Conn. police refuse to enforce new gun laws

(Examiner) – A showdown is developing between a sizable number of Connecticut state police officers and the politicians who passed into law highly restrictive gun control, gun bans, and bans on high capacity magazines.

Gun rights legal expert and activist David Hardy reported Friday that 250 law enforcement officers in Connecticut have signed an open letter stating that they will not enforce the new anti-gun and magazine laws, which they consider to be a violation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

A major news story on these developments is due to be published soon, but Hardy received an advanced notice via email from Tyler Jackson, the head of the Connecticut Peace Officers Association, the organization that sent the open letter.

According to Hardy,

Tyler Jackson has emailed me an interesting story, soon to appear online (I’ll link to it once it does)– the gist is that the head of the Connecticut Peace Officers’ Assn has released an open letter stating that the police will not “be party to the oppression of the people of the state by enforcing an unconstitutional law.” So far 250 LEOs have cosigned the letter.

Gunowners in the state have already ignored the mandate to comply with the new laws, refusing to register with the state government their possession of so-called “assault weapons” and forbidden magazines.

It is estimated that over 300,000 gunowners have practiced civil disobedience in refusing to register and give up the newly forbidden items. Only roughly 50,000 citizens in the state have complied.

But now these courageous citizens have key support in high places. With at least 250 law enforcement officers joining them in disobeying an unconstitutional law, the gunowners have a new weapon in their arsenal — the support of hundreds of police officers.

Hardy reported that with the lack of support of police, Connecticut faces massive civilian resistance, with police officers refusing to enforce a law that to most citizens crosses a line that is unacceptable in a free society.

If such a thing can happen in a deeply blue state in New England, what would law enforcement encounter if they attempted such an ill-fated attack on Constitutionally-protected rights in Texas, Wyoming, South Carolina, Utah, or Kentucky?

This is something that the political powers that be in government and law enforcement — and in the Courts — should think long and hard about before acting in such a knee-jerk fashion as Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, and Massachusetts have done.

[H/T Examiner]

While Crimea Burns, Obama Golfs in Key Largo

(Breitbart) – Question: What does Barack Obama do while ineffectually dealing with the Russia and Ukraine fight over the Crimea, watching that region burn, and also ordering the cutting of funds for missile defense for Israel while enabling Iran to continue heading for nuclear bomb-making capability, thus heating the Middle East to the boiling point?

Answer: He goes golfing. On Saturday, Obama joined former NFL star receiver Ahnmad Rashad ,former NBA star center Alonzo Mourning, and Cyrus Walker, Valerie Jarrett’s cousin, to go golfing in Key Largo, Florida. Obama brought the wife and kids for a weekend getaway. White House spokesman Josh Earnest explained that Obama was relishing warm-weather downtime.

[H/T Breitbart: William Bigelow]

PALIN: ‘Age of Obama is Almost Over. This is End of an Error’…

The crowd here at the Conservative Political Action Conference gleefully embraces the political figures Democrats and the media love to hate, and it is full of adoration for Sarah Palin.

“You love her because she drives liberals crazy,” the National Rifle Association’s Chris Cox said as he introduced the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential nominee.

Palin delivered the closing remarks at this year’s conference and, in a speech that touched on topics ranging from Obamacare to the Republican establishment to Ted Cruz to the war on women, she brought the audience of approximately 11,000 to its feet repeatedly with the sassiness and attitude that has become her calling card.

“The age of Obama is almost over,” she announced. “This is the end of an error, he is the lamest of lame ducks.”

Palin also launched an assault on the party establishment, which she said is urging Republicans to lay low while Obamacare and the president’s feckless foreign policy create problems for Democrats.

“You do interrupt when they are in the process of destroying your country, and that’s what we’re gonna do in 2014,” she said. Audience members interrupted to exclaim, “Run, Sarah, run!” (She garnered just 2 percent in the conference’s annual presidential straw poll.)

Palin’s message to President Obama, who is in the midst of a stand off with Russian president Vladimir Putin over his incursion into Ukraine: ”Mr. President,” she said, “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke.” Then she acknowledged she should be more understanding in the face of the president’s troubles. “After all, who could have seen this one coming?” she quipped, referring to her 2008 prediction that American inaction in the face of Putin’s invasion of Georgia would encourage him to invade Ukraine. 

