Socialism vs. Capitalism: Arguably the Best Explanation Ever From Milton Friedman

This is arguably the best explanation of the value of free market capitalism EVER from Milton Friedman.

Pretty much everything everyone does is driven by self-interest and this notion that political self-interest is somehow more noble than economic self-interest has never proven to be true throughout all of human history.  Share this splendid video and explanation of what’s being taken away from Americans with your friends, we must get the word out and we must act NOW to stop it.

Watch: Tennessee Student Epic Takedown of Common Core, Founding Fathers ‘Turning In Their Graves’

[H/T The Daily Caller]: A Tennessee high school senior is receiving widespread attention for an eloquent speech he made against Common Core at a school board meeting.

Ethan Young, a senior at Farragut High School in Knox County, Tenn., made an impassioned argument for dropping the new national education guidelines, which he called “a glowing conflict of interest … that illustrate a mistrust of teachers.”

“Somewhere our Founding Fathers are turning in their graves,” he said.



Video: Obama Named As Accessory to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Murder, Rape, and Torture

Obama was named as an accessory to the Muslim Brotherhood’s murder, rape, and torture of Egyptian citizens according to a criminal complaint filed by Egyptian attorneys and lawmakers before the International Criminal Court.

Obama was also found to be secretly funneling millions of dollars to Muslim Brotherhood members. The bribes, recorded in a document seized by the Egyptian military, amounted to almost a million dollars paid to each Muslim Brotherhood operative, ostensibly charged with rounding up and killing anyone who opposed the Mohammed Morsi regime, which included the torture and crucifixion of Christians.

But this murder-for-hire plot is just the tip of the iceberg.

Watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video to find out about Barack Obama’s collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood and their evil—but thankfully thwarted—“final solution.”

Obamacare: 39 Democrats Break With Obama to Pass Upton ‘Fix’

[H/T Brietbart]: On Friday, the House of Representatives approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) that would allow insurers to continue to offer policies on the individual market. The vote was  261-157. 39 Democrats voted for the Upton Amendment, which is an indication the Democrat united front on Obamacare is cracking.

Obamacare Upton FixObamaCare largely eliminates the individual market and forces those policy holders into the health exchanges. On Thursday, Obama proposed extending the individual market for one year. Upton’s bill is permanent. The White House has vowed to veto Upton’s bill if it reaches the President’s desk.

Since the launch of the ObamaCare website, millions of Americans have received notices that their policies were being cancelled. ObamaCare passed largely on the reassurances that “if you like your policy, you can keep it.” The policy cancellations show that claim to be false.

In reality, ObamaCare wouldn’t work if that claim were true. Because of the increase in benefits and the requirement to underwrite insurance for sick people, the exchanges need millions of relatively healthy workers to subsidize these higher costs. Forcing Americans with individual policies into the exchanges is the only way for ObamaCare to be viable.

The Upton bill now goes to the Senate. Sen. Mary Landrieu is sponsoring legislation that is similar to Rep. Upton’s, except that it would require insurance companies to continue offering the individual plans. Upton’s bill would allow them to offer the plans, but not require them to do so.

REPORT: Benghazi Attackers Had Inside Information, Knew Location of Ambassador’s Safe Room

[H/T Fox Newst]:  The terrorists who attacked the Benghazi consulate last year knew the location of the safe room where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his security team sought shelter, according to a congressman who spoke for 90 minutes with the diplomatic security agent severely injured in the assault.

Benghazi“He confirmed this – that it was a very well orchestrated, and well organized, almost a military operation, using military weapons and using military signals,” the late Florida Rep. Bill Young said after meeting diplomatic security agent David Ubben at Walter Reed Medical Center last summer, when both were patients there.

After Young’s death in mid-October, his widow, Beverly Young, gave Fox permission to use her husband’s comments about the Sep. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the record.  The congressman had originally spoken to Fox on background last summer.

“He (Ubben) emphasized the fact that it was a very, very military type of operation they had knowledge of almost everything in the compound,” Young explained. “They knew where the gasoline was, they knew where the generators were, they knew where the safe room was, they knew more than they should have about that compound.”

Ubben was severely injured defending the CIA Annex when mortar fire rained down on the rooftop, killing former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty and severely injuring a third CIA contractor who was interviewed by the House Intelligence committee Thursday.   After multiple surgeries, a source close to the contractor confirmed he has not regained the full use of his arm.

Asked if Ubben believed the terrorists had inside information, or had done reconnaissance, Young told Fox,  “Yes he (Ubben) did…It was pretty well figured out, where everything was, where the doors were located, where the safe room was – the whole thing.”

