder and admitted that ‘we made a mistake,’” Chan said.

Chan, for her part, agreed to continue coming to Yale Health for monitoring — but only once a semester.

And her next bowl of ice cream? That will be for pleasure, not pounds.

[H/T NewHavenRegister: Jim Shelton]

Comic book icon Archie to ‘die heroically’

(New York Post) – Archie Andrews is headed for that big comic book convention in the sky — sort of.

“Life With Archie” #36 hits shops on July 16, and tells how Archie — a plucky teenage comic book hero since 1941 — sacrifices his own life to save a pal.

The “Life With Archie” series has spelled out possible future scenarios for the lovable Archie for several years, and #37 will close out the series.

And Archie — much to the relief of Jughead, Betty and Veronica — remains alive in comics set in the present.

Archie Comics CEO Jon Goldwater, the son of Archie creator John Goldwater, explained the idea behind the upcoming issues.

“’Life With Archie’ is Archie’s future — it gives readers a look into what his life would be like after high school and college, which has never really been explored,” he told CNN.

“Most fans are familiar with Archie as a high schooler, hanging out at Pop’s Chocklit Shop with his friends. ‘Life With Archie’ shows what happens when Archie becomes an adult and starts dealing with grownup issues.”

And, he said, killing off the Archie character was a “natural conclusion” to the series.

Modal Trigger

The cover of “Life With Archie” #36 that will hit stores July 16.Photo: Archie Comics Archie dies as he lived — heroically. He dies saving the life of a friend, and does it in his usual selfless way. Archie has always been a representation of us — the best of us. Our strengths and our faults,” Goldwater said.

Writer Paul Kupperberg, he added, “has crafted an emotional, impactful and classic story that I know will survive the test of time. This isn’t a random one-off or ‘what-if’ story that we’re doing as a gag. This is the story that we mapped out carefully and with much thought.”

“This is the death of Archie as we see it, and we’re treating it with that same level of gravitas and import. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime event, and we are being very considerate about it.”

[H/T NewYorkPost: Bob Fredericks]







VIDEO: Topless Woman Ransacks McDonald’s, Steals Ice Cream

(Daily Mail) – Unbelievable security camera footage shows a crazed topless woman in just her panties tearing apart a Florida McDonald’s.

The video shows the nude, extremely agitated lady start her tirade by screaming into the St. Petersburg restaurant’s kitchen before slamming her head onto the counter in a maniacal rage.

After proceeding to furiously dump the contents of a refrigerator onto the floor as employees stare in disbelief, she sticks her head under the soft serve dispenser and helps herself to a face full of ice cream.

Rude: A crazed woman has been caught on camera going berserk in a Florida McDonald’s.


Topless chick goes crazy in Mcdonalds A girl wearing just a G string goes absolutely nuts in Mcdonalds Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=456_1396780871#ixGBCbj2qXIK9za9.99

A girl wearing just a G string goes absolutely nuts in McDonald’s.

Did the refuse to serve her breakfast? The source of the woman’s ire isn’t clear but footage shows it comes on quickly. She screams into the kitchen before slamming her head onto the counter and making her presence very much known.

Self serve: After no one offers to give her whatever it is she wants, the woman decides to serve herself

Self serve: After no one offers to give her whatever it is she wants, the woman decides to serve herself.

The video is narrated by McDonald’s employees watching via CCTV, whose colorful commentary manages to add something to the already outrageous footage.

‘This woman is my new role model,’ jokes one employee.

The woman ends her reign of destruction by pausing briefly to savor an ice cream cone.

She then walks out of camera view and into the hearts and memories of all the McDonald’s employees who have ever fantasized about doing just what she’s done.

Crazed: Employees of the St. Pete McDonald's stand by bewildered as the woman opens and closes the door of a refrigerator

Crazed: Employees of the St. Pete McDonald’s stand by bewildered as the woman opens and closes the door of a refrigerator.

