The No-Nonsense Way a ‘Marine and Soldier’ Responded to Protesters Holding the U.S. Flag Upside Down Sends Video Viral

(The Blaze) – A new viral video showing a U.S. “Marine and solider” taking a flag from two protesters in Albuquerque, N.M., has sparked a heated First Amendment debate.

In the short video, two protesters riding on a motorized scooter are seen holding the American flag upside down. Two men, one wearing a U.S. Marines T-shirt and another sporting an Army tee, sprint after the protesters and eventually yank the flag away and leave with it.

It should be noted that neither men have been identified or confirmed as active or former military. It is also unclear when the video was recorded.

“We serve our f***ing country, that’s bulls**t!” one of the men shouts in the video.

While some have heralded the men as heroes for demanding the U.S. flag be respected, others have argued they are hindering the protesters’ right to free speech that soldiers fight and give their lives to protect.

The protesters were reportedly demonstrating over police fatally shooting a homeless man. The FBI is apparently investigating the shooting.

Watch the video below and decide for yourself (Warning! Strong language):


[H/T The Blaze]

Islamic group gets OK to cut crosses off NY church

A city board on Thursday gave a Muslim group the go-ahead to remove six crosses from the roof and spires of a century-old former Catholic church so the now-vacant Gothic structure can be used as a mosque.

More than 200 people had signed an online petition calling on the Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board to deny an application by North Side Learning Center, the church’s new owner, to remove the crosses and build a six-foot chain-link fence.

Before the vote to allow the church alterations, Chairman Don Radke said the board cannot interfere with a decision that involves religious freedom.

About a dozen people who spoke at the meeting were evenly divided for and against the church conversion, The Post-Standard reported.

Petition-signers, who included some local residents and former church parishioners, had argued that the former Holy Trinity Catholic Church was a neighborhood landmark built by German immigrants 100 years ago and removing the crosses would deface the architecture.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse closed the church in 2010 and merged the parish with that of St. John the Baptist because of a declining congregation as population shifted from the city to suburbs. The North Side Learning Center, a nonprofit group that provides literacy programs for immigrants, bought the church and its school and rectory for $150,000 in December.

Yusuf Soule, the center’s director, has been the public point-person for the mosque effort. He said the crosses must be removed because the Islamic faith prohibits worship of idols and symbols.

A report by the nonprofit Onondaga Citizens League last summer said more than 7,200 refugees have resettled in the Syracuse area over the past 10 years, with the majority from Burma, Bhutan and Somalia.

[H/T Fox News]

“Impeach Obama” Organization Just Getting Started

Here’s what they have planned…

(Western Journalism) – Overpasses for America, a group founded last year as a vehicle to drive support for Obama’s impeachment, is gearing up for activism across a much wider scope. As last month ended, protesters engaged in a series of events across the nation calling attention to the many scandals surrounding this administration.

The 11th such event since its founding, the group called its first major protest of 2014 “Spring Break Out.”

Another event, dubbed the “Patriots Day Patriot Wave” is set for later this month. Next month, however, a number of other like-minded advocates are joining the movement for a much more substantial demonstration in the nation’s capital.

Millions have already expressed a desire to take part in this peaceful call for Obama’s ouster – along with the removal of several federal legislators – during the event.

Organizers realize not every patriot who wishes to become involved will be able to make the trip to Washington, D.C., so local events are also encouraged. A press release offers additional details about upcoming plans:

On March 28th and 29th, 2014, Overpasses For America (formerly named Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment) stepped out to the overpasses and street corners of America for their 11th national protest.

Patriot Wave 11, dubbed by the group as Spring Break Out, was the first major event of 2014; and thousands of Overpasses members across America participated in the protests.

The group, founded in June 2013, is openly calling for the removal of Mr. Obama from the White House for many reasons, among them his ineligibility for office, crimes committed during his tenure in the White House, and multiple violations of the Constitution.

Signs and banners carried during the rallies cite things such as Benghazi, Extortion 17, ObamaCare, the fake birth certificate, voter fraud, and much more.

Overpasses For America Founder James Neighbors states the need for Obama’s removal from office extends well beyond his criminal actions, that Mr Obama and his collaborators must be made an example of for future generations of Americans, and as a warning to future politicians that the American people are awake (and are none too pleased with politics as usual across the nation.)

