Conservatism Defined!

Black American Conservative Radio Host Defines Conservatism

(The Conservative Pundit) – Everybody and their mama is calling themselves a Conservative nowadays, including RINO’s (Republicans In Name Only). The term has become so watered down I nearly caved to the temptation to stop using it to describe my own political philosophy. Instead, I realized it was time for someone to define it; it was time to draw the proverbial Red Line where wannabe’s dare not cross. As a result, I came up with my 5C’s of Conservatism. Here they are:

1.)   Christ: This is the most important “C.” Why? Without God all truth, values, and morality are mere opinions. Moral relativism is king and it doesn’t mean a thing! Conservatism is built on facts and Natural law. When Jesus says “if a man doesn’t work he shall not eat,” and Obama implies you don’t have to work to eat; or when a woman says what’s growing in her stomach is just tissue and God says “before you were born I knew you,” there has to be a measuring stick to determine who’s right. That measuring stick is God.

2.)   Constitution: The Constitution is our referee in the game of freedom. It will never grow outdated regardless of technological advances because it deals with human nature. Tyranny by despots is forbidden unless “We The People” allow it. People like Martin Luther King Jr. fought for equal rights under our Constitution, not extra rights mind you, like some of the civil rights scam artist of our day. He like so many of our Founding Father’s understood the divine intervention of framing our Constitution. He believed in the American Exceptionalism that our founding documents provided and he fought and died to ensure that those same inalienable rights were realized for all.

3.)   Capitalism: Socialism isn’t natural! No one grows up with aspirations of government dependency! Socialism is the epitome of greed and envy! You waste time ignoring your own God given gifts in order to vilify those that may have fulfilled theirs. Recall the Parable of the Talents where Jesus made it clear (at least to Christians) that he’s invested in your life and he expects a return on that investment. Under Socialism your misery is a career politicians’ security, but Capitalism empowers you while limiting the power of those that would seek to rule over you. In a Capitalist society it doesn’t matter where you start in life, because the only person that can stop you from moving up is you.

4.)   Compassion: The term “Compassionate Conservative” is one of the dumbest and most dangerous I’ve ever heard in American politics, and it’s insane for the GOP to use it! It implies we’re mean. Modern day Conservatism when defined correctly is the most compassionate philosophy on the planet. Liberalism looks Uncle Sam dead in the eye and confesses “I’m nothing without you.” Conservatism looks him in the eye and proclaims “you’re nothing without me!” Conservatives love helping people draw out and take advantage of their God given talents no matter who they are.

5.)   Communication: When you have the wrong information you arrive at the wrong conclusions. As Conservatives were use to having the facts on our side, but as the old adage goes “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” We can succeed in expressing our love and concern to every race, sex, and economic class by making politics personal. There’s a reason Jesus used parables. It works! Democrats are subjecting their voters (aka victims) to long term poverty because they emotionally appeal to their fears; let us appeal to their hopes, and we must not be afraid to deliver our message on their turf.



Obamacare Navigators Helping People Enroll At Mexican Consulates

(Breitbart) – The Obama administration has been helping to facilitate a series of events nationwide at Mexican Consulate offices to enroll people in Obamacare – and a key activist says the efforts are “our responsibility” regardless of citizenship.

“Whether they’re Mexican nationals or whether they’re United States citizens or whether they’re in transition– and if they’re there it is our responsibility within all of America to educate on the Affordable Care Act,” Enroll America Field Organizer Jose Medrano told Breitbart News on Wednesday.

Health Care insurance navigator groups hosted an Obamacare enrollment fair on Tuesday in the Mexican Consulate’s Brownsville office, The Rio Grande Guardian reported last Friday, where Mexican nationals among others were counseled about enrolling in the ACA.

“The Mexican consulate is a very reliable source of information to the Latino community. And therefore when they host their events, yesterday being the health fair, there are several hundred people that show up,” Medrano said.

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) undocumented immigrants aren’t supposed to be receiving government-run health benefits or subsidized coverage. However, President Barack Obama told Latinos in early March that the website would not be used to find out about an individual’s immigration status.

“None of the information that is provided in order for you to obtain health insurance is in any way transferred to immigration services,” he said.

According to Medrano, 101 families were represented at the ACA enrollment and education fair at the Brownsville Mexican Consulate on Tuesday and about 60 percent of them spoke to a health care counselor. Medrano says that the consulate’s office is helpful “as part of the transition” to “mainstream… America.”