After dumping all the contents of the fridge to the floor, the woman yanks out the shelves
Topless chick goes crazy in Mcdonalds A girl wearing just a G string goes absolutely nuts in Mcdonalds Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=456_1396780871#ixGBCbj2qXIK9za9.99

To talking her down: After dumping all the contents of the fridge to the floor, the woman yanks out the shelves and even flings one at a manager who tried to calm her down.

Topless woman destroys Florida McDonald’s.

Now, where was I? The woman returns to ruining the refrigerators and then tipping equipment onto the floor after fending off the manager

Now, where was I? The woman returns to ruining the refrigerators and then tipping equipment onto the floor after fending off the manager.


Worked up an appetite: She sticks her head directly under a soft serve spout and helps herself to some ice cream

Worked up an appetite: She sticks her head directly under a soft serve spout and helps herself to some ice cream.


She deserved a break: The woman enjoyed a brief respite from her rampage after enjoying the ice cream

She deserved a break: The woman enjoyed a brief respite from her rampage after enjoying the ice cream.


For the road: After making herself an ice cream cone for the road, the woman disappears into the back and out of camera view

For the road: After making herself an ice cream cone for the road, the woman disappears into the back and out of camera view.

[H/T DailyMail: Joshua Gardner]


“Jesus Is Muslim” Billboards Taken Down–Here’s How

(Western Journalism) – Perhaps you are wondering what I am talking about.  Maybe you missed out on my commentary from last week.

If you did, you need to read it.  Otherwise, this commentary won’t make much sense to you.  The Muslims put up a series of billboards in Columbus, Ohio declaring “Jesus Is Muslim.” Here is the story.  It is worth the read.  Jesus Is Muslim. So we held our rally. It poured down rain the entire time. It is a wonder that anyone came.

But they did.  About 100 stout hearts battled the elements to stand up for Jesus.  There is a lot of good info on my Facebook page.  We have posted some great moments from the rally… videos of the powerful speakers.  It is worth your time to visit and read the reports.  Go here.

But the bottom line is that the Muslims took down the “Jesus Is Muslim” billboard.  You read that right… THEY TOOK DOWN THE SIGN!!

I don’t think you understand the significance of that statement.  We are not some powerful media outlet…we used social media to draw a crowd.  We didn’t ask them to take the sign down.  We didn’t whine and complain about how they dishonored Jesus.  We didn’t beg them to be nice.

We just showed up.  That’s it.  We showed up on the streets and called them liars.  They took down the sign.

It didn’t take a court order.  It didn’t require us burning down any building.  It didn’t require months of negotiations.  We simply showed up.  We told them their sign was a lie.  They made a weak attempt to defend it.  They said “anyone who submits to God is a Muslim.”  That was all they had.

We never once asked them to take the billboard down.  We believe in free-speech.  We made them blink.  They took the sign down.  Light always causes darkness to flee.

Today, I would like to share with you a few take-a-ways from this episode.

Muslims use lies and deceit to advance Islam.  Although they call it a “religion of peace,” nothing could be further from the truth.  Just like Christianity, Islam has millions of followers who are “cultural Muslims,”  just like we have many “cultural Christians” in America.  A “cultural” adherent is often one who was born into the faith and has adopted it because it has been passed down generational from their parents.

Usually, these followers are shallow.  Millions of Muslims are MINO… Muslims In Name Only.  They are peaceful and will not fight to death for their faith.  Just like millions of Christians… Christianity is a religion… not a way of life.  Just like Christians, many Muslims do not understand what their religion teaches.

True believers, on both sides, tend to be more radical.  A devout Christian dies for his faith.  A devout Muslim kills for his.  We better begin to recognize that difference (and soon.)  The closer Muslims get to following Mohammed, the more violent they become.  The closer Christians emulate Jesus, the more loving they will become.  True Christianity is driven by love.  True Islam is driven by hate.

One of the signs on the billboard said MUSLIMS LOVE JESUS TOO.  If that is true, why are the Muslims killing so many of Christ’s followers?

