While Russia invades Ukraine, our gay military dances in drag in Okinawa (video)

(Allen West) – Russian troops are invading Ukraine and we have no response. I suppose the Pentagon has more important things to worry about – like hair and makeup for our gay military.

According to Stars and Stripes, openly homosexual service members at Okinawa’s Kadena Air Base took to the stage and performed as “drag queens” and “drag kings” Saturday on a military installation in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender troops.

As World Net Daily put it, “Almost seven decades after being the scene of one of the most ferocious and protracted battles of World War II – a site of legendary valor and sacrifice on the part of American soldiers – some U.S. service personnel stationed in Okinawa today are treating the world to another kind of display: Gay and lesbian service personnel performing in drag, to raise funds for their activities, to a sellout audience.

Many thanks to Stars and Stripes for sharing this jaw-dropping video.

In September 2011, on the implementation of the repeal of the Clinton-era Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, President Obama said: “I was proud to sign the Repeal Act into law last December because I knew that it would enhance our national security, increase our military readiness, and bring us closer to the principles of equality and fairness that define us as Americans.” However, the latest reports show that the rate of sexual assaults, and especially male-on-male sexual assaults, in the U.S. military has skyrocketed.

It’s obvious what defines “vital national security interest” in the Obama administration. A week ago Obama announced the decimation of our military – maybe that’s why these troops got their groove on.

I am kinda at a loss for words, but quite sure there are those of you who can fill in the blanks.

[H/T Allen B. West]