Obama: Army Service Members Consider Him ‘The Enemy Within’

America’s patriots have been on this guy’s tail since 2008, and certainly prior to the 2012 elections; he’s just too far removed from our Constitution.  And they knew that if this guy was reelected one more time, it spelled the end of our country as we knew it.

Barack Obama and Army[H/T WND]: Yesterday I met a patriot who has a relative in the Army. My new acquaintance has a couple members of his family who are ministers of the gospel like me. They all have the same perspective about End-Time prophecy as me. Because we both have much in common, he opened up to me about something you need to know about.

His relative was recently asked if he would take an oath of allegiance to Obama. He said he would honor his oath to defend our nation, but not to defend Obama. All the other soldiers at his post were also asked to swear allegiance to Obama, too. They gave the same answer that they would only honor their oath to protect the U.S. None of them were willing to protect Obama because they consider him an enemy within.

This is what Hitler did shortly before he became dictator of Germany.

U.S. War Readiness Dismal and In Jeopardy as Pilots Flee, ‘Morale is at an Unprecedented Low’

[H/T WND]: WASHINGTON – As if to dramatically illustrate repeated claims top generals have made to WND of a purge of senior officers and a degradation of military readiness under President Obama’s leadership, stunning testimony at a recent Senate committee hearing shows America may soon be unable to fight and win a war.

AF JetsThe Air Force is having problems retaining its pilots, even though they are being offered big bonuses to remain, senators learned at the Nov. 7 Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.

The problem appears to be partly from sequestration, which has imposed budget limitations on pilots’ ability to get in both the requisite flying time and the training needed to fly the next generation of aircraft, according to Air Force Secretary Eric Fanning.

He expressed grave concern about the trend toward budget cutbacks.

Likewise, at a recent Defense One Summit in Washington, Fanning warned that “we’re going to have flying hour issues for the foreseeable future,” a reference to the reality that pilots must fly a certain number of hours to maintain their ratings on various aircraft.

But Fanning said each U.S. squadron will be subject to rolling groundings of two to three months.

However, for the pilots, the issue isn’t just financial, as they have been offered major cash bonuses as an incentive to stay.

However, Fanning said, “pilots aren’t taking them.”

Instead, he said, pilots want to fly and are looking to the private sector where the retirement of commercial pilots is opening new opportunities.

Sequestration, those mandatory percentage cuts set up by President Obama and implemented when Congress failed to address cuts in other areas, has not only cut back operations, but necessary investment in new-generation aircraft.

That’s happening even as older aircraft are being relegated to retirement.

The Air Force has begun to mothball its B-52 bomber fleet, whose aircraft are older than the pilots who fly them.

“That will have a worse effect on morale,” Fanning said. “It’s not just compensation that keeps people in the military. It’s mission.”

All of this uncertainty is having a negative effect, said Fanning.

“Morale is really as bad as I’ve seen it on the civilian side and the uniformed side,” Fanning said. “But it is better than you think it is, and better than we deserve it to be, because we’ve got an amazing mission.”

Sequestration cuts aren’t limited to the Air Force.

The Army is shrinking the number of troops to 380,000. Gen. Raymond Odierno, Army chief of staff, in the same Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, expressed particular concern that force reductions have greatly affected its readiness capability between 2014-2017.

The Marine Corps will be limited to 150,000 troops.

The Navy will be cut three carriers, after already having reduced the number of capital ships to some 260, down from the 600 reached at the peak of the Reagan administration.

New Navy flag officers and executives have been told to begin more cuts under sequestration, in which some 3,000 temporary civilian personnel will be laid off, and base operations will be reduced.

In addition, there is to be a cancellation of maintenance work on some 30 Navy ships and 250 aircraft.

The cutbacks come as the Navy continues to operate under 2012 budget levels because of a congressional continuing resolution. Like the other services, the Navy hasn’t received its 2013 funding, where it had hoped for a $4.6 billion increase.

More than half of Obama’s $1 trillion sequestration cuts were imposed on the military.

Accompanying the aging of the equipment under Obama, a de facto  purge of the military also is in progress, with almost 200 senior officers having been relieved of duty since Obama became president.

Retired generals who have spoken to WND have warned over the potential emasculation of the military because of Obama’s actions and policies.

Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, recipient of the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, as well as other top retired officers, say Obama’s agenda is decimating the morale of the U.S. ranks to the point that members no longer feel prepared to fight or have the desire to win.

“There is no doubt he [Obama] is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him” over such issues as “homosexuals, women in foxholes, the Obama sequester,” Brady told WND.

“They are purging everyone, and if you want to keep your job, just keep your mouth shut,” one military source told WND.

Officers who have questioned the administration’s actions, including social experimentation and sequestration, have quietly been removed, according to retired Army Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin.

Boykin, a founding member of Delta Force and later deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence under President George W. Bush, has expressed concern to WND over the number of high-ranking officers being relieved of duty, “and not necessarily relieved for cause.”