The movement has teamed up with Colonel Harry Riley and Operation American Spring, and members are carrying signs and banners about the Washington DC event that begins on May 16th. Organizers for OAS (Operation American Spring) state that over 5 million people have made commitments to be in Washington for the peaceful demand that Obama and many members of Congress step down from their positions, as well as the return to a Constitution-based government in our nation’s capitol.

Neighbors also states that the Overpasses movement is highly encouraging members to find their way to Washington DC for American Spring. He also emphasized that many members of the movement are in dire financial straits due to the failing economy, and those members will be rallying in their area so the nation is aware of the events occurring in Washington DC.

Neighbors continued by saying that those who will be in Washington for American Spring expect a media blackout, as is common by the mainstream media when disgruntled Americans protest to express their discontent; and the group believes the protesters across the nation will raise enough questions by the public to media outlets that they will either report the event, or further lose trust of viewers and readers.

On April 19th, 2014, Overpasses For America will hold their 12th national event, the Patriots Day Patriot Wave, with many more planned for the entire year.

Visit us at:

[H/T WesternJournalism: B. Christopher Agee]

Soldier’s plea: We need firearms on bases

(WND) – A major shooting Wednesday at Fort Hood in Texas, the second in less than five years, already is prompting calls to allow soldiers to be armed on military bases in the U.S.

One of the many urging change is an active-duty master sergeant at Fort Hood who also is president of the board for Open Carry Texas, which was organized to educate Texans about their right to openly carry rifles and shotguns in a safe manner.

Present Department of Defense regulations generally prohibit soldiers from being armed on military installations unless they are part of an official security or police detail.

But Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham pointed out in a WND commentary Thursday that there have been nearly two dozen shootings at military bases since the policy went into effect, including the 2009 attack at the same Texas post that killed 14 people, including an unborn baby. Maj. Nidal Hasan reportedly launched the attack with a shout of “Allahu akbar,” or “Allah is supreme.”

Grisham pointed out that all of the shootings took place in “gun-free zones.”

“Every single one of these shootings happened at a place where the very people trained to deal with armed attackers were defenseless against an armed attacker,” he said.

Grisham acknowledged that no one “can say for certain these incidents would disappear were soldiers allowed to carry personal firearms.”

“However, it can be said with a certainty that any future tragedy will be executed unopposed as long as soldiers are not at least given the opportunity to defend themselves,” he argued. “There’s a saying that it’s better to have a gun and not need it, than not have a gun and need it.”

He noted the calls to allow soldiers to carry weapons on bases typically come after a shooting.

“After every one of these tragedies, we as a nation wring our collective hands trying to figure out what went wrong and how to prevent the next shooting. And each time, the simple idea of allowing troops to carry concealed firearms never seems to cross our minds. Why not?”

Others on Thursday were asking the same question.

“When our soldiers are unarmed, they will find themselves in a situation like yesterday and in 2009,” Sgt. Howard Ray told Fox News. He survived the 2009 shooting by Hasan, who was convicted and sentenced to death.

The Fox News report also noted that Army Secretary John McHugh said such violence is a “threat across the entire Army.”

The alleged shooter, Army Spc. Ivan A. Lopez, had been under treatment but had yet to be diagnosed officially with PTSD.

Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said the rules need changing.

“We need to harden our military bases so this can’t happen, and one possible way to do that isi to allow our veterans and active-duty military … to carry weapons,” he told Fox News.

“I guarantee if they had … they could have stopped this guy almost immediately.”

Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, who was shot seven times by Hasan in 2009, told Fox News that being allowed to carry a weapon on the military post is a deterrent.

Grisham noted that the worst shootings in the nation have happened at “gun-free zones” – the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school shooting that killed 26, the Columbine shooting in 1999 that left another dozen dead and the Virginia Tech shooting that killed 32.

His beliefs about gun control were formed when he was in school, because of the Luby’s massacre in Killeen, Texas, in which 23 people were killed.

“Originally hailing from Temple, Texas, the Luby’s shooting hit home for me. I was only in high school at the time, but recognizing that a member of my family could have been in that restaurant on Oct. 16, 1991, I was acutely aware of the impact that shooting had on my stance on gun control,” he said.