A few pastors did come to our event.  Most are from small, country churches that are not swayed by the glitz and glitter of “ministry.”  There are thousands of faithful, God-fearing pastors who are willing to lay down their lives for their faith.  But they are not unified.  They are not networked.  Many are awake and aware of what is going on in America.

The “soon coming rapture” theory is paralyzing this nation.  Christians will not fight back against evil because they have been taught by their pastors that bad is good, meaning the worse things get, the better it is.  That means Jesus’ return is right around the corner.  To fight evil is to fight against God.  That idea is anathema to Christianity.  Jesus said “occupy until I return.”

Most Christians only occupy pews.  They feel no responsibility to fight for holiness in the world.  They ignore all of the action verbs in the Scriptures like ”Go, contend, speak, wrestle, occupy.”  If they really believed the end was near, they should be running from house to house compelling man to turn to Christ in order to “flee the wrath to come.”  They don’t even follow what they claim to believe.

Showing up DOES make a difference. Here is the truth. Even though we did not ask them to, the Muslims took down the billboard that said JESUS IS MUSLIM. This shows the power of showing up and speaking out. Once we began to shine the light on the Truth, THE MUSLIMS TOOK THE LYING BILLBOARD DOWN. Thanks to everyone who braved the weather. Prayer mixed with action does make a difference… just as faith without works is dead, so is prayer without action!! GOD’S NOT DEAD. JUST SHOW UP AND LET GOD SHOW OFF!!! The Muslims know we are watching…

What is Love?  Let me ask you a question… which is a greater demonstration of love? Helping someone after they have been hurt…or preventing them from being hurt? For the most part, our churches are hospitals where the sick are repaired…rather than fortresses where God’s soldiers are trained. If helping someone after they are injured is love… isn’t protecting them before they are injured also love? By speaking the truth to our friends, we can prevent them from being injured rather than helping them be healed. Jesus prayed till blood came out his pores… and then he got up and went…aren’t you glad He did more than pray? Prayer is the power to propel our actions… prayer makes action effectual.

You can’t just pray… and you can’t just go. You must do both. Prayer softens up the enemy… like the air force during a battle. Prayer softens up the enemy so that the ground troops can be more effective. Jesus prayed and went… most Christians only pray; very few go. When you go, the power of prayer can be felt. The idea that God will do for us what we can do for ourselves is misguided. The Word says our faith can move mountains; but sometimes moving the mountain requires us getting a shovel and digging. Why would God end abortion when He gave US the power to end it? Pray and Go. That is the answer.

Most Americans knew very little about Islam before 911.  If you were like me, most of my knowledge of Islam came from the movie “Raiders of The Lost Ark” and Indiana Jones’ journey throughout the Middle East.  Since then, the Muslims have been hard at work teaching us some things that simply are not true.  Most pastors are frighteningly ignorant of Islam.

Our featured speaker last Saturday was Rev. Rusty Thomas.  His fiery speech is posted on our Facebook page.  Permit me to summarize some of the great points he made. He addressed Islam from a legal, historical, and biblical perspective.

(History) Wherever Islam protests in democratic nations, you will observe signs that expose their ideology. “To Hell with Freedom,” “Down with Democracy,” “Islam Will Rule the World,” and other such signs are common place. Once Islam takes root and grows, soon other demands are enacted. Sharia law seeks to supplant the laws of the land in free nations.

Go to any nation where Islam rules and try to find a hint of freedom of speech and religion. You will search in vain. There are only three choices granted in places where Islam dominates. They are: convert, become their slave (Dhimmi), or die. There are no other freedoms, no other choices. Every nation that lets the Islamic camel’s nose into the tent of freedom eventually rues the day.

(Legal) Supreme Court Justice Joseph Storey, who served the high court from 1811-1845, commenting on the meaning of the First Amendment stated, “The real object of the First Amendment was not to countenance, much less to advance Mohammedanism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity, but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects [denominations] and to prevent any national ecclesiastical patronage of the national government.”

No other faith, worldview, or philosophy of man is capable to set men free from the tyranny of sin from within or despotism of men from without. As America resorts back to the brutal darkness of paganism, it is not a coincidence that she is losing her freedoms as well. Islam may very well prove to be the harsh taskmaster to drive home this reality, if our nation does not repent.

