Muslims Force Christian To Convert To Islam, Then Brutally Behead Him

Beheading of Christian in Syria

Beheading of Christian in Syria

A Christian man was captured by Muslims in Syria, and forced him to declare the Shahadatan (“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger). After he stated the heretical creed, they deemed him an infidel anyway and brutally beheaded him.

Our contact from Syria found the video of the beheading, which has never been exposed in the Western media until now, and provided the translation for it. You can watch it here:

As a lesson, if you ever find yourself in such a situation as this, do not say the Islamic creed, but the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

The Syrian Christians are being persecuted every sing day, with rape, beheading, kidnapping, and all sorts of other horrific violence.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]


Obama 2015 Budget Seeks $60 Billion Tax Credit Expansion: White House

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama will strike a firmly populist tone in his 2015 budget plan on Tuesday, proposing to pay for an expansion of a popular tax credit for the working poor by eliminating tax breaks claimed by wealthy Americans.

The proposal to expand one of the most popular U.S. government poverty reduction programs, the Earned Income Tax Credit, would cost $60 billion, a modest amount in a budget in which the president has $1.014 trillion in spending to parcel out, the White House said.

Obama would pay for the tax credit expansion by closing tax loopholes used typically by wealthy investors or employees of professional service companies such as law, consulting or lobbying firms.

The president’s budget request is a scant two-tenths of a percent higher than his 2014 budget of $1.012 trillion because both amounts were set in a congressional budget deal in January.

Even so, Obama’s budget recommendation stands little or no chance of being approved as is by Congress, where Republicans, who control the House of Representatives, disagree with the president’s policy priorities, such as spending government money on job training.

But the document will provide an agenda for Obama’s fellow Democrats in a congressional election year and help the president shift the debate to poverty reduction and middle-class betterment and away from deficit reduction, a theme that has dominated Washington budget battles for the past three years.

Republicans issued their own salvo in the anti-poverty debate on Monday as House of Representatives Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, a potential presidential contender in 2016, argued in a report that the government, for all its massive spending on programs to aid the poor, had barely made a dent in poverty over the past 50 years.

To pay for his proposals, Obama would close the “carried interest” tax loophole, which benefits U.S. private equity and venture capital executives.

The tax break allows those financiers – many of whom are among the wealthiest people in the country – to treat such income as capital gains, making it subject to a tax rate of only 20 percent, instead of the nearly 40 percent top rate on ordinary income paid by the highest earners.


The president’s budget will also target a controversial loophole certain self-employed individuals can use to avoid paying taxes for the U.S. Social Security and Medicare programs.

The White House referred to that as the “Gingrich” loophole after former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich. As a Republican presidential hopeful in 2012, Gingrich was criticized for taking that tax break after he publicly released his personal tax filings.

But the criticism can cut both ways: Republicans note that former Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards came under similar fire for using the tax break after he released personal tax documents on the campaign trail.

Obama will also try to use the budget to boost the middle class by making contributions to workers’ tax-protected retirement accounts automatic. Currently, workers must elect to have such contributions made to Individual Retirement Accounts, and the White House says the switch will benefit about 13 million workers.

The president has said that despite the tight spending caps on his budget, he will propose to spend $302 billion in highways, bridges and transit projects, to be paid for in part by ending some business tax breaks.

Obama comments to reporters on the situation in Ukraine before meeting with Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington

[H/T Reuters]

‘Give ‘em Your Bullets First!’: Texas Activists Show Solidarity With Connecticut Gun Owners

Gun shop owners, Texas Firearms Freedom and Come and Take It Texas show solidarity with their Connecticut brothers in arms, whose state has moved to violate its citizens’ rights by imposing overreaching, anti-Second Amendment legislation.

Hundreds of thousands of Connecticut gun owners have refused to comply with unconstitutional mandates that would have them turn in newly banned so-called “assault riles” and magazines capable of carrying more than 10 rounds.