In Wednesday’s shooting, Lopez allegedly died of a self-inflicted gunshot.

President Obama took a few minutes from his current fundraising trip to comment.

“Any shooting is troubling. Obviously this reopens the pain of what happened at Fort Hood five years ago. … We’re heartbroken that something like this might have happened again. … The folks there have sacrificed so much on behalf of our freedom. Many of the people there have been on multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. They serve with valor; they serve with distinction. And when they’re at their home base they need to feel safe. We don’t yet know what happened tonight, but obviously that sense of safety has been broken once again. And we’re going to have to find out exactly what happened.”

The motive of the latest shooting remain unclear, but the government declared that Hasan’s murder spree was “workplace violence.”

Hasan claimed he was acting to protect Islamic insurgents from American aggression, and emails he had been exchanging with terrorists eventually were uncovered.

The worst shooting toll to date has been the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, when Seung-Hui Cho, a senior, killed 32 and wounded another 17. Cho previously had been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder, but state rules there allowed him to purchase weapons. Campus rules prohibited weapons, however.

Grisham noted that “right this second, virtually every soldiers in Afghanistan is carrying a loaded weapon.”

“Yet, in spite of the prevalence of firearms in the hands of nearly every single troop in a stressful combat environment, the existence of fratricide is practically non-existent,” he said.

Grisham said it would be “the height of hypocrisy to suggest that soldiers are more or less capable of managing their emotions with a firearm in one environment over another.”

“The fact remains that in spite of the 1993 regulation and policy [against being armed], service members are carrying guns onto military installations and killing unarmed victims; victims that may have had a chance to live if they were permitted an opportunity to defend themselves,” he said.

“How many more of my brothers and sisters must die before we, as a nation, wake up and put an end to these ironically titled ‘gun free zones’?! How many more examples of innocent, unarmed citizens being slaughtered by men with evil intent must we endure? Why do we disarm the very people who are the most well-trained in the use of firearms in defensive and offensive situations?”

[H/T WND: Bob Unruh]

Poll: John Wayne 7th Most Popular Star; Beats Clooney, Streep, Damon, Penn

(Breitbart) – Since 1994, when Harris first began polling a large sample (2,311 this year) of Americans with the simple question “Who is your favorite movie star?”, only one actor has made the top ten every year and only one actor has made it posthumously: John Wayne. In 2014, The Duke did it again, placing 7th — holding the same spot he held last year.

The man dubbed by the elite as “The Last Movie Star” — George Clooney  — fell off the poll completely. After a comeback year at the movies, Tom Hanks returned to the top spot he enjoyed in 2004 and 2005. Denzel Washington dropped from number 1 to number 2. Landing on the poll for the first time, Jennifer Lawrence topped all the gals at number 3.

Sean Penn and Matt Damon have never placed in the top 10.

Here are the full results.

1. Tom Hanks

2. Denzel Washington

3. Jennifer Lawrence

4. Julia Roberts

5. Sandra Bullock

6. Johnny Depp

7. John Wayne

8. Clint Eastwood

9. Brad Pitt

10. Meryl Streep

It is obvious that 35 years after his death from cancer in 1979, John Wayne still lives on in the imagination of a large swath of the American people. Wayne’s films are still popular enough to broadcast regularly on cable and enjoy home video releases in whatever new format is currently hot. Great acting, compelling stories, and universal themes about self-sacrifice, right and wrong, human liberty, and what it means to be a man still resonate.

John Wayne

Obviously Wayne can’t hold on to this streak forever, but no other movie star will ever come close to equaling it. If anyone does, though, it will only be Clint Eastwood.

[H/T Breitbart: ]

Obama Promises to Get to the Bottom of the Ft. Hood Shooting — Just Like He Got to the Bottom of Benghazi

(Rush Limbaugh) – BEGIN TRANSCRIPT

RUSH:  Well, President Obama says he’s gonna get to the bottom of the Fort Hood shooting, just like he got to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi.  He’s gonna get to the bottom of what happened at the Fort Hood shooting.  Don’t worry.  Obama will protect us all.  Obama is gonna get to the bottom of what happened, when he finishes this fundraiser, and then the next fundraiser, where he’s gonna complain and moan about Republican money in campaigns.  He’s not gonna be worried, though, about Ron Burkle money or David Geffen money or George Soros money.  He’s only gonna be worried about Koch brother money.


