Amash to Feinstein on Fourth Amendment Pity Party: ‘Hypocrites Like You Are Why the Public Doesn’t Trust Congress’

We’ve entered Mel Brooks level government comedy. Can someone play a sad song on the world’s smallest violin for this woman?

In the ultimate dictionary definition act of hypocrisy, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) is complaining that the CIA violated her committee’s Fourth Amendment rights when she claims the agency removed several key documents from committee computers.

She actually found it within herself to be surprised and outraged that this could happen…to her. Accusing the CIA of breaking federal laws and “undermining the constitutional principle of congressional oversight” Feinstein said, “I am not taking it lightly.” The Department of Justice is reportedly investigating the matter.

Feinstein, if you recall, has been a huge proponent of the NSA’s overreach and basically every government big brother spy program you can imagine in recent years…when it’s aimed at the American people, of course. Here’s just one example from not even a month ago in the LA Times:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) offered a full-throated defense of the government’s collection of data on billions of American phone calls, saying Wednesday that the National Security Agency’s practices have safeguarded the nation without trampling on civil liberties.

“What keeps me up at night, candidly, is another attack against the United States. And I see enough of the threat stream to know that is possible,” Feinstein said at a Pacific Council on International Policy dinner in Century City.

Apparently that same heartfelt “full-throated defense” of government spying overreach ‘safeguarding the nation’ does not apply to herself and her committee, however.

In response to Feinstein’s hypocritical outrage at being targeted by the intelligence community, Rep. Justin Amash (R-Michigan) sent this message out on his official Facebook page:


(Post by Justin Amash.)

“She has had no problem with U.S. intelligence agencies, like the ‪#‎NSA‬, violating the Constitution by spying on hundreds of millions of Americans without probable cause. This kind of hypocrisy is one of the biggest reasons the public can’t stand Congress.”


It’s one of a plethora of reasons, but still. At least someone up on that hill gets it…

Former NSA Contractor Edward Snowden also came out a few hours ago to say that Feinstein is a total hypocrite.

The only person that does not seem to realize it by now is, sadly, Sen. Feinstein.

[H/T FreedomOutpost: Melissa Melton]

College Group Bans White People From Diversity ‘Happy Hour’

(Infowars) – “That space is not for white people”

A group of employees at South Puget Sound Community College caused outrage after they made it clear that white people would not be welcome at a planned diversity “happy hour” event.

The event was focused around an effort ” to “build support and community” for people of color.

“If you want to create space for white folks to meet and work on racism, white supremacy, and white privilege to better our campus community and yourselves, please feel free to do just that,” stated an email which was sent out to 300 employees.

Students at the college expressed their bewilderment at why a “diversity” event would specifically exclude people of a certain race.

“This…. contradicts the message they’re trying to send, don’t judge people based on their color but they’re judging white people because they’re white” said one student.

College spokeswoman Kellie Purce Braseth said the exclusion was “not condoned” by the school, adding, “If you want to come you should be able to come, that just makes a richer conversation.”

However, despite being forced to apologize, Karama Blackhorn, program coordinator for the school’s Diversity and Equity Center, who helped write the invitation, seemingly doubled down.

“That space is not for white people, that space is for people of color,” said Blackhorn, asserting that staff members cannot discuss race issues with white people present.

“That’s not diversity, that’s anti what we’re preaching here,” responded one student.

Indeed, Blackhorn’s claim that white people should be excluded from certain spaces or events at the college is no different philosophically to how black people were similarly discriminated against during segregation.

By asserting the contrived myth of “white privilege,” predominantly white liberals are attempting to rationalize the clearly ludicrous notion that it is impossible to be racist towards white people.

In reality, this mentality functions as a crass and cynical ploy to shut down debate and discriminate against the equality of a person’s freedom of speech based on their skin color – which is the very epitomy of racism.

[H/T Infowars: Paul Joseph Watson]

Disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 begins to demand supernatural explanations

(NaturalNews) – As the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 continues to absolutely baffle investigators, explanations for what might have happened to the flight have entered the realm of the supernatural. Astonishingly, the Washington Post is now reporting that smartphones of some passengers who boarded the flight are still active and connected to the ‘net even though the plane they were on has vanished.

As WashPost reports:

One of the most eerie rumors came after a few relatives said they were able to call the cellphones of their loved ones or find them on a Chinese instant messenger service called QQ that indicated that their phones were still somehow online.

A migrant worker in the room said that several other workers from his company were on the plane, including his brother-in-law. Among them, the QQ accounts of three still showed that they were online, he said Sunday afternoon. 

Adding to the mystery, other relatives in the room said that when they dialed some passengers’ numbers, they seemed to get ringing tones on the other side even though the calls were not picked up.

Four mind-bending possibilities, none of which seem possible

This brings up the immediate bind-bending question of how electronic devices on a commercial flight that vanished still appear to be connected to the internet. The explanations for this defy everything we think we know about reality:

• Mind-bending possibility #1, the “kidnapped” explanation: The plane somehow landed somewhere without leaving a radar signature of any kind, all the passengers are being held hostage there (and are thus still alive), their mobile devices are somehow within cell tower range and yet for some reason have not been confiscated. (This explanation seems extremely unlikely.)