[H/T Infowars]

Sarah Palin: Weak Obama Has Emboldened Putin

(Breitbart) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was mocked in 2008 for warning that Russia’a Vladimir Putin may invade Ukraine if Barack Obama were elected President, and the former GOP vice presidential nominee on Monday said that President Barack Obama’s weakness has emboldened Putin and perhaps even the Chinese.

Appearing on Fox News’s Hannity, Palin said that the world looks at Putin as someone who wrestles bears and drills for oil while it views Obama as a weak president who wears “mom jeans” and “equivocates and bloviates.”

“Anyone who carries the commonsense gene would know that Putin doesn’t change his stripes,” Palin said. “He harkens back to the era of the czars… and he wants that Russian empire to grow again to exert huge power and dominance.”

Palin said that Russia was able to develop its energy resources to strengthen its economy and military. She said that China, because of its energy needs, may allow Russia to seek more conquests and acquire land to fuel the energy trade between the two countries.

“I’m right,” Palin said about the link between “energy and security” and “energy and prosperity.”

Palin said America needs “our pipelines” and blasted environmentalists for holding up America’s domestic energy production in the name of protecting obscure species, quipping that the “earthworm can take one for the team.”

Palin blasted Obama for “leading from behind” and not knowing how to exercise the foreign policy of “peace through strength” that “only a strengthened United States military can do” and which is “the only way that our world will be safer and more secure.”

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Palin said:

After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia’s Putin to invade Ukraine next.

As Breitbart News reported, for those comments, the high-brow Foreign Policy magazine and its editor Blake Hounshell, who now is one of the editors of Politico, mocked and dismissed her, writing that her comments were “strange” and that “this is an extremely far-fetched scenario.”


[H/T Breitbart]

Obamacare Architect: ‘Be Prepared to Kiss Your Insurance Company Good-Bye Forever’

(TheBlaze) — Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the architects behind Obamacare, is now claiming that “insurance companies as we know them are about to die.” Critics of President Barack Obama’s signature health care law have long alleged that one of the real goals of the law was to put private insurance companies out of business.

“The good news is you won’t have insurance companies to kick around much longer. The system is changing,” Emanuel writes in an op-ed on New Republic. “As a result, insurance companies as they are now will be going away. Indeed, they are already evolving. For the next few years insurance companies will both continue to provide services to employers and, increasingly, compete against each other in the health insurance exchanges.”

Due to Obamacare, “new actors will force insurance companies to evolve or become extinct,” he continues. Instead, new groups called “accountable care organizations” (ACOs) must start competing directly in the health care exchanges for exclusive contracts with employers.

The ACOs will have “standardized, guideline-driven care plans for most major conditions and procedures to increase efficiency,” says Emanuel, the brother of Obama’s former chief of staff and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

“They will have figured out how to harness their electronic medical records to better identify patients who will become sick and how to intervene early as well as how to care for the well-identified chronically ill so as to reduce costs,” he notes.

More from the New Republic op-ed:

The key skill these ACOs and hospital systems lack—the skill insurance companies specialize in—is the actuarial capacity to predict and manage financial risk. But over the next decade this is something they will develop—or purchase. After all, actuarial science is not rocket science, even if it involves a lot of mathematical equations. And with that skill, ACOs and hospital systems will become integrated delivery systems like Kaiser or Group Health of Puget Sound. Then they will cut out the insurance company middle man—and keep the insurance company profits for themselves. Therefore, increasingly these ACOs and hospital systems will transform themselves into integrated delivery systems, entering insurance exchanges and negotiating with employers, in direct competition with insurance companies.

As the ACOs become more established, Emanuel claims contracts between the health systems and employers will become more common, thus “cutting out the insurance companies.”

Once the health systems “make the jump to offering coverage in the exchanges, the health insurance companies will only have a few options if they want to survive, according to Emanuel.

“First, they can refuse to change, in which case they will eventually go out of business,” he writes. “Second, they can shift their business to focus on offering services they have expertise in, particularly analytics, actuarial modeling, risk management, and other management services.”

Finally, the “third evolutionary path is that health insurance companies may transform themselves into integrated delivery systems.”

“So be prepared to kiss your insurance company good-bye forever,” Emanuel concludes.


Read the entire article here.