Referring to recent reports that Obama has purged some 197 officers in the past five years, Boykin said the reports suggest these officers were suspected of disloyalty or disagreed with the Obama administration on policy or force-structure issues.

“Morale is at an unprecedented low,” Boykin added.

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Disturbing Report: Obama Refusing To Take Calls From Netanyahu Over Iran Because of Tension Between the Two Countries

[H/T Hareetz]: Kuwaiti newspaper Al Jarida reported Sunday that U.S. President Barack Obama has been refusing to take phone calls from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu because of the tension between the two countries over how to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue.

The Prime Minister’s Office issued a flat denial, saying, “The report in Al Jarida is wrong.”Obama and Netanyahu

The White House also denied the reports.

Al Jarida, which has previously reported information that was later verified about a leak investigation taking place in Netanyahu’s bureau, says that on Friday, Obama refused more than once to speak to Netanyahu on the telephone and had U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry take the call instead. The paper cited a source it says is familiar with the issue.

According to the report, which was written by a reporter in Jerusalem, U.S. Jewish leaders are trying to get the White House to decrease the tension and snag Netanyahu an invitation to meet with Obama in Washington.

The Kuwaiti paper’s exclusive reports on what’s going on behind the scenes of the Prime Minister’s Office have raised the question of whether Netanyahu’s bureau is intentionallyusing the paper to release information to which it doesn’t want to be directly linked.

Netanyahu and Obama last spoke on Friday, November 8, during the last round of talks in Geneva. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wrote Saturday that the conversation lasted at least 90 minutes.

Obama contacted Netanyahu after the prime minister expressed opposition to the agreement underway with Iran, which Netanyahu has since called a “bad deal” that means “Iran is getting everything and giving nothing.”

Later in the morning of November 8, Netanyahu met with Kerry at Ben-Gurion International Airport. The atmosphere was tense and the conversation did nothing to mitigate Netanyahu’s staunch, and publicly expressed, opposition to the deal.

The most recent round of negotiations between Iran and the international community in Geneva have been in the center of tensions between the United States and Israel, who differ over the best course to dismantle the Iranian nuclear program.

Netanyahu and his ministers believe, in stark contrast to the Americans and some of the other negotiating powers, that it’s possible to extract a much better agreement from Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, one that will totally halt uranium enrichment at all levels and shut down the centrifuges. They argue that if forced to choose between acquiring an atomic bomb and the survival of his regime – and the economic crisis puts the ayatollahs’ regime in real danger – Khamenei would choose survival. But so far the West has succeeded in extracting very little from him.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that no agreement with Iran has been reached and that opposition to a deal was premature.

Muslim Brotherhood: U.S. Sends $12 Million to the Syrian Opposition Group Linked to Qatar and Brotherhood

[H/T Clarion Project]: A Syrian opposition group with Muslim Brotherhood links says it has delivered over $12 million in U.S. government aid to Syrian rebels. TheClarion Project wrote about the Islamist links of the Syrian Support Groupand how it declined to answer our questions n June.

Syrian Village Under Attack“To date, SSG [Syrian Support Group] has delivered more than $12 million in U.S. Government and financial aid to select moderate units of the Free Syrian Army under the command of the Supreme Military Council,” the group’s November 15 newsletter states.

The Washington D.C.-based group’s website states that it has delivered over $10 million in non-lethal aid to the Free Syria Army from the U.S. government. The SSG is essentially the U.S. government’s liaison to the Syrian rebels because it is the only U.S. organization licensed to provide such aid.

As the Clarion Project reported in July, the chairman of the SSG is Mazen Asbahi. He resigned as President Obama’s Muslim outreach director in 2008 when information about his links to the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood surfaced. He also “likes” numerous Islamists on Facebook.

The SSG Vice Chairman is Majd Abbar and he is linked to the Qatar Foundation. The organization is intimately connected with the Qatari government and the Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader, Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi.

The SSG directs its support to the Supreme Military Council led by General Salim Idris. Though this body is held up as the “moderate” rebel force, it includes many Islamists.

In our interview with Colonel Nagi Najjar, the U.S. liaison officer for the Free Syrian Army (FSA), he explained that the Idriss only controls part of the Free Syrian Army. Colonel Riad al-Assad controls the other.

“Qatar, the sponsor of the Muslim Brotherhood, marginalized the FSA, creating its own religious proxies,” Najjar said. “Even worse, Qatar established what the FSA called a ‘coup’ in Antalya, Turkey, on December 15, 2012, declaring the ‘Supreme Military Command’ and electing General Selim Idriss as Chief of Staff,” he explained.

This divides the Syrian rebels into four factions: Al-Qaeda loyalists; the Qatari-backed Supreme Military Command linked to the Muslim Brotherhood; the Saudi-backed Salafists and the forces of Col. Riad al-Assad.

Col. Najjar argues that the U.S. needs to help unite secular forces into a body that can compete with the Islamists.

“The U.S. needs to initiate another “Antalya” meeting that makes a reconciliation between the two groups and merges and integrates Idriss into the larger FSA command under Col. Riad Al-Assad. Idriss will have his place in the command, but he cannot lead and even if he did, he cannot succeed,” he says.

