Expert Predicts Prison Time For Those Who Helped Obama, A Fascinating New ‘Twist’ to the Obama Birth Certificate Forgery

[H/T Blog Talk Radio]: Douglas Vogt, a typesetter with over thirty years of experience. gives us a very detailed review of the telltale signs of forgery in Obama’s birth certificate.

Vogt also takes us through the United States’ treason laws that he predicts will land many of those who’ve aided and abetted Obama in jail.

For more information on the Obama Forgery, visit

Sign The Petition Demanding That Congress Take Action On The Obama Eligibility Issues:

Obama: At a Fundraiser Makes a Chilling Admission About the Courts

[H/T Twitchy]: Yep, at a fundraiser in Texas last night, President Obama said his administration is “remaking the courts.”

Obama: Chilling Admission About the Courts

Here’s the full quote for context via a transcript:

We were able to reform our financial system so that the likelihood of taxpayer-funded bailouts is a lot less than it was. We were able to expand funding for young people going to college. We were able to expand national service for young people who want to serve. We fought long and hard for consumer protections that weren’t there before.

As Lisa mentioned, we are remaking the courts. I know that we’ve got some lawyers here, and here in Texas sometimes people feel a little frustrated about the pace of appointments here in Texas. But you should know that in addition to the Supreme Court, we’ve been able to nominate and confirm judges of extraordinary quality all across the country on federal benches. We’re actually, when it comes to the district court, matching the pace of previous Presidents. When it comes to the appellate court, we’re just a little bit behind, and we’re just going to keep on focused on it.

Many found this statement disturbing, albeit perhaps not very surprising:

Obama's Admission About the Courts


Allen West: Congress Must Probe Obama’s ‘Alarming Trend’ of Military Firings

[H/T WND]: WASHINGTON – Former Florida Congressman Allen West is calling for congressional oversight hearings into what he describes as an “alarming trend” of dismissals and firings of high-ranking military officers by the Obama administration, firings that in a number of cases appear to be political.

Allen WestWhile he wouldn’t assign a particular reason for the high rate of dismissals – and he declined to label them a “purge” – West in an exclusive WND interview said oversight hearings need to be convened to determine why so many officers are being removed.

West, who as congressman served on the House Armed Services Committee, said he recently had been in contact with Committee Chairman Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon – calling for hearings “to determine exactly why” so many officers, especially senior officers, are being given the boot.

“McKeon needs to look at this problem,” West told WND. “There needs to be transparency. It is important to get the truth.”

There is also concern, he noted, that military officers still on active duty may be reluctant to testify against their commander-in-chief should the trail of trouble lead back to the Oval Office.

West said congressional hearings also need to determine whether a political cover-up was related to the dismissal of three high-ranking officers to deflect political criticism over the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, which resulted in the murder of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens as well as Sean Smith, a State Department information officer, and Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, both ex-Navy SEALs.

Major concerns arose over whether Stevens and the other Americans could have been rescued by available U.S. forces.

As WND reported, three of the nine top-level firings of flag officers by Obama this year alone were linked to the controversy surrounding the Benghazi disaster.

In one case, U.S. Army Gen. Carter Ham, who commanded U.S. African Command when the consulate was attacked and the four Americans killed, was highly critical of the decision by the State Department not to send reinforcements.

Obama insisted there were no reinforcements available that night. But Ham contends reinforcements could have been sent in time, and said he never was given a stand-down order. Others contend he was given the order, but defied it, and he ultimately was relieved of his command and retired.

Now, new information in the Washington Times reveals Delta Force personnel were in Tripoli at the time of the attack and two members volunteered to be dispatched to Benghazi to assist in protecting the Benghazi compound, contrary to stand-down orders from the State Department.

Another flag officer involved in the Benghazi matter – which remains under congressional investigation – was Rear Adm. Charles Gaouette, who commanded the Carrier Strike Group.

After Gaouette contended aircraft could have been sent to Libya in time to help the Americans under fire, he was removed from his post for alleged profanity and making “racially insensitive comments.”

Army Major Gen. Ralph Baker was the commander of the Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa at Camp Lemonier in Djibouti, Africa. Baker said attack helicopters could have reached the consulate in time on the night of the attack.

