Martial Law Cannot Be Far Away Now! Massive Car To Car Warrantless Search In DC Region

(Before It’s News) – The ‘Police State’ in America officially exploded into the DC Capitol Region as hundreds of cars were stopped in a massive roadblock and a warrantless car to car search ensued for alleged bank robbers and drivers were met by the likes of what we see below. One woman had to vomit and was ordered to close her door. The story unfolds below. Live cell phone video of ‘the event’ is also below.

As described, these searches were in no way consensual and were performed with the motorists under duress. Nothing ordered at gunpoint can ever be considered voluntary. Not surprisingly, we have not seen a report of anyone brave enough to refuse the hostile violation of the 4th amendment.

Is THIS really what we want our country and our society to be like? If so, this is proof that the terrorists won… America has turned into a police state.

ROCKVILLE, MD — Thousands of motorists were brought to a standstill when police conducted a massive roadblock to find three crime suspects. Twelve lanes of traffic were shut down and swarms of armed government agents combed through a giant traffic jam performing warrantless vehicle-to-vehicle searches.

The busy Tuesday morning commute was abruptly halted just after 10:00 a.m. on March 11th. One driver told ABC News that traffic stopped and he witnessed 30 police cars pass on the shoulders of I-270 near Rockville. “Then, when I saw a wall of police officers with automatic weapons approaching our cars, it was apparent that something serious was taking place.”

Miles of cars were stranded and motorists were confined to their vehicles, with no explanation, for over an hour.  Confused people exiting their vehicles were met with hostility from the police. WTOP reported that one woman leaned out her door to vomit, she was shouted at by cops to close her door.

“It’s just awful,” motorist Carmel Desroche to WJLA, describing the traffic jam. “I’ve never seen both directions of 270 like this before. It was painful.”

While stuck in traffic, motorists were approached by armed agents and ordered at gunpoint to submit to warrant-less searches of the interior of their vehicles. The Washington Post interviewed an innocent driver named Don Troop who experienced the ordeal.

A group of officers made its way to his car and other cars around him. “They were just walking along saying: ‘Pop the trunk! Pop the trunk!’”

He overheard a man in a truck next to him call out to another motorist: The police are looking for bank robbers. A short time later, about nine officers approached his car — including state police in tan uniforms, county police in dark uniforms and at least one plainclothes officer wearing a yellow tie.

Among their commands to motorists that Troop heard:

“Stay in your car.”

“Pop the trunk.”

“Get your hands on the steering wheel. Get your hands up where we can see them.”

* Edit: In the first video in this article, police stated they “found” three men in a car they say robbed the Wells Fargo bank.

[H/T BeforeItsNews]


Calling a Spade a ‘Garden Implement’ Doesn’t Make it a Hoe

(American Thinker) – Early on in the Genesis chapter of the Bible much is made of Adam giving names to all living creatures. Like everything about the Bible, the meaning of this event is subject to many interpretations, the most often given is that it signals man’s dominion over the other creatures of the earth.

I don’t dispute that reading, but to me, the naming description signifies that there can be no real communication among people unless the names we use mean the same thing to all of us. A spade certainly is a garden implement, but if you are in the gardening shed and I need a spade, I’d better ask you for one, or you might bring out a hoe, useless for my work.

In ways large and small, we are increasingly skittish about calling things by their right names. Take “multiculturalism” for example. As my online friend Harry Lewis observes:

Multiculturalism, which exalts race and ethnicity over middle class values, is proto-fascist. The centerpiece of fascism is race hatred and race war. The centerpiece of communism is class hatred and class warfare. That’s how you tell the two apart. Time to start calling the race hustlers proto-fascists, which is what they are.

Europe may have fallen into this trap already but it is starting to make moves to get out of it. France has banned face veils that disguise the wearers’ identities, and the Netherlands is requiring applicants for citizenship to learn Dutch and Dutch customs.

