NBC Hails ‘Good Day in Washington’ As Obama Poses for Selfie With Red Sox Player

(News Busters) – Forget all the unanswered questions about ObamaCare or the President’s sinking poll numbers or the Democratic Party’s vulnerability in the midterm elections, on Wednesday’s NBC Today, all that was wiped away by President Obama taking a selfie with Red Sox player David Ortiz.

As fill-in news anchor Tamron Hall put it, “In a town where they don’t agree on a lot, I think everyone agrees that this was a pretty cool moment….The Red Sox meeting with the President…. Big Papi [David Ortiz] with the President preparing to take his official photo. Then, he went rogue….The Big Papi selfie….Look at those smiles there. A good day in Washington.”


The morning show cast spent several moments of the nearly two-minute segment playing a guessing game about which White House staffer donned a Red Sox cap and fake beard during the team visit. Hall finally broke the suspense: “This is White House Press Secretary and Red Sox superfan Jay Carney.  He wore the beard in honor of the team. You know, they grew out their beards for the series.”

Co-host Savannah Guthrie started off the exchange by declaring “a big day at the White House.” After running footage of Obama and Ortiz taking their selfie, Hall gushed: “And you can bet it was trending. Over 33,000 re-tweets.”

Meanwhile, Today spent a total twenty seconds on the President claiming victory over ObamaCare enrollment numbers.

[H/T NewsBusters: Kyle Drennen]