Get Ready To Buy Felons An Obama-Phone

(Western Journalism) – The latest mandate coming out of Eric Holder’s Justice Department is yet another benefit aimed directly at convicted criminals. In an address this week, the attorney general explained that he is instituting a new program that will give convicts access to cell phones, free bus passes, and other handouts – all at the expense of American taxpayers, of course.

Individuals being housed in federal halfway houses will receive the care package, he said, noting that under the new program, these facilities will “have to provide greater assistance to inmates who are pursuing job opportunities, such as permitting cell phones to be used by inmates and providing funds for transportation.”

About 30,000 convicted criminals will be receiving the new entitlements, he added.

“This will ensure consistency and continuity of care between federal prisons and community-based facilities,” Holder explained, “and it will enhance the programs that help prisoners overcome their past struggles, get on the right path, and stay out of our criminal justice system.”

He said those operating the more than 200 halfway houses affected will have 30 days to provide feedback, which will be posted online soon.

“And I encourage members of the public to visit this site, learn about these tools, and make your voices heard as well,” he concluded.

The Obama administration already has displayed a penchant for providing ‘free’ phones as part of the ever expanding welfare state that is America. This program will apparently just add a new class of recipients to that program.

Furthermore, taxpayers who are currently struggling to fund their own transportation to and from work will now be on the hook to pay for a potentially violent criminal to catch a ride.

It is obvious that the left is dedicated to buying votes by offering handouts and creating a culture of government dependency. With Holder’s recent push to extend voting privileges to felons, this program just furthers that policy.

[WesternJournalism: B. Christopher Agee]

Teen banned from track meet over pink Mohawk to support cancer-stricken mom

(Fox News) – A Michigan high school student was banned from competing in his school track meet unless he got rid of the pink Mohawk he’s sporting to honor his mother who has breast cancer.

Mike Barker, a junior at West Iron County High School in Iron River, Mich., told he was told his new hair style did not meet the school’s grooming and appearance policy, and was told by his coach and then the school principal that he could not compete in his team’s meet on Thursday.

“[My coach] told me I can’t have pink hair with Mohawk to support my mom with breast cancer,” Barker, 17, told “I want this to change. That’s my goal.”

Barker said the idea began when he and his mom were talking at the start of football season in the fall.

“She said, ‘You know what you should do for me? You should dye your hair pink and make a Mohawk for me,’” he said.

By the time basketball season came around, his hair was long enough for a Mohawk and finally on Wednesday he bleached his hair to prepare for dying it pink.

His mother, Wendy Pawlicki, told she was all the more outraged because her son had been to track practice for weeks with his Mohawk—it was only when he dyed it pink that he was suddenly not allowed to compete in his sport.

In response to’s email request for comment, West Iron County High School principal Mike Berutti emailed back the following statement from the superintendent:

“The West Iron County Public Schools supports the needs of the students to express themselves, as long as their expression does not interfere with the educational process. We also strive to balance individualism of athletes with the concept of team that fit within our athletic code. The athletic department is going to work with the student and parents to resolve this issue. The student was not dismissed from the team and we welcome his participation in the future. The athletic department has long supported breast cancer awareness by participating in numerous events involving student athletes and staff held in October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month) and plan to continue to support this worthy cause. “

Berutti also wrote, “Might add, never was he told to shave his head.”

But Barker says it was,in fact, his principal, in addition to his track coach, who said it was shave his head or not compete in the track meet.

Pawlicki said several family members have had cancer and she was proud of her son’s commitment to raise awareness with his pink Mohawk. She sent photos of more than a dozen pink-clad students showing their support of him.

“At the track meet, they told him unless he shaved his head he couldn’t compete and his head wasn’t shaved so he didn’t,” Pawlicki, 37, said.

She said that students from her son’s school and from neighboring towns have all rallied in support of him, wearing pink and dying their hair the same color, too.

She was proud of her son’s refusal to shave his head.

“I’ll support him in whatever he’s doing,” she said.

[H/T FoxNews: Jana Winter]

CNN’s Piers Morgan Limps Off-Stage with Final Anti-Gun Rant

(Breitbart) – After nearly four disastrous years, CNN’s Piers Morgan ended his embarrassingly low-rated “Piers Morgan Live” as we all knew he would — with a boorish anti-gun rant. After spending his full and final hour covering the missing Malaysian airliner, the left-wing Brit took his last few minutes as a CNN primetime star to go out flailing with a partisan attack on the NRA and a feeble cry of “Enough!”

I assumed that after 70 people were shot in a movie theater and then just a few months later 20 first-graders were murdered with an assault rifle in an elementary school, that the absurd gun laws in this country would change, but nothing has happened. The gun lobby in America, led by the NRA, has bullied this nation’s politicians into cowardly silence. Even when 20 young children are blown away in their classrooms.  …

“Now it’s down to you. It is your country. These are your gun laws. And the senseless slaughter will only end when enough Americans stand together and cry, ‘Enough!’ I look forward to that day. I also look forward to seeing you all again soon. Thank you. And God bless America. Oh, and while I’m at it, God bless Great Britain too. Good night.

Morgan was not only a ratings disaster for CNN, he was a public relations disaster. For years the left-leaning network had tried to fool audiences into believing CNN is unbiased. Morgan’s unrelenting anti-gun hysteria ripped the mask off the entire network.

It wasn’t just that Morgan was bizarrely desperate to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of Americans, it was that CNN allowed him to berate guests who disagreed with him, exploit the victims, and obsess over the issue long after the American people had moved on.

Morgan’s anti-gun crusade was also seen by many as nothing more than an attack on rural, mostly-Red State Americans — or just another manifestation of CNN’s well-documented cultural bigotry towards Middle America.

Morgan never demanded that handguns be banned, even though handguns are far away responsible for most of America’s gun murders. Instead Morgan targeted the semi-automatic rifles used mainly in rural America as “assault weapons” for his anti-civil rights campaign.

CNN is now left with two weekday primetime hours to fill.

No replacement for Morgan has yet been announced.

Apparently, CNN finally figured out that nothing is indeed better Piers Morgan.

[H/T Breitbart: ]