Creating enclaves of immigrants with no desire or incentive to assimilate means the death of the modern democratic state, which depends on shared values like respect for secular law and a common official language.

In the U.S. to question the philosophical and political consequences of multiculturalism is to open up oneself to baseless charges of racism. Or ethnic animus.

Toughen up. It’s not racist nor ethnic hatred and it’s foolish to allow yourself to be silenced by this trite political shame and silence ploy.

The language and civics portions of our immigration exams are basic and  slender enough, but the notion of legalizing millions of illegal immigrants who will not even have to pass these before they vote is a recipe for disaster. Demagogic politicians aided by one-sided ethnic media make certain an increase in ethnic tensions and a drift from the informed electorate without which our truly multi-racial and multi-ethnic Republic must fall.  Shrewd politicos understand this. Hillary Clinton’s one-sided deal with Spanish language behemoth media Univision, shows how easy it is to turn foreign-language media into cheerleaders for one side when you have millions of voters who do not get more than one version of events because they do not speak our language:

Imagine if a major television network entered into a partnership with a presidential nominee, and promoted that candidate across their media platforms. Just think of the outrage and charges of bias that would ricochet through the press.

Or maybe not.

Univision, the country’s top Spanish-language network, has entered into a multiyear deal with Hillary Clinton to promote the health, education and well-being of young children the problem here is that a major broadcaster is getting awfully close to a presumptive nominee for president. A second problem is that many in the press are largely ignoring this relationship. Marc Caputo, a political reporter for the Miami Herald, wrote about the Univision/Clinton ties, and several conservative media outlets picked up his column. But other than that, this has been a non-story — which is a shame.

The multiculturalism scam is but one aspect of the use of language to hide meaning and to foreclose debate.

The ease with which the left, in effect, declares topics beyond debate by banning words altogether was highlighted this week when it turned out the multi-media effort to suggest that “bossy” was a  “sexist” term to denigrate women was originated by Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, a major Hillary donor and supporter. “Make no mistake, there is always a deeper agenda whenever a seemingly innocent campaign pops up overnight.”

Worldwide, the notion of terrorism is seemingly so beyond the Pale that even when multiple signs exist to suggest it is a plausible explanation, government authorities and the press rush in before much is known to deny that it is even a possibility. To them, alien abduction seems more likely than hijacking  or terrorism and  a random shooting  at our soldiers with the murderer shouting Allahu Akbar implies nothing about his motivation.

After a week of red herrings about the disappearance of Flight 370, the Malaysian authorities finally conceded that the plane was likely the victim of a criminal act, probably a hijacking. Where it is now, we don’t know — China points us in one direction, the U.S. in another. Are the two simply looking at different information, trying to cover all bases, or is China for whatever reason trying to divert the world’s attention from the facts, as the Malaysian government seems to have done? The latest word on Saturday was that the plane landed somewhere in Central Asia:       :

At a press conference today in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak confirmed what many, including Slate, had already inferred about the fate of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: that it had not succumbed to an accident but instead been diverted as a result of “deliberate action by someone on the plane.” Further information release by the Malaysian government indicated that the plane ended its flight in a restive area of Central Asia.

Like Adam, let’s start naming things so we all can understand each other and take dominion over our political fortunes.. Let’s start calling a spade a spade; racial and ethnic Balkanization, proto-fascism, criminal terroristic conduct, terrorism; and officious people of any gender bossy.

[H/T AmericanThinker: Clarice Feldman]

More troubling revelations about Benghazi: CIA never conducted investigation

(Allen B. West) – Just when you thought questions and controversy surrounding the Benghazi terror attack couldn’t get any worse, something else pops up.

American personnel on the ground in Benghazi the night of the 2012 terror attack are outraged after learning that the CIA’s inspector general never conducted an investigation into what happened — despite two CIA workers being killed in the attack and despite at least two complaints being filed by CIA employees, reports Adam Housley of Fox News.

