Military hiring Muslim Brotherhood chaplains – AGAIN

Here’s yet another example of “are we just that stupid?” When the truth lies right before you and you refuse to accept it, whose fault is that?

Case in point comes from this report by Ryan Mauro of The Clarion Project who asks, “How can the government use chaplains from a group that they know is extremist and involved in terror funding? U.S. Military Hiring Muslim Brotherhood Chaplains – Again?”

Yes ladies and gents, our US military is recruiting Muslim chaplains from an organization with known ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. And if you’re somehow unfamiliar with the Muslim Brotherhood, please read the 1991 Explanatory Memorandum of the General Strategic Goal of the Ilkwan (Brotherhood) written by Mohammad Akram. The document, uncovered in an FBI raid, details the Brotherhoods planned infiltration of the US – and doggone if they’re not achieving their objectives. You can get your copy here.

According to Mauro’s report The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, is proudly announcing that the U.S. military is again using their chaplains for active-duty service after a 15-year lull. ISNA has a well-documented extremist history. In 1991, the Muslim Brotherhood listed ISNA as one of its main fronts. Declassified FBI memos said ISNA is a component of the Muslim Brotherhood, who sees its “work in America as a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.” In 2007, the U.S. government labeled ISNA a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity and an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism-financing trial involving the Holy Land Foundation funneling money to Hamas. The label was upheld in 2009 because of “ample” evidence linking ISNA to Hamas. Last year, ISNA’s Canadian affiliate lost its status as a charity because of its accounting discrepancies and links to Pakistani terrorists.

You may call this “Islamophobic” but I’m certainly not stupid enough to allow my enemy into my country — definitely not my military.

The two chaplains endorsed by ISNA are Sgt. Mustapha Rahouchen, who will be used by the U.S. Army, and Captain Rafael Lantiqua, who was chosen by the U.S. Air Force.

The Muslim chaplaincy services for the military and prisons were started by Abdurrahman Alamoudi, who was convicted in 2003 on terrorism-related charges. He later admitted he was a secret member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.
Former Army officer Nidal Hasan was knowingly proselytizing against our US military combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. His actions were dismissed over the concerns of political correctness and multiculturalism. Hasan was transferred from Walter Reed Hospital to Ft. Hood Texas where he shouted “Allahu Akhbar” while gunning down American Soldiers in 2009 — an incident the Obama administration still refers to as “workplace violence.” Before that, in 2003 another Hasan Akbar of the 101st Airborne Division threw hand grenades into his commanding officer’s sleeping area, killing two and wounding 14 others.

Don’t forget that Anwar al-Awlaki, Nidal Hasan’s mentor, was solicited to lead prayers in our nation’s capital after 9-11. Are we just this stupid? Yes, and it appears we are in fact “stuck on stupid” to the detriment of our national security and our men and women in uniform. I think we should be calling the secretary of defense, as well as the other service secretaries and chiefs and ask simply, Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot?


Exclusive – Rand Paul: Stop Warping Reagan’s Foreign Policy

(Breitbart) – Every Republican likes to think he or she is the next Ronald Reagan. Some who say this do so for lack of their own ideas and agenda. Reagan was a great leader and President. But too often people make him into something he wasn’t in order to serve their own political purposes.

Reagan clearly believed in a strong national defense and in “Peace through Strength.” He stood up to the Soviet Union, and he led a world that pushed back against Communism.

But Reagan also believed in diplomacy and demonstrated a reasoned approach to our nuclear negotiations with the Soviets. Reagan’s shrewd diplomacy would eventually lessen the nuclear arsenals of both countries.

Many forget today that Reagan’s decision to meet with Mikhail Gorbachev was harshly criticized by the Republican hawks of his time, some of whom would even call Reagan an appeaser. In the Middle East, Reagan strategically pulled back our forces after the tragedy in Lebanon in 1983 that killed 241 Marines, realizing the cost of American lives was too great for the mission.

Without a clearly defined mission, exit strategy or acceptable rationale for risking soldiers lives, Reagan possessed the leadership to reassess and readjust.

Today, we forget that some of the Republican hawks of his time criticized Reagan harshly for this too, again, calling him an appeaser.

I don’t claim to be the next Ronald Reagan nor do I attempt to disparage fellow Republicans as not being sufficiently Reaganesque. But I will remind anyone who thinks we will win elections by trashing previous Republican nominees or holding oneself out as some paragon in the mold of Reagan, that splintering the party is not the route to victory.

I met Ronald Reagan as a teenager when my father was a Reagan delegate in 1976. I greatly admire Reagan’s projection of “Peace through Strength.” I believe, as he did, that our National Defense should be second to none, that defense of the country is the primary Constitutional role of the Federal Government.