This is not the first time the Mexican Consulate has been used to enroll individuals into Obamacare. Get Covered Illinois announced in late February that the Erie Family Health Center hoped to increase its enrollment numbers at the Mexican Consulate in Chicago, The Sun Times reported.

According to Vegas Seven, In Nevada, the Latino community is being targeted for ACA enrollment at the Mexican Consulate in downtown Las Vegas. Insurance News says Hispanic National Advocacy groups like National Alliance for Hispanic Health have helped lead the push to get more Latinos enrolled in Obamacare.

“Promoting Obamacare at a Mexican consulate raises three major policy concerns,” Stephen Miller, a spokesman for top immigration hawk Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) told Breitbart News.

“One, the possibility that illegal immigrants could fraudulently access federal subsidies; two, that such promotions provide a financial inducement to unlawfully enter the U.S. (or overstay a visa) by offering households headed by illegal immigrants federal subsidies through their legal relatives or dependents; and three, that these activities widen an existing flaw in our legal admissions process by continuing to subvert the principle that those seeking to lawfully enter the US should be financially self-sufficient,” Miller said.

Mexican Consulates have been used previously to advance USDA assistance programs like food stamps to Mexican nationals, The Daily Caller reported in July of 2012. Mexico promoted the program to 50 of its consular offices in the U.S.

In 2012, ranking members of the Senate Budget, Finance, Judiciary, and Agriculture Committees wrote an oversight letter to Secretaries Napolitano and Clinton that said in part:

The [Immigration and Nationality Act] specifically states: ‘An alien who… is likely at any time to become a public charge is inadmissible.’ … We were thus shocked to discover that both the State Department and DHS exclude reliance on almost all governmental welfare programs when evaluating whether an alien is likely to become a public charge… Under your interpretation, an able-bodied immigrant of working age could receive the bulk of his or her income in the form of federal welfare and still not be deemed a ‘public charge.’”

Medrano, however, said the Mexican Consulate is a trusted source of information for Latinos, who use “those who they relied on for good information” in the past.

“So many of these, of course, while they are U.S. citizens have very strong ties to the consulate in terms of news and information and events and things like that,” he said.

He added, “And also, it was a health fair. The Mexican consulate was providing a community health fair and as part of that, they asked us to come in, because that was the tie in.”

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has been taking time out of her schedule to push for more ACA enrollment within the Lone Star state. She has made at least four visits to Texas for ACA outreach and enrollment and education related events since December 20, 2013.

“I’m sure [she was aware],” Medrano said when asked if Sebelius knew about the event at the Mexican Consulate. “We put our events in a database that several organizations are connected to at mainly HHS, so they are fully aware of who was here.”

Medrano says that Sebelius has not visited South Texas yet but Obama Small Business Administrator Yolanda Garcia Olivarez did make an appearance at the consulate during the fair and “met with the consul so it was an event that was driven by that presence as well.” Olivarez also made a visit that day to the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce to promote SBA programs.

Olivares told Brownsville’s Action 4 News, “If they don’t meet the deadline they’ve lost the opportunity to have and to have coverage of affordable health care.”

The fair was one of two events (the other was at the McAllen Convention Center) where ACA navigators are scouring the Rio Grande Valley to enroll Latino individuals into the government health care program.

[H/T Breitbart:


Watch as Man With Road Rage Gets Dose of ‘Instant Karma’

(The Blaze) – Imagine this: you’re being tailgated and finally the offending vehicle passes you, flipping the bird as they sail by as if you were the one doing something wrong. You take a deep breath, exhale slowly and try to take comfort in thinking that someday justice will be served.

That’s probably what a Florida driver thought, except this driver got to see “instant karma” happen right before her eyes — and she caught it on camera.

Images source: YouTube

Images source: YouTube

The YouTuber going by the username Florida Driver posted video Wednesday, saying that she’d been tailed by the truck driver for three minutes.

“After about a minute, and me shaking my head, I pulled out my phone and started recording. I couldn’t move over because there were trucks in the right lane, and I sure as heck wasn’t going to speed on a rainy day with the roads being as slick as they were. I was turning left in about a half-mile when this happened,” the driver wrote.

“Now bear in mind, that this guy had already passed a truck in a left turn lane, was tailgating and driving recklessly on a wet slick road, wasn’t paying attention, and all in all being an ignorant [a**]. In the full video which I will post later, you will be able to see that not once was I mouthing off, I never brake checked him, and in fact until I watched the video after the accident I didn’t even know he shot a bird at me because I wasn’t looking at him at all, I was paying attention to the road while holding the phone up with my right hand,” the driver continued.