(Biblical) No man, religion, worldview, or philosophy has the authority to define or redefine Jesus Christ. He has already revealed Himself in the 66 books that comprise the Holy Bible. God’s Word warns, “Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar” (Proverbs 30:6). Ecclesiastes 3:14 concurs, “I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, And nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him.” Jesus stated, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me” (John 5:39). Every word of the Bible points to Him. He is the Word made flesh (John 1:14). No other so-called “holy book” either claims or comes close to this revelation.

If this billboard (Jesus is Muslim) was presented as evidence in a court room, it would be considered perjury. Thus, in the court of public opinion and in religious circles, the billboard needs to be judged as slander, heresy, and blasphemy.”

I used to tell my football teams that often the hardest part of winning is simply showing up.

We showed up, and they took the billboard down.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

I wonder what else would happen if we simply showed up…

[H/T WesternJournalism: Coach Dave Daubenmire]

Jay-Z’s bling from ‘whites are devils’ group

(New York Post) – Black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization, white men are the devil, the Christian god is nothing more than a ghost and only a small percentage of people understand the world.

These are just some of the ­beliefs behind the bling — the gaudy Five Percent Nation ­medallions worn by Jay Z and Carmelo Anthony.

Last week, all eyes at the Barclays Center weren’t on Jay Z’s better half, Beyoncé — but on the coaster-size golden pendant swinging from the rapper’s neck as the couple sat courtside. Asked once if the group’s symbol — an eight-pointed star with the number 7 in the middle — held any meaning for him, the rapper shrugged, “A little bit.”

So what exactly do Five Percenters believe?

“The rationale is that the black man is God and created the universe, and is physically stronger and intellectually stronger and more righteous naturally,” says Michael Muhammad Knight, an author of two books on the radical group.
“Whiteness is weak and wicked and inferior — basically just an errant child who needs to be corrected.”

The group was founded in 1964 in Harlem by Clarence Smith, who later changed his name to Allah, a former student of Malcolm X who disagreed with the Nation of Islam over the nature of God.

Smith rejected the notion of a supernatural deity and instead believed that all black men had God in them and that black women were “earths” who took on a complementary yet subordinate role to their gods.

The idea is empowering, Knight says.

“Anytime someone is saying you have to accept your conditions of oppression and slavery and pray to an unseen god — that kind of god is just being used to keep people down and to keep people from looking to themselves as a solution to their problems,” he notes. “If there is a problem, no one will fix it for you, except yourself.”

Five Percenters don’t consider themselves Muslim, but their name comes from the Nation of Islam’s belief that 5 percent of humanity are “poor righteous teachers” who exist to enlighten the masses about the truth of existence.

Members will sometimes refer to themselves as “scientists” to drive home the search for truth. And they face a tall task, because under their belief system, 10 percent of the world’s population controls the other 85 percent by spreading the belief in a “mystery God.”

To show followers the way, members must learn the Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet — powerful tools to decipher the meaning of the universe. In both, each letter and number represents a concept: for example, 1 is knowledge, 2 is wisdom, while A is Allah and B is be, or born. The number 7 on Jay Z’s pendant stands for God.

Caucasians, meanwhile, don’t enjoy an exalted status in the narrative of the Five Percenters.

“The first lesson I learned from the Five Percent was simple: F–k white people. Seriously. White people are devils,” Knight, 36, who is white and converted to ­Islam as a teenager, once wrote.

He insisted the movement has been welcoming and that he views the controversial sentiment as a statement about power rather than biology.

“For me, it is about who is marked as privileged in the power relations of this society,” he says.

Some followers take exception to those who transform their flag into a fashion accessory.

“Jay Z is not an active member — no one has vouched for him” Saladin Allah, a representative of the group’s upstate region, told The Post. “It was always understood that you don’t wear the ­regalia if you don’t totally subscribe to the life.”

[H/T NewYorkPost: Gary Buiso]