There is no greater priority for Congress than defense of the nation.

I also greatly admire that Reagan was not rash or reckless with regard to war. Reagan advised potential foreign adversaries not to mistake our reluctance for war for a lack of resolve.

What America needs today is a Commander-in-Chief who will defend the country and project strength, but who is also not eager for war.

Regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, for example, there is little difference among most Republicans on what to do. All of us believe we should stand up to Putin’s aggression. Virtually no one believes we should intervene militarily.

So we are then faced with a finite menu of diplomatic measures to isolate Russia, on most of which we all agree, such as sanctions and increased economic pressure.

Yet, some politicians have used this time to beat their chest. What we don’t need right now is politicians who have never seen war talking tough for the sake of their political careers.

America deserves better than that. So do our soldiers.

More than any other category of voters, our men and women in uniform understand the anguish that comes with their ninth and tenth tours in battle zones. These brave young patriots do their duty, they do as they’re told, but they don’t mistake their heroism for a love of war.

Many agree with General Eisenhower who said, “I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.”

There is a time for military action, such as after 9/11. There is a time for diplomacy and the strategic use of soft power, such as now with Russia. Diplomacy requires resolve but also thoughtfulness and intelligence.

This is something Reagan always knew.

Reagan said his greatest regret as President was sending those Marines to Beirut in the first place.

How many leaders were as great as Reagan, willing to admit their mistakes, learn from them and put their country before their own reputation and legacy?

Today’s Republicans should concentrate on establishing their own identities and agendas, as opposed to simply latching onto Ronald Reagan’s legacy—or worse, misrepresenting it.

[H/T Breitbart: Sen. Rand Paul]

Outspoken Black-American pastor calls for revolution before martial law hits.

* WARNING – Conservative Angle believes this firebrand video may contain potentially offensive tirades. Proceed at your own risk…

(Intellihub) – “Revolution is going to be the only thing that starts martial law, and martial law will be the only thing that starts revolution”, said Pastor James D. Manning in a recent broadcast from ATLAH Ministries.

The pastor went on to point out how all politicians are “puppets of the New World Order”.

The pastor has been interviewed by Intellihub’s Shepard Ambellas on several occasions back in 2010 about the pimp “mack daddy” Barack Obama as Manning would say.

Manning ended the recent broadcast saying, “The devil is calling for martial law”.

[H/T Intellihub]

Atheists want iconic 17-foot cross removed from 9/11 museum

(Foxnews) – Atheists are trying to oust the “Miracle Cross” from the 9/11 museum arguing that its inclusion would violate the Constitution’s separation of church and state.

But Eric Baxster of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty told MyFoxNY that the cross is part of the story of 9/11 and that museums don’t censor history.

“They tell history as it happened,” Baxster said.

The 17-foot cross-shaped beam was discovered in the devastation at Ground Zero and became a symbol of comfort and hope after the horrific terrorist attack.

But American Atheists say the cross is a part of religious history and are challenging its inclusion in the new National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum which opens in May.

“We’re arguing for equal treatment in some way, whatever that might be.”

– Edwin Kagin, attorney for American Atheists

The group said the cross should not be in a museum that is on Port Authority property and financed by taxpayers.

In arguments before the U.S. Court of Appeals in Manhattan, American Atheist’s lawyer Edwin Kagin said his organization is seeking a similar object to be displayed at the museum, something like a plaque that would say “atheists died here, too,” the Religion News Service reported.

“We’re arguing for equal treatment in some way, whatever that might be,” Kagin said after the hearing.

The museum’s lawyer, Mark Alcott, told the court that rescue workers took comfort in the cross and they prayed to it as a religious object.

“But there is a difference between displaying an artifact of historical significance and saying we want you [the public] to bless it — museum-goers understand that distinction” he said, according to London’s Telegraph newspaper.

The newspaper said Judge Reena Raggi appeared skeptical of the claims by the atheist group.

“There are countless cases of museums including religious artifacts among their exhibits and it’s going to be described in a way that talks about the history of the object, what is the problem here?” she said. “An argument has been made that you are trying to censor history.”

Construction worker Frank Silecchia discovered the beam in the smoldering wreckage of the World Trade Center towers. He told the “Today” show that the cross comforted him, and it soon became a rallying point for first responders, according to Religion News Service.

“I was already working 12 hours. I was quite weary and the cross comforted me,” Silecchia said. “I never stood here before any media and said it’s about religion. But I say it’s about faith — the faith that was crushed on 9/11.”

The cross will be part of a display that includes 1,000 artifacts in a 100,000-square-foot underground museum.

The appeals court is expected to make a decision in several months.

[H/T Foxnews]