Michelle Obama Vows To Rescue “Bewildered” Grocery Shoppers With New Regulations

(Western Journalism) — Just when it seems there is no remaining facet of the nutrition industry in which Michelle Obama has not injected herself, she shows up for a press conference to prove otherwise.

Just days after instructing public schools to discontinue any advertisements for unapproved foods, she stepped in front of cameras at the White House to tout her latest mission: redesigning nutrition labels. She explained the changes, which include a new, bolder display of caloric content and redefined serving sizes, as a way to more easily determine what foods a family should buy.

Her comments, however, painted shoppers as completely inept and in need of big government to step in once again to save the day.

In an attempt to recreate what considers the average American’s supermarket experience, she said, “all you could do was scratch your head, confused and bewildered, and wonder, is there too much sugar in this product?”

“The stream of questions and worries running through your head,” she said, “when all you really wanted to know was, should I be eating this or not?”

Grocery shopping for the average consumer, she suggested, requires “a thesaurus, a calculator, a microscope, or a degree in nutrition,” which she contends will be a thing of the past after her latest whim becomes the law of the land.

The Obama administration has taken incremental steps over the past five years to restrict liberty and move Americans toward the leftist ideals of centralized planning and governmental restriction. For her part, the first lady has focused most of her attention on deciding what citizens should be allowed to eat.

She invented the “right to understand what’s in the food we’re feeding our families” during her recent address, though such liberty obviously does not extend to what parents are allowed to send in their kids’ lunchbox.

No matter the spin radical leftists put on their intrusive policies, the end result is always the same. Each move is a strategic step toward giving the political elite more power over our lives.

Judging from Michelle Obama’s impression of the American people, she likely thinks we’re all too stupid to even notice.

[H/T Western Journalism: B. Christopher Agee]

Unbelievable: Lead Prosecutor In Dinesh D’Souza Case Is Former Obama Donor

We can never underestimate the wretched behavior of a narcissist personality once they’ve feel like the world has delivered them an unwanted deal.  We’ve seen it played out all too many times; does anyone recall O.J. Simpson?

Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, is the lead prosecutor in the case against filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza.

The “2016: Obama’s America” filmmaker is accused of violating campaign finance laws and giving $20,000 to his friend’s failed Senate campaign. [H/T Western Journalism]