“I love coming back here because there are always so many young people or, as you’re known by the folks across the river, Obamacare suckers,” she said. “Turns out, you have the change that they were waiting for: You have the $5s, the $10s, and the $20s.”

“They said the train of history was roaring to the left,” she said, “but then, something happened. That ‘Hope and Change’ went from a catchy campaign slogan to a reality and along the way, ‘Hope and Change,’ ‘Yes we can,’ it became ‘No You Can’t’: No you can’t log on to the website. No, you can’t keep your health care. No, you can’t make a phone call without Michelle Obama knowing this is the third time you dialed Pizza Hut delivery.”

Pushing back against the Democrats’ claim that the Republican party’s pro-life stance constitutes a war on women, she told the women in today’s audience, of the Democratic party, “Don’t let them use you unless you choose to be their political pawn or just their accessory on their arm. Honey, that’s not liberation, that’s subjugation, and this sisterhood fights against that.”

Palin electrified the audience at last year’s conference by tacitly rebuking New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, pulling a Big Gulp soda from beneath the podium and taking a big sip. “Shoot, it’s just pop with lo-cal ice cubes in it!” she shrugged, and pumped the cup over her head when she left the stage.

Moments before Palin took the stage, Rand Paul claimed a victory in the conference’s annual presidential straw poll for the second year in a row.

Palin, who heads a political action committee dedicated to backing candidates that she supports, and who will host the show “Amazing America” on the Sportsman Channel starting next month, has not backed a 2016 presidential candidate yet, but did give a special shout out to freshman senator Ted Cruz. “Liberty needs a Congress on Cruz control,” she said, praising Cruz’s all-night filibuster and his attempt to defund Obamacare, which she said had helped to wake people up to the horrors of Obamacare.

Palin offered her own version of “Green Eggs and Ham” after offering praise for Cruz, who read the book on the Senate floor during his filibuster against Obamacare last fall.

“I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like this health care scam. I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books,” she said. The audience laughed and cheered.

“I do not like this spyin’ man, I do not like ‘Oh, yes we can,” she continued. “I do not like this kind of hope, and we won’t take it nope, nope, nope.” 

[H/T National Review: Eliana Johnson]

Breaking: Iowa House Votes to Legalize Gun Silencers

( – The Iowa House has just voted to reverse a law that made it illegal to use or possess a gun silencer or suppressor.  The bill passed 82 – 16 and would allow gun owners across the state to make use of the hearing-saving devices that many have called a much needed tool to prevent hearing loss in regular shooters.


According to,


Representative Matt Windschitl, a Republican from Missouri Valley who is a gun smith, calls them “suppressors” and he said they can help preserve the hearing of gun owners who regularly fire off rounds at gun ranges.

“This is a good bill and I think it is a prime opportunity for us to expand a freedom and a liberty that Iowans deserve,” Windschitl said during today’s debate. “…Thirty-nine other states already allow their citizens to be able to possess these. I don’t think Iowans should be restricted from having them.”


A few of the anti-gun democrats in the Iowa House were not happy with this bill and considered it a waste of time since it did not address gun violence in schools or public places.  One representative seems to even believe that making gun silencers legal will lead to public mass murder.


Representative Mary Mascher, a Democrat from Iowa City, also voted against the bill saying, “By muffling the noise generated with every shot…a silencer would provide a new degree of intimacy for public mass murder,” Mascher said, “delaying by crucial seconds or minutes the moments when someone can call the police after overhearing strange bangs coming from a theater or classroom.”


Apparently Rep. Mascher has watched too many episodes of CSI and thinks that suppressors make the sound of a gun firing completely mute so that bystanders will not hear a thing.  What she fails to admit is that criminals who have wanted suppressors have already had access to them, after all, they are in the business of breaking the law.


Anti-gunners like to call guns a public health crisis in order to use a failing health care system to promote more gun control, but you will never hear any of them promote the use of gun silencers to help prevent the hearing loss of gun owners.