I’d like to believe that since the CIA annex in Benghazi came under attack, the Inspector General of the CIA would want to conduct an investigation of the incident – at the very least to ascertain lessons learned or compile an after action report.

But apparently that’s not the case, and it’s quite disconcerting.

A CIA spokesman said the OIG (Office of the Inspector General) has already “explained fully” to the agency’s congressional oversight committees “why it did not open an investigation into Benghazi-related issues.” In any event, the CIA spokesman said the concerns full under the purview of the State Department’s Accountability Review Board (ARB), and that a separate OIG action could unnecessarily disrupt the FBI’s criminal investigation into the Benghazi attacks.

I find it unconscionable that the CIA would defer to the State Department or even the Department of Justice on a matter directly involving their own agency.

Perhaps the Obama administration has a tighter control over State and Justice — after all, Benghazi occurred under the watch of Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder. It’s well known now that the ARB investigation was quite incomplete – as a matter of fact, it didn’t even include an interview with the Secretary of State Clinton — but then again, “what difference at this point does it make?”

Housley points out separate investigations haven’t stopped the OIG from investigating issues before. Agents at the CIA are apparently upset, frustrated and wondering why this issue remains untouched.

Congressman Frank Wolf’s House Resolution 36, calling for a select committee on Benghazi, now has 187 cosponsors — all Republican unfortunately — and it still has not been brought to the House floor for a vote. There are only two people preventing this legislation from coming to the floor for a vote: Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Speaker John Boehner. The committee hearing process has failed, and in the case of the IRS scandal investigation, has turned into a circus.

The fact remains that four Americans were abandoned to die in Benghazi, and no one in a position to do anything about it in Washington D.C. seems to give a damn.

[H/T Allen B. West]

25 Conservatives In Modern Hollywood

(Western Journalism) – There was once a time in film history during which patriotism was the norm. Whether an actor suspended a lucrative career to join the military or a producer backed a project that reflected traditional values, it was not uncommon for Hollywood and mainstream American culture to overlap.

Few in today’s entertainment industry would declare, as John Wayne did, “Sure I love my country with all her faults. I’m not ashamed of that, never have been, never will be.”

Even those who subscribed to a radical leftist worldview realized espousing such beliefs publicly would be professionally detrimental. As our society has lurched leftward, however, Hollywood has remained ahead of the curve.

It is now not uncommon to hear prominent actors spew reprehensible partisan tripe only to see their popularity soar. Those in that industry who dare buck the trend and show any conservative leanings whatsoever are roundly vilified, discouraging many from making even the most superficial of political comments.

Thankfully, there are several who literally risk their careers to speak out against the stranglehold leftism currently has in Hollywood. The following list includes a number of unabashed conservatives among others who, while they might not completely reflect rightwing ideology, have a healthy respect for America’s founding principles.

In no particular order, these prominent stars have made it clear that they do not walk in lockstep with the leftist drones that constantly surround them.

25. Shannen Doherty

This Beverly Hills 90210 alum has gone on to earn recognition for her starring role in Charmed. Though the characters have not always embodied a conservative role model, Doherty has made numerous references to her own beliefs.

“I realize that the majority of people in the entertainment business happen to be Democrats,” she once confirmed. “I have no problem with that. And they should have no problem with the fact that I’m a Republican.”

She has also referred to herself as an “avid supporter of Ronald Reagan,” a man she described as “fabulous.”

24. Drew Carey

A comedian and actor who succeeded Bob Barker as the host of The Price is Right in 2007 proudly considers himself a libertarian who puts a high value on personal liberty.

In one interview, he shared his view that conservatives in Hollywood face a steep uphill battle while one can “pretty much get away with being a libertarian.”

Though he said colleagues apparently see a big difference between the two ideologies, Carey described libertarians as “conservatives that still get high.”

23. Stacy Dash

During the 2012 election cycle, perhaps no entertainer received harsher criticism for an endorsement than the stunning actress best known for her role in the 1995 film Clueless. When Dash expressed her support for Republican candidate Mitt Romney, the black actress was pilloried by her own community – and leftists in general.