West acknowledges the rate of dismissals at the higher ranks is having an adverse impact on mid-level officers and enlisted personnel.

A retired Army Lt. Colonel, West said Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel “doesn’t have a good handle on this and that the trend of dismissals is being directed from the Oval Office.”

In a recent interview with WND, Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, who was the deputy commanding general of the Pacific Command, similarly accused Obama’s close adviser, Valerie Jarrett, of orchestrating the imposition of “political correctness” throughout the military, affecting everyone from top generals to the ranks of the enlisted.

Valerie Jarrett

West referred to recent reports of some 197 high-ranking officers who have been dismissed during the Obama administration. While acknowledging some had “zipper issues” leading to their being relieved of duty for personal misconduct, West says the most troubling and pervasive issue at play is the radical “social egalitarianism” being forced on the military – rather than the traditional focus on maximizing readiness – which, he says, is bringing the world’s greatest military to the point that “we can’t fight a war.”

Read rest of article

AT&T Is Selling Out Call Data to the CIA for $10M in Double-Cross

[H/T Intellihub News]: The communications giant AT&T is said to have accepted payments of up to $10 million from the Central Intelligence Agency for the turnover of private caller data according to a recent report.

AT&T has voluntarily accepted at least $10 million in payouts from the C.I.A. allowing the ultra secret spy agency access to the massive caller database network and all records therein.

AT&T Sell OutAccording to a report by Charlie Savage, “The program adds a new dimension to the debate over government spying and the privacy of communications records, which has been focused on National Security Agency programs in recent months. The disclosure sheds further light on the ties between intelligence officials and communications service providers. And it shows how agencies beyond the N.S.A. use metadata — logs of the date, duration and phone numbers involved in a call, but not the content — to analyze links between people through programs regulated by an inconsistent patchwork of legal standards, procedures and oversight.”[1]

Now some fear that the C.I.A. has bypassed specific U.S. laws which prevent domestic spying, by colluding on a deal that uses AT&T as a private corporate liaison thus circumventing laws enacted previously. It’s a down and dirty trick that outright deceives the American people and has some like myself disgusted at AT&T’s thought process.

To boot, it is also believed that AT&T maintains contracts with the National Security Agency as well, demonstrating the Orwellian nature of the police state that is now engulfing our once great nation.

“In all cases, whenever any government entity anywhere seeks information from us, we ensure that the request and our response are completely lawful and proper,” said AT&T in a statement to CNNMoney. “Like all telecom providers, we routinely charge governments for producing the information provided. We do not comment on questions concerning national security.”[2]

“As a matter of longstanding policy, the CIA does not comment on alleged intelligence sources or methods,” the CIA said in a statement. “The CIA protects the nation and upholds the privacy rights of Americans by ensuring that its intelligence collection activities are focused on acquiring foreign intelligence and counterintelligence in accordance with U.S. laws.”[2]

SHOCKING: Man Stopped for Rolling Through a Stop Sign in Deming New Mexico and Police Ordered an Anal Cavity Search!

[H/T The Blaze]: Glenn Beck on Wednesday could barely contain his outrage over a story out of New Mexico, where a simple traffic stop ended in a twelve-hour ordeal that included multiple anal cavity searches.

“I have to tell you, if this happened to me … I would go crazy,” Beck said. “I would sue the pants off them … I would leave them with nothing. And I would want justice.”

Beck spoke with the lawyers of the New Mexico man, David Eckert, on his radio show Wednesday for more on the story.

Joseph and Shannon Kennedy of the Kennedy Law Firm said their client was leaving the Walmart in Deming, N.M., when he was stopped by police (reports indicate it was for failing to stop completely at a stop sign).


Three-Star General: Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Our Government So Much, ‘It Would Frighten You’

Three-Star General: Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Pentagon, Department of Defense in ‘High Security Clearance’ Positions. Listen to the 2 minute 44 second interview with Ret. General Boykin below:

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‘Our government is so infiltrated. The Muslim Brotherhood in America has so much influence in this country, it’s incredible. If Americans only took the time to do the proper research and find out just how deep this infiltration is… it would frighten you.’