• Mind-bending possibility #2, the “Stargate” explanation: A teleportation portal of some kind exists in the skies, through which the plane inadvertently flew and was teleported somewhere else. Yet, astonishingly, electromagnetic signals can still make it through the portal, and the two sides of the portal remain in contact across the radio spectrum. (This explanation sounds like pure science fiction and also seems extremely unlikely, yet we must at least acknowledge that modern physics has already demonstrated the instantaneous teleportation of information across apparently infinite space due to the “non-locality” of entangled electrons as described in quantum theory.)

• Mind-bending possibility #3, the “failed search” explanation: This far more mundane explanation supposes that the massive, multi-day search for plane wreckage and debris simply hasn’t stumbled upon the correct location yet. The fact that airplane black boxes broadcast homing signals adds to the skepticism that this explanation holds any water, as it is extremely unlikely that the airplane’s black boxes could have been obliterated. Nevertheless, this explanation still seems far more believable than supernatural explanations.

• Mind-bending possibility #4, the “advanced military weapons” explanation: Some military entity, either human or non-human, was testing an advanced weapon capable of either instantly obliterating large airborne objects or teleporting them to another place (or dimension). This explanation seems incredibly far-fetched, but then again, barely a hundred years ago, so did the idea that machines could ever fly at all. Related to this is the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment which some believe caused a U.S. Navy ship to vanish and reappear.

We must first stick to mundane explanations until more searches can be conducted

As someone who is trained in the sciences, I remain very skeptical that Flight 370 vanished for supernatural reasons, yet its disappearance unquestionably defies all known conventional explanations so far.

The vanishing of aircraft over the ocean is not without precedent, either. According to historical records, the so-called “Bermuda Triangle” causes both ships and aircraft to vanish for reasons that defy apparent scientific explanation. While the disappearance of ships can theoretically be explained by underwater volcanoes emitting large quantities of gas that mix with ocean waters and cause ships to immediately lose bouyancy, there has never been any convincing scientific explanation behind the disappearance of the many aircraft there.

With each passing day that this search goes on without finding any debris from the fight, it is incredibly reasonable to at least entertain supernatural possibilities in the quest for answers. At some point, if no debris ever appears, we must expand our window of possibilities to include what military strategists refer to as “unknown unknowns.”

[H/T NaturalNews]

Is Facebook censoring conservative content?

(Allen B. West) – Recently I sat down with our website editor, Michele Hickford, to discuss social media analytics and recurring trends in order for us to better address the issues that matter most to our readers.

She looked at best performing stories, posts, and numbers of comments. We noticed there has been a precipitous decline in views and shares of individual stories in the first week of March on Facebook. The issue is that Facebook manipulates what stories show up in users’ news feeds. So if no one sees our stories, they don’t get read.

Of course in one year we went from about 197,000 to over 925,000 page “likes” overall. But you just have to wonder if someone at the Zuckerberg empire is regulating our traffic – is Facebook censoring conservative content? What’s curious about this is many of our fellow members of the Liberty Alliance are having the same issue.

So during my morning run, some thoughts and perspectives ran through my mind.

There is no debate that I am a strong conservative in my political ideology and governing principles. I believe wholeheartedly in the free marketplace of ideas where ingenuity and innovation thrive.

However, it seems the success of our Facebook page is being seen as a lucrative revenue source that Facebook wants a piece of. What I find so perplexing is that Facebook bubba Zuckerberg is a pretty cozy fella with President Obama — the most anti-free market president we have ever seen, a true progressive socialist.

So why is it that Zuckerberg — and let’s be honest, any business person, — jumps in bed with liberal progressives? If Zuckerberg is looking to make a profit off the endeavors of my conservative Facebook page, doesn’t that go contrary to the political crowd in which he circulates? I always found it ironic that someone like Michael Moore would say capitalism sucks, yet he charges money for people to see his movies — hypocritical?

So let’s see here, Mark Zuckerberg now wants to make more money off a conservative Facebook page so he can make more money to donate to more liberal progressive causes and candidates. So they can espouse their anti-free market ideology and expand the welfare nanny-state and cause my taxes to increase in order to pay for more “free stuff.”

Why shouldn’t we be able to utilize the Facebook traffic for free? After all, isn’t that the center of the progressive socialist mentality — shared prosperity and economic equality and all that?

The only other explanation for what we’re seeing with our Facebook page would be a blatant attempt to censor our message and limit its promulgation — and that wouldn’t be nice, Mark.

The hypocrisy of liberals seems to have no end. They like to make money, but apparently they want to limit who else gets to earn a prosperous living. It’s like the old Soviet politburo establishment where the ruling elite lived under the mantra of “do as we say, not as we do.”

Liberal progressives accept certain elites in their sphere, such as entertainment and sports figures, but not us saps out here just working hard to make a living. I applaud what Facebook has done and the platform it has created. And I certainly wouldn’t want to limit innovators seeking to better their business model and make a profit.

But I do wonder if Facebook throttles back traffic to the Obama social media machine, or is that all gratis since they share the same failed socialist beliefs? And if it is given preferential treatment, does that run afoul of campaign finance laws?

The liberal Left controls the message of the mainstream media, no question about it. Thank goodness conservative voices have alternative ways to disseminate our message through radio, cable and satellite networks, social media, podcasts and on our websites.

But there is also no question the liberal Left will do whatever it takes to strangle our free speech when it conflicts with the progressive agenda.

Mr. Zuckerberg, you believe in the First Amendment, don’t you? They may come after us first, but they’ll be after you too. Think about that next time you’re at one of those swanky liberal cocktail parties, little bro.

[H/T AllenBWest]