In her initial Twitter post, she called Romney the “only choice for your future,” later responding to criticism with a lengthy essay defending her position.

22. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

A former pro wrestler who transitioned remarkably well into the world of acting, Johnson is a registered Republican who was a performer at the 2000 Republican National Convention.

When his acting career is over, he has expressed an interest in following Ronald Reagan’s footsteps by seeking elected office.

21. Robert Downey Jr.

Perhaps no male actor is a hotter commodity in Hollywood today than reformed partier Robert Downey Jr. While he might not fit the traditional conservative mold, he has publicly made unequivocal endorsements of certain values those on the right hold dear.

In a 2009 interview, he alluded to his own criminal history as the catalyst to his embrace of certain conservative ideals.

20. Stephen Baldwin

Few celebrities are as willing to discuss their Christian and conservative views more frankly than this Baldwin brother. What makes his advocacy even more astounding is that he shares the same roots as his ultra-leftist brother, Alec.

The youngest of four brothers who have each had varying degrees of Hollywood success, Stephen has shied away from his political activism in recent years to avoid a conflict with his ongoing Christian ministry. Nevertheless, he has a well-documented history of supporting traditional conservative values – and there is no sign of any change on that front.

19. Jerry Bruckheimer

Moving to those who work behind the camera, there are several prominent producers who subscribe to a more conservative worldview. One of the most successful in all of Hollywood, Jerry Bruckheimer, has occasionally revealed his political leanings by supporting Republican candidates and opening up during candid interviews.

Speaking to Fox News host Sean Hannity, he contradicted some other celebrity accounts, explaining he has never felt ostracized because of his personal views.

“It is always about the work,” he said, “and if you do good work, people will honor you and work with you again. It is never about your politics.”

18. Gerald Molen

Another top-tier producer, Molen has enthusiastically embraced his conservatism late in his career. After producing films from “Schindler’s List” to “Jurassic Park,” he teamed up with rightwing author Dinesh D’Souza to bring “2016: Obama’s America” to theaters across America.

As for his reception in Hollywood and beyond, Molen has admitted he has faced some ideologically based criticism. In 2012, he said he was prohibited from delivering an “apolitical” graduation speech because the principal did not approve of his personal opinions.

He once contrasted today’s Hollywood with the environment of his early career.

“Today, those on the right have a tendency to hide their politics because the left is vindictive,” he concluded.

17. Melissa Joan Hart

One of the few child stars who avoided many of the pitfalls of early fame, Melissa Joan Hart gained a loyal following through work as the title character in “Clarissa Explains it All” and “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.”

As an adult, she has remained in the public eye as an actress and author; however, when she recently outed herself as a conservative, she earned the wrath of countless leftists – including many former fans.

“I got called every name in the book,” she said of the response to her tweet in support of presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

16. Kelsey Grammer

An actor best known for his decades-long portrayal of psychiatrist Frasier Crane, Grammer has been open about his political leanings since publicly endorsing New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani in 2004.

He has since been integral in the development of RightNetwork, an entertainment company aimed at a conservative audience.

As for his reception by the leftist elite, Grammer suggested the reason he wasn’t nominated for an Academy Award for his latest work on the drama “Boss” might have to do with the fact that he is a “declared out-of-the-closet Republican in Hollywood.”

15. Victoria Jackson

Best known for her work on Saturday Night Live, Jackson is one of several cast members who have since expressed a conservative proclivity. While she still tackles issues from a comedic standpoint, she has become one of the right’s most politically active celebrities.

She has expressed a desire to run for elected office and expressed support for GOP presidential hopefuls Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann. Jackson describes her personal values as “pro-life, less government, strong military.”

