What is wrong with this picture?

Conservative Angle Exclusive:

This photograph is of the five first-line U.S. nuclear carriers docked together in one place. Just like Battleship Row, Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.

Multiple Carriers Docked in Norfolk

(U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan J. Courtade/Released)

The photograph was taken February 2014 in Norfolk, Virginia.

President Obama ordered 5 nuclear carriers into harbor for “routine” inspections. Heads of the Navy were flabbergasted by the directive but had to comply, as it was a direct order from their Commander-in-Chief.

All of the aircraft carriers were recalled from the Middle East and the Afghanistan supporting role, leaving our land forces naked and exposed!

This is the first time since WWII that five aircraft carriers were docked together.

The U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), U.S.S. George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), U.S.S. Enterprise (CVN 65), U.S.S. Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), and U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) are all docked at Naval Station Norfolk, Va., the world’s largest naval port.

Knowledgeable sources stated that this breached a long-standing military protocol in the Navy meant to avoid a massive enemy strike on major U.S. forces.

President Obama ordering most of the Navy’s capitol ships into one place is unprecedented since Pearl Harbor! This could be the creation of a false flag atomic incident, too stupid for any enemy to pass up.

Why did this happen? Is this a routine changing of the guard, or what?

I’m afraid of the “what”!

[Conservative Angle: Ed Jenner]

‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson Did Something Awesome for a Christian Fan Who Drove 20 Hours to Meet Him

(Breathe Cast) – A New Jersey man drove at least 20 hours earlier this month to see “Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson, arguably one of television’s most popular reality stars. But that’s not the story. The story is why he made the lengthy journey: to have the Robertson family member baptize him.

Brian Richards made the long trek from his home to White’s Ferry Road Church of Christ in West Monroe, La., where Robertson introduced him to the church on March 2, before publicly baptizing him.

“From New Jersey, I can count on one hand the people I met from New Jersey,” Robertson quipped, before telling the congregation about Richards’ long journey to the house of worship.

Watch the video of this introduction below:

A second clip shows Robertson and Richards in the church’s baptismal pool. The “Duck Dynasty” star explains the Christian salvation message and describes the significance of baptism before dunking Richards under the water.

“You are now going to die to sin,” Robertson told Richards beforehand. “You’re going to be buried — the old you — and the new one will come forth. God will seal you with his spirit and you will be guaranteed to be raised from the dead one day and live forever. Good news, you know?”

Watch the baptism below:

[H/T: Breathe Cast]

Bill Maher: God Is a ‘Dick’ And a ‘Psychotic Mass Murderer’

(News Busters) – At the end of Friday’s Real Time With Bill Maher, HBO’s sneering star uncorked another tirade against God and the Bible. His unbelieving guests – including Seth MacFarlane and Andrew Sullivan – yucked it up alongside him.

The smug atheist is already hating the forthcoming movie “Noah,” first that so many “stupid” Americans believe in the story, and second, if you believe that, then God is our world’s most psychotic mass murderer: [See video below.]


BILL MAHER: No one can blame me when I say this is a stupid country. When 60 percent of the adults in it think the Noah’s Ark story is literally true. Which is why I’m already sick of the ads for this piece of giraffe crap.

Although – the movie has been condemned by both Christians and Muslims, so it must be doing something right. And they say it might lose a fortune for the studio – which would put it in hot water with the Jews, too….

It’s about a psychotic mass murderer who gets away with it, and his name is God. Genesis says God was so angry with himself for screwing up when he made mankind so flawed, that he sent the flood to kill everyone, everyone – men, women, children, babies. What kind of tyrant punishes everyone just to get back at the few he’s mad at? I mean, besides Chris Christie. [Applause]

Hey God, you know you’re a dick when you’re in a movie with Russell Crowe and you’re the one with anger issues!

You know, conservatives are always going on about how Americans are losing their values and their morality. Well, maybe it’s because you worship a guy who drowns babies!

Maher insisted “If we were a dog and God owned us, the cops would come and take us away.”

From there, Maher went into his general attack on how religious people impose silly rules on themselves when the truly wise people deprive themselves of nothing, including a routine diet of mind-expanding drugs. “Isn’t life hard enough without making s–t up out of thin air to f–k with yourself?”

HBO could stand for Hell’s Box Office.

[H/T NewsBusters: Tim Graham]