Secular Syrian rebels want the U.S. to stop choosing the lesser of two evils. The easiest option is to support the “moderate” Islamists that are offering themselves as the alternative to Al-Qaeda, but that doesn’t make it wise policy.

No Islamist is worthy of the hard-earned money of American taxpayers.

Obamacare: Was The ACA a Planned Legislative Disaster?

[H/T Story Leak]: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) wasn’t even read by most of Congress before it became law!

The ongoing Obamacare debacle has raised huge red flags across the political landscape. Everyone — Republican, Democrat and Independent — is talking (and fretting) about the profoundly flawed  Affordable Care Act because it adversely affects everyone.

ObamacareThe lead up to the passing of the ACA also holds many secrets which attest to why Obamacare should have never become law. Then there is this infamous quote by the House Speaker at the time of its passing: 


— Spoken by a true liberal nut-job, Nancy Pelosi in March 2010 when she was Speaker of the House

Talk about an engineered train wreck.  You can’t make this stuff up!

Having become effective during the ongoing recession the ACA has served to further burden an already weary and financially broken middle class. The 48 million uninsured still remain basically uninsured because of the barriers to entry due to the extraordinarily dysfunctional website.  As of this late date, just over 100, 000 have enrolled in Obamacare.

As for businesses, both medium-sized and small, the obstacles are as logistically daunting as they are cost-prohibitive. Obamacare will end up bankrupting more small businesses than any other legislation in US history. Truly, the ACA will prove to be the most expensive piece of legislation enacted at perhaps the worst possible time — right in the middle of the deepest recession since the Great Depression.

How does the government get away with imposing a fine on the poorest because they can’t afford to purchase Obamacare?

When the US Federal Government levies a fine against those in society who can’t even navigate the Obamacare website, much less successfully enroll, something is very wrong. VERY wrong!  Especially when the same folks are too indigent to pay for this costly health insurance coverage in the first place!

The inherent injustice of this profound legislative flaw really makes peoples’ blood boil. The longer this piece of the law stays in force, the longer it will serve as the fatal Achilles Heel of Obama and his administration. Potentially this aspect of Obamacare alone will bring down the entire Affordable Care Act … permanently.

When this is all over, everyone in the Obama Administration better have their catastrophic coverage in place because this unprecedented political, economic and social saga is not going to be a happy ending!  Charging the poorest, as well as the soon-to-be bankrupted middle class, an annual fine for not signing up for what amounts to unlawful legislation in the first place?!

The Tea Party is absolutely right on Obamacare

The confluence of so many negative co-factors and highly consequential outcomes associated with the implementation of Obamacare has the potential of transforming the USA into an Obamanation — one that is thoroughly broke, busted and disgusted.  This observation is not meant in any way to be satirical or humorous.  The more one looks at the far-reaching social costs and economically destructive aspects of the ACA, the more it becomes apparent that it MUST be repealed!

Just because the Republican (really the Tea Party types; not the RINOs) side of the fence is the one trumpeting the many weaknesses of this law, doesn’t mean that those deficiencies aren’t absolutely true. Unfortunately, the Democrat side of the aisle continues to politicize the whole matter so that the real systemic problems are never substantively addressed.

In fact Obamacare has so many systemic fatal flaws, inherent economic inefficiencies and pervasive procedural defects that the dangers have become quite evident, especially its implementation right in the midst of an intractable and deep recession.  It ever there was a time NOT to enact such an extremely unpopular law, this is it.  Therefore, many ask the question: Was this a planned social cataclysm?

The HealthCare.gov WEBSITE is the elephant in the living room!

Everyone and their brother … and their sister … and their mother … and their father knew from the get-go that the Obamacare website was a total train wreck waiting to happen. And yet, they proceeded as though everything was okay. They knew it wasn’t okay, but worked triple time to convince the nation that all was well.

Instead of working overtime to fix HealthCare.gov, they spent all their time lobbying Congress and everyone else in site about the virtues of keeping to the implementation schedule.  It’s as though they wanted to make sure the train wreck happened at the right intersection.  Yes, they were that determined to make this disaster happen, and happen within a certain time frame?!

Why did the Obama Administration do their damndest to hide the obvious inadequacies of this law?

This strategy to obfuscate and obscure the realities of the ACA must be looked at very closely. Therein lies the true purpose behind this most complex, complicated and convoluted law.

That the Health Insurance Companies wrote much of the actual law to somehow fill their coffers is an obvious conclusion, particularly in view of the many canceled policies which are now being replaced with much more expensive contracts.  However, what appears to be the case is that there are motivations at work which exist far outside the normal context of unconscionable corporate enrichment.

The critical step in the analysis of why Obamacare was force-fed to the American people, and then designed to implode, will have to take place sooner than later.  That is, of course, if we are to avoid becoming an Obamanation!

Michael Thomas
November 14, 2013

Read more: http://www.storyleak.com/obamacare-aca-planned-legislative-disaster/#ixzz2kvH8SCpT