Representative Windschitl responded:  ”To insinuate that somehow allowing law-abiding citizens to have that attachment on the end of their firearm is going to create more violence or allow for other tragedies to happen because someone’s not hearing the shot as readily as what they would without a supressed weapon, I find that just ludicrous.”

Representative Chris Hagenow, a Republican from Windsor Heights who voted for the bill, calls it “common sense” legislation that addresses the rights of “law-abiding citizens…not the criminals.”

“It’s disappointing that we have to kind of resort to scare tactics and what seems like some of what we’ve devolved to in this debate,” Hagenow said.


However, as much as this vote looks like a victory for law abiding gun owners in Iowa, it looks like the bill will never see the light of day in the Senate where an anti-gun Democrat has no intention on advancing the bill.

[H/T Jonathan S.]

CT Cop to Gun Owning Patriot: “I Cannot Wait to Get the Order to Kick Your Door In”

(Freedom Outpost) – Last weekend, I reported on Connecticut John Cinque’s 2013 warning to lawmakers that he would not comply with their attempts to force the citizens of Connecticut to register their semi-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines. Since that time, the video, though a year old, has gone viral. However, in a recent video between Mr. Cinque and Connecticut gubernatorial candidate Joe Viconti, Cinque reveals that a Branford, Connecticut police officer told him, “I Cannot Wait to Get the Order to Kick Your Door In.”

Cinque was explaining last year’s account to Viconti. Specifically he referenced a phone conversation with Connecticut State Representative David Yaccarino. In that questioning, Cinque said that the thing that really stuck with him was the fact that when he asked Yaccarino why there was a Second Amendment, he responded that it was put in place so that the Colonists could attack the British. No, seriously, that is what was said. Never mind that the Second Amendment was written long after the Revolutionary War.

Yaccarino finished the conversation with Cinque and then the phone was hung up, and Cinque was determined to go to the meeting (you can see the video of his comments here if you missed them).

According to Viconti, Governor Malloy’s signing the gun registration bill, was what got him in the race for governor. “I got into the race April 4th, as the governor was signing the bill, because for me, it was the last straw,” he told Cinque.

Cinque was asked how he felt as well.

Mr. Cinque was angry over the fact that these elected officials were claiming that they did great things for the citizens of Connecticut and saved their rights, when he believed what they were doing was violating their oath of office.

Both representatives are Republicans. “I’m a Republican,” Cinque said in response to Visconti’s affirmation that he also is a Republican.

“But I don’t trust the Republicans either, at the state or the federal level,” Cinque continued. “This whole Progressive movement has bitten everyone, and that’s what it comes down to.”

Visconti interjected that it hasn’t bitten everyone, affirming that it had not bitten him, and Connecticut gun owners seem to agree with him. Visconti not only wants to fight the current gun law, but the entire progressive agenda. “What are we gonna do about this gun law in Connecticut, because they are not going to stop?” he asked.

Cinque agreed with Visconti. “Anytime you hear ‘common sense gun laws’ or ‘common sense gun restrictions,’ it means ‘confiscation’ to them,” he told Visconti. “That’s the only ‘common sense’ thing to the people who are spewing this out. It means confiscation in the end.”

When asked what Cinque thinks will happen, he said, “Well, if the governor is re-elected, it’s gonna be uh….not just on the Second Amendment…it’s gonna be a whole lot of changes. I have zero doubt they’re gonna go full speed ahead.”

Then he delivered the bombshell. “I can speak from my own experience, that the video that was posted….in which I said ‘I’m not going to comply’… and I stand by my words… I’ve had contact with a police officer in my home town…I live in Branford, and his words straight out were ‘I Cannot Wait to Get the Order to Kick Your Door In.'”

A call to the Branford, Connecticut Police Department simply led to me calling on Monday, which I will do, to speak to the Police Chief. Also, an email to John Cinque has not been returned at the time of publishing. The article will be updated with any new information.

John is among hundreds of thousands of Connecticut citizens who are exercising mass civil disobedience against not only a violation of their rights expressed in the Second Amendment, but also in the Connecticut State Constitution. They are not registering their weapons and they aren’t surrendering them as instructed. As has been pointed out by a Cuban immigrant to America, gun registration is the step immediately before gun confiscation. In fact, the man I’m referencing, Manuel Martinez’s son, contacted Freedom Outpost to reiterate that we should refer to all “gun control” legislation as a form of “gun confiscation,” which Cinque indicates that is exactly what is on the progressives mind, both Democrat and Republican.