14. Jon Lovitz

Another SNL alum, Lovitz was a latecomer to the conservative cause. In fact, the registered Democrat has never described himself as such. After harshly criticizing the Obama administration’s confiscatory tax policy, though, he received an onslaught of vitriol from leftists of all stripes.

In a subsequent interview, Lovitz said his tirade actually garnered some additional job opportunities.

“I’m getting book offers, I’m getting other TV offers, I’m getting movie offers,” he said. “There’s been no backlash because what I said is true.”

13. Dennis Miller

Miller’s stint on SNL was largely contained to his duties as host of the mock news sketch “Weekend Update.” Perhaps the gig was prophetic, because he has gone on to become one of America’s foremost conservative talk show hosts in recent years.

While he approaches issues on a case-by-case basis, the former liberal now generally sees the world in a more conservative context. His frequent guest spots on Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor” have given Miller an even wider audience as a political pundit.

12. Rob Schneider

In much the same manner of Lovitz’s ideological shift, the personal effects of leftism caused Schneider to renounce his former political affiliation. He portrayed a number of classic characters as an SNL cast member and parlayed his success into a movie career including a starring role in the “Deuce Bigalow” franchise.

He has made headlines most recently, however, as a fierce critic of California’s Democrat supermajority, blaming the one-party rule for many of Hollywood’s ills.

“I’ve been a lifelong Democrat and I have to switch over because it no longer serves the people of this great state,” he confirmed. Schneider also expressed admiration for Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s effort to attract California businesses willing to relocate to a more hospitable environment.

11. Adam Sandler

The final SNL funnyman to make the list has a long line of hit movies under his belt. The registered Republican has not overtly discussed his political views; however, he was a performer at the 2004 Republican National Convention and supported Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 presidential bid.

10. Patricia Heaton

Perhaps best known for her portrayal of Debra Barone in the hit comedy series “Everybody Loves Raymond,” Heaton has used Twitter and other public forums to express her views as both a conservative and Christian.

Deeply committed to the pro-life cause, she is involved in a number of campaigns dedicated to curtailing abortion in the U.S.

She even got involved in the Rush Limbaugh-Sandra Fluke debate, initially standing beside Limbaugh in lambasting the left’s obsession with consequence-free sex. Though she ultimately apologized for her strongly worded rebuke, she said she was sorry only that she “was not showing Christ’s love.”

9. Angie Harmon

Known for her leading roles in dramas such as “Law and Order” and “Rizzoli and Isles,” Harmon received serious backlash when she honestly answered an interviewer’s question regarding her political leanings.

“The fact that it was turned into that I was a gay-hating racist was just heartbreaking,” she admitted.

The criticism did not dissuade her from tackling Barack Obama’s failures in the White House, though.

“If I’m going to disagree with my president, that doesn’t make me racist,” she told her critics.

Furthermore, Harmon actually revealed she is an admirer of the left’s most hated woman, Sarah Palin.

“People cannot look at this woman,” she lamented. “I really think they’re afraid of her and her morals, ethics and values and the fact that she hangs on them.”

8. Gary Sinise

Using his talents and fame as both an actor and musician, the star of “Forrest Gump” and “CSI: NY” has been a tireless supporter of the U.S. military since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. While he hasn’t been one to explicitly state his political views, his dedication to giving back to the brave men and women in the armed forces through his involvement in organizations such as the Gary Sinise Foundation and Building for America’s Bravest.

Though not limited to conservatives, or even Republicans, Sinise helped establish a group of Hollywood stars known as “Friends of Abe,” which reportedly meets socially to discuss issues the leftist-dominated industry would generally disdain.

7. Tom Selleck

Recognized for his iconic portrayal of the titular character in the 1980’s hit “Magnum, P.I.,” Selleck has become an international star of film and television in the decades since. He currently stars in one of the most conservative-friendly dramas on television, “Blue Bloods,” in which he plays the patriarch of a family of cops – appropriately surnamed Reagan.

A consistent proponent of Second Amendment rights and other conservative ideals, he once opined that “I don’t know if my political opinions ever lost me work, but I know for sure they never got me any.”