While Young debated whether to discuss his conversation with Ubben, he felt that, on balance, the country should know that the diplomatic security agent, who recovered the body of foreign service officer Sean Smith from the burning consulate, was heroic.

“He was pretty sure Sean was dead when he pulled him, but he felt like he had to recover him anyway and get him out.  He would have done the same for the ambassador but he wasn’t really sure where the ambassador was,” Young said.

Young added, “I think he is an awfully sincere young guy. And I think he is a real hero for what he did that night…He did something he didn’t have to do, put his life in danger, and we know he was seriously injured.  He took major injuries (that) came from the mortar that landed on the roof that killed the other two,”

An August 16 classified cable, reviewed and reported on by Fox News last fall, showed there was an emergency meeting in Benghazi less than a month before the attack due to rapidly deteriorating security.  The cable warned the office of Secretary of State  Hillary Clinton, and other State Department leaders in Washington, that the consulate could not sustain a coordinated assault.

The cable also reflected a grave concern among officials on the ground that the Libyan militia charged with protecting the consulate had been compromised, perhaps even infiltrated by extremists.

Summarizing the meeting, the cable reported that “certain sectors of the 17 February Brigade were very hesitant to share information with the Americans, but as the largest brigade they acted as a buffer for the Mission against some of the more anti-American, Islamist militias in town.” The brigade was charged with protecting the consulate.

According to Young, Ubben described how the guard force melted away as the consulate came under assault. “He said that when the attack started, the Libyan security folks who were supposed to secure the compound, they ran. So, they were at the mercy of their own capabilities.”

Obama’s Insurance ‘Fix’ Is Unconstitutional

[H/T Breitbart]: Outlets are quoting Democratic operative Howard Dean saying of President Barack Obama suspending certain Obamacare requirements, “I wonder if he has the legal authority to do this.” 

Obama's Fix is Unconstitutional

To remove all doubt: The Take Care Clause of the Constitution absolutely forbids any president from doing exactly what Obama did Thursday.

Obama said he would allow insurance companies to keep offering previously-offered insurance plans that Americans would like to keep. Nobody knows if this means all plans, or only some of them, and how the White House will make such determinations. He says he has “enforcement discretion” to make this change to the Affordable Care Act unilaterally, without consulting Congress.

This is a frightening claim of a sweeping power that is completely inconsistent with the Constitution. A president has “prosecutorial discretion” to prioritize which lawbreakers to prosecute in federal court, but there is no “enforcement discretion” to determine which laws on the books he will enforce.

Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution commands of every president: “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Like every provision in the Constitution, it has a legal meaning—and that meaning is the Supreme Law of the Land, which Congress, the courts, and—yes—each president is bound by his oath of office to follow carefully.

Everyone should know from their high-school government classes that Article I of the Constitution gives Congress exclusive power to make federal laws, and Article II of the Constitution gives the American president the executive power to administer and enforce those laws. Article II then includes the language about how the president must faithfully execute those laws.

Among other things, the Take Care Clause was inserted in the Constitution to abolish the Royal Prerogative that the Framers of the American Constitution knew from their lives as Englishmen. It was the power of the king of England to disregard or effectively suspend Acts of Parliament. The king could not make laws, but he could shelve a law that Parliament had passed.

Read rest of article

John McCain: Performs Stunning Flip-Flop on Obamacare, After Bashing Cruz and Lee to Defund, He’s Now Onboard for a ‘Total Repeal’

[W/T The Blaze]: After repeatedly criticizing senators such as Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) over their crusade to defund Obamacare, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called for the “total repeal” of the Affordable Care Act on Wednesday. It’s a quick turnaround after the longtime senator, in September, proclaimed that it was “not rational” to think Obamacare could be defunded or repealed.

In this photo provided by CBS News, on Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., speaks on CBS’ “Face the Nation” in Washington about the partial federal government shutdown. AP

McCain outlined his “solution” during an interview with Greta Van Susteren, which culminated in an admission that the law should be repealed completely.

“The solution is, first of all, to let people keep their insurance if they want to,” he said. “Or at least reinstate them.”

He continued: “Second of all, let the insurance companies give a menu of whatever they want to provide. Third of all, medical savings account. Fourth of all, medical malpractice reform. Let people go across state lines to, in order to, if they can get a better insurance policy in another state. And remove this whole tax incentive for employers to provide employees health insurance.”

“That is repeal,” Van Susteren said, pointing out the obvious.

“That’s exactly right,” McCain replied. “That is total repeal in every other way. Because what Obamacare is, is an experiment in social engineering — in other words, making healthy people pay more…in order to subsidize the health care for people that are older and unhealthy. That is the ultimate in social engineering.”