This is what that people of Connecticut are up against. They are up against tyrants; tyrants that believe they are the master of the citizens, not the other way around.

God bless these patriots, and may He continue to grant them courage and victory in this desperate hour.

[H/T Freedom Outpost: Tim Brown]

Ben Carson: Time to kick people out of office

“We cannot be free if we are not brave.”

That’s how Ben Carson summed up the predicament every American faces in the era of President Obama, while speaking at CPAC, the annual gathering of conservatives just outside Washington, D.C.

The world-famous neurosurgeon said if Americans use the example of the greatest generation they can save the nation and, “We can get our country back, but we have to be brave.”

Carson invited the audience to remember the incredible dangers and hardships Americans faced during World War II. With all of civilization on the verge of collapse and chaos everywhere, only one thing saved the day: The one country with enough strength and determination to fight, and win, wars on two fronts on the opposite sides of the world.

He poignantly recalled how Americans had made tremendous sacrifices so that people all across the world could have freedom and justice.

“You want to tell me were not an exceptional country? You go jump in a lake!” exclaimed Carson and the crowd responded with a huge ovation, standing and cheering.

Carson used another stark analogy to describe the economic peril America faces.

“The ship is about to sail off Niagara Falls and were all about to be killed,” he gravely warned about the nation’s more than $17-trillion in debt.

The doctor implored voters, that even if their preferred candidate does not win in the primary elections, they still must vote for Republicans in the fall.

He said whether the candidates are tea partiers, RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), or “whatever you want to call them – we need them!”

However, he was careful to add, voters must “kick out of office those who keep voting to raise the debt ceiling,” which included some key GOP leaders.

Carson jumped into the national spotlight after giving the keynote address at the National Prayer Breakfast in February 2013. With President Obama sitting just a few feet away, Carson delivered a 27-minute stinging rebuke of the administration’s policies and “moral decay and fiscal irresponsibility.”

After that speech, the Wall Street Journal ran an editorial that practically begged Carson to run for president. That wish may come true.

The world-renowned neurosurgeon was greeted with a hero’s welcome at CPAC as the crowd delivered a boisterous standing ovation, with many holding Carson for president in 2016 signs.

Carson did not mention his humble origins, born and raised in a single parent home to a mother who was one of 24 children, and who married at age 13. He rose from poverty in inner-city Detroit to become director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins.

He said he was able to achieve his dream of becoming a physician because he had a mother who tolerated no excuses and “because I believed in God.”

Strongly hinting his destiny may next lead him in the direction of the White House, Carson said after he retired last year he had expected to play golf but, “I think the good Lord had a different plan.”

The doctor said he is not sure what the culmination of that plan will be, but he and his wife love traveling the country and meeting Americans.

He said people are relieved to find someone speaking common sense because the political correctness police have made them think they were alone, and beaten so many Americans into submission.

Carson described the technique pushed by radial leftist Saul Alinksy that is used by today’s liberal, to “make the majority think their way of thinking is outdated” and to get the media to buy into that.

The cure?

“It’s time for people to stand up for what they believe.”

Carson said the reason leftists “repeat these lies over and over again is because they cannot talk about the actual facts. We have to understand, this is what these people do.”

He said they are following Alinsky’s guidance to not have an intelligent conversation with their opponents because that would humanize them, and what the left seeks to do is demonize its enemies.

The physician also insisted “the most important thing people have is there is their health care” and that’s why the most important thing is “we must fight to make sure it stays in their hands and not the hands of the government.”

Carson called Obamacare “the most massive shift in power that has ever occurred. We need to redo it and put the power back in the hands of the American people!”

He noted how, in the medical world, people debate ideas. But the political world is populated by ideologues, and the only people who can stop them are the American people.

“I hate political correctness. I will continue to defy the PC police who have tried, in many cases, to shut me up.

“I still believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

“Of course gay people should have the same rights as everyone else,” he said to loud applause.

“But they don’t [get] extra rights,” he said to even louder applause.

[H/T Garth Kant]