Just after the man driving the black Ford pickup truck passed this driver and changed lanes, he lost control and spun out into a grassy median.

“That’s what you get,” the woman filming yelled as she laughed.

Watch what the incident as it unfolded (Content warning: offensive hand gesture):

According to the driver who recorded the footage, the man in the truck fled the scene but with the video, law enforcement were able to identify and charge the driver.

“This moron could have easily killed somebody with his moronic behavior, and my laughing at the end would have been replaced with tears. Needless to say though, I’ve never seen Karma come back so fast,” the videographer wrote.

[H/T TheBlaze: Liz Klimas]

‘Funny’ Feminist: I’d ‘Personally Like to Castrate Every Male Conservative Christian’

(News Busters) – Joe Newby at The Washington Examiner has found a real doozy of a “comedian.” Her name is Laura Levites – with obviously no connection to the priests of the Old Testament. (She’s an atheist with a fondness for Ricky Gervais.)

“I would personally like to castrate every Male Conservative Christian so that they have NO reproductive rights,” she wrote on Twitter, using the hashtag “#HobbyLobby.” She certainly knows how to draw attention to herself. Newby said that’s not all.

She also expressed her hatred of Christians in a tweet calling conservative Christians “scumbags,” claiming they are “really trying” her patience. “Why can’t Agent Orange be legal?” she asked.

In another tweet, Levites said she would pay for Hobby Lobby’s David Green to be castrated.

She went so far as to advocate violence on Green, proclaiming she would purchase a saw from Home Depot to cut off Green’s male organ so she can “shove it up his a**.”

Like the rest of the feminists, Levites wants complete sexual autonomy, which somehow includes insisting that everyone buying an insurance policy must agree that “women’s health” includes her contraceptives: “I will fight with every bone in my body to be the only owner and operator of my vagina.”

In January, after Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) delivered the GOP response to Obama’s State of the Union, Levites also went into Hulk-smash mode.  “I want to rip out the uterus of that pro life C**t Cathy McMorris Rodgers and eat it, so I can see the surprised look on her frigid face,” she tweeted.

Her Twitter profile says she “teabagged the Tea Party” and features her wearing an “I [heart] Haters” T-shirt:

[H/T NewsBusters: Tim Graham]

This Is How Obama’s Weakness In Ukraine Embarrasses America

(Western Journalism) – My, how the mighty have fallen under the stewardship of Barack Hussein Obama.

This weekend on CNN’s State of the Union, President Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser, Tony Blinken, revealed a shocking truth.

When asked about the impact of U.S. military assistance in Ukraine, Blinken said, “It’s very unlikely to change Russia’s calculus and prevent an invasion.”

Blinken is warning that the United States, a country that was called the world’s only superpower a few short years ago, is powerless to stop Russia from invading Ukraine. Worse yet, that means the United States is incapable of holding up its end of a treaty guaranteeing Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

The situation is desperate, according to Sunday’s AFP reports. Russian troops have consolidated Crimea’s annexation. A sweeping takeover of Ukrainian military bases in Crimea is basically over. The Russians met very little opposition.

Ukraine’s acting Defense Minister, Igor Tenyukh, lamented publicly about how his naval forces were ready to surrender to Putin’s Black Sea Fleet: “You know that in recent days, we have had our ships blockaded and seized, even though our commanders had the authorization to use force,” Tenyukh said. “Unfortunately, the commanders made decisions on the spot. They chose not to use their weapons in order to avoid bloodshed.”

So Barack Obama has decided to fly to Europe to huddle with leaders from Britain, France, and Germany. Up to this point, the sanctions imposed by this merry band of appeasers have elicited yawns and laughs from Russia. And wider economic sanctions are off the table because Russia has the power to dim the lights and lower the thermostats across all of Europe. Without Russian natural gas, Europeans would almost certainly face energy shortages.

That means the United States has no real options. If we actually airlifted troops into Ukraine to counter the Russian buildup, we’d likely be defeated by a stronger opponent on what is essentially its home turf.

A Plan of Action

Meanwhile, an even more threatening development is taking place in our own hemisphere, and it’s gone virtually unreported. Russia is moving advisers and arms, and generally increasing its involvement in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. Cuba and Nicaragua were both flashpoints of contention with Russia during the Cold War.

Obama needs to make it clear to the leaders of these three Latin American countries that there will be grave consequences for deepening ties with Russia. If Russia wants us out of its sphere of influence, the United States must demand that Russia stays out of ours.