6. Jami Gertz

A popular actress who appeared in a number of films during the 1980s, Gertz resurfaced as a comedic television star with leading roles in “Still Standing” and “The Neighbors.”

While she isn’t as outspoken as some of this list’s entries, she has been a frequent contributor to Republican campaigns. In fact, she supported conservative Tim Pawlenty’s presidential bid with a donation of $7,500 – a contribution that was ultimately returned due to the fact it exceeded legal limits.

5. Mindy Kaling

The successful writer and actress who earned her own program after years of work in front of the cameras and behind the scenes of “The Office,” Kaling has remained coy about her political preferences. When an article described her as a Republican, she shot back, denying the claim. Nevertheless, she declared her show, “The Mindy Kaling Project,” was designed to be a platform for her to express her personal views.

In the program – and in reality – she has expressed a pro-gun stance and, according to one colleague, “she was at least thinking about voting for Bush” in the 2004 presidential election.

4. James Woods

Few in Hollywood have voiced their disapproval of Obama as bluntly as Woods. The acclaimed actor said he believes his principled views will perhaps force his retirement from the industry.

“I don’t expect to work again,” he said before calling Obama “a threat to the integrity and future of the Republic.”

Woods previously referred to him as a “gift from hell.”

3. Bruce Willis

Though he unequivocally denies being a Republican, the unmistakable star of the “Die Hard” franchise and many other action flicks says it is only because he despises both parties. In an ideological sense, he has frequently endorsed rightwing ideals.

“I’m a Republican only as far as I want smaller government,” he once affirmed, “want less government intrusion.”

He has spoken out against gun control efforts and France’s 75 percent income tax on the rich.

2. Jon Voight

This critically acclaimed star of numerous hit films is also the father of actress Angelina Jolie. Prior to his daughter’s birth, he was a self-proclaimed leftist who spent time surrounded by Marxists and communists. By the end of the Vietnam War, however, his ideology began to shift rightward.

“I saw us pull out; and then I saw the communists move in and slaughter two and a half million people in South Vietnam and Cambodia,” he recalled. “And I saw the left had precipitated this turn away, just walk away from it.”

Still, his old beliefs died hard and it wasn’t until the terrorist attacks of 9/11 that his transformation was complete. Now, Voight is a vocal opponent of Barack Obama’s disastrous leftist policies.

“This man … has not only set himself to redistribute the wealth of the middle class,” he complained, “he also is set to take over, control the industrial wealth of the country with banks and with … the major corporations, with foreign companies.”

He is also a critic of modern Hollywood, which he concedes “has become a bunch of wimps.”

1. Vince Vaughn

The hardworking funnyman known for hit movies like “Wedding Crashers” and “Old School” is serious when it comes to his political alignment. In late 2013, he ‘came out’ as a proud supporter of Ron Paul and traditional conservative values.

He concluded that “as you get older, you just get less trust in the government running anything.”

According to Vaughn, he began “to realize when you really go back and look at the Constitution and the principles of liberty, the real pupose of government is to protect the individual’s right to sort of think and pursue what they have interest in.”

[H/T WesternJournalism: B. Christopher Agee]

The rallying cry we need: Stand, Men of the West

(The Imaginative Conservative) – Conservative intellectuals tend to be a dismal sort. By natural disposition we are pessimistic people. We cannot really be blamed for this, when one considers the history of mankind and particularly the sorry history of human governance. From starting unnecessary wars to enslaving whole peoples to reducing the masses to poverty through excessive taxation, man, when clothed with the right to rule others, has shown himself to be a tyrant-in-waiting.

Moreover, we conservatives realize that human nature is intrinsically inclined to do evil, that utopias are unachievable and their pursuit dangerous, and that we are apt, over time, to lose our moorings to the commandments of God and His laws of nature. We thus tend to hold out little hope for the future.