RUSH:  Now, let’s delve into the Fort Hood shooting.  We also want sound bite 22 at the end of this, Mike.  I just got that one.  We’re gonna start here with General John McHugh.  This morning in Washington on Capitol Hill during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the 2015 Army budget request, the Army General John McHugh testified and had this to say, his opening remarks, about the Fort Hood shooter, Specialist Ivan Lopez.

MCHUGH:  He was undergoing a variety of treatment and diagnoses for mental health conditions ranging from depression to anxiety to some sleep disturbance.  He was prescribed a number of drugs to address those, including Ambien.

RUSH:  Sounds like a Kennedy, in a way.  I mean, what was it, Patrick Kennedy, Ambien, driving down the median late at night after a session of Congress.  You know what I find one of the most ironic things is that on an Army base, Army, folks, they don’t allow people to run around armed.  Army base!  I mean, there you have the life lesson.  It happened again.  The original Fort Hood shooter, jihad, although not stated, but it was.  Allahu Akbar, you had jihad going on.  Nobody was able to stop the original shooter ’til somebody showed up that was armed.  One of the reasons it happened in the first place, the shooter knew that nobody else was armed.  It’s classic.  The assumption being if you put guns in the place, they’re all gonna be fired, because everybody’s a rotgut when you give ’em a gun.

Here’s another example.  The only guy with a gun was the bad guy, on an Army base.  Well, I mean, it’s a clear illustration of how political correctness on the left totally distort common sense and reality everywhere in our culture.  Here’s Carol Costello.  You should have seen the coverage on CNN this morning.  They’re just beside themselves. How can this happen?  There weren’t any guns. What can we do about it? It’s horrible, it’s horrible, every shooting we talk about mental illness and they don’t pass any laws.  Well, we used to have plenty, Carol, we used to have plenty of laws on mental illness, but they were deemed discriminatory against the mentally ill, so we had to get rid of ’em.

That’s why there are homeless people dumpster diving and living under shopping carts and so forth, because we’ve deinstitutionalized them in the name of their freedom and privacy.  I think this country has a collective mental illness when it comes to looking to government for answers to everything.  You want to talk about insanity, the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  The genuine mental illness that we have is this seemingly nationwide belief that government is the solution to every problem, even the ones that government costs.

COSTELLO:  We always talk about dealing with the issue of mental illness in this country and nothing happens.  There have been so many instances of a mentally ill person who somehow got a hold of a gun and then participated in a mass shooting, and no law changes, nothing happens, nothing changes.

RUSH:  What’s supposed to change?  The government’s in charge, Carol.  This is not supposed to happen at all because the government’s making the laws.  Or not, as the case may be.  We keep looking for the wrong people to fix things like this.  Whoever is in charge of this rule that nobody on an Army base can bear arms, sorry, that just defies common sense.  It’s just absolutely silly. It’s totally reactionary and it’s rooted in the belief that if take guns away from everybody that you’ll get rid of gun violence. And here’s the second, the third, the fifth, the 15th, the 20,000th incident where we disprove that.

Take guns away from everybody and we’re not supposed to have any gun incidents, are we?  And yet people who intend to get guns and do harm with them always seem to find a way, whether there’s a law against it or not.  Mental health laws, we’re supposed to have laws that would stop this insane guy from doing this, or this disturbed guy from doing this.  If he’s disturbed he doesn’t even know what the law is and he doesn’t care what the law is.  The law doesn’t stop anything from happening.  The law doesn’t prevent murder. The law doesn’t prevent bank robbing. The law doesn’t stop anything.  It’s a moral marker. It’s a social marker. It’s a mechanism for meting out punishment, and in some cases it’s a deterrent, but not very often.

Last night, Anderson Cooper 195, fill-in host John Berman speaking with a White House correspondent from CNN, Michelle Kosinski, about the latest shooting.  John Berman said, “Michelle, give us some details how the president learned and the response.”

KOSINSKI:  I think many of us remember seeing those pictures of the president and Mrs. Obama at the memorial service for those 13 shot in 2009.  He delivered the eulogy for that.  Some describe that as one of his strongest speeches.  So he, too, obviously was affected, calling this heartbreaking.