Next, we should do what we can to bolster the current government in Ukraine. Any money used to quickly strengthen the regime would likely be well spent. Yet Obama, who has repeatedly used his power to act unilaterally in domestic affairs, has let the bill to help Ukraine get bogged down in Congress over unrelated issues.

As Commander-in-Chief, Obama has the power to move defense policy through. He should order the Pentagon to immediately provide supplies to the Ukrainian military.

Finally, he should let Russia continue overextending itself financially. Russia has its own economic problems, and carrying Crimea won’t help. As Reagan administration official Dr. Donald Devine wrote recently:

“While President Putin may seem to be riding high about now, he has made a terrible economic mistake. Ukraine already subsidizes Crimea, and Russian parliamentarian Leonid Slutsky estimates it will cost his country $3 billion more in normal expenditures per year, and perhaps $20 billion over the next three years, ‘maybe even $30 billion,’ although he thinks it is worth the cost psychologically.”

Devine concluded that “a struggling Russia can’t afford it. Russian control of any more of economically bankrupt Ukraine would be an unbearable burden. Removing Crimea from Ukraine actually strengthens it. It saves Ukraine [from] paying the subsidies and, more importantly, removes 2,000,000 Russian-speaking citizens who normally vote against Western Ukrainian candidates, making it more likely for an anti-Russia majority to prevail for the foreseeable future.”

Over the longer run, America must get its own domestic and defense policies realigned. Welfare and healthcare overspending has hurt our ability to keep our defenses sound… And the first duty of the U.S. government is to keep its people safe and free.

[H/T WesternJournalism: Floyd Brown]

Dishonest Abortion Activists Attack Hobby Lobby at SCOTUS

(News Busters) – What do Cesar Chavez, “raped animals,” Margaret Sanger fans, and Occupy-esque mantras have in common?

They were all present in front of the Supreme Court today. Hundreds of left-wing activists showed up today to attack Hobby Lobby for its objection to the Obama Administration’s HHS Mandate, specifically that the Christian-owned firm pays for abortifacient contraceptives in the employee health insurance plan Obamacare says it must provide.

Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW, the ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Secular Coalition for America and several “reproductive rights” student groups were bussed in from within D.C. and even as far as New York for the rally Tuesday morning.

Some of the more interesting signs: “Eating raped murdered animals makes you a hypocrite,” “Get out of my box [ie: vagina],” “This [a Bible] is not a health care plan,” “Who’s the boss? Me!” and “Sex is beautiful, reproduction is optional.”

Activists also chanted “Si Se puede!” (Yes we can), the Cesar Chavez slogan that Obama co-opted, many different times throughout the rally. “We are the 99 Percent!” from Occupy Wall Street, was also co-opted for the pro-choice movement, citing a statistic from the CDC erroneously. Leftist politics were obviously well represented.

This 99 percent statistic isn’t even what the pro-choice crowd think it means. The statistic is from the CDC, which said in 2013, “More than 99% of women aged 15–44 who have ever had sexual intercourse have used at least one contraceptive method.” However, the pro-choice movement twisted this finding to say that 99 percent of all women use all types of artificial contraception on a regular basis, including contraception such as Plan B or “the morning-after pill” which many religious and otherwise pro-life people object to, as ending human life.

Of course the standard, “Get out of my uterus” and “trust women to do what they want with their own bodies” rhetoric was reiterated dozens of times through speakers and signs.

The pro-choice activists message was clear: Hobby Lobby’s refusal to pay for something its management opposes on religious grounds – and which it was not required to provide until Obamacare was enacted –  is an attack against all women in general, and their ability to get any type of contraception.

Of course, it’s a dishonest argument. Hobby Lobby’s employees are free to go out and purchase abortifacients with their own money. What the left is really defending is a new entitlement to “free” birth control.

What’s more is that they know it, organized the protest  to rely on their numbers, flashy and simplistic signs, vague chants and a compliant media to parrot the bogus “War on Women” rhetoric. This loud and abrasive group went oddly silent when asked factual questions. Culture and Media Institute reporter Katie Yoder attempted to interview several protestors from pro-choice groups such as NARAL and Planned Parenthood, but few would speak to her.

In stark contrast to the yelling and chanting of left-wing mantras and bankrupt slogans, and the signs dismissing the Bible, a simultaneous pro-life rally stood peacefully off to the side, heads bowed and praying.

[H/T NewsBusters: Kristine Marsh]