As justification for our inherent pessimism we need only to look at the peculiar and sorry times in which we live: an era in which the Founding Fathers are considered “dead white men,” but in which the Constitution they made is held to be living; a time in which political compromise is valued as a priority but commitment to principle is reviled as naive, quixotic; an age in which any kind of perverse speech or lifestyle is celebrated in the name of freedom, but in which free enterprise is stifled in the names of equality and compassion; a time in which information reigns supreme, but in which logical thinking is scarce; an era in which we have attained the greatest technological know-how but in which we have the least understanding of beauty, goodness, and truth.

Added to all this is our conservative tendency to revel in the nobility of lost causes. This in itself is not a bad thing at all—quite the opposite in fact. As T.S. Eliot said:

“We fight for lost causes because we know that our defeat and dismay may be the preface to our successors’ victory, though that victory itself will be temporary; we fight rather to keep something alive than in the expectation that anything will triumph.”

But we have not taken Eliot’s words to heart. We mistakenly look for permanent victories, political and cultural, and when they do not come, we despair. We seem not to realize that it is not permanent victories that we should seek but rather the preservation of “the permanent things,” which is victory enough.

Keeping alive the flame, however, does not mean hiding its light. After all, a flame that is not open to the air will be snuffed out. Like Isaiah we are under the Divine injunction to be “a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind.” This means that conservative thinkers should not talk exclusively amongst themselves, as we are prone to do. (One might recall that perennial philosophical question: “If an intellectual presents a paper at an academic conference, does it make a sound?”) Instead, we need to shine forth the light of truth, goodness, and beauty through the best available means that can reach the masses; today that means the internet, and specifically online journals like The Imaginative Conservative.

As Sam Gamgee says in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings: “There’s some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.”

In fighting our worthy battle, American conservatives can position their forces on the ramparts of certain premises: that the Founding Fathers, despite their flaws, still have much to teach us today; that the Constitution is actually dead, in the sense that its actual written words need to be taken seriously; that free enterprise is inextricably linked to political freedom and ordered liberty; that inquiry, to be free, must be grounded in reason and must be directed to the ascertainment of truth; and that information and technology are not goods in themselves unless they serve the good and the beautiful.

Yes, our enemy is strong, but we must remember that temporary victories are indeed possible if we keep sharp our Kirkian Sword of Imagination. As the composer Richard Wagner said, “Imagination creates reality.” Who, for example, would have thought that Ronald Reagan’s vision of the early 1980s of American victory over communism would become a reality less than a decade later? Of course, since the collapse of “the Evil Empire,” new terrors have arisen in the world— abroad and at home—to threaten Western Civilization, but we conservatives should have expected that.

This should not be interpreted to mean I advocate engaging in crusades to right wrongs across the globe; to the contrary, we should heed the sage advice of John Quincy Adams and not “go abroad looking for monsters to destroy.” Yet there indeed are dragons in the world, and some are rising in the East, and they may find us soon enough. The most fearsome ones, however, are already amongst us, inhabiting our very souls, twisting them toward evil, falsehood, and ugliness, and causing them to decay. But we can take comfort in Chesterton’s assurance that such dragons can be killed.

Western Civilization is undeniably in decline and indeed its very existence is in doubt. Yet these thoughts ought not to drag us conservatives down into a morass of defeatism. Sadly, though, some conservatives are indeed calling for retreat. They say that the hour is too late, that a remnant must run to the barricades and shield itself and whatever is left of Western Civilization from the barbarians at the gates. Like Tolkien’s King Theoden, they seek a Helm’s Deep in a desperate attempt to preserve the world of men from the hour of the Orc. But I call on conservatives to refuse to cede the current hour to darkness, and I join with the Aragorn of Tolkien and Peter Jackson in declaring:

A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends, and break all bonds of fellowship; but it is not this day! An hour of woe, and shattered shields, when the Age of Men comes crashing down; but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!”

[H/T Stephen M. Klugewicz]