RUSH:  Are you kidding me?  This is about Obama?  Of all the things that happened with the Fort Hood shooter in 2009 we’re supposed to remember Obama’s speech?  Nobody remembers that.  Did any of you?  When you heard about another shooting at Fort Hood what was the first thing that came to your mind?  I guarantee you the first thing that came to your mind: “Uh-oh, was it terrorism? Is it another terrorist? Was it more jihad?”  You didn’t think, “Oh, my God, Obama, what’s he doing? Oh, my God, I remember Obama’s wonderful speech, oh, my God, what is Obama gonna do?”  That isn’t what you were thinking.  You were thinking, “Another terrorist incident at Fort Hood?”  CNN thinks you were thinking about Obama, what a wonderful speech.

Here’s Jay Carney.  I have time to squeeze this in.  This afternoon the press secretary in a daily briefing.  Question:  “Do you have any updates on Fort Hood, Jay, has the president been briefed this morning?  Is there any new information?  What’s Obama think?  What’s Obama doing?  How does it affect Obama?”

CARNEY:  Last night the president convened a conference call with Department of Defense and FBI leadership while aboard Air Force One. He received another update this morning during the presidential daily briefly.

RUSH:  Oh, good.

CARNEY:  The president will continue to receive updates as new —

RUSH:  Good.

CARNEY:  — information comes available —

RUSH:  Right.

CARNEY:  — and has directed that his team do everything it can to assist the families of the lost and wounded.

RUSH:  The president, he’s been told, is getting updates. He’s getting on the airplane, going to a fundraiser, in fact, I think, with rich Democrats that nobody seems worried are involved in politics.


[H/T RushLimbaugh]

Sarah Palin Makes Tonight Show Cameo; Tells Vladimir Putin He’s ‘No Match for a Mama Grizzly’

(News Busters) – Sarah Palin made a surprise visit to NBC’s Tonight on Wednesday. She conducted a mock interview with Russian president Vladimir Putin, played by host Jimmy Fallon.

Palin mocked Putin as “no match for a mama grizzly” and told him to get out of the Ukraine. Both enjoyed a laugh at Obama’s NSA spying program, as well. Below is a video of the highlights:

[H/T NewsBusters: Matt Hadro]

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda

(News Busters) – For the second time in five years, Fort Hood was the site of a shooting by a rogue member of the military. While the shooting, which occurred during the afternoon of Wednesday April 2, had fewer victims than the one five years ago, CNN predictably used the tragedy to push for greater gun control in America.

After Piers Morgan’s Twitter tirade on Wednesday night, CNN’s Chris Cuomo wondered despite the shooter having mental health issues, why he was “Still able to walk into a private store and get this semi-automatic handgun that he winds up using, not a military issued weapon, his own. Don’t you think that’s something that needs to be addressed in terms of who’s abled to get these conceal carry permits and weapons?” [See video below.]

Cuomo’s gun control questioning came during an interview with former FBI assistant director Tom Fuentes, who shared Cuomo’s gun control sentiments. After Cuomo initially mentioned the mental health aspects associated with the shooter, his guest immediately helped to launch the gun control discussion:

This is yet another story, a person with psychiatric problems walking into a gun shop and being able to obtain and weapon and ammunition and go shoot who he wants. I think that’s nothing new. We’ve seen that in our society. That’s not going to change. There’s no indication of any political will to change that situation, so we’ll just have to deal with it as it comes.

The CNN host then used Fuentes’ comments to push the liberal gun control agenda by asking “As somebody in the business of stopping crime, when you see this pattern, is it something that is relevant to address in your opinion?”  

Unfortunately, Cuomo’s gun control comments were not the only ones to come from someone who has been associated with CNN. Former CNN host and gun control crusader Piers Morgan predictably sent out a tirade of tweets from his Twitter account on Wednesday night including the following:

Morgan has a disgusting history of using tragedies to push his liberal political agenda, including blaming a gun advocate for “allowing” more shooting deaths after Newtown and even used the final broadcast of his “Piers Morgan Live” program to call for the disarmament of U.S. citizens.

It’s disappointing that CNN’s hosts are unable to refrain from politicizing tragedies and feel it necessary to move away from simply covering the event to instead promoting their liberal gun control agenda.

[H/T NewsBusters: Jeffrey Meyer]